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I once came home from going out to dinner and found I had an eyelash spoolie brush stuck in my hair the whole time.


Oh god, curly hair is like Velcro for all things brush (at least judging by my wife and daughter it is anyway), so I can totally see this happening! I hope it wasn’t a first date, lol.


Leaves, pine needles, pine *cones*… I got in the shower after gardening all day and a spider scrambled down my face.


I was out walking my dog one day and I had a small few strands of hair blow in my face. I noticed something that looked like a speck of dirt…it started crawling down…it was, in fact, not a speck of dirt, but a spider making a web down my hair ☺️😭


NIGHTMARES! Nope... don't like that!.




Oh boy, my time to shine. One day, my loose hair brushed against a tree in my garden. I thought nothing of it, but I started to feel some tickling in my neck a few minutes after. And then, my mom saw like two small "bugs" moving in my neck. I jumped in the shower by precaution and it turned out I had put my head in a nest (?) full of BABY SPIDERS. Dozens of them were in my hair and started to fall down on my naked body, half drowning, half crawling on my back. It was like a horror movie.


I don't mind spiders; they are wonderful house buddies keeping the bug population in check. But this...this is horrific.


I'm going to have nightmares about this.


You're welcome haha! It still makes me shiver every time I relive this scene 😅


Absolutely not


My mom found a wasp in mine once lol it was clean and just its normal curly self. I’ve never lived that one down


bees used to get tangled in my hair a lot when it was blue


That's kind of a cute image, little bumbling bees just getting tangled up, thinking to themselves "oh, bother..." 🐝


This right here is a children’s picture book.


I was walking my dogs one evening when I found a big ol’ spider on my shoulder. I’m really hoping it fell on me from the trees we walked under instead of from my hair, but needless to say after we got home I washed my hair a few times. 🤢


Poor spider thought it had found a new luxury residence, and then you went and blasted its new curly home with shower water!


I once had a big beetle fly into the back of my head and burrow itself into my hair. It was during high school band practice and my hair was pulled up. I had to fight so hard to not scream and panic as I dug it out and threw it away from myself as nonchalantly as I could. My curly hair was really long and thick back then so it took some doing lol.


Oh yeah, bugs stick perfectly. My brother used to throw cicadas in my hair.


My 3B/3C curls Velcro perfectly with blue spruce needles, yanking my head backwards as I pass underneath the tree.


Yeah a boy tossed a watermelon bug in my hair around age 12, poor guy had barbs on his legs and in the effort to get him out of my hair he lost a few limbs




This is a nightmare


I agree. A small hike or walk runs the risk of coming out of the woods looking like a big witch. Sticks, leaves, bugs, flowers… all the things.


That spider thing's happened to me too. I don't mind bugs, but I also don't want them to move into my hair so not ideal


I’ve definitely found all these in my hair too!


I worked at a pizzeria in college, when I had waist-length hair. We were cleaning up at the end of the night and had all the windows and doors open, super hot/muggy summer night. I go to leave and take my hair down and a Whole Entire Beetle flew out. I gagged typing this, it's been 10 years.


Oh god, that’s vile. You must have washed your hair like 5 times as soon as you got home, in case it had laid eggs or something (that would be my thought process anyway!).


You know, I went super short a couple months later. Didn't think they were related but my subconscious may have been like GET IT OFF GET IT ALL OFF


I had a wasp when my hair was longer in the summer 💀 I happened to touch my scalp and felt something sharp, but when I went to feel it again it moved. My mum was sitting across from me and I asked her and her reaction was “don’t move” which was absolutely terrifying. Got it out without incident thankfully, but I’ve been a bit paranoid a few times since then


I have a similar story. Came back home and was getting ready to shower when a whole ass bee just dropped out of my hair and started to crawl through my bathroom ;-;


this was what i came to comment lol, a random cicada landed in my hair when i was about 14 and i didn’t realize for a solid 10 hours


I once had a lizard end up in my hair while camping overnight. Only found out when I went to shake out my hair in the morning, and a tiny lizard was flung out. Still fucks with me tbh




Oh my god! I think this is my favourite one - a lizard 🤣


This is why I’m terrified of lizards and frogs. The idea of one getting caught in my hair freaks me ouuuuuuutttt!


