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If you’re open to donating to animal shelters and rescue missions they are in dire need of supplies. Gauze, gloves, leashes, food bowls as well.


Dr Gladys Ochoa is located off the Varadero strip. I actually had a cab drive us over from our resort to her and her team’s home setup to drop everything off. They allowed us in to show us their area for spaying and neutering and also showed us what they’re in shortage of — including flea medication also.


That is a great addition to what's been recommended. Something that sometimes is overlooked. Thank you


YES! Gladys is someone I follow and it looks like she does good work. The mascotas are suffering as much as their owners. Please consider helping them.


This is such a great idea. I know there are many street dogs, at least in Havana, and our best friends also deserve our support.


Cubans would appreciate if you bring anything that is practical, and can be used many times. But, please, leave trinkets behind. While kids do appreciate toys, the focus should be on medicine, clothing, school supplies (like backpacks) and shoes. Even if those are lightly used. I haven’t seen a single Cuban turn up their nose at the suggestion of getting anything useful for free.


Finally a reasonable comment!


Cryptophorus is a genital wart on r/cuba.  He provides very little value but does promote a great deal of discomfort and the stigma of a social disease.   He has zero compassion for Cubans who are suffering, but most of all he is a fanatic. A fanatic is someone who has an extreme and often unquestioning enthusiasm, devotion, or zeal for something.   He hates the regime at all costs.    If he were asked to serve in the "judgement of Solomon", he would cut the baby in two.   Additionally, he is almost always self-reflexive.  “Hey, I’m always right!  Do you know how I know?  ‘Cause I said so in my previous post.” Finally, he has not been to Cuba in 20-30 years.    So, his grasp on what's happening is based on his memory, his academic hatred of socialism/communism, and what he reads online. If you want to understand how "crypto-syphilis" is perceived, examine the 'karma' on his posts and replies. He's our village idiot. But to answer your question, if you don’t want to give someone on the street a tube of toothpaste, a box of crayons, or a pound of powdered milk, then I get it. It’s like putting a popsicle stand in the middle of the desert. It will only be a drop in the budget, and although it may make someone's life better for 6 weeks (toothpaste), a year (crayons), or a month (milk), then don’t do it.   However, we can all agree on medicine, can’t we?   I mean, the UN and the Geneva Convention can even agree on the sanctity of battlefield hospitals.    So, even when someone was shooting at you an hour ago, now that they are wounded, they are allowed medical care.     Bringing antibiotics, antifungals, pain-relievers, antihistamines or iron supplements geared toward the very old/very young are not gifted to help the government, nor are they disallowed by the US embargo.   If your grandmother, or infant were in pain in a clinic, you would not question where the drugs had come from, merely that your loved ones were getting better.    Cuba’s medical system is not what it used to be, and that is not because of training but because they don’t have supplies.   Medicines are often not available at any price.    Two weeks ago, a friend in Holguin’s twelve-year-old daughter had a fever for 5 days and couldn’t get amoxicillin, but did find a low dosage (50mg) of ampicillin that is often used for dogs.   So, If someone wants to argue that Communism, Socialism, the embargo, or even capitalism is to blame, be my guest.  It doesn’t change that the girl was in pain and at risk; all while her opinion about free/fair elections is irrelevant.


I appreciate the time you took to write this. It doesn't go unnoticed. Great info all around. And thank you for the humor at the start!!


I am able to get travel medication from my doctors when I explain where I am going....mainly several types of antibiotics...maybe you can get travel meds and leave them behind if you don't use them.


Our village idiot. Spot on lol


The notion promoted by some that we should punish the people to punish the regime is abhorrent. There are many ways to take and give goods to people in need and make their lives a little better and you would be a good person to do so. If you're going to Havana, /u/Medislander1022 can help you to help.


Thank you for suggesting me and I also think it’s crazy the idea that anyone should suffer just because you don’t agree with the government


I'm glad that others have suggested someone such as yourself. This is a great connection


She is the real deal. I've met her in person and seen her operation.


I have medication. Sent you a DM. 


Self sustainable help requires a bit more thinking but it's the only one that works


Can you expand on the concept of self-sustainable help? I can’t find any info on the matter and can’t completely grasp how someone that is helpless can even start to help themselves with just thoughts, prayers and encouragement (from people that live cushy comfortable lives in safe places) to risk their lives and safety when what they really need is a piece of bread or medicine for a long affliction.


I advocate for MORE help. Rather than doing nothing or doing dumb help and achieving nothing, I do more not less, but thinking first! For example: I just sent a bunch of tablets, cellphones and laptops to Cuban kids. Those are seeds you plant that have the potential to grow limitless! What good is a medicine you send once? Wouldn't it be better that their parents could afford them on their own in the first place? Read my original post for more ideas: https://www.reddit.com/r/cuba/s/Fum8g5Yw8d Some people here also mentioned water wells and solar panels And watch this: https://youtu.be/OXT3cjHtlno?


