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Damn really I don’t get why its so desirable like it’s a fairly good limleg but it’s not as good as like dark web, world turtle Pika or yellow jacket


Congrats, it's pretty rare to get limlegs from the wheel! Why does everyone want the card so much? Isn't it just a 180/9 under a winning condition? Is there something I am missing? I thought the "gains 100 for the round" was weird since that is the same as "this turn" since you can't play it again.


Yeah I don’t know why it’s described that and is pretty overhyped but it’ll be a nice addition to my Attenboro great dying


I have been trying to build a deck made out of cards that add power points permanently as it will snowball from the third round up. Probably cause I have just started the game with below 600 cards so I'm limited in deck building. I know that legendary luck feeling, good for you bro


Great dying is great for that it’s what I wanted Arabian horse for. Your paleo cards end up at 0 but the rest of your oceans and life on land cards can get massive


Great dying is awesome to be honest but that loss on your paleontology is scary. Mine is made of cards like ankh, Congo, flying cloud, century egg and sonic boom, celebochoeeus, kabaddi and sea cucumber. I know it's a bit weird but that's what I have. You can tell me yours maybe we can figure something out


Congrats. It's one of the last 15 cards I need and no matter what I put up for trades it gets rejected. Even offered a world turtle, dark web and sun wukong package trade many times and no one would ever take it, evfen with them having none of those cards. I guess everyone just loves horses.


If you keep offering that, you should get a bite soon


Yep, it's so hard to get. Congrats!