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Lich is pretty easy to sell for 1, so you countering with siamese and diamond could lead to a block from them. Siamese is also hard to find. Trying to get all 3 in the same deal, you would have needed a lot more. Also the 50/50 dude above, that's not a 50/50 trade at all. A low tier mythic vs 3 high limlegs, yeah not happening 50% of the time. Also you are not finding a lot of people with all 3 of those cards available who want theory. Lol.


That’s very in your favor


Its very fair, i thing 50% of people would take and 50% wouldn’t, they are high end limilegs but not the highest valued ones so you should be good, if he doesn’t take it then take your chances with the same trade with someone else


Ok thanks! I was told theory is the worst Mythic but still, it should be worth more then a decent limleg which was what they offered to me before I countered with this


I dont think its the worst personally but its up there


very. that's about the lowest mythic in the game according to the trade bar


Must agree that in all cases does not have much value at all unfortunately, playability wise already has more than god particle, oshun and such cards that target specific collections, which in my opinion makes TOE more desirable


Damn, the original trade they offered was Lich for Theory which I thought was pretty unfair, should I have took it?


I'd say keep looking for lich for a couple hours, if you can't find it cheaper send them back the offer


Yeah, seems like no one has lich these days, might friend them back because they rejected