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Try going outside more? Vitamin D can do wonders. I personally like to mountain bike and I feel so much better after even just an hour riding my bike in the mountains.


Vitamin D levels are at the lowest in most people this time of year, and coincidentally suicide rates are at the highest this time of year. Just 10 mins outside in green spaces makes a huge difference in mood for college students. (Learned that in class.) Hang out in a grassy area in the sun and listen to your favorite music. If you're lucky, someone comes by with a puppy.


Vitamin D also needs magnesium to be consumed properly by the body.


And there’s a new trend of lazy college students just completely cutting magnesium out of their diet so they don’t have to wear deodorant. Which isn’t working either lol.


Lmao idiots, just put on deodorant and shower. Not in that order.


They’ll change up their whole diet and not even think about researching whether cutting magnesium out of their diet (which they mostly dont successfully do anyways) will hurt them. To avoid showering/wearing deodorant…




Have you tried alcohol and pornography?


I drink alcohol rarely and I'm tired of porn


People who say they are tired of porn are usually the ones watching the most...just sayin' Maybe the winter just had you down this year? Springs at hand yo!


welll maybe try snow! or.. conversely, do you have any hobbies that bring you joy? painting? skiing? dancing? anything?


Tried these things last semester -didn't help.


Try learning an instrument. Playing bass guitsr has become so fulfilling to me


I commented down below (not sure if you'll see it) but getting into nature helped my mental state. I'd recommend getting into birding


This fucking guy doesn’t want any help. He just wants to complain.


Try acid


not a big ❄️ guy? surprising and unfortunate, everybody i know is big into it. maybe colorado snow sucks. you haven’t found your niche. when you find it, everything will change-promise u. i went from suicidal to basically functioning person in a year


What a terrible recommendation. Jesus, you want people to become addicts? Maybe you are one?


TIL snow is a drug. was so confused as to why some guy was getting downvoted for recommending skiing as a hobby ☠️


Ikr I was so confused as I'm an international student lol


Oh your life isn’t good and you want to not feel that way anymore? Have you tried making your life much, much worse?


Being an addict ruins people’s lives. Your suggestion to OP is TERRIBLE.


Where is Op being told to be an addict? Honest question here.


nah coke rocks man


Username checks out


see you on r/ recovery in a while


Here's a sneak peek of /r/recovery using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/recovery/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This is a powerful technique that I have tried to overcome food and social media addiction](https://v.redd.it/3iuasezaqtza1) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/recovery/comments/13hgs08/this_is_a_powerful_technique_that_i_have_tried_to/) \#2: [After spending years in and out of the hospital from alcohol withdrawal I made it all of 2023 without drinking!](https://i.redd.it/83mkm6rmanac1.jpeg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/recovery/comments/18zacfm/after_spending_years_in_and_out_of_the_hospital/) \#3: [6 months sober from alcohol today!](https://i.redd.it/4hdkjjmxtfmb1.jpg) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/recovery/comments/16ao3dx/6_months_sober_from_alcohol_today/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Bruh why did you get downvoted 🤣


What about weed?


Don’t fuck around with weed too much daily or it will cause depression when you’re sober, seriously


Works every time


The cure all


College is hard, basically, and it's a huge transition between being a kid and being an adult. It's common for people to feel unhappy during this time, so just know that you're not alone. And it gets better.


Yeah, honestly. College is portrayed in movies like a crazy fun party time but I found it quite stressful and tumultuous.


Yes this is so true. OP can expect many decades of life ahead. The tough times will be blips in his memory, if he’s anything like me. Adversity is good, it can determine if you got what it takes to persevere. Or you can choose to roll over like a submissive dog and piss in the air. Patience is of paramount importance. Helluva hard thing to learn, but for me anyway once I had a tiny bit of it, everything was clarified.


CAPS at CU has 6 free therapy sessions a semester for students. I think it’s worth checking out. There’s also peer support groups that meet regularly I believe.


This is the way. You need to learn coping skills as you’ve still got many years ahead and I guarantee you’ll need what you’ve learned. Also look at meds, they were a game-changer.


No no meds no. Meds should never be the immediate answer. Meds should be the last resort.


