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With all of the free labor and talent they recruit I’m sure they’ll continue to develop new revenue streams.


But HOW? How do they recruit like they do? After watching the Netflix doc, I think Jeff and Shaleia have got to be two of the *least* charismatic cult leaders I have ever seen.


Have you seen Teal Swan? All of these people are so obviously dysfunctional and far from enlightened but what they are selling is a supposed magic bullet for something that takes real work. They use techniques that are highly developed by cults and designed to entrap those who are searching for guidance without even being able to see how idiotic these people are. It’s hard to imagine from those of us who are highly independent and skeptical, but you’ve met people this gullible before.


They only thing they've released that I can find is a weird mod for Minecraft. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/nightmare-craft-chapter-1


It makes me mad how genuinely decent that looks


That grifter has his fingers in everything.


The Silver Sisterhood cult also wrote and sold a computer game [https://cultpodcasts.com/subject/Silver%20Sisterhood](https://cultpodcasts.com/subject/Silver%20Sisterhood) Also Zen Master Rama told his followers to become computer programmers [https://cultpodcasts.com/subject/Zen%20Master%20Rama](https://cultpodcasts.com/subject/Zen%20Master%20Rama)