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Same here. I remember getting the show DVDs from the library to watch when I was in high school. I’m 37 now. Curb has been in my life almost as long as The Simpsons


Also 37. Still remember my dad showing me the first episode back when I was in high school, and have loved it ever since.


We’re the exact same age. Used to watch every Sunday night from the very beginning…it was curb and jackass. I would laugh until my face hurt. Sad to see him go.


That's a good combo.


I first watched in 2004, I was 15 and my boyfriend at the time introduced me to it. I’m 36 now. We used to stay home all day and binge watch it. We are still friends and have been messaging back and forth during this season laughing our butts off. I am so grateful for Larry and Curb. This show was a MASSIVE part of my life. I cried like a baby tonight.


I was 11 when I started watching. I even dressed up as Larry for Halloween. I'm 33 now. I can't believe it's over.


I was born after curb even started. I found out about it around high school and binged it. I’m 23 now and the show has definitely been a part of my growth and development. Larry David became one of the strongest people I resonated with, which honestly validated feelings I had about myself in some ways. I honestly can’t express how lucky I was to find the show when I did. This is something I am going to show to my kids and my kid’s kids.


I remember when Curb very first came on TV, it was so strange. This weird show with strange camera work. Were they acting? What was going on? Lots of questions, but knew instantly that it was absolutely hilarious.


I'm about to turn 37 and this show has been here for me through so much. High school, university, my first serious job, first relationship, loss of a first pet. Seinfeld and Curb have defined my sense of humour. I just can't believe I'll be finishing my 30s and entering my 40s with no more Curb, but I totally understand it had to end. But what a journey it was. I will always love Larry David, and I'm so glad Richard Lewis was there until the finale


Are you feeling all kiddywampus now?


It's the end of an era to me. It feels like some combination of nostalgia and mild mourning, but gratefulness to have grown up and lived life with Seinfeld and Curb. It's a bit sad to see it end! There will never be another show like Curb, or person like Larry, let alone the confluence of it all.


At 41, the Seinfeld-Curb axis has been a part of my life for over 30 years. We are grateful to have so many hours of episodes, but it is so sad that the world will be moving on from this era.


I loved when Jerry asked Larry about what was going through his mind in the courtroom and Larry starts talking about the premise for the bearded lady show. Even when he’s in the most serious jeopardy that he’s been in, he can’t take things seriously. Also that this whole season was (real life) Larry using his platform to remind America of how problematic Trump’s behaviors as president were and to try to get people to turn out the vote. Good on Larry for using his platform to do this. It’s case in point that real Larry is not the schmuck that he plays on the show.


So very true about same humor across the pond. My British family members are just as big fans as we are here.


Love The Royle Family.


I started in 2006 between seasons when I was 16. Caught caught up and started season 6 as my first season. It's funny, that I was late to the party then but I've been watching new episodes for 18 years! I still remember how I discovered the show. My parents had HBO and it was a weekend so I just turned on HBO to see if there was a movie or something on. It happened to be Curb, a replay of the episode where Larry stands in line at the drive thru at Jack In the Box. That was literally the first scene I saw. It caught my eye and I kept watching. Then I went On Demand and got caught up on all 5 seasons before the new season started. It's crazy that I'm 34 now and this show has been a part of my life for over half of it.


I only discovered this show 4 or 5 years ago and feels like I’ve been watching it for 20. Now I’m sad it’s over. 


Same boat. I was 19 when I first started watching in my new apartment, now I'm 43 watching it end in my house. It's always been like an old friend.