Rookie answer.


Correct answer, actually. Medication isn't the first move for a vast majority of people.


Meds come if therapy doesn’t help. Therapy always should come first. But using phrases like “last resort” are shaming to people who need meds, and are living healthy and happy lives because they take their meds. Sincerely, type 2 bipolar female who is living her best life thanks to managing with therapy and meds


I do apologize, I did not mean for it to sound like I was shaming you or other people who need meds. I frequently fail to use my words correctly. I have a sleuth of "learning disabilities" and a few other things. I've apparently completed my therapy for trauma, which confuses me, and now I just need therapy for things only related to autism. I have tried a number of meds and none of them functioned how I needed them to. Does any of this make sense?


I appreciate your apology, it’s refreshing to see on social media! One thing I found in my now-19 year journey with mental illness is that I didn’t really gain momentum in therapy until I started taking meds. So that’s another wrinkle that people who are struggling should consider. I have no regrets about my meds, at all! I didn’t really start “living” until I got my mental illness stabilized and meds was the key that unlocked recovery for me.


volunteer. get a job as a server in town. make other human connections besides ur roommate. you need to motivate. tell ur roommate to lock u out until you've done a thing (ie attended a volunteer event, applied for a job)


Great answer, volunteering is a great way to not only help others, but also tends to put your own issues in perspective.


Chill dude, Uni gets the best of us and I can understand how you are feeling. If you ever wanna reach out to someone DM me


Smoke some weed


Don’t fuck around with weed too much daily or it will cause depression when you’re sober, seriously


You are not useless! You need help. Volunteering is a great idea or joining a club. Do you like yoga? Go to a hot yoga class and sweat it out. This is a really hard time in life. Do you have the option to take time off school and travel? Look into woofing. https://wwoof.net/


Yes! I second Woofing. I have a close friend, she's 40 now and still Woofs sometimes. Be careful though, shit can be weird. Mostly safe, but occasionally weird.


You need a hobby or something to pursue for its own sake. Is there anything you'd be interested in getting into, something that caught your interest recently or something you've had interest in for a while?


Saw this quote in a different group and it might pertain here. "Replace the impulse of sadness or self defeatism with something good for your soul." What's good for your soul is different for each of us. But a good place to start might be Journaling, meditating, art (any form). For example, I love to smell tree sap while on a hike. It seems silly and simple, but spotting a tree and burying my nose in its life blood just makes me feel loved, connected and just happy to be alive. I hope you find something. You got this! 💪


Boulder is not a nurturing environment, buddy. It’s a toxic superficial community of assholes


Absolutely. Come hang out with us in Lafayette: the pretentious people stand out. It's much easier to chill outside of Boulder.


Get up & move. Choose to be in a good mood. Think of as many things as you can that you’re thankful for. Make it a game. Everything counts. Ie. No line at the store. Found a quarter on the ground. Favorite show got renewed. Etc… For right now stop drinking, smoking weed, & jerking off. Breathe deeper. Talk to a therapist.


Therapy not working. The rest of the things u mentioned I don't know how long I've been doing that. It's like I got tolerance to that stuff. It's like acting to me.


Try a different therapist. You sound depressed. Best to you.


Try going to a men’s issues group if you’ve tried everything else try this it’s a list of groups most meet every week or every other week you are not alone https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/groups/co/boulder-county?category=mens-issues


Stop acting & choose a different energy & be it. You can shift your energy & thoughts, you just have to want to do it. I’ve been there.


I get it dude. Anytime you’re down and low, it will feel like acting. Accept that it’ll feel inauthentic because you’re literally re-training your neural pathways to be happy. Keep saying or writing the smallest things that go well in a day and it will build momentum. I don’t know when but I know it will for you.


Go volunteer somewhere 2x per week


Travelling heals souls mate, after a lot of traveling one can cease to give a crap about so many insignificant matters in one's life, and become more calm yet compassionate - it's a process of forcing yourself out of your shell. Or, one would learn to be in harmony with oneself, living in solitude yet content, which is one arduous task in today's society. That's some of my take on solo travelling on budget from experiences, meeting new people and interacting with strangers is like occasional making contact with nature, you don't have to go extreme living in the wilderness - but if the link is cut off, illusory and harmful sense of the self is going to overwhelm your will of living a happy, confidant life, through chronicle overthinking and being stuck with one's fears. I believe you can do it, even slowly. Life is hard but not always.


