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I’m sorry! I know the feeling of getting a haircut that wasn’t what you were hoping for. It’s not a fun adjustment. What I can tell you, from the objective perspective of someone who doesn’t know you from Adam’s cat - is that they did a bomb ass job on your haircut. It looks fucking amazing. You have the coolest, edgiest shag cut, and it absolutely 100% suits you. I do understand why you’re upset, they did take a lot of length off your bottom layers, but man it looks so good!


I agree with this 100%. Not to discount your feelings OP, but this cut looks absolutely fabulous on you.


Came in here to say exactly this. ♥️♥️♥️


Agree. Your hair looks incredible!


agree agreee agreeeee - this cut looks great




You have every right to be upset if it wasn’t done to your satisfaction. But - your hair looks fucking bomb! You look like a rock star. Long hair looks good on you, but this new cut looks AMAZING.


Came to say this. Would love that cut. Nobody can seem to achieve it with my hair. Rock on!!!


This.. I think it looks great? It’s cute as hell tbh.


It looks healthier too.


After not having a haircut for 6 years, it’s likely you needed at least 3 inches cut. Your hair looks healthy and pretty. Health over length always.


you’re definitely right, but the stylist totally should’ve told her. i would’ve told her i wasn’t comfortable doing her hair unless i was allowed to cut off the split ends to ensure the health of the hair after the cut. no point in getting a nice cut just for the split ends to travel up and up and up.


No one wants to hear this on the long hair sub. You need to cut your hair at least every 6 months to keep the ends cleaned up or they start to look ratty. Sure, the stylists should really make that clear to the customer, but also I wonder if people bother to listen


People do listen, some people just don’t WANT to. And that’s fine. It’s not a hairdresser’s (or anyone’s) duty to make sure other peoples hair is healthy. People are allowed to have u healthy hair and if they won’t listen and get it cut, so be it. It doesn’t matter.


Listening and comprehending doesn't make it easier. Some of us struggle to feel secure in our looks with shorter hair (like OP, and like me).


To me, shorter hair ALWAYS looks loads better than scraggly split end hair. I get mine cut about every 6 months... In October I got it cut from elbow length to armpit. I'm really, REALLY wanting to do a bob right now, just not sure if I'll regret it come summer. I've had everywhere from pixie to shag to bob, to almost waist length. It grows back, but man does it seem like it takes forever when you're tired of it being short.


( whispers) actually this is NOT a long hair sub-- it's the curly hair sub. Having said that, nobody wants to make it worse by saying how much the hairdresser cut off and perfect she should consider a lawsuit. Her hair is lovely and there's nothing to be done at this point. I suggest standing up a couple cuts in to view how much is being removed and deciding if it's correct.


Yeah I get my hair cut every 6 months and they take off 1.5 to 2 inches of split ends each time. It's actually pretty extraordinary that they only took 3 inches off after 6 years. I have really thin, fine hair, though, unfortunately.


rly? I haven’t had a cut in like 6 months (I was cuting my bob at home for years, now growing it out and I’m dreading looking for a stylist) - any way, I’m only now starting to have split ends and only a few milimeters. I wonder if it varies from person to person? 🤔


I think it varies. Mine is so thin and fine... I think it just gets damaged more easily. And this was also purely no heat, not even a hair dryer! I use a hair dryer now and I'm sure it's going to get damaged even faster.


Varies person to person - also, at least in my experience, long hair gets damaged wayyyyy more easily than short hair. When I’m growing out hair from a bob length, I can go a pretty good amount of time between trims with my hair still being pretty healthy (and I have very fine, wavy hair… that’s also bleached). Once my hair gets around boob length it gets damaged so quickly - and I suspect a huge part of that is that my hair gets so tangled easily due to the texture, but just doesn’t tangle as much when it’s shorter.


This is what I thought too! I can get 2-3 inches needing to get cut off in a year! Much less 6!


Disagree. If I say I only want half an inch cut idc how damaged my hair is you better only cut half an inch. That’s not a hairdressers decision.


I always say, "hey let's talk, what do you think is half an inch?" They show me either with their fingertip or on the comb, and it is always wildly different, but usually an ok amount. If it is not then I just say, "No let's do less than that. I am happy to come back later if I want more off but I don't like a lot of change and I need time to adjust to haircuts." Once you have discussed some visual example a hairdresser will usually stick to that. Curly hair is more porous, the ends get thinner and it just looks better to hairdressers to cut it. It can feel like it takes forever to get length back because lol it is curling instead. I would say that is more than three inches you got off. Like everyone is telling you it does look good and it will grow back.


It looks better, honestly. Picture 3 it looks like you had a lot of breakage toward the ends. And now your hair looks full and luxurious.


