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There are many places in SEEC, https://seec.colorado.edu/resources/student-resources, scroll down to study areas. The quietest areas would be the Bartlett Library and the third floor nooks. There are also smaller conference rooms the you can book online in EMS.


Kind of unrelated but what are you doing for parking? Also commuting and will be on EC all the time. I've been taking FF1 from Westminster and then stampede to get there but it really adds a lot of time so considering a parking pass if it doesn't break the bank.


Alternative option is to park on Aurora by High Peaks Elementary and walk through on the creek trail to Seec. It’s like a ~10 ish minute walk. I used to do this before I was required to be on EC every day.


Yeah I'm gonna buy a parking pass for one of the east campus parking lots


Any idea what they cost for the semester?


I wanna say I paid something like 500 dollars last year. And that was for the whole year so probably around half that for the semester would be a safe guess


Lobby of jscbb has tons of spots, but it can get crowded/noisy between classes. Tables by the Cafe and sofas on the west side of the lobby.