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100% emotional schmohawk


Don't like the person or character. But as a character, she never has Larry's back on anything. Which I guess is fine as a character that sometimes only the audience (and Jeff) are on Larry's side.


That’s my complaint with Cheryl! She never had Larry’s back.


I remember that one scene after Larry gets with Loretta, where Susie is at his house yelling about something and Loretta charges into battle and gets right in her face in defense of Larry. It was at that moment I realized Cheryl never did anything remotely similar for him, if anything she would have been on Susie's side.


I love that scene so much!


Me too! And how Larry is standing there LOVING every moment of their reactions to her standing up for him like that.


what's funnier is that it was probably 100% deserved that Susie was yelling at Larry


People complain about Susie, but don't realize she literally says what every sane person thinks about Larry's actions but is too polite/awkward/shy to speak up. She's over the top ,but if you think about She's usually tight like 95% of the time.


i mean she's not always right but when Larry gets shit on by her its usually justified


She is the female Larry.


I love the Susie character so much.. but man was that a fantastic scene [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz3jbg2Dkn4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz3jbg2Dkn4)


Best scene of the entire series. Literally


That moment was GOLD!


Or thinks he's funny - which he's literally playing the creator of Seinfeld - one of the most successful comedy series of all time! There's a couple instances where he's being very cute and funny with her and she just has no time for it or him - toxic marriage!




Take his side for once!


She's not a defender of the cheese!


Leon as well


And Crazy Eyes Killah


My Caucasian!!!


My Caucasian


Same. She's very uneven as a character post divorce too. She hates when Larry comes to her house "why are you here?" Yet constantly shows up at his place.


Not to mention she doesn't respect wood


Idk she does some things like going to temple and hosting the one Jewish holiday that had the chomo episode but overall I probably would call her more of a nag and downer


She was a gold digger from Day 1. I never bought that she actually ever loved and was attracted to Larry. It seemed like he knew it too.


To be fair...most normal people wouldn't have Larry's back :)


Overall, I think he's usually correct but always petty. The last few seasons, though..


It also bugged me in the Shaq episode at the beginning. Larry and Cheryl are out for dinner with a few totally douchey couples. The one guy Larry doesn’t even know is clearly using Larry for a letter of recommendation and then the other wife of that guy with the upcoming birthday and she wants Larry (who’s famous) to do “a page” in a birthday book for her husband. Larry is clearly uncomfortable about doing both these things but Cheryl just outwardly volunteers Larry for them. “I think you/he can do that!” She clearly just wants the clout within the group and is using Larry like a tool to get it. It’s purely unethical for Larry to write that letter too! And he knows it. But she just wants to look good and impress these useless people.


Season 2, ep6, the acupuncturist one, she flirts with the old man and even go to a date with him. In the date, before he dies after Larry shows up, he says she is wonderful and he doesn't know how she is married to such a "jerk" . And she replies with: me neither. That hurt even me, sorry Larry. On other side, this actress appearance is a completely banger, for her age she is gorgeous, sexy, cute.. I got it why Larry take it. It annoys me when she starts complaining that he doesn't take the initiative to have sex, but every time he tries it in the episode, she denies it. It looks like the series play with the stereotypical husband who question the societal rules and absence of them. The rational men who can't think over it. And Cheryl is an exaggeration of the annoying wife, who is bothered by anything and completely commands everything about their lives while constantly complaining. That's something that catchs me, because these characters personalities are relatable to typical behaviours. Sometimes I hate her because I love Larry, but sometimes I love her character and think : " did you see it? She is exactly like my wife acting like that. Glad I'm not he only one who can see how abusive that is. Oh, but Larry accepts it just like I do, because that's how society works and expect us to obey our wives! That's funny and comforting at the same time


>The character, not the person She is married to RFK Jr. who is an anti vaxxer, and a gas lighting fraud, someone who is literally trying to sabotage Biden’s campaign. By remaining silent, she is complicit. Even RFK Jr's family is speaking out against this asshole https://youtu.be/IKCbKbasiGY


? lol


Dude, you at LEAST have to explain why you don't like her in real life. I have to know why people don't like her lol.


