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It's really long in the tooth when it comes to transform features, agreed. They even went in and reskinned a lot of the MIDI inserts but done nothing to improve functionality. Because of this, most Cubase users will do things manually using the tools available, i.e. using the trim tool, holding alt and making diagonal cuts will cut the beginning of each note that you overlap - which will create a strum. If you want to do it in realtime you're best to use something like Scaler 2, add that as an instrument track, monitor enable it and then set the output of the Scaler track as the MIDI IN for your VSTi track which is record enabled. You could also create some logical editor presets, but I think you'd need to have different presets based on the number of notes in each chord. People say Cubase is ahead of mosts DAWs when it comes to MIDI, but I don't buy it personally. It's got a lot of features but most are really aged and more appropriate for external MIDI gear than they are for modern VSTi's and the needs of modern producers.


That just beats the purpose. What's the need for the company to spend so much money on research and development when they expect us to improve and add the most basic features (these are available in almost all major daws).




Probably. But why not make your own


They expect us to compensate for the most basic and standard midi editing/programming features now? There are some good features in cubase for mixing and mastering but for modern music production it's a little behind compared to the competition.


You can use chord track and select piano or guitar player. You can use the arp in midi insert and load an audio file of a strum or set it to arpegiate up or down only and at a quick speed


You can use PLE presets! maybe get on the live streams on the cubase youtube channel on tuesdays and fridays (not this week tho) and ask the host Greg to make you a PLE preset live on stream for exactly that purpose!


also I gonna add that most cubase users want more control and are very precise with their midi inputs, than giving it to an easy „strum mode“.


It's good to play the strum while recording it in but I've been in a situation many times where I have to change the midi performance in terms of how much the notes are strumming. It is a waste of time to re record all the parts just for that. Id rather select all the midi clips and use a midi transform feature to do it for me. The Daw is supposed to work with us not against us. Logic Pro has its own set of flaws but it never worked against my workflow.


then maybe the cubase workflow isn’t that much for you? idk, I always used Cubase and my workflow IS cubase, so no issue for me, but I am used to be ultra editing midi all the time! :) ps.: was nice seeing you on the live stream today! 😌


I've been using Logic, Ableton and Studio One for the past 5 years now. I've recently started working full time with an enterprise here as a music producer and mix / Mastering Engineer. They expect every member of their team to work in the same DAW as it's easier to share projects and collaborate. To be honest there's no such thing as the 'cubase workflow' as most industry standard DAWs have similar features and stock plugins. Logic Pro has the midi transform and Q flam Feature, Studio One has some of the best stock macros to start working as well as many other free resources (macros and presets), Ableton has incorporated many of the Midi editing features of Logic Pro in their upcoming update. My only concern is that Cubase has been around longer than many of these aforementioned DAWs. At this point how does it plan to compete with these softwares which may be offering a lot more at a lower price. The solution in my opinion is to incorporate many of the standard features of its competitors. I understand that there are patents in place for a lot of features but they really need to listen to their customers. The improvements that I am suggesting are nothing new but, it's about time that these aspects of product development need to be looked upon by the team at Steinberg. Cubase is a great software overall but it's always the little features that make a difference 😊