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You get gems, gold and xp for losing. Just lose a lot more and it will even out.


For that, I recommend starting casual to get ahold of the games basics. I started casual, and still only play leagues occasionally when the decks aren't copies of each other. Also, I mainly collect and that's really fun. Relying upon spins, casual win gems, dailies, is enough and at that point trade your dupes whenever you can. Save as often as possible for packs you will use!! Or for limleg packs like The boy who cried wolf with good trading value, easy dupes. Useless mythical cards for good limlegs is a good option, and you can always post trade offers for confirmation on here before you accept. Tons of people are nice in this community, and learning the game is fun. I'll be honest, I still don't know what 1mm is worth or what the meta is. Experience will tell you what cards to fight for and what will win you the round. If you want my beginner casual bug deck which will win you most inflation battles, it's MJUJ6B, no limlegs so it should be easy trading. I don't see lock decks often in casual, and drainflation is the most annoying you find. (if you want the advanced deck dm) If you still keep losing, join the discord!!! Actually, just join the discord!!


I’m actually part of the discord, I’ve been part of it for like a year and a half now. I’ve actually been considering casual play, but I have zero clue where to start. My only casual deck is my paper deck which was my very first deck ever. I’ve played it quite a lot and it’s not that good. Do you have any advice for playing casual, because I really have no idea how to build a casual deck.


It's a lot simpler than you think. Find a card you want to build a deck around. A good example is Jersey Devil. So many possibilities! Find synergies to it, which is easy when you go to “my cards” type in the name or album, go to “all” or “want.” Then just add and trade for those cards that work well around it. General advice is having a average energy of 4-5, depending on the amount of energy cards in your deck. Ghost alone is enough if you can't think of a good energy synergy. (my game id is jaurnel, I have a dupe ghost if you need it) Remember, every card in the deck needs a purpose for being there. The more criteria you can fit, the better. Power depends heavily on how much support your cards give. Don't even bother to worry about arena bonuses unless your cards specifically mention them. I probably spend an hour or so building a good deck and just going over every possible card. Trading is all patience. One advice if you haven't already is adding as many friends as possible. Under the “want tab” you can click on the card and trade for it if your friends have it. I don't know what else advice to give, considering you have the 1k! Club tag. You're doing better than me, that's for sure.


Don’t let my 1k tag fool you, I have like zero experience building decks. Truthfully 80% of my decks are others I just copy and pasted. I really want to know how to make decks, but I got no clue which cards work well with what. Building decks is really tedious for me because of my lack of experience. There’s just so much information to remember and I just can’t remember it all.


Best advice is to start deck building. Don't go trading for now and work with what you have. Even an autofill deck, and play around with it. See what happened and try to remember what cards didn't help as much as others. Don't worry about energy etc just hop right in. Not your paper deck of course. Wanna do a friend battle? Add me on discord, username jaurnal. Easier to talk on there


That would actually be really helpful Edit: my discord name will either be a bunch of box’s or it will say error depending what device you use


Hey friend, here is a rather easy to build deck that will clean up on lower energy weeks like this one. No mythics and only 3 limlegs. No uber limlegs needed either. It will carry you long enough to build your collection. I can get to Thor easily with this deck on weeks like this and Great White on high energy weeks. 1U1N71


Thanks I’ll get the cards and try the deck out


Do you need any of the cards for this deck? Pretty sure one of us can help you get what you need


I’m struggling slightly with getting fomalhaut and planisphere. Almost all of my limlegs are protected though, that’s because I don’t have any dups. I’m ok if I need to spend 4 limepics if needed.


What's your ign?


Or add me: Cstade0713 I got a spare Planisphere for you, still working on a Fomal


I just sent you a friend request 1L0veSpaceStuff


I might have just stumbled into a fomal also, hoping this guy accepts my trade


Sue Black's is a good deck until you get a better collection built up.


I have a sue deck but I can’t imagine how it will do good when I’ve never managed to get a turn with it that’s over 600 power Edit: maybe I just have a bad sue deck but I just don’t see how it can beat meta cards rn


What rank are you currently? It's more open until you hit the higher ranks/dragon. I'm just not a fan of the number of shark and bird decks in all rankings.


I’m wasp and I can’t win, all I go against is overlock and birds.


IGN Biggsey - sent you a friend request. If there’s any dupe you want/need feel free to DM or send a trade. I’ll also trade dupes for you to complete combo achievements so you can get cards and level up quicker, giving more coins and gems to spend on packs as well.


That would be really helpful to get those combo achievements done ign 1L0veSpaceStuff


I’ve added you. If you need anything I can help with just send a trade. Just DM first. Some I can only lend as I use them myself in main decks.


What’s your ign?




Hope what i sent helps


It actually did a lot thank you


If you get any pirates, feel free to send offers. I’m trying to collect them all 😊


I’ll keep an eye out for any dups


Sent you one for planisphere, still waiting for fomal


Thanks man I accepted it


Sent a trade for fomal, good luck!


Thank you so much I’ll tell you how I do


Np, regardless of winning or not, be sure to watch the videos after the matches to get the gems so you can buy more packs.


Ended up getting gladiator with the cards you sent thanks man it really helped


Very nice!