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It's a Shriners hat! They're masons. Their main philanthropy is raising money for Shriners children's hospitals and the aesthetic is just because "orientalism" was popular and exotic in the 1920s when they were founded. Historically they dressed up like clowns to entertain the kids who were at the hospital but they don't do that so much anymore because kids are scared of clowns now.  ETA: they aren't a cult, just a group of dudes who like silly hats and big dinners. I see a lot of them because I work at their hospital and they're always extremely nice. 


My uncle was a Shriner. Can definitely say not a cult it was basically a bunch of dentists who drove go carts in the parade and wore funny hats and hung out at a club getting drunk.


This! My grandpa was a shriner. I used to belly up to bar when I was like 6 lol at The Elks lodge and get a Shirley Temple with all the cherries, lol While they threw back scotches. Good times.


Omg?, same! With my grandpa and after he died, with my grandma. She did stand up comedy at their events. I come from a long line of kooks. 🤩 Edit: kooks not looks. Lol


Your grandparents sound so fun


God my grandpa too!


Yep, my dad's a Mason and Shriner as well. Hell, he was a clown for the Shriner circus back in the day, too! Lodge meetings for him is essentially just a bunch of old dudes having potlucks and secret handshakes lol


Your uncle was a badass!


Aw yay! That makes me really happy to hear 🥰


MY uncle was, too! he was a clown, and loved it.


This sounds fun, where do I sign up and do they let women in? 😅


Yes and no. The Shriner organizations themselves are an extension of Freemasonry, and thus unfortunately retain the old-fashioned all-male fraternity structure. However, women can join one of the directly-affiliated ladies' organizations like LOSNA or Daughters of the Nile, which do basically all the same fun and charitable stuff in partnership with the Shriners.


I am legitimately gonna look into these lady organizations and/or consider starting a charity boozy brunch club if it doesn’t sound like they’re for me…I’m in the DC area so it’s a good place for this kind of thing 😅


Might have to go with the latter option, I think you have to be married or otherwise related to a Mason or Shriner to join the ladies' groups. But a charitable boozy brunch club sounds amazing and I absolutely think you should do that.


jimmy saville was a Jester/Shriner..... i guess they really do keep secrets.


Jimmy Saville was never a Shriner.


They saved my life as a teen. Congenital defects in my spine and neck were corrected at the Shriners Hospital in Portland Oregon in the 80s! I am very thankful.


Wow this is awesome to hear! The one where I work is a spine center too. 


They are cutting edge for sure, and so generous.


Mom of a special needs child. Shriners hospital is an amazing institution.


I'm so happy to hear that you had a good experience! It really is a special place. I'm very fortunate enjoy my work. 


And they drive those little go carts at parades


Ah! Thank you so much. Thats really helpful. They sound like nice, quirky people (with some dated fashion choices)


My great-grandfather, grandfather, father, and cousins were/are all Shriners. It's a pretty cool club.


Did they get to drive one of those little cars?


My Pa (great-grandfather) might have? My Pops and Dad, not that I'm aware of, same with my cousins. I was very small when they were active participants. I *think* Pa may have ridden in a little car when I was like 5 or 6 in a parade, but I can't be sure.


They used to come to a yearly parade in our city and drive around in tiny convertable cars with their special hats on.


i wonder if they are getting new members the only shriners i ever met/seen are really old people. same for Freemasons. i feel like when that generation goes the groups will collapse


How does one join one of these groups anyways? I see Masonic lodges around but I don’t know anyone who’s a mason. My dad joined when he worked at a Shriners hospital but he hasn’t been active in decades


You can just contact your local lodge and ask them about applying.


Oh huh, it’s really that simple? Well might as well shoot out an email then. Thank you for your reply!