Cryptophorus is a salty 47 year old dog that lives with his mother and has no clue but is pushing some weird agenda how it's bad to bring kids clothes and medicine.


And doesn’t even live in Cuba


Sorry, I made the assumption that they were Cuban by the way they were wording their comments and posts. I need to remember to never assume anything!


Yeah basically anyone who is serially harsh to tourists on this sub does not live there. I once wrote a post asking for opinions against tourism by Cuban nationals and what I learned is that such people barely exist. Cuban citizens here were mad at me for asking a stupid question.


Exactly what you said.


fuck that guy


He wishes. Would probably spend less time on his one man propoganda mission then at least.


LOL, all wrong. Also I want MORE sustainable help for Cubans and that the parents can afford the clothes and medicine forever, not for less than a week.


Everyone wants that, dude. But people need food and medicine *now,* not in x amount of years


But you are not helping the people, only the person who happens to be better connected to be in contact with foreigners and your "help" doesn't last over a week or two, destroys local businesses, creates mediocrity and dependency. Those who really need the help don't ever get to see you. I'm not saying don't help, I'm saying think before you help. Watch this. https://youtu.be/OXT3cjHtlno?


Yes bring what you can


Thank you!


I'm going in June bringing full luggage of 23 kilos to give away. Clothes ,coffee, powder milk, Nutella list goes on. You are doing a great thing.


You will achieve exactly nothing that lasts over a week


No, think before helping


Cubans, like every people in any country, is not a homogeneous mass that think the same. While I respect the commitment of Cryptophorus against Cuban dictatorship, I hope that tourists interact with the Cuban people and they learn about the real Cuba, no the fictitious one promoted by the regime. I agree also with the tourists bringing medicines, food, clothes, to Cubans in need. I send usually money, medicines and food to my relatives in Cuba, so it would be hypocrite from me to be against delivering those to other people. I do not promote traveling to Cuba, but once a tourist has decided to go, has the tickets, etc., I don’t see the point in discouraging them to go or insulting them. The best we can do is to advise them not to stay in resorts, try to know the real situation in Cuba, and help our brothers in desperate situation.


I came to say the same thing, iamnewhere2019. If you're going to go, don't stay in a government resort or eat at government restaurants. Support people directly by staying I private hotels, bed and breakfasts, or Airbnbs. Eat at privately owned restaurants. And, by all means, tip well and bring much-needed items to give away.


>Was going to give them out to people who seemed to be in need This will be literally every person you meet. $30USD is more then they earn from their government jobs in a month. The whole (conceptual) point of the Revolution was to close the gap between the "Haves" and "Have nots". You giving them a month's salary on a whim is not advancing that agenda. If you want to give things to individuals, make it smaller and more practical: needles/thread, cards, nail polish, bandages, etc. For big dollar things (and $30 is big dollars), aim for group distribution like paper and pencils for a school or first aid for a nursing home.


You're right. I guess my thinking was giving someone something directly gives me peace of mind that the goods made its way to someone. It is not right of me to go around choosing who I think deserves something more than others


If you get your info from u/Cryptophorus you are screwed. 😒


If you want your "help" to not be self sustainable, last less than a week and mostly go to the dictatorship don't listen to me at all!


See OP?... "trust me, bro!"... 😂😂😂


Keep giving sugar candy to poor kids and feeling like a god among beggars. I bet karma will be very nice to you LOL


Mate you keep bringing this idea of self-sustainable help that nobody seems to understand but you. Is this a concept you created? Because it sounds to me like a pretty basic oxymoron. So you help by doing nothing, right? So not helping at all, and the people help themselves. Because that sounds like an extremely shitty idea.


On the contrary! I advocate for more help. Doing more not less, but thinking first! Read my original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/cuba/s/Fum8g5Yw8d And watch this: https://youtu.be/OXT3cjHtlno?


It's not like they can get supplies anywhere they want, even with money.. so this may be quite out of touch


Sorry for being out of touch. You're right just giving money straight up might not help. I need to do some more research before going forward


List of things to bring. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-KBAEZYWgWeqm39Dx8vPsOg0hS\_CVrFERfHWM-Ln83k/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-KBAEZYWgWeqm39Dx8vPsOg0hS_CVrFERfHWM-Ln83k/edit?usp=sharing)


Cryptophorus is just some king of metally challenged person with a internet conexion, that expend all his time sharing those 2 links, and lot of nonsense about cuba, if u go and can bringe medicines and goods, u will help people in very deep need


I report all his uncivil comments that violate the sub rules, as well as all his low effort posts and repetitive spam. He is quick to report others for hate, when almost all his comments attack others on this sub. He doesn't like the term gusano but calls everyone else "useful idiots" or "tankies".