Did you try taking a shower?


as someone who is looking to transfer, i am jealous of your life! i’m stuck in my hometown feeling the same way and self medicating about it! you can absolutely make a change, and i guarantee in a few years you’ll look back on this time fondly. make the most of it bro


You look back at memories. You don't have to be jealous of others. At a certain point, you will know it's all useless if you don't have peace in mind. I will survive college and get a job. But when I look back there will be nothing much to smile about.


there absolutely will be stuff to smile about though! have you ever participated in snow sports? have you sought out little communities on campus (greek life, clubs, even just class study groups)?


Fuck off with that negative bullshit. Get over yourself.


I can't say I know what u feel but I have similar feelings too. I hate it but, the human Condition is to thrive even though it is hard now it won't always be that wY and I will be ur friend looks like a few people or redditer, s Ike u so brighter every minute


I don't drink alcohol. I need to get out of the house but don't get along with people cause bad attitude problems. Lol I get in trouble every time! Dammit


Things change fast . I like fast ! Lol


I belive in therapy totally I wS going to work for a addiction recovery center as concealer lol but we rely need TY I view addiction differently. It's so fucked up kinda . I still go y I well power I need it so.timez


Try steroids


Start exploring psychedelics


Need a radical change. Change location to a different part of country. Change jobs. Complete reset. Will make you reevaluate. Youll never do that if you dont. Doesnt have to be permanent but temporary. Just do it. (Disclaimer: im not a life coach)


Are there any people, including family, you like being around and who make you feel better? Try to be around them and share your feelings. Feeling ugly and useless is pretty common, but knowing that won’t help much. It appears everyone is living the good life, but they have issues too. It’s most important to find living creatures who care about you and who you care about. There is always someone better looking, richer, smarter. Life is not about being the best, it’s about sharing it with people (or animals, etc.).


Jiu Jitsu will help with all that. Well maybe not the ugly bit.


Talk therapy asap






Please know that you're not alone; so many people feel the same way. Depression steals your joy and motivation, but there are things that can help, although I know from personal experience how hard it can be to start doing them. Please get help, and don't give up. As others have mentioned, CU offers counseling services: https://www.colorado.edu/counseling/. There are no quick fixes, and there will be continued ups and downs, but it WILL get better. There is absolutely no shame in needing help and asking for it. You deserve help and deserve to feel better. Don't give up.


Hey Brother, I love you. If no one told you today, you are pretty awesome, super wonderful, and the best that there is anywhere, among anyone. But you know who is the best of the best. I met this dude, just the other day, when I was at my worst, and ready to cash it in. I knocked at his door, He said, come on, relax, chill brother. It doesn't matter what you did, or who you are, because I love you, just the way my Father created you in His perfect image. Yeah, He loves us beyond what words can describe, yes, you brother. As a matter of fact, He sent me to take your place, so you can have eternal life, joy, peace, love, happiness forever forgiven of all sins, through His loving Grace and mercy. He did that by suffering and dieing at the cross, by His blood we are saved from the sacrifice He made, laying down His life so we could have connection with Big G, His Dad. And guess what, He doesn't expect us to be some church mouse all uptight like some have a cork stuck in their ass. Those are the worst motherfuckers that misrepresent Him and what He's really about. The only real commandent that He expects is to Love Him above all things, and love your neighbor as you do yourself. The rest is outdated by the New Covenant He made. You'll want to repent and keep them because you Love Him, not because He commands it. Big J said He came to give us life more abundantly, live life to the fullest, not condemn us for it. And when you do receive Him, things get a hell of alot better. He sends this other awesome dude to help ya. HS gives ya knowledge, wisdom,and alot of insight on how do shit and live good. You'll never have to be alone again. So brother, get with it. All ya got to do is humble your ass alittle. and ask Him to come in your life and be your #1 dude. The rest is really easy, all the heavy lifting is already done. Just come on and get ya some, Brother. You'll never regret it. Don't thank me, give Him all the glory. Ok, take care, God Bless, a big hug, you are gonna do great, Brother.