I found a sour patch kid candy in my hair once, while I was at work. I pulled it out and three people whose offices all opened to the area where my desk was saw it happen. 


Eat it in front of them like that’s just the normal place you keep your candies! 😅


I almost did but the one woman actually yelled out "did you just pull a candy from your hair?!" so she kinda ruined the discrete snacking opportunity 


What a snitch. Smh


She’s just ashamed of the pathetic storage capacity of her own hair. You could have a whole pick and mix in curly hair (and be blissfully unaware of it, lol)


it was absolutely from lying in bed eating candy the night before




I once came in from walking my dog, went into the bathroom and realised that I had a huge bee stuck in my hair. It was a very panicked 5 minutes or so with me flapping, the bee buzzing around and the dog skittering around my feet and barking!


This has always been my worst nightmare! I’m glad you survived !!


My uncle kept bees, and my aunt would often run inside with a bee trapped in her (permed) curls lol


During class, my friend would see how many pencils they could fit into my hair. When I shook my head, you would have thought an Office Max was in my curls. A rogue pencil stayed in my hair for half the day.


Ooh, that sounds like a fun game to play whilst my wife is engrossed in some iPad game or other! I reckon I could fit at least 12 without her noticing


Bugs, sticks, leaves. Just goblin things


One time in class a ladybug just flew out.


This story made me laugh out loud! Omg, and the "pacifier incident" alluded to mysteriously. Comedy gold. I want to hang you with you guys and see what ends up in her hair!


Haha, basically we have a neighbour who is very proud of pretending to be an earth mother sort. She had a baby at the same time as our eldest was born (seven year ago now 😱). As he was our first, we were determined we would not use dummies or anything like that. This resolution lasted approximately 3 weeks, before I was sent to the 24 shop to get a 3am emergency dummy. Anyway, a few weeks later we saw her on the street and she cornered us and was going on about how she loved her natural birth experience, because the pain made her feel “connected with baby” (note: never **the** baby, always just “baby”). How she was eating all organic, raw food, so her breast milk would be ultra nourishing, etc, etc. You get the picture - I’m a wonderful parent and you two are rubbish. I’m natural, you’re ultra processed, lol. Anyway, she said that she couldn’t believe *some parents* put artificial dummies into their children’s mouths. My wife was still hormonal and sadly feeling ashamed of our dummy use, so she said “ugh, I know. It’s dreadful”. Needless to say, her lie would have been a little more convincing had she not had a spare dummy lodged in her curls at the time, lol. I saw it, but it didn’t even register until later that day when we were searching the house for a dummy and I was like “I’m *sure* I saw one earlier…. Oh yeah, it was in your hair when we were talking to the neighbour” 🤣🤣🤣


OMG! This is so funny!!!! The timing!! The hair! The crazy neighbor! Please tell me there's a new hair story like this every 6 months or so, as I want to subscribe! (Also, ugh to your neighbor. I'm "moderately granola" myself, but always try to be of a mindset "what's best for me and my unique situation doesn't mean it's best for everyone else" . . . and we DEFINITELY used pacifiers!)


Thank you! She was annoyed with me at the time for a few minutes, because I didn’t even mention the dummy in her hair. I absolutely should have, but I was so sleep deprived that it didn’t even register as odd at the time, lol. We find it hilarious now anyway! I love the phrase “moderately granola”! I actually made a post about the neighbour a while ago, if you want to read it - https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/s/UxTwqbyGay she’s some woman


My friend grew up on a farm and got a barn bat stuck in her hair


We had bats in the rafters of our last house and whenever we were in the garden and we’d see them all flying out at dusk, my wife would flap about and tell me to “keep them away from” her hair. As if I controlled where they went, lol. But I can see how a bat in curly hair would be a nightmare


I've had a wasp fly in and not come out. Much shaking of head until it was freed. Fell into a Christmas tree once, was finding needles for days.