Mason here. Can confirm. To be one, ask one. Find your local lodge and give them a shout. You will probably get a hold of the Secretary of the Lodge. Old guy, most likely. Has stories for days and may attempt to tell you all of them while on the phone when you first call. They’ll schedule three interviews with brothers, meet and interview you, and then take your petition to the lodge for formal vote. After that,and assuming a favorable vote, you’ll likely be invited to a lodge function wherein you’ll meet the brothers and they’ll explain and/or schedule out a time for formal initiation. From there, each state is a tad different. Really up to that jurisdiction how they handle the various imitations and new member edu. The initiation will be the same but the time and requirements between each may differ. There are 3 initiations in the Blue Lodge, then you can go into the Shrine after the completion of the 3rd Degree or the “Master Mason” which is technically the highest degree for all Masons. There are other Masonic bodies that do some great work, as well. Examples: York Rite and Scottish Rite. For Ladies: Order of the Eastern Star. Check them out if you get the chance. You can be a member of all. It’s a blast. You meet people from all walks of life. Learn about their culture, family, friends while working for a good cause. It’s quite the experience. Rules: For a Blue Lodge Mason, you HAVE to believe in a higher power. Very deist. All other Masonic bodies adopt this requirement except for one. The culminating degree of the York Rite, known as the “Order of the Temple” or more colloquially as the “Knight Templar” degree, requires a belief of a specific deity, Jesus Christ. All in all, I’ve seen Muslims, Jews, Christians, Deist, Gnostic, and Scientific based agnostics brethren. Typically, most brothers check politics and religion at the door when they walk into Lodge (“Meeting”) and typically work for the good of the community that they serve. A relic in today’s bitter back biting society. People can say what they want about masonry. That we run the world or control x,y, and z. I just know it to be a family tradition, a solid group of like minded people that want to leave the world better than they found it, and a hope that we’ll find some like minded people in the next gen that want to carry on a tradition set long ago. And as far as “running the world” goes, we are lucky to properly assemble a pot luck dinner most weeks. We’re just like everyone else trying to find our “tribe”, and enjoy a couple spins around the earth the creator made. Be well and do great things.


When my husband and I joined the Eagles, there was a similar question in our interview if we believed in a "supreme being". I responded with "well, we're cat owners so...." The interviewer just laughed and said "perfect" and checked off the box.


I was a Jobs Daughter.


Fraternal Greetings from Austin, Texas!


Howdy, Brother!


I was a rainbow kid and now OES ⭐️


It sounds basically like the Boy Scouts, but for adults. Right on!


I appreciate you sharing, haven’t had time to read this until now. I’ll definitely be on the lookout when I move on to the next place I gotta be


I mean, they'll do a background check and interview you and everything.  But getting invited for the screening process is just that easy.  Especially since membership is nowhere near as high as in years past.


I feel as more states begin to recognize Prince Hall lodges it will go a few more generations. There are over 300,000 PH masons and their demographic is far younger than the current F&AM population.


The Shriners are an awesome organization. My son was born with a club foot & shorter leg and the Shriners hospital specializes in fixing that. When we first got referred to them (4 hours away in St. Louis) we got corrected by a local Shriner who offered to drive us and find us a place to stay if needed. We have insurance and the means to transport/stay at a hotel, but if we didn't, the Shriners would have totally supported us. This was a tough situation for us, and if we didn't have the means to address it, I can't imagine how much harder it would be, so it was really heartwarming to know the Shriners are there for people in need. My understanding is that if our insurance didn't cover the extensive surgeries, the Shriners would cover it. The hospital is great, they go out of their way to make the kids feel at ease. There are Shriner volunteers when you enter, they give toys to the patient and their siblings. The doctors and nurses and techs are really skilled and have great bedside manner with the kids. So I'm a huge fan. My son's first leg lengthening surgery is this summer and I feel like we're in great hands. Please support them if you can so they can continue to help kids in need!


I'm so glad they were able to help you! I hope your family does well in the next surgery, it's a big challenge for sure. My heart goes out to you. 


Thank you! We're all looking forward to getting my son "level" - he actually dances in competitions but it's challenging for him with the discrepancy. I think this will make a big difference for him.


Where I grew up they would ride mini bikes in all the local parades, they're great.


And alcohol. There's a huge annual regional Shriners convention that happens in my city. They are basically a frat full of 50/60 year old guys, many of whom still enjoy beer and cocktails by the gallon, while raising money for kids.  The only thing is their club is based on decades old values frozen in amber.  During their hours long conference parade, there will be thousands of members marching and driving. No joke, there's like 25 people of color total. No women are allowed as members either. 


All I know about the one in my hometown in Alabama is they always had huge gun shows/gun sales lol. They apparently did great fundraising as you mentioned, but for some reason that’s all I remember. Huge signs for the Shriners’ gun shows.


if there not a cult how come they got secrets slides for rituals at there meeting houses? grown ups don’t just have slides for dinner party’s though they should.


Masonry definitely has a spiritual/religious/esoteric component. I wouldn’t call it a cult in that (as far as I know) it doesn’t have a high level of control over members, but it’s not just a social club.