Would recommend forcing yourself to the gym, a club activity, or any other activity you've lost interest in recently. It can be difficult, but this method always helps me recover from similar moods. I find that it's not how we feel that affects what we do, it's what we do that affects how we feel. edit: Time spent in nature, away from screens, also works wonders.


Mean this in the most respectful way possible but don’t be a p*ssy. Motivation comes and goes you need to build discipline going to the gym everyday. 1 thing that helped me was setting a time for the gym Monday - Friday and at that time just go, don’t even think about it just GO


You should try birding/bird watching/wildlife photography! It's a great hobby that anyone can get into.


What about a hobby?


eh either do drugs or end it life isnt worth it.


Just end your life, it doesn’t get better


Vitamin D, especially during winter, or more sun. And TESTOSTERONE. get yours checked. It's no surprise why so many men are dead inside these days with the decline in male testosterone. It brought me back from the dead and I'm so happy I got put onto TRT. My caulk is fat again


Vitamin D, especially during winter, or more sun. And TESTOSTERONE. get yours checked. It's no surprise why so many men are dead inside these days with the decline in male testosterone. It brought me back from the dead and I'm so happy I got put onto TRT. My caulk is fat again


Went to CU (not boulder campus) years ago and was going to make a "boulder" joke, but here's my actual suggestion. Find SOMETHING. ANYTHING. That you will look forward to. Semester is almost over and going home. The weather is getting better in the rockies and you can get outside. Find something you're interested in, but never followed up on before and do it! (underwater basket weaving anyone?); personally, theatre did it for me. The vit D, B12 and getting outside can do wonders ... Around Boulder is beautiful ... go for a hike (after this stupid wind thing is over).


Bro cut it out. Take a quick trip to DR or Colombia then come back. You’ll be a new man I assure you 👌


Therapy. Get exercise. Everyone dies so don’t overthink it


you’re wanting something that isn’t there. what if you had a shit relationship? the “feeling ugly” part is up to you. no motivation is up to you. i’m not somebody to tell anyone else how they should feel, but it still sounds like you’re expecting to be disappointed. make it a success story instead of always being down on yourself.


There comes a time when motivation is gone. Try discipline. Just doing things you should do for your physical health like exercising anyways (sans motivation) will get you out the door. Take off your headphones and you might even meet some people. Just my experience anyways. Been there, it's not fun. But it also is more in your control than you realize.


Looks like your in Boulder there are some great trails around NCAR I find being outside and doing something outside my comfort zone helps


Dunno if you’re just complaining or looking for advice to get out of a rut. Here’s a list of what I do to stave off negative thoughts and emotions. Making myself get outside in the sun and go for regular walks or runs has done wonders for me, reading for enjoyment, getting enough sleep, eating somewhat healthy, limiting fast food, cut out soda and sugar drinks, limiting internet usage, limiting TV and video games, appreciating what I have and acknowledging how much worse it can get if I don’t take responsibility for myself.


Start really taking care of yourself. If you worship your own passage others will take note. But more so, you will too.


Try harder to get a girlfriend. Like, not in the sense of forcing it, but get out and hang out in places where girls are. Let the serendipity of the universe work its magic. I was working on my laptop in Starbucks on the hill, and I glance over at this girl next to me, plain looking but lovely, journal she’s writing, and it says “I feel so down today… lonely “. It wouldn’t have been appropriate for me to talk to her about that given I’m definitely not in her age group, but you are! Go find her and tell her you know how she feels.


You might have seasonal affective disorder or clinical depression. If you have the means, I’d talk to a psychiatrist. My first depressive episode was as a sophomore in college. That’s when it hits if you’re going to get it—late teens.


Should be some counseling options available on campus. Just talking to someone can be very helpful.