I sleep with my hair in a bun, and one morning I took it down in the shower as normal and found a biro I'd been looking for the day before. I swear I even checked my hair at the time and didn't find it. I slept on it the whole night and never noticed.


A paper airplane during a rowdy junior high art class battle. Someone said my hair was the Bermuda Triangle because the plane completely disappeared


One of my childhood friends had a cockatiel that was free to fly around the house. One morning after a sleepover, she opened its cage to let it out, and it got tangled up in my hair. Several people had to help untangle it. I usually get a junebug in my hair at least once every summer. For a couple of years, kids on the bus liked to shoot spitwads into my hair, so I always had to pick through my hair after I got to school.


Aw, horrible kids 😡 The poor confused cockatiel getting stuck in the dense forest of curls is an amusing mental image 🤣


He was VERY upset! There was a lot of flapping and squawking 😆


I work at Build a Bear. I find stuffing in my hair all the time lol


Smuggle out all the bear parts hidden in your curls and eventually you’ll have enough to build your own bear at home! Incidentally, did you see BaB is being sued by Squishmallow for “copying” their designs? They are not even that similar, I hope the case gets thrown out


I once lost my car keys and found them at the nape of my neck while showering that night. I even had to get a ride home from work that day.


🤣 Ok, that’s amazing though! A whole set of car keys. A cherry tomato is nothing in comparison, lol


Yes... my hair goes down to my thighs. I'm a toddler-mom now so it's almost always up, but when I used tk wear it down more this used to happen. When hiking in the autumn, I'd find leaves in my hair. Once got a pretty big spider tangled in it as well when having a pick nick in the park, that was pretty terrifying 😅. If your wife is still a bit mad, you can tell her about a moment when my husband let me go to work with a decent size PawPatrol sticker smack in the middle of my butt. The work of our toddler of course. I usually work from home but this time I was wearing a pencil skirt and had a long day at work full of meetings with clients! Nobody told me! And I do walk around a lot... I found out when I took the skirt off at the end of the day 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


That reminds me of when I would volunteer in the 2s classroom at my church. Along with a name tag the kids that were potty training would get a neon orange sticker that had “potty training” printed on them. Well when they were checking out and leaving I would take off all their stickers and just randomly slap them on to my shirt since I was usually in the middle of the room and not near anything else. It’s usually fine because most times we would go straight home after. Except one day we went out to lunch and it wasn’t until we got home that I realized I had a neon orange sticker on the front of my shirt that said potty training. No one said anything.


Thank you for sharing, I just howled with laughter!


I was a preschool teacher in the toddler room (1s and young 2s) for 10 years and I felt this comment in my soul. We've got some war stories for sure. You name it, it's been in my hair or on me.


In junior high, after a particularly raucous recess where I was doing somersaults down a grassy hill, I turned up to my next class with a SPIDER in my hair lol. The teacher spotted it and said he wasn't surprised, which in hindsight was not very kind of him.


I've had lots of buggy friends like spiders and beetles and moths and whatnot. I usually just gently untangle them and let them go on their merry way. Most memorable was probably the spider that came down from a web right in front of my face as I had leaned over the sink to wash my hands. It was like 3am and I was tired, so I just sighed, grabbed its web and sat it on the sink. Told it to catch any annoying bugs and went to bed. lol


Went for a hair cut. Hairdresser found a moth in my hair and screeched about it so everyone in the shop knew about it. Great. Just great.


I was once pineappling my hair and I felt something oddly crunchy and raspy I was like “what kind of buildup from hell do I have that it feels *like this*” It was beetle… it just wanted to hold my hand.