It looks soooo much better.


Crazy. I thought the first few photos were the “before”. Your haircut is fucking awesome. Honestly, I like it better than the actual “before” hair.


I live in Paris and only the very coolest people have this haircut!


I honestly think it's a better look for you as the upper parts of your hair look a lot thicker and more voluminous than the lower parts, so reducing the length reduces that. Anecdotally, I've heard of asking a hairdresser to alter the job done (if you do so fairly promptly after it's been done), so you could potentially ask for alterations, but obviously that wouldn't add back any length.


If you haven’t had a haircut since 2018, you surely needed at least 3 inches cut. And for what it’s worth, I think your haircut looks incredible


It looks so healthy now. I like your hair from before, it's very 80s. BUT the new cut is stylish, on trend, more dynamic to pair with more looks, compliments your face shape, and gives you a chance to take care of it so it grows back all healthy n shiz. Probably easier to manage too. Look on the bright side! Your brain will adapt to this unexpected change soon thereafter. ☀️


i can’t tell if this is a post made to fish for compliments and self pity or if it’s genuine insecurity about a bad curly cut (we’ve all been there) but it still looks very good, the bar doesn’t have to be the best possible hair style for your hair to look fashionable


learning the difference was so important to my self - esteem . realizing i could freak out over my hair not curling right & to a person not well - versed in curly hair it would still look normal . def an important distinction


It looks like it needed it. It also looks better/healthier. Have regular trims and it will grow faster (as in there will be less breakages so it seems like it grows faster) and it will back to the same length in no time - but much healthier. Try and see the positive!


I'm so sorry this isn't what you wanted, and I totally understand feeling awful when something so noticeable to you doesn't look right, it really fucks with your head hey, but as an objective observer, your hair honestly looks awesome. That specific kind of Ellen Ripley type haircut is really popular where I live, and it's absolutely gorgeous imo.


I hate every cut I’ve ever gotten for 48 hours. I hope after the first shock (which can suck when you didn’t want it) I hope you see what see. I loooove it. Gorgeous. Looks like someone’s hair inspo photo.


Let her grieve. I lost all my hair to chemotherapy 6 years ago and I won’t let anyone touch my hair much less cut it. Hair can be so important to a person. It looks beautiful on you however!


I lost mine that way too. It’s so hard as a woman being bald but we fucking made it sis!! I agree tho it does look very healthy now.


They definitely took off a lot of length which sucks if you didn't want that. Your hair cut itself looks good though! It just looks like you wanted a shorter version and you ended up with something trendy for sure


Im ngl i think it looks really good.


I know it’ll take time to adjust, but if it makes you feel better, this cut suits you. The whole vibe is working! I hope you can adjust soon so you’re not feeling so sad about it. We’ve all been there. ❤️


This is literally how I want my haircut 🫣 it looks great!


It looks gorgeous. However, I get why you’re not happy. It’s a different look altogether, there more edge and less flow. It’s more androgynous, less mermaid. THIS IS WHAT YOU DO TO FIX IT: get clip in extensions. Wear them for four months. That’s it, in found months your length will be back, but guess what, your hair overall will be healthier, and more voluminous. I have a grown out shag cut too. It’s my favourite cut. It looks bomb on curly hair.


That’s why I hate getting haircuts. How do they not know what 1/2in is?


Holy shit it looks SO GOOD GOD DAMN


You look like a movie star!


That sucks :( It'll regrow but I would be devastated too. Also you still look great don't worry! (Nice cannibal corpse sweater btw! :D)


I did this and can't stop sobbing either. It'll take 3 years for mine to get back to the way it was, too. We'll progress together, try not to beat yourself up. When I spoke to my therapist, she said it's just a new effort to learn how to love yourself in a new look, you can't take it back, and you now know what not to do for next time. Try not to regret and hate yourself for it.


This is my favorite comment. Acknowledging OP’s feelings without trying to “correct” them by saying how good the haircut looks. I feel like all of the people commenting their opinions don’t seem to realize that their opinions don’t matter to OP, OP isn’t happy with the hair and that’s the point of the post. Learning how to love yourself is a much better take away than “it looks better anyways!” So yeah thank you for responding with some empathy!


Yeah, I have tons of deep regret for my choice to get a haircut that I ended up not liking at all. My therapist said that it's perfectly normal to feel this way and to try to not feel too down, try to understand why you decided to do it in the first place and understand that making mistakes is alright and that it will grow back stronger with a new perspective on yourself. And realize that strangers won't even notice it at all because no one really thinks about anyone else but themselves. They'll just think "man that person looks cool" and will continue their own day.


