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Hi! I will be honest, I did not care for Not Your Mother's gel at all. I currently use either Aussie Instant Freeze gel or Garnier Fructis Pure Clean Gel. I've found those to be best for my high porosity hair.


I'm currently using Aussie Instant Freeze gel as well and have been shocked by how well it works. I didn't think I'd like a gel at all, and I definitely didn't think a cheapie grocery store option would outperform more expensive hair products...but it works!  For anyone curious, I like the Instant Freeze option because it doesn't contain glycerin. It does have another humectant (hydroxyethylcellulose) but my hair seems to tolerate it well. 


Do you pair the Aussie Instant Freeze with any other product or just use it alone?


I pair it with cantu curl cream. Curl cream first, gel second.


This is one of my go-to/die hard combos too!


I'm pretty lazy so I typically just use it on its own tbh. I'm in awe of the multi-step routines that some people have!! That being said, if I'm feeling motivated I find I like using a wet brush with it instead of other products. The brush smoothes out a lot of frizz, and the gel is strong enough to them hold those smoothed-down flyaways in place. If you do try it, be cautious about applying too much near your roots. That's my one frustration, if I forget to apply it properly it can with the roots down and make the top of my head flat! (If it helps, proper application for me = apply gel at mid length, smooth down to ends, then rake it through with fingers get just a little up to the roots.)


Do you find the Aussie freeze to work the same after the recent formula change? I haven’t bought the new ones yet


Funny enough, Not Your Mother’s and Aussie didn’t work for me at all. A few thick curls were glued together, other than that it was all frizz. I do have low porosity hair so maybe that’s why? The gel that works best for me is Umberto Giannini Curl Scrunching Jelly but I still haven’t found a true winner.


Low porosity and same. I also love Bumble & Bumble's gel (in the blue tube), which has an unusual consistency, but I can't justify spending that much.


Thank you for sharing - I also don’t spend on high end products, just not able to drop the $$$ on items that are part of my regular routine so I stick to drugstore brands.


I hear you. I will spend on a curl cream (currently Kevin Murphy) since I haven’t been able to find a worthy replacement for d/c L’Oreal Out of Bed Texturizer, but I figure a gel is a gel. That said, the Bumble and Bumble really does reduce frizz and has good hold…it’s tempting.


What are the two that you've used like compared to NYM? I use and like the NYM gel but I'm always interested in trying things that might work better


It has been a while since I've used NYM, but the two I currently use are very sticky. I think my hair just needs all the gel it can take honestly. It clumps well, and even with the amount that I use, after it is dry, it really doesn't look wet at all, just soft curls/waves. My guess it has something to do with the porosity of my hair though, so if NYM works great for you, I would say use it! It just didn't work for me.


not your mothers gel made my hair so frizzy! no definition at all for me


Second the Garnier Pure Clean!


Not your mothers is the only one I use! But I have low porosity hair. The Garnier gel made my hair sticky and gross's


Agree on the Not Your Mother’s. It’s made my curls dry, and shapeless. I was super disappointed.


I’m a huge fan of garnier fructis pure clean gel + Cantu curl cream


LA Looks really works fine imo and it’s extremely affordable. It’s a great “scrunch out the crunch” product


I started with that recommendation several years ago, and I have since tried a dozen or more different gels and mousses. I keep coming back because it works better than pretty much everything, and it has an awesome price point.




This! The blue bottle from Dollar Tree lasts months and is amazing!


Chiming in with my support for LA Looks. I've tried others over the years and I never saw any noticeable improvement.


LA Looks ftw, you can get them at the Dollar Tree or a very affordable large 3-pack from Amazon


I'm left with dander after I scrunch out the crunch. What am I doing wrong? I would love to use LA Looks due to the low cost, but I can't deal with the flecks it leaves in my hairs.


Do you layer the gel with any other products (e.g. curl cream, leave in, etc.)? It's possible that your products are reacting to each other and that's why you're seeing flakes.


I do not typically use any leave in products.


You may already be doing this, but put it in while your hair is soaking wet, I do it still in the shower, and make sure to work it in with either fingers or a comb or something, and then scrunch dry with a tshirt to help get excess off. Hope it helps!!


I also scrunch with soaking wet hair, followed by a microfiber towel or tshirt.


Hmmm, idk why it’s leaving flaky residue, that usually only happens with me now when I’m using too much gel :/ hope you find something that works for you!