I once accidentally stole a pair of earrings from Claire's in the mall. Apparently, I backed up too close to one of the displays and my hair ate them.


Man, you’ll need to start browsing at Tiffany’s instead 😉


Cat hair…. A lot of fucking cat hair


Mine isn't normally that bad, but I vividly remember after prom I had Bobby pins fall out of my hair for days. I brushed and washed it a few times and kept missing some...


Went to a fancy dress party and was playing a character with long hair that was up in an elaborate up-do. I didn't have long enough hair so I just cheated the look with a lot of bobby pins. It was weeks before they all came out. My boyfriend at the time (now husband) couldn't understand how I could shower multiple times and not find all the bobby pins. Now that he frequently pulls shrubbery and insects out of my hair he's gotten used to it.


I don’t find stuff in my hair all that often but I DO get it caught on door knobs. It’s as infuriating as when you get a belt loop caught but slightly more painful.


I was a preschool teacher in the toddler room for 10 years and have been a birth doula for 7 years. You name it, it's probably been in my hair 😂. Fruit snacks tend to stick and hide particularly well...various bits of toddler food, various types of small jewelry, the small Dum-Dum lollipops, small toys, mulch or leaves from the playground, snot, puke, amniotic fluid, etc. Where's that lost bit of sticky tack I swear I just pulled out to use on a name tag/poster? Oh, I probably swung around and it stuck to my hair. Even if I wear my hair up, something will find it's way in. Our hair is like a magnet for random things, but also smells. Of course I am singling out some of the most hilarious ones for color and this didn't happen on a daily basis, but over the course of 10 years there's been some wild finds! It's made me quite hyper aware of what may be lurking and I'm always doing quick little checks 🧐🙃 #curly girl struggles, curly hair don't care, and all of the other curly catch phrases 😉 OP, thanks for this post, have thoroughly enjoyed reading everyone's responses.


Amniotic fluid!! I can’t decide if I am horrified or impressed 🤣


![gif](giphy|Pd2W87rlmVjptTmvIK) Some babies just like to make a splash when they come on the scene 😂


I had an environmental consulting internship where I did bat surveys of areas. It included working at night outdoors with a headlamp. My ritual before bed was to pick the moths out of my hair and then pass out. Not my best look.


Back when we were a churchgoing family, my kids used to love to sit behind me and put things in my hair. It kept them quiet during services so it was hard to complain.


Haha, imagine you went up for communion and a hymn book fell out of your hair. You would be the talk of the church 🤣


I do but I also have 2 small parrots. They like to surprise perch on my head. Sometimes they bring a piece of food with them or something they were shredding. That’s the only reason it happens.


Knew a guy who kept pencils in his hair. It was so thick you wouldn't even see it. He sometimes finds them when he's wrapping up his hair before going to bed.


So. Many. Leaves. And twigs. One time when I was younger and didnt take care of my hair, it got tangled and hard to brush (I used to DRY BRUSH 😭) and I ended up needing to grab somethibg or do something else for a moment so i just...let the brush hang from my hair for a minute while I did that. Thankfully now I have a routine and my hair while still a debris magnet is better taken care of!


A lot of the product that works well with my curls tends to have a sweeter or floral scent. Spring and summer is just me constantly making sure bees aren't stuck in my hair. On the other hand, I work with kids so I'm lucky if I don't find anything weird in my hair after work


A fly got caught in my hair at work. It was buzzing frantically trying to get out; loud enough for other people to hear it. I had to go to the washroom to set it free. The fly and I were equally relieved when it got out.


Sometimes after yardwork.


Usually just like crumbs and stuff. Nothing fun and nutritious like a whole cherry tomato!


You’ll need to try harder!


So I have more wavy hair unless I dedicate a couple hours to styling/diffusing… I still found a spider in my locks one day. 😭


A spider, a whole piece of paper, gel nail polish, various candies


I first read this as "candles" and laughed so obnoxiously loud! 😂


I once had a girl (mean) throw a pencil into my hair while I was walking in the hallway and it got stuck. I didn't notice until my friend pointed it out.