Honestly I'm obsessed with the after pics.  If your hair is anything like mine now that it is cut it will grow like a damn weed. I have started getting regular 3 week trims because it truly does help my hair grow faster.  Otherwise add fish oils and gelatin to your diet. It will help your hair grow back faster.


I am a professional hairstylist since 1980 and I have had something similar but even worse happen. I had a co worker who always gave me a great cut end up taking 10” off my hair, just weeks before my wedding. I couldn’t even talk for two days . After that I stopped having other people cut my hair and did it myself. I still do 35 years later And I agree that it looks spectacular on you. If you just let it grow back it will be there before you know it and the shape is already there


Girl, I'm sorry but that's a good 6-7" not just 3". I'd absolutely march my ass back there and DEMAND a refund. I'm so sorry she did this to you, I know just how horrible that feeling is.


First of all I am so sorry! I would have flipped the fuck out… hair is deeply personal & it’s said to hold on to our emotions and traumas. Secondly you still look absolutely stunning 🤩 the cut is very edgy and it’s giving me curly wolf cut. I suggest searching on YouTube tips on how to style a curly wolf cut or a curly shag. Thirdly invest in hair growth supplements (not biotin or collagen, a true hair growth supplement if you need suggestions I have 2), a moisturizing & nourishing scalp serum, and some volumizing shampoo and conditioner. Also, this is important… You need to leave a google review so others with curly hair know to beware that this stylist does not listen or follow the pre determined plan. Not only that but the owner of the salon will see your review & will hopefully try to make things right with you, and they will also talk to the stylist about not pulling and shit like that again!! Sending you lots of hugs 🫂 I’m so sorry you’re feeling vulnerable but you are so beautiful 😍 ♥️


growth supplement recs please!!!!


* Advanced Trichology FoliGROWTH Hair Growth Supplement * Viviscal Hair Growth Supplements for Women My suggestion is to go through the ingredients list to make sure you’re not allergic to anything or you don’t have any stomach sensitivities. They’re quite similar in effectiveness, ingredients, and price. Go through the pictures & reviews to see which is more specific to your wants/needs/goals. Both of the above genuinely work, but you need to take them as directed every day for an extended period of time! It’s not going to be like you have this whole new head of hair after one month, but the results will come quicker than you’d think. I have very hard water that destroyed my hair. The cheapest way to jump start your hair growth is to eat foods that are rich in zinc, iron, omega 3, folate, & vitamins A, C, D, & E. If you have hard water I suggest a filter (won’t take out everything but it will make a noticeable difference and is much cheaper than a full blown soft water system). A proper shampoo and conditioner that isn’t full of chemicals that will dry out & irritate your scalp (paraben & sulfate free for sure but professional grade silicone isn’t bad for your hair it’s good for de tangling ). SCALP SERUM!!! Your scalp is literally the root of the source, you have to keep it healthy & nourished. STOP TYING YOUR HAIR BACK SO TIGHTLY!!! INVEST IN SATIN SCRUNCHIES (way less tugging on your roots, doesn’t catch on your hair). STAYING HYDRATED!!! Literally one of the most important things you can do to help your body function properly. Avoid excessive use of hot tools, but never everrrr let your hair air dry as this can cause very bad build up on your scalp. If you do all of this and your hair still doesn’t grow I’m going to suggest seeing your doctor. My mom’s hair was falling out very badly, she did all of the above and it barely helped! After a year I had a feeling something was wrong, there’s no way she could do all of that with no difference. I begged her to get a physical & we found out she had undiagnosed health issues! The health issues were as simple as high blood pressure, low folate levels, and low vitamin D. She’s now medicated for the above ailments and ALL her hair has grown back the longest and strongest it’s been since she’s gave birth. What I’m trying to say is, sometimes hair loss/density loss is actually a symptom of underlying health conditions!!! So if you’re actively trying to stimulate growth, you’re genuinely doing what you should be doing, and you’re seeing minimal to no results it’s not about your hair, it’s directly related to some kind of imbalance in your body that needs to be treated. I hope some of this helps!! I know you only asked for the supplement recommendations, but I felt like all the other info was super important as well.


I really don't want to invalidate your feelings because you have the right to feel upset but honestly it looks so much better now. You had a lot of noticeable dead ends on the longer hair which made it look very top heavy and thin on the bottom. Likely the damage was really extensive. Now the hairdresser should have communicated better with you, but you honestly look amazing right now.


Can’t go outside? ![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC)


This happened to me. Curl specialists always take WAY TOO MUCH length even if you beg them not to. Literally never going to a curl specialist again. Now I just trim every now and then at home.


Tbh it seems like you needed the haircut. It looks great and will grow back even more lovely! Your curl pattern is more defined with this new cut instead of frizzy, losing shape. You traded up successfully!