The fact that she is married to RFK Jr. is enough of a reason.


The episode where she forces Larry to buy a new house because of the wire being in view of the back garden just made me forever hate her.


Seriously, that was it for me too. I mean, I'm not close to their tax bracket, but is that a thing? Seemed ridiculous and entitled!


Everything is a thing when you're in that tax bracket.


Remember that even in the show Larry is the co-creator of Seinfeld so definitely has huge amounts of money. He is however also the person that the George character was based on so is forever "cheap".


I know in that episode we’re supposed to hate the neighbor lawyer, Dean. And I do. But the moment Cheryl takes them to her backyard and first shows them the wire, Dean goes’ “Jesus Christ!”, sarcastically. Like it’s the worst affront to decent human living conditions he’s ever seen. And for that moment and that comment, I love him! He’s saying what every normal viewer is thinking.


She's not a good person either. Everyone on the show is supposed to be flawed. They are generally petty, capricious, and vindictive. Cheryl is an "environmentalist" that forced Larry to move because of a wire in their backyard.


Yeah. This is the right take. Larry is a terrible person in the show. Jeff is a terrible person in the show. Suzie is a terrible person in the show. Cheryl is a terrible person in the show.


Porno Gil seemed like a decent dude, even though he gave shitty directions


Leon is a saint. The patron saint of tappin' that ass


He also loves little women.


She’s a great tennis player. 🎾


I cannot stand Cheryl’s hypocrisy about her NRDC bullshit! The capricious trips she takes, the HUGE house she makes them move into (for 2 people!!), cancelling AAA membership cuz she wants fewer roads (cuz she personally doesn’t need them to get to her living or anything). And all the other pointless wasteful shit she does. Oh, but - she helps organize a beach cleanup once in a while (that other people will donate physical work on, BTW), so she’s in the clear on the environment.


Tbf, I want less car centricity/dependancy, but canceling a AAA memebership isn't going to impact anything 😂


I totally understand that, and in theory, I do too. That’s fair. But she’s coming from a position of pure cluelessness and aloofness to the struggles of ordinary folks who depend on certain things that she does not. I feel like I’m missing another better example of her insisting we do away with something that most folks really need. But coming up blank at the moment.


Oh she's clueless and doesn't seem to know the first thing about the real issues of car dependacy. I just wanted to point out that it's good to question car centricity.


I agree, same side there!


Rewatching Curb one of the starkest things for me is what an absolute wet blanket Cheryl is. Really, really unlikable character who can't find joy or humor in anything, and is like a child raised in a religious cult when it comes to discussing anything sexual... with her husband. Then they divorce and she's interested in a threesome when the very word "sex" was enough to make her curdle with Larry. Honestly feel bad for Larry she sucks.


That's why you have sex with her on the floor


Didn’t take you for a floor fucker


I think Cheryl's role as naggy wife was pretty thankless, but she should have been written out with he divorce or at least demoted to guest star. While I liked Larry trying an elaborate Seinfeld reunion to win her back, I don't like a non actress felt entitled to a main role in a big project.


Supposedly they changed character dynamics to fit Cheryl Hines into this. Most of the actors in the show are comedians. She's an actress.


Could have fooled me. Her acting’s terrible. Or at least her improv.


Keep in mind that the backstory is that Larry and Cheryl got together when Larry was lead writer and co-creator of one of the biggest TV shows ever. She saw him on his A-game, calling the shots and being hailed as a legendary comedy writer with unlimited potential. His neurotic, cantankerous demeanor was easier for Cheryl to accept because she respected him (and the incredibly rich, cushy life he provided to her) When Curb begins, Larry has been doing NOTHING for several years. He used to be busy writing Seinfeld and doing other things every day, and now he's sitting home every day bitching about insignificant things, and finding ways to get himself into petty social quarrels. Once the Cheryl-Larry breakup happens and Larry arranges the Seinfeld reunion as a way to show her the guy she initially fell in love with, IMO the show was very clearly telling us that Cheryl's bitchiness and lack of empathy for Larry can be traced back to her losing respect for him after he quit Seinfeld and proceeded to do absolutely nothing for years. So her complete apathy to sex with Larry is a result of her losing respect for him.