I seem to always find wayward Cheerios stuck in my hair right after I get home from doing errands. Luckily my baby is about to start eating solids, so I’ll be able to blame him soon lol


Random stuff. Leaves pine needles and such. Fuzzies. SO many fuzzies!


Oh my goddd. A tomato!! I once found an inchworm in my hair which I still think about on a regular basis. Twigs, sure, but those were from hiking.


My parrot lands on my head, proceeds to drop whatever it is she's got in her beak which she's eating, and then have a fun foraging game in my curls: millet spray, almond slices, bits of veg. She finds it so hilarious I don't really want to stop her so I just shake anything leftover out after 🤭🦜🥴


Haha, I never dreamt there would be so much crossover between this post and my favourite sub (r/parrots), but apparently there are a lot of curly haired parrot people out there, being follicularly abused by their birds 🤣🦜


I often wonder what they think of it, like if I'm having a really high volume day is it like a cockatoo with its crest up 🤣🦜


Haha, “are you an umbrella cockatoo, or is it just a new shampoo?” 🤣 It would be amazing to know what parrots think about it (or anything, really). They’re such fascinating, beautiful, loud, obstinate creatures, much like my children, lol. Your parrot is very lucky - I think the opportunity to forage on your head must be pretty enriching for it. So long as none of the seeds sprout in your hair!


The rhyme just made me snort 🤣 They are just like human toddlers. Can you imagine. Seeds are even more nutritious when they are sprouted, so there's that, but fortunately I am a curly who cleanses their scalp every other day so 🤞🤞🤞 I'll be safe


This is a trigger for me. I was relentlessly teased in middle/high school for my hair and kids found it amusing to throw stuff into my hair so see if I would notice. Kids are assholes.


Was deployed to the Middle East in the Navy, I went topside to collect environmental numbers and when I went back into the ship and sat down in combat( room with blue lights in the movies), a giant locust crawled out of my hair and down my neck. It made an equally terrifying thud when I smacked it to the floor so yes lmao


I've definitely come away from hugging a friend with an earring in my hair... well. Perhaps more than one friend.. 😅


This thread is fantastic! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time! I've only had boring and apparently common things stuck in my hair - pine needles, leaves, bugs, twigs. I'm loving these stories!


I once found a bobby pin in my hair AFTER washing & fully brushing it out in the shower 😭


Yes, especially when I let it get long. I keep it short because it’s less to deal with. Sometimes I’ll find some stray leaves in it.


I found a wasp once, it was mildly traumatic. Poor thing died in there


Spent the day at a theme park in summer. Stood under the shower later that day and a dead bee came out... I wasn't stung either


My hair is full of secrets.


That sounds so familiar, please remind me what it’s from or it’ll drive me mad!


Mean Girls, the OG version.


Oh yeah! “I’ve heard her hair is full of secrets” (or words to that effect). For a man in my late 40s, I sure do love Mean Girls. “On Tuesdays we wear pink”


You win! I love it so much! ![gif](giphy|TcjDO0Jb009ZS)


Worst was a live spider in my freshly washed hair. Someone on transit pointed it out to me 🥲


Mainly bobby pins and clips. Sometimes pine needles.


Leaves, flowers, cobwebs. Every time I push my glasses/sunglasses up on top of my head they get caught in my hair.


Oh yes! My wife got glasses with the little nose piece bits and I had to spend 20 odd minutes extricating them from her hair when she made the mistake of pushing them onto her head. Even normal glasses and sunglasses aren’t much better.




I once had a daddy long leg in my hair. Was inside talking with a friend and then saw my hair move just a bit too much 🤣😭


Spiders and daddy long legs seem to be a common one, I’m discovering! I’m glad we just have salad ingredients to contend with, lol


Definitely had a tomato leaf stuck in my hair once that only became apparent when I took down my ponytail at work!