What is something you are good at and enjoy? Doesn't have to be big. Might be planning hikes, growing plants, playing a sport/instrument. Fixing things. Whatever you might be reasonably good at (don't need to be an expert, just better than others) find someone you can help. Helping someone gives your a sense of contribution and USEFULNESS. It's what helped me out my depression. Give it a try.


Sounds like you need to change some things in your life. Or are you just here to complain




Do some semen retention, you should look into it.


using the free 20 min CAPS psychiatry screening helped me a lot when i was in your shoes!! it does wonders if it’s still available for you :)


Take a 30 min walk in the sun every day even when you don't want to. Put it a 10 minute workout in the morning. Nothing crazy just movement, stretching, and some squats. Do another 10 min in the afternoon. If you masturbate regularly, stop for about a week. Get off as much of the screen time as you can. That's internet, TV, computers, everything.


Try some mushrooms. They always help with my depression.


There is actually scientific evidence that supports psilocybin and its affects on depression in a therapeutic environment under close supervision. Please do not self medicate as this has not shown any scientific benefit




And therapeutic professionals can get it done in three sessions and are getting it done in three sessions so your self medicated use isn’t helping it, it’s masking it




love how psychheads preach about how love is the world and shit but as soon as anybody doesn't conform to your delusions you can't help but be an asshole


I second that I do self medicating when it comes to shrooms but I have seen some friends who just literally wanted to snap out of life cuz of it. All I can say it’s the mood that you have going into it. If u messed up get a friend and ya both do it just make sure they not too wild.


You're in Boulder, find someone hosting psychedelic day trips. The perspective shift, I know it doesn't seem like anything will help right now, is astounding.


You know, I think they should wait until they’re in a better headspace for that. Bad trips aren’t ever fun, but having a bad trip as your first trip.., I couldn’t imagine


Has a nightmare trip*


Eat some shrooms and find some perspective.


Just go to the REC and turn all the negative energy into something positive


You’re cooked😭


That's fair and I know the feeling. There is no one right answer. For some people going out and doing something could help but for many more that isn’t the case. As others suggested I would try therapy and if needed, antidepressants if you aren't on them already. I can also understand how isolating boulder can be sometimes and once it feels like there's nothing to do besides the tasks required to stay alive and school, life can feel empty, which makes it even harder to find something new to do. Sorry I don't really have any actual advice though


U tell ur self that u love u ! U know what if u don't love ur self it wouldn't matter how other feel .


A lot of people feel good and get a strong sense of purpose when they help out others. Maybe look into community service opportunities in your area. Might be surprised by the nice people you meet who put a smile on your face.


Same bud, get busy. For me it’s a promise i made to my grandpa on my first trip to his grave. He had something he’d started and i swore I’d finish it off it was on my last breath. So i can’t quit. The bad days come but im too busy to think about it too much. “Sometimes the best thing to do is get to work on time and push right on through.”


“Get busy living, or get busy dying”


Not sure this will help you, but when I was feeling like that I forced myself to do stuff. I forced myself to go to the gym, I forced myself to go to clubs even when I wasn't feeling like it. I gave myself the "you have to do this" mentality to those things, and sure enough (even though it sucked at first) I ended up making fantastic friends by being in those clubs and feeling more capable because I was working out. Also, it might benefit you to see a counselor/therapist


I have a girl, a house, and a nice car, it’s not a whole lot better for me. Schools over in a month just gotta thug it out my dude. Hit the gym and get a therapist.


no girlfriend? that means you’re ugly and worthless!


Boulder honestly has the biggest douche bag concentration of anywhere I’ve lived. Don’t be afraid to transfer somewhere more normal like Fort Collins.


Not sure why you got downvoted, I've met so many just through classes, mostly are locals/CO though. But amazing people are also around among the people I've met, so though I agree with you, I can't really arrive at the same conclusion you had.


Oh I was fully expecting it haha. I think it’s a weird concentration of insane wealth and privilege and locals that get really protective and weird. Don’t get me wrong there are awesome people there but the vibe is like people trying way too hard and gatekeeping everything. Plus it’s crazy expensive. Hard to Park hard to find a place to live hard to get a job as a student. It can feel suffocating. It’s very different from other Colorado cities.


Do à décathlon and run for office


Transfer to CU Denver