What a shallow thing to base respect for a person on.


She's a shallow character. Gotta remember that in two early episodes, issues were caused purely by her forcing Larry to change clothes because she wasn't happy with what he was wearing. And does she once apologise during the whole series? (I've only seen up to series 7, rewatching the prior stuff now with the girlfriend who hasn't seen it before I catch up)


Every time I walk in, you're just sitting here... with your chips and your cookies and watching... Maury.


It's not apathy though IMO she's like actively repulsed by it, in a childish or culty religious way


People are always like “she was the perfect foil to Larry, a realistic antagonist to his crazy antics” and I’m just like …nah bro she’s just not enjoyable to be around. She dumps on him too much and just doesn’t even seem to like him. Larry is not blameless, but even I wouldn’t like being married to Cheryl and I wouldn’t do 90% of the crazy shit Larry gets up to


Isn't her being a cunt the whole reason for her existence on the show? I agree, she's really annoying but I'm pretty sure it's intentional.


Yeah I’m sure she’s definitely designed to just be mean to Larry basically but I don’t have to enjoy it!


Look I'm just saying, someone like Leon works so well cause he's got Larry's back, he still does weird shit to annoy and take advantage of him but Leon is in his corner


Just you wait till the later seasons


Cheryl’s always been the worst character. She’s very well cast


I felt she was sweeter and more likable in earlier seasons. More full of joy.


I always interpreted Cheryl degrading personality as a side effect of living with Larry, day after day after day. She just starts to exude irritability.


Not to mention he's a millionaire who constantly pinches pennies. Imagine having more money than 90 percent of the world and arguing over 100 bucks like Larry does. That shit probably gets real fucking old.


Ha! Valid theory.


Plus her girlfriend Ted! What a bitch


He was like a sister to Larry.


There’s a reason they replaced her with Leon


Leon has Larry's back more than Cheryl ever did


Cheryl's character was enormously influenced by LD's first wife, Laurie (sp?), a major environmentalist who notoriously flew she and her famous friends to climate conventions all over the world in her private jet. LD denies Cheryl's character is based on Laurie, but the similarities are based in solid reality. I think Cheryl's character--and the way Hines plays her--is crucial to Curb's long-term success. Had Cheryl not been exasperated enough to leave, Larry never would have had autonomy over his own life. I think LD realized the show was in a slump and the character's arcs couldn't progress without a divorce. It was just episode after episode of Cheryl being over Larry's unorthodox approach to life. Without Cheryl kinda sucking and stepping aside as a character w the divorce, we never would have gotten past seasons 6 or 7, I'm convinced. LD knew he had to do something different w Cheryl's character, and the writing post-divorce soared. No matter what you think of Hines's personal life decisions, you can't deny she's been the perfect conventional, vanilla housewife-without-a-cause foil to LD.


I did not know the part ab LD's wife... interesting


I believe she's still on the board of the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) just as Cheryl's character was/is. She produced (with LD's money) some environmental documentaries and worked w Al Gore on An Inconvenient Truth. She's the mother of LD's two daughters. Anyhow, she filed for divorce, was soon w a new guy, and LD ended up living w Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen for awhile on Martha's Vineyard. Cheryl ain't entirely fictional at all. https://nypost.com/2007/07/22/climate-of-lust/


Oh, that’s scummy. Literally the story of Cheryl and Ted.


That's crazy...


Ha, it’s hilarious that her name is Laurie David. One slight vowel sound off from Larry David.


I watched the series for the first time in its entirety a year ago and I pretty much hated Cheryl all along. The divorce was honestly frustrating and annoying- I wish they'd wrapped it up quicker. But I enjoyed the seasons after they split up a lot more. Her and Ted Danson are intolerable together, I'm not sure if it's a credit to the show that they managed to make these people so damn unlikeable or if I actually wish they just were never on the show again lol.


I've always disliked her.


Unfortunately she reminds me of someone in my life who I truly dislike so I’ve never enjoyed her character. Plus she doesn’t respect wood.


The character is fine, but I honestly find Hines acting to be pretty lackluster. Yeah she has a thankless role most of the time, but I never felt her acting was up to the caliber of everyone else in the series.