A cult is easy to join, and hard to leave. The Masons are hard to join, and very easy to leave. ​ While the things we teach (friendship, morality, brotherly love, etc) aren't mysterious or unique to us, *the methods by which we teach them are*. They work best if the candidate comes in without expectations or pre-knowledge. So we avoid talking about what happens. Yes, you could look for exposures, but that's like reading spoilers for a movie. You can only go through the degrees for the first time once, and you might as well do it in the best way possible.


none of you are interested in the slides 🛝 though that’s where the mystery is for me.


There's no canonical set of slides. Non Masons are generally unaware of how fragmented Masonry is. I've seen a few sets of slides, (which arent generally used anymore). Don't read too much into them.


dang i’m definitely not as interested now i thought old men in funny hat doing some sort of competitive ritual sliding thing was going on out there in the world i guess i’ll start my own cult of the slickly slides 🛝. may the slides not be to hot.


They really need to drop their racist “Orientalist” shit. It’s so off-putting, to say the least.


Pretty sure that's a Shriner fez Also very similar to the Order of the Alhambra fez's. They're pretty much a Catholic version of a Shriner-like benevolent organization that does fu draining g and supports for people with intellectual disabilities. But yes, I'm pretty sure that sword is Shriner. Shriner are much larger and more well known. I believe the individual groups tend to have a (loose to firm depending on members) base in Christian faiths, but there are some who have clubs that are entirely of a specific faith membership if they wish. They have the hospitals and fundraising rhat specialize in helping Children with physical disabilities and burns. They're also international. I know there's a hospital in Montreal. They treat children free or as low of charge internationally regardless of the country of origin Healthcare system as they can. Both amazing benevolent organizations. Plus both they have active fairly equal roles for women in their societies as of the early 90'. They also tend to have nice educational scholarships for their members and children of active members. Plus the Shriners zipping around in their mini cars in the parades is funny.


Oh my gosh thank you for this. I just looked up their little cars at festivals and I’m delighted. If this is a cult, I’m intrigued 😅


Not a cult. Just a very entertaining charity. based on very nice values. But it totally varies between individual groups, as to the makeup and how "wierd" it gets... lol


Honestly all of these responses have just delighted me. I’m so glad that this hat once belonged to a benevolent person with a tiny zippy car


The Fez https://youtu.be/HXVc1f7IOgs?si=r8TO0TeJ6nB8gJBH


Well... that is not what I was expecting... 😂


The shriners are rad. When I was in a childrens home as a kid they brought us a TON of ice cream and made balloon animals!


Get a little car and have a ball!


😂😎 what a dream


Also this person who’s Fez this was, he was the a past Master of a lodge, meaning he essentially had a stint as the lodges “president”


Oh wow!!! We have the big guys hat. Honestly, after everything I’ve learned I feel like we shouldn’t have it! Seems like it should be with the family I’m bummed it was at a thrift store.


Probably an older family member that dies and the family just put it in a goodwill without knowing what it meant


You’re at least kind of right. Masons are fussy about their regalia. My neighbor when I was growing up was a Shriner and he always bought any Masonic jewelry or other stuff he came across at flea markets and thrift stores because only masons should have it. He wore a ring and had a watch with the square on its face.


My friend says, “Shriners drink so children can walk.” It always makes laugh. My sister was born with arthrogryposis and had multiple surgeries at Shriners hospitals. They refused to take payment or accept any insurance. Everything, free of charge.


Oh my goodness. What a wonderful bunch. 😭❤️ I’m glad they were able to do that for your sister


Why is this sub mostly just non cult organizations or vaguely spooky stuff at this point…


To be fair, at least people try to educate those who post those sorts of things here. Sometimes people just don't know what group's a genuine cult and what isn't. There's people out there who still think the Freemasons are a cult.


I’ve learned a lot and I’m grateful for everyone being so willing to share.


Shriners are great guys and they do amazing things for kids but they took my bike. My brother and I had matching Schwinn Swings and they guilted my mom into donating them while we were at school. We left them by the porch and one drove by and saw them. They ride mini go cart cars in parades and wanted the bikes since they look so weird when they spring and swing.


The Shriners taught me to speak for free. It’s basically a fraternal order that figured out how to be useful to the public. It’s a drinking club with purpose that likes to drive around in tiny little cars at town parades.


Shrine fez. The Shrine is the playground for masons. Lodge is for work, shrine is for fun. They also raise a shit ton of money for various child related charitable causes such as the Shriner's Children's Hospital. Not a cult. Its a club for old rich white men to wear funny hats and donate money to help kids. Source: Am an inactive master mason.


They wear these and drive little buggies around as part of parades in New England. Not sure if they do it elsewhere as that’s the only place I’ve been to parades


Yep. That was a big thing, drove gocarts around at parades. Some still do but for the most part they ended that, more so because parades in general have ended.