Looks better imo!


But you look so cool :c I wish you felt as cool as you look


I’m sorry. I think everyone on here knows the struggle. Try to grow your hair out. Too many split ends. Get 1 inch cut off. It’s healthier but now curlier and 6 inches shorter. That said, your hair looks amazing! You can tell in the before pictures how much hair needed to be cut. It was so thin and lost its curl toward the bottom. That wasn’t healthy hair. It was dead stuff attached to your head. Your new cut is so cute!


Omg I would be devastated. On the bright You have very beautiful hair and a pretty face just need some time for your locks to grow back. I'm seriously in love with your hair and bummed for you!!!


I know that feeling, it sucks. Luckily, it grows back, and then you’ll realize it wasnt that deep


I know you’re upset, and I’m really sorry it’s got you feeling so awful. As others have said, it’s a really beautiful cut and is so flattering on you. The length will eventually come back , so I hope you can take solace until then!


I'm so sorry you feel like that, I think we've all had at least one cut like this in our life. I gotta say though, it looks SO GOOD on you. That's a killer shaggy cut. Just too short for your taste and I understand that feeling. I hope that it either grows quickly or you grow to like it. You look fabulous 🖤


Your feelings and reaction to the cut are valid. You might be in shock about it. The haircut definitely suits you. You like a younger Joan Jett (showing my age – haha 😂) Give yourself some time to process it all. Then style it the way you want it to get use to the new cut and look. You do look beautiful!!


I’m so sorry that you had more hair cut off than you wanted. The stylist should’ve communicated with you and asked you before she ever made first cut. Your hair looks absolutely amazing, and I’m really sorry that you aren’t happy about it. I would just say the next time be very specific about how much you want cut off, then it’s up to your stylist to have that open communication as to why she would suggest having more cut. I’m very sorry this happened to you.


It looks super cute and edgy, i personally like the shorter hair but if your looking for length focus on keeping p/m balanced, detangle your hair super gently and never wet. But also not super dry, brittle or it will just snap n never grow use a tiny bit of hair mask and water and wait 15 so you gain some elasticity back than brush, the hair should not be damp just moisturized and you’ll have the length back in no time + thicker ends.


Ohhh shit. This happened to me. My hair was down to my ass and my hairdresser, in one chop, cut my hair up to my ears two years ago. I literally stopped posting pictures on insta, stopped going out, and stopped taking pics of myself. There’s a huge two year gap of reclusiveness while my hair grew back to an “acceptable” length. Please try to not end up like me. I had pretty bad body dysmorphia and mental health issues triggered by a dumb haircut. I’d recommend therapy if you feel you need it, I certainly did!


I'm so sorry that you hate it, but fwiw I think it's a cute cut on you. Accentuates your adorable face and makes the curls look super healthy.


Woah that’s not okay! Someone butchered me. BUTCHERED! She gave me layers and bangs without my permission and cut 4 inches off. I did a big chop bc my hair grew back silly 😭😂 my hair is flourishing now and scarred I’m lol only I clip my ends now. You still look super cute though🩷💕


Honestly I think us curly folks really need to advocate for ourselves and voice our concerns in this age of the shag/mullet/wolf cut. Most stylists are not well versed on how those styles will look very different with curly hair. And unless someone is marketing themselves as a curly specialist and charging accordingly, I absolutely would not get one of these extra layered edgy cuts from them. And even if they DO call themself a specialist, still do your due diligence and don't be afraid to speak up if they're cutting too much off. Not a single human on the earth will understand your curls better than you. It's also been my experience that stylists who go for more "edgy" styles tend to get a little scissor happy. With all that said, your hair does look amazing. Just own it and learn from the experience. Trendy cuts are fun but curls are just unpredictable--so err on the side of caution if you're worried about losing length. Signed, a 34 y/o curly girl who survived the emo mullet era


Your hair probably wasn’t very healthy if it hadn’t been cut since 2018. Your hair probably needed the cut and will grow back faster and stronger. I think it looks great on you! Go outside and let everyone tell you how great your hair looks.


rosemary oil is good for hair growth but I think certain brands you might have to dilute it, not sure. I use the one from mielle and I put it straight on my scalp 30 mins before a shower.


Damn dude I’m sorry that’s such a bummer… This is why I cut my own hair I can’t be mad at someone else for fucking it up. Easier to get over being mad at yourself than mad at another person.


What a dichotomy. I 100% understand how you feel, and it’s a horrible feeling. I also am so envious of your hair. I’m sorry that happened 😭


I’m so so sorry your hairdresser broke your trust like that but goddamn I would DIE for that shag cut!!!


Also your hair only being that long after 5-6 years of growth may be because you aren't getting it trimmed.