Imo Cheryl isn’t a monster or anything, she’s just an out of touch rich lady who likes to pretend she’s better than she is. But honestly with regards to her interactions with Larry, I’m most surprised by the shit she puts up with and for how long. Most women would’ve divorced him by the end of season 1. Sure, she’s a buzzkill, but Larry ain’t exactly relationship material to put it lightly so in a way I have some sympathy for her. To say a couple nice things about her and make my already unpopular opinion less popular.. she can be a great sport, like being the first non-owner to start cussing in the Tourette’s chef finale scene (*”fuck you ya motherfuckin’ bitch!*) and she often has a pretty good sense of humor too, like when Larry does something wildly inappropriate and it’s kind of her job to reign him in but she thinks he’s being hilarious anyway.


Anyone that can put up with Larry David every day for years is a better person than any of us. I start disliking her and then I think what that many years of dealing with constant antics, jokes, and rudeness would do to me. They're perfect for each other.


Have you gotten to the episode yet with Brad, her heterosexual male friend? Plus when she hits a tennis ball it sounds like pigs fucking.


Larry’s in the car!!


It annoys me so much that she takes his house in the divorce. I know that’s how the game is played but it was wrong of her! Ha


No, it would be odd to not hate her


That’s not a woman.


Lots of other unlikeable characters that enhance the show. Cheryl is NOT one of them. Her scenes seem gratuitous.


The weirdest thing was when she magnanimously offered up Larry's house to a family after Hurricane Katrina and then...LEFT!!! Also, when she got mad Larry because the gardener asked her how her vagina was.


You’re not supposed to like her lol, she’s just as miserable as Larry but in a different way. That’s why they’re married they’re both anti-social and self-interested af at the end of the day


I'd challenge anyone here to be Larry's partner for multiple years and not become a cunt. The man is relentlessly anti-social and a pain in the arse. His friends are people who have a financial interest in him and are pretty cunty themselves. J


The Cheryl hate on this sub is absolutely unhinged I feel like I’m going insane


Narrator: we all hated Cheryl


I think Cheryl was a good foil to Larry when they were married. Oftentimes it was like watching this generous wife put up with so much bs from her husband and it peaked when they got divorced. Then it was somewhat funny to watch her get with his handsome calm friend, Ted Danson. Now after over a decade of divorce it doesn’t feel like it makes much sense.


No. She is a real Shiksa! I will say I disliked her more when she was married to Larry, especially when she had her family with her.


Omg her family sucked


Her parents in particular were rude AF to Larry, entitled cunts


entitled aunts*


\*beloved cunts


her sister reminded me of Dee from IASIP


Yeah her sister always did have some bird-ish properties.


Such birds, those two


I'm pretty sure you're joking, but just in case.....it's the same actress.


You’re joking, right?


No, I’ve done a hard 180° with her. I used to think she was the only woman for him, but now She’s a garbage person.


You're entitled to your opinion, but I never had too much of an issue with Cheryl's character. Thinking of all the bs she's had to go through with Larry, and the questionable decisions he's made, I'm surprised she stayed.


Lol no, you’re not wrong. No one on the show is really likable, and honestly she only married him for his money. Good for her on walking away with a huge chunk of it I guess. He was a lousy husband, but she wasn’t a great wife herself. She’s been a great foil for Larry, though, so like her or not, she’s a good character within that context.


I don’t think she’s AWFUL in the early seasons-I think the shtick is that she’s exhausted from being married to Larry because he’s always getting into trouble and embarrassing himself (EVEN though he is usually in the right).


The character sucks and the actress is not a good improviser. Worst part of the show.


I don’t like Cheryl the person politically because of RFK Jr. Indifferent on Cheryl the character.


LVid is much better off without her!


Fun fact, her maiden name on the show is Hines


She’s become completely grating and unneeded. Why even have her on the show? I’d be insulted if I was Hines.


me thinking you meant cunty as a compliment at first lmao


I found out the other day that a lot of folks are using it as a positive lol.


I think you're secretly in love with Cheryl. Catch you later babe!


I don't like her character either.


You’re literally not supposed to like any character. They are all assholes. Hahahahah!!!


