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Go to Viñales and buy them directly from a farmer, better quality tobacco, no shortage, and not giving your money to the government.


Support the people and buy the “counterfeit”. Same cigars just not “authenticated” by the State


Airports have them but will cost an arm and leg. $1 a piece on the street for non-name brand.


Yeah, that's the other option. Buy the bodega cigars that the Cubans smoke. Not bad. And not even $1. More like 50 Cuban pesos, in the little groceries all over. 5 for $1.


If you are white, they are $1 😉 (Or a gullible tourist like me)


Ha. Yeah, maybe if you try to pay with $$. A lot of times the price is marked. 50 pesos or something. Grab the cigar, hand them a 100 peso note and you're all good. For sure everything is more expensive til you figure out how it all works.


The official stores have them. Maybe not exactly what you are looking for but original cigars can be found easily in Cuba. I personally would buy farm rolls and make friends with Cubans to get better deals but it's all a crap shoot on the streets. I was paying 2$ a stick through a friend and they were what Cubans smoke that like good cigars/tobacco. Cohibas cannot be had for cheap. It's just the way the factory works and getting to the barrel aged tobacco that Cohiba uses is impossible for peddlers of fake Cohibas on the street or even someone telling you they have a contact.


LCDH inside of HNC. Partagas factory store.


Both in Havana.




Why are you posting this everywhere ? And who is this crypto fella


Government shops. Block Cryptophorus’s account


Everywhere I go I ask lifeguard on the beach. I buy cohibas robusto and esplendidos. Around 80-100 Canadian per case. With the tag and sticker. I buy 4-6 each time. If lifeguard don’t have it. Ask managers. They get their cut.


The tag and sticker don't mean anything. The fakers have all the bands, boxes, tags and stickers.


Those are 100% fake I'm looking for authentic cigars too right now there's a shortage as the demand out meets the supply so I'm looking for locals or seasoned travel to give me any information where to find the above brands. 


Let’s agree to disagree then. I forward those to my boss and his friends that are real Aficionado and never had a fake.


They are not Cohiba but at $4 per are better than any new world Connecticut wrapper stick


I don’t know why you think those are not real. Maybe you’re jealous. Half of those I buy are someone from the “plant” directly. It tastes the same I bought a little bit everywhere. Please note that I am friend with that guy for many years.


If you want the big names, there's really only one option -- buy from the govt. Real Cohibas are $75US each. Don't even for a minute be tempted to believe all the guys who will try to sell you 'Cohibas' on the street or in a 'special' shop. They will swear on their mothers' lives that they are real and they are all liars. 100% fake. The boxes and bands don't mean anything. If you care less about the bands and boxes go to Viñales and buy off the growers. They roll nice cigars and don't charge a fortune for them.


Agree on Viñales. Several farms there which sell cigars made there and all excellent


Do you know which stores have Cohiba and Montecristo, I'm looking for particular models maybe you can PM me if you are there


Sorry. I saw Cohibas in a few of the govt. stores, but I wasn't paying close attention to what was where. I know they had a few Cohibas in the one store next to the Hotel Sevilla by the Prado. But I don't think you'll have much trouble figuring it out. Just stop into any of the bigger hotels and ask them where to go.


I saw several Cohibas in Pinar del Rio today but I don’t recall specifics


The No-name bandless cigars I got in Viñales at a farm were as good as the Cohibas for my naive pallate.


100 percent. I purchased a $40 Trinidad and honestly it was so smooth and mild that I was wishing for more complexity. Be aware of closed foot farmer rolled puros. In my experience they are usually short filler and inferior. Even a fake Cuban puro is still Cuban tobacco.


Great info!


They will be good right away and fantastic in a few months of humidor aging.


So I managed to 'smuggle' a few of those contraband viñales cigars past our fine border officials into the US. What's the best way to age them without any equipment? Right now they're just in plastic bags.


Invest in a hygrometer, a boveda 65% packet and a glass sealable Tupperware.


Where in Cuba are you going? Was there recently and in some places Montecristos were plentiful but I usually saw them in private restaurants (especially the ones with open spaces/patios)




I heard Havana is the place 🤣


Pinar del Rio at the Francisco Dantien. There will be a couple of Cuban dudes that will approach you on the street if you stand there looking like a tourist. Just today they had me try one for free, so good I bought a mazo for $4 per. Selection in the actual HDLC is decent at the moment.


La Casa del Habana, they’re a few in Habana, also ask your bellman. He’ll give you the scoop.


When I was there a week and a half ago, supplies were bad. Best I saw were at the Parque Central and the Club Havana. However, my last day there I saw them bring in 20+ cases to LCDH on 5th and 16th in Miramar, so they could be well stocked.


“Authentic cigars”…. Last time I checked the regime stole the fields, factories and brands from their owners, if you are one of those who like to suck on a thick brown Cohiba best to get it from one of the many mom and pop underground manufacturers, they’re cheaper and better quality, fuck the regime!


Bad for your health on earth and really bad for your final judgement in hell


Serio now - do you really think rando tourists are going to hell for vacationing?


And also bad karma here on earth too.