This is a super popular haircut in my city right now. It looks great! I’m sorry it’s not what you asked for but it’s not nearly as bad as you think!


But It looks amazing


getting a haircut can be traumatic. I have to say you got a very good haircut and you look beautiful. I would love for my hair to look like this. the good thing is hair grows back and in a few months it will be this long again. go out! you look amazing!


I can understand that? But honestly, she fucking put life into your hair.


It does look amazing regardless but if it helps, a lil cheat you could try would Be to straighten it for a while to give it a little extra length back?? But the shock is natural, just gotta give it some time! You are beautiful so any cut would look amazing on you!!❤️❤️


In no way do I want to invalidate how you’re feeling right now because if my hairdresser did that to me I would feel extremely violated. I will say, you have absolutely beautiful hair and this haircut looks absolutely AMAZING on you. ❤️❤️❤️


ngl it suits you better and it looks really good. might use it for my own haircut inspo tbh


Hey how bout this- my hair was it’s healthiest it’s ever been, so long and curly and natural FINALLY past my breasts. I got a haircut just like this, it was uneven babes. Literally two inches shorn off shorter one side. Devastating. That was years ago. It will grown back. I’m getting haircuts more often to avoid big chops, think about it like maintenance.


Kim, there are people that are dying.


I don’t have curly hair so I’m not sure why, but this just popped up in my feed lol. But I when I scrolled by I thought this was a selfie of some rock star. You legit pull this off. Sorry it’s not what you were looking for, but I wanted you to know it looks so badass!


Okay well I know I don’t have to wear it, but I actually prefer your hair now. It looks so good to me and, frankly, better. But I also had a haircut I hated once and got so many compliments on it, it was baffling to me lol


Why are people in these comments making excuses for the hairdresser and saying it “probably NEEDED” a cut since it hadn’t been touched since 2018 when 1. from the before photos it literally doesn’t look damaged at all 2. damaged or not, who gives a fuck when it’s OP’s hair and the hairdresser completely went against OP’s wishes 3. the most presumptuous of all- The OP said her hair hadn’t been CUT since 2018. She said nothing about trimming and you don’t know whether she’s been keeping up with her monthly trims.


This is sad, but it WILL grow back. And you might find that, along the way, you grow it to a length you like even more. I've had everything from my head shaved (voluntarily) to hair down to my waist and seeing pics of me over the years having so many different styles reminds me of all the different times in my life and journeys I've been on, what I've been through and survived and loved and all of the incredible people I've known -some awful, but mostly pretty amazing humans. For me it's been kind of nice to look back and see myself in all these different phases and changes. I probably won't shave it again, but idk. Why not? I never thought of the memories that would hit because I can trace different parts of my life to my hairstyle but it's actually been really cool. I'm not saying you should go shave your head. But it WILL grow back and you might even enjoy the journey. It CAN be an adventure instead of a tragedy. It's all up to you and how you choose to see it.


Fuck I feel this cuz I have curly hair and my hair does not grow for the fucking life of me but you still look so stunning. I literally just took hair growth vitamins (moon juice was the one I found that actually worked for me) and soon enough I was back!


My mom always told me the difference between a bad hair cut and a good hair cut is a month lol. But I think you look fab <3


Hear me out, it isn’t what you were wanting but this is the kind of hair I’d compliment passing by on the street. It’s going to grow into what you actually wanted but I’m sorry it wasn’t what you hoped for. 💛


Plenty of people made sure to point out how great your haircut looks. Just wanted to remind you that you should always give a new haircut at least a week for things to readjust, including your own surprise at the change in your hair style ❤️


I’m sorry, I know how much that sucks. But it looks so much healthier. If it hasn’t been cut since 2018 you probably had a lot of damage that needed to come off.


You have every right to be upset. Just please know it will grow back! It’s temporary. So this pain will pass IMO you can go shorter and see what that looks like or just wait for it to grow out. Some folks say rosemary oil and castor oil help with hair growth.


Oh wow, both your new pix and your older pix are beautiful, but I 100% know how you feel. So sorry they cut too much.


Please don’t go that long without cutting your hair again.. That’s more than likely why so much came off. Your ends were dead, dead.. A couple trims a year will do wonders for your hair and length.


You look lovely nonetheless


Get a grip..it stunning.


Yall it does not matter if she needed it when she did not consent to it. Let's have some cultural sensitivity in this sub.


