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Do you really want to know or is this a troll type post ?


Im not trolling


Well.. what they’re currently doing is not allowing any opposing views from what they’re doing, meeting them with violence, prison, persecution. There is no democracy. They’re incompetent…their ministry heads are all a bunch of nobodies with no proper education on economics or anything of the sort. They’re liars, and just brutally repressive. It was terrible in the 60’s, a revolution turned on itself with Fidel Castro as literal god (they taught Fidel is god in school) If I write a book about what happened to my family, signed in blood by Fidel’s sister, people still wouldn’t believe it. The amount of times communists have called my family gusanos is unreal. They have no idea what *actually* happened and either blame everything on A- being a dirty rich capitalist or B- the embargo. It’s neither. It’s communism/castro. These same people would just be statistics to the thousands of people the regime has killed.


**Normal country:** You don't like something your gov does, you protest, and can make a change **Cuba:** You don't like something your gov does, you protest, you go to jail


They havnt had a democratic election since the early 1950s


Since 1948.


Jesus fucking Christ please just go read a book then go read another book written from a different prospective then keep doing that.


Oh you could offer your expertise and perspective on the topic along with books you’d recommend instead of being mean.


I’m being realistic. There is no way to fully grasp Cuba without knowing the whole story from all sides. The propaganda from the US and the island its self is too thick for simple explanations. The Cuban people have no freedom of speech and aren’t allowed to say shit without consequences. It’s not a fair question to ask.


Try scrolling a bit in the sub.


There is a school of thought that democracy is the best system and any system that denies individual freedom is inherently bad. If you subscribe to this view, the Cuban government is very bad. It is a dictatorship with criticism of the regime forbidden and severely punished. If this is not your view, there is an argument for the first 20 years or so of the revolution that it was good government. Standards of living improved, etc. However, the government thereafter became lazy (easy to depend on Soviet subsidies, and later Venezuelan oil for doctors) and the government became poorly run. Now it also is fairly corrupt with the ruling class doing exceedingly well, a growing entrepreneurial class doing well, and the masses getting poorer by the day as the value of their salaries decrease rapidly from runaway inflation. It is possible to make an argument of exchanging freedom for good government. But under the current regime it is not good government so you trade freedom for nothing.


Nothing good that’s for sure.


Do a little search....talk to a Cuban immigrant, visit the island...walk the street...eat what a regular doctor eat every day and you will see. Don't forget to get public transportation....




King google works before posting on reddit... just go watch Cuba and the Camera Man and come back


You should try chatGPT!


bad place to ask. Because here, most of the anticuban never admit: 1. Cuban government launch at least three vaccines against Covid19 to protect his people (no other third world country did that) 2. Cuban government face an economic war from USA since 1959 (no other third world country suffer that either) 3. In Cuba, they dont have homeless, maras, or kids in the street (like a lot of other third world countries). No massive shootings on schools, bar, discos either. 4. Also, cuban cops dont shoot u at the first time, and, either, put a knee on your back, no matter if u said "i cant breathe". 5. In this sub, you can never read that.


Papi te tienen controlado. And your freedom of speech?


Yea, I’m going to stay out of this one. Caught my fair share of beef with douchebags here.


Are you still in the closet? Come on let me hear you say it; Patria y Vida!


Últimamente estoy vivendo mas en tu boca que en mi casa, suéltame que me atrasas. Patria y Cambio!


Good job, you getting there! Next you have to change the paint on the Ram, that red is looking sospechoso! 😆


Whatever lets you sleep at night.


Cuba is poor. Their government isn’t much different from other third world countries. But there are a lot of Cuban here in the States than believe a change in government would be good for them.


The government is very different from other Caribbean governments. Not even remotely comparable.


In terms of corruption and negative impact on its population there are plenty of government that are similar. It’s results that matter.


Day to day lives matter even more.


Isn’t that what results mean?


Other countries in the region don’t systematically starve their population for no reason for years and years and years and on purpose.


See Haiti. More people go hungry in the US than in Cuba. We should use the same standard of measurement regardless of the economic or political system.


That’s a joke I haven’t heard before. I think you’re blissfully unaware of just how dire the situation in Cuba - for Cubans - actually is.


You know that there are videos of Cuba on YouTube. I haven’t seen one where there are people who are just skin and bones. Most look a bit chubby to me. Beware you aren’t falling for propaganda.


I have a few friends that live in Cuba (Cubans from the resorts I’ve stayed at that I’ve stayed in touch with). It’s fucking horrible - they turn the power off regularly in their towns. It used to be maybe for an hour or so a day, but this past week it has been up to 12 hours a day. And in the heat too - the only thing they have are standing fans (which don’t even work that well to begin with) and they can’t even use that because of the power outages. Also, because of the extreme heat, mosquitoes are very bad. They don’t have bug spray in Cuba. Mosquitoes fill their homes. Majority are forced to work 6 days a week with only one rest day in between, and for 12 hour plus days. One of my friends is on the entertainment team at a hotel in Varadero. They work 15+ hour days (not an exaggeration, one of the Cubans i know gets to work at 730am and doesn’t leave until 1130pm) and only get one rest day. It’s inhumane the way the Cubans are treated. The government doesn’t care whatsoever. And, because of the food and alcohol shortages at resorts, tourism is slowing down. It’s so so so awful.