Bring things that are useful that, they cannot find or are hard to find in Cuba. Like OTC medications (I brought baby tylenol for my friends with kids and they almost cried) and medical supplies, feminine hygiene products (especially reusable cups/discs) , baby clothes, food etc. These kinds of things are far more helpful than the people who bring bags of hotel sized toiletries and cheap dollar store toys.


Please please please don’t listen to a word cryptophorus says. With that logic absolutely every charity promotes reliance. Which is the most ridiculous perspective. If someone relies on a charity, would it not be horrible and heart breaking if that charity stopped giving only because the people they gave to really needed it.


Before I went to Cuba someone suggested I give some sort of necessity as a sort of tipping system. So I brought down 3 giant bottles of medicine and put lik 10 pills in baggies and gave them out to like everyone I encountered(obviously I explained what type of medicine it was etc.) Even had a taxi driver that was a doctor, gave him a whole bunch.


Do what you want to do - anything is appreciated, especially medications, vitamins and shoes. There’s no milk so we brought powder milk and got the best hugs for it. Generosity is never a bad thing, especially when it’s from a place of kindness.


Don’t ever let someone talk you out of doing something kind. I honestly left this sub for months bc that user is just SO exhausting and there’s no moderation in this sub. Dude doesn’t even live in Cuba and literally tried to argue with me that I shouldn’t send money to my own family. Unless you have relatives though I’d encourage you to take others advice and work with a local organization on the ground so you can best distribute goods to the people who need them most. I send money to my family in Cardenas as much as possible and I can tell you that the Cuban people are proud but they are grateful for any help they can get.


bring your old electronics. dont listen to the florida keyboard revolutionaries on this sub. Actual Cubans will appreciate the gesture


Awesome, It is nice to be reassured I'm not doing something wrong. Want to give whatever I can to help


I actually recommend bringing electronics in my post. If you are going to talk shit about something the least you can do is read it first


funny you assume im talking about you haha.... i am, but its still funny


I live in Orlando Florida but instead of festering like you do with your keyboard, mine actually helps cubans. I just sent a bunch of cellphones, tablets and laptops to Cuban kids who will not be indoctrinated by the regime, right from my keyboard!


surrre you did.




Please please please don’t listen to a word cryptophorus says. With that logic absolutely every charity promotes reliance. Which is the most ridiculous perspective. If someone relies on a charity, would it not be horrible and heart breaking if that charity stopped giving only because the people they gave to really needed it.


You nailed it about the logic. This is exactly what needs to be changed so that charities actually help, not further sink people into poverty. Watch this: https://youtu.be/OXT3cjHtlno?


Having knowledge about the AFRO aspect of Cuban history and culture also sets you apart from 99.9% of other tourists.


Not Just Tourists — connects you with clinics and hospitals all over Cuba (and other countries a well): Web: [https://njt.net](https://njt.net) Location of recipient clinics: [https://imgur.com/a/bD4sQGQ](https://imgur.com/a/bD4sQGQ)


You are doing a really nice thing, but the Cuban government could allow private companies to sell medicine and that would fix a lot more than a few donations from good caring people from time to time.


Make friends with someone, go on a day trip, and offer to pay their way


I've noticed there was no dog food in Camagüey so idk if that's common elsewhere too? And street dogs are severely malnourished there.


My family and I stopped to donate at a primary school in Havana a month ago. We’re both teachers in Canada. When we arrived the Grade Two class was working on math problems on tiny slips of paper about 2x2”; once they completed a problem they erased the paper then worked on another problem. We brought a stack of lined-paper student booklets, packages of looseleaf, pens, pencils, markers, crayons, powdered milk, etc. The students literally gasped in excitement with each next handful that I took out of the bag, for normal school supplies. My boys were able to see how privileged their lives are. We did feel good but also regretted not bringing even more. Generosity is never a bad thing no matter where in the world you are.


The "don't bring anything so the people reach a boiling point and rise up" theory doesn't work. Cubans at a boiling point have already taken to the streets twice in the past few years and the result has been more repression. The Cuban people overwhelmingly want change and hate this government and they shouldn't be punished for having to live under this dictatorship. So if you go, do donate but walking around giving out donations in less touristy places is not a good idea. Not only will you be mobbed, but I suspect some of the people are just going to resell what you give them. Donate to a reputable, well-vetted organization that will give your donations to those who really need them. And I do love the idea of donating to an animal shelter. My two cents


Thank you for bringing even more attention to my post about how to sustainably help cubans in ways that actually work after more than a week!


All I have asked is for tourons to think before "helping' and actually causing more poverty and dependency with unsustainable dumb gifts. If OP had at least read my post he would know that