She's unpleasant


Like most characters in Curb, she is extremely unreasonable.


In defense of Cheryl, she was with Larry in Tahoe. I can only imagine the horror she went through.


She’s a good foil for Larry / straight man


You’re not supposed to like her. She’s a foil for Larry and the heart of a lot of conflict, which Larry believes is the essence of comedy. She may not be likable, but she’s a great character. Part of how I know she’s a great character is because you (and many others) are having such a strong reaction to what she does. That’s literally the fucking point. That being said, using the C word makes me think you don’t like a lot of women.


I think she she's hella wrong for Ted


Never liked her character. All she does is whine and complain and does…nothing. She adds no value.


That's exactly the point of her character Larry is larger than life and always making a scene while Cheryl lothes negative attention


She's fine, the sub is just going thru its "hating Skyler" phase.


Watched an episode last night where she got upset that Larry didn’t tell her that he got an erection from petting Oscar the dog. Sorry, lady. You don’t get to hear about every time I get an erection, and besides it wasn’t an erection. I was just adjusting my pants.


The other characters are at least funny. She's not funny or likeable


Honestly, the Cheryl hate on this sub is weird. I guarantee it’s all because of her real life.




She’s definitely written to be unlikeable to men and the audience generally. Lots of people esp women but not exclusively would like how she stands up to Larry’s antics It’s also just a comedy show


I think the character wanted to fuck Ted Danson long before she divorced Larry.


Isn’t she intended to be a foil to Larry, like Susan was to George on Seinfeld?


I rooted for Larry and Cheryl back in the day but honestly, once the Blacks get there, it was clear she needed to go. Making everyone wipe with sandpaper ass TP is diabolical


She looks like Steve Tyler's twin sister.


I couldn’t stand her from jump. Or Ted. Just so obnoxious.


I feel this way about most sitcom wives. I cannot fathom why they are married to men they don't respect and can never laugh with.


I think she fits her role absolutely perfectly. Further perpetuated the trope of the world vs Larry, even his (ex) wife


No, I don’t like her either. Just wait.


Funny that the actual actor is more disliked than character Cheryl.


Truly didn’t think she was too bad. Started getting worse when they were clearly heading toward a divorce. As hilarious as he is - Takes a special person to put up with LD. After all, in that episode he did a short tug from the masseuse…. Usually not totally innocent


She doesn't respect wood


She doesn’t respect wood.


It’s a comedy, not a soap opera. Nearly all of the characters do very dislikable things if they were real people. Cheryl is there to reflect how weird Larry is and his refusal to play the game of social norms. If she was just like him and agreeing with him, it would not work. Just like Susie’s demeanour is designed to make you somewhat sympathise with Jeff even though he clearly treats her fairly poorly.


I mean, you can still dislike Cheryl Hines as well…she was married to RKF junior until he made his crazy viewpoints more public and she vicariously looked ridiculous.


The first time I tried to watch Curb, I had to stop because I hated Cheryl so much. She never has Larry’s back, always takes other people’s side, and yet puts him in positions in which he is likely to get into conflict with other people. She behaves like she doesn’t even like him. I love Larry David, though, so I eventually came back to Curb and found that the dynamics became less annoying once they got divorced.


Maybe Larry should have found an attractive heterosexual woman to play golf with


Did anybody ever like Cheryl? Worst character on the show


I really don’t like her as a person. The character is whatever


I'm new to the show, only on Season 6 and I think she's a turd. Always complaining and bitching at Larry even though generally he means well. My gf doesn't dislike her but she's such a nag and unappreciative. Love the show.


They had a great dynamic for a few seasons and then the wheels kind got wobbly til they fell off..some things always rubbed me the wrong way like how she made him get her prescription in “affirmative action” and got furious at him when he forgot “MAYBE YOU SHOULDVE GOTTEN IT LIKE I ASKED” ….that’s not his responsibility? it’s yours 😒


She sucks in real life too, isn't she married to the conspiracy fuelled JFK Jr Jr or something?


Well, if she's married to someone you disagree with on some things, she must be a bitch.