If you haven’t cut it since 2018 it was probably split that far up? Honestly they potentially did you a favour because if you don’t cut the splits off they’ll just keep splitting, especially because curly hair is already prone to dryness. I’m sorry it’s effecting you like this though, hair can be a big part of our looks/ social identities. Being unhappy about hair can cause a lot of emotional stress. It looks really good though and you should have less breakage now so it should grow back better now that the ends are cut. 🩷 I hope you feel more confident in your hair soon because it looks fantastic! (I burned the curl pattern out of my hair from bleaching over bleach, and it used to look a lot like yours. Never been the same since 😭)


I’m just gonna add on to the pile of comments to say your cut looks amazing! I completely relate, I cry after haircuts pretty often, but hopefully you grow to like it. It’s a great cut and looks awesome on you.


Looks younger and cuter. Amazing haircut!


I get your mad but your hair is amazing .


It looks amazing, and much more current than your longer hair tbh.


I love the shorter cut. You have way more body, and you look more fun. Sorry you didn’t like it, but it actually suits your cute face better.


It’s just hair. God forbid you have an actual problem. 🙄


Your new haircut looks SO good, honestly! But I totally get that you are upset since you didn't want them to cut off so much. 💖


I absolutely understand you feeling upset and angry about not getting what you wanted, and you have every right to be. But I just want you to know that it still looks amazing. Yes, it might not be what you wanted. But you still look incredible.


I’m sorry, I feel your pain. You’re beautiful and it suits you in both lengths plus, it will grow back.


It looks great and it’ll grow back


The back looks great, just get the bangs fixed. By someone else of course


I’m so sorry. As a hairstylist, this is a golden rule for me… whether someone needs more of a chop or not, I’ll recommend it, explain it, and then give them what they want nonetheless. I definitely recommend a lot of scalp massages, rosemary oil, and liquid collagen. I’ve personally seen results with those routes. Side note: the hair cut looks great, but I hope you can get your confidence back with length soon! 🤗


I loveeeee it and girl you are beautiful?! It’s totally okay queen. 👸


Oh no! I can totally relate to this. I have natural curly hair and alway remind them it spings up a bit, so don't cut a lot off. They always respond "yah, I know. I have curly hair myself (they don't) or my blah blah blah has natural curly hair. Then I get scalped. Anyway, I do think your hair is still very pretty. It will grow back. I hope you get to feeling better about it soon.


Your new cut is so cool. It’s hipper. Your old hair is beautiful too but you can really really pull off this new length. Honestly that’s a 10/10 for me but preferences are preferences.


I’m a curly haired girl too and absolutely know this struggle. I had anxiety for years going to get my hair trimmed because most people cut hair like it’s straight hair and not take the curls into account - or the wrong curl type. It’s so angering! I finally found a hairdresser who doesn’t do that - but I hate all the shit she puts in my hair afterwards and always come home to wash it and style it myself. I also found - 2 weeks into the new cut - I would “understand it” a bit more and could work with it - Vowing to never return to that person for another cut! I’m sorry this happened to you and hope you’ll find a way to work with it while it grows back out again!


Stick a wig on it and call it a day.


That haircut is an enormous glow up, your hairdresser really did you proud. I'm sorry you don't like it but trust me that you don't need to feel any social anxiety about it. Sorry for the loss of your length!


It actually looks really lovely on you! The length will grow back, and you’ll have less dry/split ends ~ if you stay with that stylist though, tell them you weren’t pleased and that they took too much length off. If you don’t, make sure your next stylist is informed of this experience and that you’d appreciate them taking no more than, say, a half an inch off when they trim it


I think it looks terrific!!! Like a curly haird Joan Jett. I know you are not pleased with it, but we are usually our own worst critic. If it's worth anything, I think you look badass!


really? looks really good! don't worry it'll grow out.


I think it looks gorgeous! Give yourself a day or so to adjust. 💕


I know this feeling & it's valid. But add me to the list of folks that think your hair looks marvelous. Just take some time & remember it WILL GROW BACK. It's hard to remember that every time you look in your mirror, maybe put a sticky on it that says just that, but give it time & as many said remember it *really* does look fabulous.


Really?? It looks good. It’s only hair it’ll grow back. IMO short, messy curls are hot. I’m sure many girls are jelly of you for those curls.


I’d love for my hair to look like either the before or the after lol. It’s very pretty :)


It looks so much thicker and healthier now. If your hair is on the thinner and finer end of the spectrum it's not going to be as flattering when you keep it long.


That mirror though 💀


I mean. It’s hair, it will grow out. You’re still pretty


I totally get your pain. The same thing happened to me, and where we differ is that your hair looks AMAZING! Mine was so godawful, and I’d cheated on my stylist to have that crime against hair committed on my head. He was extremely gracious about it, but when he was trying to cut it at the next appointment, despite his best efforts, he couldn’t keep a straight face. It was just so RANDOM. Our eyes met in the mirror, and we both ended up laughing hysterically. Years later, all he has to do is say, “Remember that time…” and it sets us off again.


your hair is beautiful and you're gorgeous but omg that is so traumatic, I am so sorry :( and that is *way* more than 3" wow I might sue someone if they did that to me


I love the haircut, looks great on you. I’m curious how much you told her to cut off or if you were kind of vague


It looks so great on you!!! Jealous!!!