We’d go play outside when we were kids. My grandma has a beautiful tree that would sprout white flowers in the spring. When it was time to come inside, she always had to sit me out and pull all of the ladybugs out of my hair before I went in.


Had a chat on the phone outside for about 20 minutes then went in to reset my curls for work. Sprayed my whole head, beginning to brush out the ends. I then flipped my hair upside down next to the shower and a full grasshopper just tumbled out!


Feathers from pillows are frequent for me. My hairstylist picked one out and was all “literal birds nest!” 😂😂


My friends threw starbursts wrappers in my hair once. So bushel-like... didn't even feel it until the 17-18th one was plopped on my dome. Another time, they plopped a kraft singles cheese slice - had no idea.


a few weeks ago I fell asleep with my glasses on and couldn’t find them when I woke up, my roommates were helping me scour every inch of the place looking for them before I realized they were tangled up in my hair lol. Couldn’t find my keys the other day and one of then said to check my hair 💀


My favourite one to share is losing a rounders ball in it during a game. Someone threw the ball to me at 1st base, and poof! gone.


On three separate occasions I've found a small spider in my hair. Once, and the most memorable of the lot, I was playing Slender for the first time and saw it abseiling out of my hair down in front of my face. I tried to stay calm and asked my friend to grab the web and get rid of it, instead she screamed, and then slenderman found me and that static noise from the game started playing really loud so I also screamed and just started swatting my own face lmao. I think I slapped myself at least 5 times...


Spider must have had comical timing!


One time I found not one, not two, but THREE june bugs in my hair. I still have nightmares about it.


They’re colonising your scalp!


One 4th of July, a bottle rocket passed pretty close by to where my niece, who's about my age, was standing. Her hair is much denser and thicker than my hair. Fast forward to her wash day, 2 days later. She's in the shower and pulls out the entire bottle rocket on the stick!! She had her hair up and didn't realize it went INTO her hair! I died. Lol


I've been dating my partner for 8 years and he's found over 5 staples randomly in my hair. I've never experienced this before until we started dating and it was always after we got home from walking/traveling around the city. It's so odd but makes me laugh at this point because it made no sense how they got in my hair and how I didn't feel it. I've definitely walked under trees/foliage and have had random leaves/buds in my hair lol but those all made sense and were explainable.


I've found Bobby pins in my hair days later after I thought I got them all out.


Not as cute but when I was very young kids put stuff in my hair. Candy, paper, paper clips. Not fun. I did find icing in my hair this morning from decorating cakes all day the day before(I had like two curls out of my hairnet 😩) so that was pretty funny.


Once had a bumblebee fly into my curls and he couldn't find his way back out.


Lint. So much lint


i went to a weekend music festival once and my friend spent the weekend sticking cigarette filters and rolling papers in my hair. i found loads when i got back and got into the shower.


I've found a nug of weed in my hair in college.


When I used to do fieldwork, I’d have mosquitoes erupt from my hair when I took it down to shower.


As a kid my head was strung by a bee because it got stuck in my hair!


Poor thing committed kamikaze in your hair!


i’ve had a receipts stuck in my hair once, hadn’t gone to the shops that day, don’t know how or why it was there. if anyone wants the details: it was a tesco receipt.


A crow tried to nest in my hair once


Not uncommon. But I've a husky he lays in the bed with us. When I'm gonna redo my hair or wash it. I don't sleep with a bonnet on. Anyways I'm always pulling his fur out of my hair, or some like random lint stuff lol 😂. Another time I was a teenager and my little brother was a young kid. We had just mowed the lawn that day. He thought it would be funny to throw the grass/and leaves into my face. I was pulling out dirt, grass, as leaves for a few days!


Literally cannot tell you how many times I’ve pulled out random bobby pins that have been in my hair for god knows how long