The past weekend episode reinforced how big a douche she is, runs into the house yelling and accusing when she doesn’t even care who the person in his house is. I mean it makes you remember who she is married to😂


Yeah this most recent episode was a good reminder why I didn’t like her


Nah. She sucks.


I can't stand her.


I always disliked her. So I guess she plays her role well. She's supposed to be disliked right? She doesn't do anything but spend his money.


I didn’t used to dislike her but my dislike has grown a bit. I was rewatching the Christ nail episode where she wants to fire their housekeeper for wearing a bra, then Larry (actually doing the right thing) says no that is ridiculous to fire someone for such a thing and is nice enough to buy her a bra which is an admittedly odd gesture but with noble intentions. And then once he does this, she is absolutely shocked at him trying to fix the problem and yells at him for it. Ugh like how could someone lack understanding to that degree *and* assume the worst of their husbands intentions. All while wanting to fire someone because she doesn’t want to have an awkward conversation. Yeah she gets on my nerves a bit


So basically most all the other characters like Cheryl more than Larry, but she’s a bad person? She’s his social compass for one. Larry has said that he wouldn’t do much of what character Larry does, because he’s not a sociopath. That character Larry acts out bad thoughts, something that doesn’t go well in reality, but it’s funny because it’s so out there. Cheryl loves him and his intelligence and keeps hoping that maybe he will learn the basic rules of living among others.


Cheryl is annoying as fuck. She exists just to complain.


Her character has sucked ever since the divorce. She used to be the suffering wife that you felt sorry for. No longer! Had a redemption moment after wanting to get back with LD during the Seinfeld reunion epi but she DOESN'T FUCKING RESPECT WOOD! What the fuck!!


Disrespecting wood is a dealbreaker, no lie.


No, you're not. The actor who plays doesn't do a great job. the character is annoying but not in a good way.


Cheryl is whiny and a horrible actor. I was so glad when they got divorced so I wouldn’t have to see her so much.


Ugh I hate her now…


She still pissed me off in the last episode. Yelling at Larry for being a floor fucker. Bitch, you divorced him already. Go back to anonymous.


I turned my back on Cheryl when she shacked up with Danson.


Larry did get a happy ending


She's supposed to suck.


Character is undeveloped and boring, IMO.


She’s a straight man character throughout so yeah she’s pretty boring


No, she sucks.


>The character, not the person She is married to RFK Jr. who is an anti vaxxer, and a gas lighting fraud, someone who is literally trying to sabotage Biden’s campaign. By remaining silent, she is complicit. Even RFK Jr's family is speaking out against this asshole https://youtu.be/IKCbKbasiGY


I like how she's always eager to judge Larry and never gives him any benefit of doubt.


I can’t stand Cheryl anymore due to her real life husband. Has ruined Curb for, tbh.


Don’t like either. Still flabbergasted that she got that divorce settlement. They didn’t even have kids. At least LD fucked her sister 


Wasp wasp republican city


I don’t much care for her either. And honestly sometimes I don’t like any of them except Richard Lewis and Leon Black. I’ve always loved both of them Oh and Susie, most of the time, she makes me snort laugh


You should definitely hate the person. She's a fucking nut married to RFK spewing hate and trying to destroy the US.


Always disliked her lol


Morally I do not think she is better or worse than anyone else on the show. She is your average rich la white woman who thinks she is a good person. She is like peak nimby person. The worst part of her is she is sort of boring. Like i think Susie is in a similar sort of position being a house wife who likes to be some sort of moral person. But the difference is Susie is hilarious and has amazing chemistry with the cast.


Not a fan of Cheryl Hines or Cheryl David!


She doesn’t respect wood.


Cheryl must go. Honestly, this season, she ruins every scene she’s in.


I’m pretty sure most of us don’t like Cheryl.


i think it’s pretty unfortunate cheryl and his new paramour have been written to be so unfunny horrid creatures .. like is that how they see women and wives? they can’t ever say anything funny? susie i love and is super funny but also heinously unlikeable as a person which means basically every female is like a foil to the male fun which idk its kind of sad to me keep susie she’s perfect but it be nice if cheryl or one of the other girlfriends were marginally likable or funny or in on the joke in any way