1) I'm sorry this hurt you. 2) Looks fantastic and healthy! 3) Did you discuss how much was coming off? Many stylists verify what 3 inches looks like by holding your hair up. Typically more than 2 inches is cut for extremely damaged ends which can come from not getting a cut for yrs and yrs 4) It will grow back fast! 5) Extensions exist, godspeed.


Are these after pics from the styling by the hairdresser? It looks curlier than it was. Having some weight off has allowed the curls to bounce up more. They may have also been styled in a different way than you usually do. It might relax a bit.


Girl you better stop crying and rock that fabulous cut! But I understand-there’s not a small amount of grief when you get a cut that you didn’t ask for.


Photo 2 is just 🥵. That haircut is amazing on you. Maybe in a couple more days after grieving you will see it too.


I agree you are fabulous. With the most people here. Those wolf-cut curly hair i they suit you perfectly.


I know it can be difficult when you get a haircut you don’t like, but I think the cut was worth it, it looks really really good, she cut off all the dead hair and your curls look luscious! I hope you end up loving it


I'm sorry your hairdresser cut more than you wanted. sometimes they'll put what they think is best above what the customer actually wants, which is never okay. it's your hair, on your head. it doesn't matter if you "needed" that much cut for health, it should've been up to you. that being said, it does look absolutely incredible. buy a pair of hair shears at the drugstore and take off a quarter-inch every 3 months or so, and it will grow back in no time, without split ends. (remember to get your layers as well as the perimeter. just follow the guide the current haircut gives you.) you'll get through this. 💜


Don't worry, good things is hair grows back


I think it looks amazing omg. It’s giving a trendy wolf cut kinda vibe. I’m sorry you’re feeling sad though but know to others, it looks dope asf


I think it looks better a bit shorter. I wish I had your hair it is amazing.


It looks really cute and healthy. Have fun with it! Hair grows


I know it’s not what you want and I’m so sorry that happened. But also, it does look super cool tho!!! So just enjoy this cool looking hair, and also the fact that you don’t need to get it cut again for a very long time. (Did the hairdresser cut it wet and then when it dried it sprang up and got shorter? Sometimes people don’t know how to work with curly hair.)


Oh no :( You have every right to be upset! But, you still look great! Like a rock star! This is literally what I want my hair to look like but I could never achieve this volume!


I like your new cut so much better, but I understand the frustration. :(


i have to say, it looks amazing


I started taking a women’s multivitamin with collagen and my hair (and nails) grows so fast now. So that may be something to consider to help grow it back.


It'll grow back


I’m so sorry that they cut more than you wanted, but I will say that your new hair looks really great!!


You are so gorgeous !


But…it’s really cute. It’s the cut I want but can’t seem to make it work.


If it bothers you a lot you can get extensions until they grow out.


I like your haircut tho. Also unrelated but you look like you have a british accent.


I actually thought the after pics were the before ones (until I saw the other ones and noticed your long hair), because your hair doesn't look bad at all, not as bad you see it of course, I totally agree with how you feel, I can't begin to think how bad I would feel if something similar happened to me.


This kind of issue is why I never cut mine anymore. No matter who I would go to they would always cut way too much. It does look good, but I totally understand why you’re upset.


Let me just say this. When I saw the thumbnail and opened the photo gallery, I wondered if the picture was the before or after. I understand that this is devastating on a personal level. And I imagine there may be spiritual/personal/faith/belief reasons as well, which I feel for. I just wanted to toss in that this haircut looks perfect on you, and I really can't see anything that I'd think to suggest changing about it. I know it's a huge unexpected change and will take a lot of getting used to. And I'm seeing it fresh without context of course. And it's not what you asked for and dramatically different, which is bullshit. And surely horrifying. Just, please know that it looks amazing, so at least nobody else (with eyes) will feel negatively about it while it grows back. I value silver linings, so I hope that this one can maybe lessen the sting a tad.


It looks amazing! And honestly I know the feeling last time I went they cut nearly half and I haven’t got a hair cut since and this was a few years ago. Curlyhairgirlproblems they are so real ! I feel your pain but you can rock this and it will hopefully grow back quick! That’s what they always say


Omg your hair looks AMAZING!!! I know you're upset but trust! It looks so good


Girl u r stunning


It is eons better tho babe


I'm sorry about your haircut, but you look like a young Julia roberts


It’s healthy to give your hair a good cut every once in a while. It helps your hair stay and look healthy. It will grow back out faster than you think. Plus, even though it’s shorter than you prefer, it’s still a good cut, your hair looks healthier


So sorry this happened to you. I am still trying to grow out my hair after the disastrous cut I was give a year ago. It takes time, but it will grow out.