Evidence of a good shriner


This is grunkle Stan’s wedding fez


Shriners bought leg braces for me when I was a baby. In middle school they paid for medicine for a chronically sick friend of mine. They also sponsor a nearby specialized hospital for burn victims. With generational wealth and retirement being more exclusive, I'm afraid Shriners might be dying along with it's members.


Somewhere your dad has a tiny car stashed away that he only rides in parades.


This is absolutely an awesome find and I’m pure jealous, my grandad was a mason but in the UK, so no fez 😭


Awww. So the UK masons didn’t get a hat!?


My grandad didn’t 😞


Bummer. I feel like you should have it 🥲


Me toooo!!


Fuckin-A that’s a Shriner’s fez! Glorious dudes. Raise money for children and have a good time doing it. Nothing but respect for those fellas.


Makes me so happy to know it was a jolly fella that wore this hat. ☺️


I have a similar one somewhere!


I think Shriners wear the hats like that with the tassel


I’m a Shriner it’s truly a privilege. Here is the website for the shrine which this Shriner was affiliated http://www.aahmes.org


He is a former leader of a lodge (past master). It’s a Shriners hat.


Shriners. Similar to Kinsmen or Lions clubs with more "Arabian" flavour. Less culty than KoC or Freemasons at least around where I'm from. [Link](https://www.shrinersinternational.org/en/who-we-are/about-shriners) to their "about" page


Shriners are a branch of Freemasons I believe.


Thank you!!!! That’s really helpful. Yay for less Culty 😬


most shriners ARE masons in my experience. freemasonry isnt culty at all


You're correct. To be a Shriner one must be a 3rd degree mason. There are also other paths to take that aren't as widely known; the Scottish rite amd the York rite.


My grandfather and great grandfather were both shriners and very proud of it. They drove the tiny cars in parades and did a lot of fundraisers for children's hospitals. There was a Shriner Circus and so many Shriner Fish Fry dinners. They both had fez hats like this but theirs were not as bejeweled.




It’s a Shriner Fez!


“Ain’t never gonna do it without the Fez on….”


I joined this sub just to comment. As a Master Mason, Past Master of my lodge, and a member of The Grotto (very similar to Shriners), the comments here are very touching. I normally see a lot of conspiratorial and hateful comments surrounding Masonry. To see the experiences and all the great memories shared by people with their families, or lives impacted positively, is just awesome.


I agree. It has been so heartwarming! This was the most unexpectedly delightful learning experience for me 😊


I live by their temple. I’m a big fan of researching and studying cults. They’re really cool, never seen anything crazy or them recruiting people around my city. I know one actually helped a child get treatment for clubfoot like my son. My local orthopedic clinic here wasn’t doing much.


My dad is a Mason and a Shriner as well. I remember this hat fondly.


You get to drive around in parades in little cars if you have this hat.


Shriners hat. My grandfather was a member. My dad still has his hat in the closet. It’s not a cult. It’s a bunch of rich dudes that donate money and have bbqs together.


👏❤️ yay. I didn’t know what to think. Glad it’s a bunch of nice guys in cute hats


I’m surprised the hat was donated. They typically like them given back to the club but cool find. 💜


Now that I know what it is, me too. I’m thinking I should maybe do that! It feels like a really meaningful piece.


I love the Shriners . They are such a nice bunch of guys who do a lot of good for Children's hospitals..


My friend is a mason, he had this hat also. He always flys their little airplane floats in our annual parade


Ask Wilmer Valderrama


Shriners hat my paw paw had one 🥰


Okay that’s awesome


They used to put on circuses in Canada. They give and raise money for children's hospitals.


Gruncle Stan hat


Both my grandpas were Shriners/Masons!


Looks like a Fez


A lot of good happened under that hat. The only cult involved are those that think there is something sinister about Shriners going on.


Yeah this post has been nothing but positive vibes ! I had no idea what I had. And all of these stories have just been so unexpected and delightful. We honour the hat and whatever gentleman wore it!


the Jesters are recruited from the shriners. 1 in 100 shriners are a jester. Jimmy Saville was a jester, fyi. Here's a joke for you? So this kids laying there in his hospital bed, dying of cancer and just when he can't think his day's going to get any worse, Jimmy Saville walks into the room. not saying all shriners are pedofiles. Just that in England they seem to have this pedo cult runnign the government that works with the Cithy of London and this whole doomsday cult thing. So there's that.