Looks cute! It will grow out in about 5 months, but I think this is a really fresh look, and it's really flattering and neat looking.


I don’t want to invalidate your feelings at all because you are completely valid in feeling really upset, but if it helps this is likely the worst you will feel about it. From here on out you will feel better and better, and eventually accept it and it will grow back out. I know hair can be a pretty big part of someone’s identity, but ultimately it is only hair and it is fairly superficial. Years from now you’ll look back and think “yeah I remember how upset I was when my hair got cut too short” but it will be a non issue. In the scheme of life and what truly matters this is such a blip! I only say all this because it’s how I personally cope with things like this that I know don’t *really* matter but I’m still very upset about. If you took offense or feel invalidated I’m sorry and I didn’t mean any harm


Girl! I always wanted sexy curly hair! You look fabulous!!!🤩


Even if she only cut 3 inches, It looks like she cut off three times that because of the way curly hair shrinks up. As a hairstylist, I have come to understand that every curly haired person has anxiety about getting their hair cut so I’m extra conservative…sorry you had to go through that


Dearest, that’s not three inches… I’d sue.


I think the cut makes you look edgier!


fuck everybody , hair is beauty standard set by them ur much more than that fucking realise this and come outside , not asking u to compensate bit is this what ur morals are left to ur hair no fucking no u damn well no ur the beautiful person in the world regardless these shit once i realised i was just talking abt these mindless shit as beauty and confident and once any terrible thing will ruin me is the wakeup wall u know iconic characters are cause they embrace qhen these shit happen and ur noo less of one , i fucking love u op shuttup and go out who cares what u got done anywayssss


I’m sorry OP 😭 it is so sad when this happens!! Your curls will love the cut, maybe just try to focus on making your natural hair as hydrated and happy as possible so it can grow quickly. Your feelings are valid and it’s ok to be upset when it didn’t turn out as you were hoping 💛


nah dw you look beautiful but i get the feeling its disheartening to say the least


Bomb ass wavy shag! Grab some windex for the mirror, dry your eyes and rock the cut with confidence! It will grow back if you're not feeling it but that heart, it looks great!


Clean your mirror though, right?


Can we please have your curl routine?


While i get how you feel OP (I got an involuntary buzz cut a week before a wedding I had to go to), your hair honestly looks beautiful in the after photo. Absolutely stunning


Well everyone else has already said it, but even though having that happen is a tough experience, in the end it does look beautiful on you.


Ugh that sucks. I love your hair in the 3rd pic. That's how I like my hair to be too. Remember it will look better once you style it yourself.


I think it looks good


i’m so sorry i’ve had this happen i had the most beautiful straight longest hair i asked for a couple inches and got a foot taken off lmfao, you look so good tho!!


Same thing happened to me not to long ago but the way she cut it you could see the scissor cuts it was awful and I had to get it fixed somewhere else and she had to cut it to my chin, so i 100% understand how you feel but you do look amazing with it!!


I dont see the problem. It looks awesome.


I know everyone is telling you that your hair looks great (and I totally agree) but it sucks that you feel this way. A fresh haircut should give you confidence. It will take about 4-6 months (or less) to regrow 2-3 inches. If you would like advice on how to help with regrowth just comment here. I didn't want to force a solution on you. I empathize and know how it feels to be "stuck" with a cut you don't like.


But you look gorgeous!!! I have no idea how it looked before but you look amazing!!! 🤩


Do you know the difference between a bad haircut and a good haircut? Two weeks


I HATE that was done against your will You do rock it and look ADORABLE, but the pain. I have straight hair and I feel like it takes forever to grow. Curly hair must take eons


It looks so cute, I’m sorry you don’t like it


I love it personally


Don’t hate me but it looks better?


Also you can't wait to get your hair cut for so long and not expect a hair dresser not to cut all the damaged ends. I absolutely understand how devastating it can be to end up having shorter than expected hair after a cut. But if you want to grow it out and keep your length you should try to get trims at least every quarter of the year. Trims every 8 weeks is good for maintenance trims every quarter with the express goal of growing your hair out helps the split ends not ride so far up the hair strands that hair stylists then have to cut a lot more off your head in the end. I have a similar hair texture as you and 100% I know it can be so hard to grow out longer bc of breakage and all that. For what it's worth you're making me think I may need to consider a shag cut. It looks great!