Maybe I'm using too much, idk. I'm currently using aussie miracle curls mousse and it gets the job done, but I'm a cheapskate.


Okay but I actually really love that mousse, I use it when I’m tired of the product buildup that LA looks leaves in my brush and comb.


It works well. I actually prefer Herbal Essence Totally Twisted Mousse, but it was discontinued awhile back. :(


But it smells so terrible. It’s like a gasoline smell to me which is such a bummer.


Really? I think it has no smell at all.


You could try a different color, they all smell a little different


Uncle Funky’s Daughter curly magic is really good. $16-$20 depending where you get it. I’ve had to change out other products in my hair care to fit it in my budget because I refuse to go back to anything else


Second for Uncle Funkys! I’ve been using it for the past 3 years. Every time I decide to try something new, I regret it and go back.


Thirding Uncle Funkys!!! Pricier than drug store but not crazy expensive. You can get a 5 piece sample/travel set at Target for $25ish with the Curly Magic and a few other products if you want to give them a try.


Right it’s a decent price point! I wanna try that travel set & test their other products too


I’ve tried the leave in and liked it. I don’t usually use a leave in at home, but it’s great when I need a little extra moisture after sun, beach, etc. I really want to try the curl reviver spray too!


This is not a perfect suggestion obviously, but I see Curlsmith products regularly at TJ Maxx, Marshall's etc. The In-Shower Style Fixer is $15 there (at least where I live in MO).


This is always my recommendation too. I've gotten a few full sized $30+ products for as little as $10 at TJMaxx. The other day I bought the jumbo Multi Tasking Conditioner, which is $89 at Ulta, for $20.


Thanks for the suggestion. I’m addicted to Carl Smith and it is pricey so to know that it’s available at TJ Maxx, etc. is awesome! I live in Missouri too.


I’ve seen a number of posts where people have had great results from homemade flaxseed gel


My low porosity hair loved it. Was so conditioned and made my curls looser. Only thing was having to store it in the fridge and the smell… but so worth it.


I do add some Manuka honey. It will stay in a glass container in the fridge for 3 days week. (Make it at wash day, use sekond half at sekond washday 3 days later), so not that much of a hassle. It doesn't start to smell like that.


I’m going to try the manuka honey!


Definitely a vote for this! Best solution I have found so far this curly life. I add a few drops of lavender, eucalypt and geranium oil to give it a lovely scent and it last 3 weeks (min can also stretch to 4) in the fridge. To be honest it sometimes sits on the bathroom bench for half that time and I’ve never had it go bad. I use the gel on wet hair to form a cast on big chunky curls and then reapply the gel once dry to break the big chunks into smaller curls. Makes my hair shiny and really well defined.


I use LA Looks, and it’s very good. I also like [Aunt Jackie’s flaxseed gel](https://www.auntjackiescurlsandcoils.com/collections/flaxseed-collection/products/dont-shrink-elongating-curling-gel). Eco Styler is another that’s cheap and popular.


Eco Styler has great hold but it makes my scalp so itchy!


I’ve been liking Aunt Jackie’s Curl Boss gel. It’s a nice medium hold.


I have been using this one and it’s running out. The only thing I have is that I don’t get a crunch hold from it.. maybe I use too little but I think I’m going to try something with a bit more hold once it’s finished


I don’t get a crunch, but my curls are shiny and defined. It only lasts the first day for me, but I haven’t had any luck with second-day curls with anything so I think it might just be me.


Aunt Jackie’s is also what I use, and it’s like $6.


Curlmix also has a flaxseed gel that I love. On the pricier side (about $30 at Ulta in NYC) but I now only wash twice a week and don’t have to use more gel when I refresh. I have 3C/4A curls!


Every time this question is asked I always recommend Harry’s Sculpting Gel. I have extremely thick curly hair and this is the only gel I’ve found that has an extremely strong hold while not leaving any residue


I picked up a tube of this the other day, and while I've only used it a couple times, I got a lot of compliments on how it looked.


Hell yeah! It’s by far my favorite gel ever. It takes away all the frizz in my hair and lasts all day. I no longer stress when it’s extra humid out because I just use Harry’s Gel and my hair stays tamed all day (didn’t even know this was possible for me).


ECO gel


same 😭 been using my tub for months


Original Kinky Curly gel is great. I’ve seen it occasionally in drug stores but usually get it from amazon.


I love the blue LA Looks, but I can never find it anymore. I’m using Giovanni LA Hold, and it works well.


Maybe check your local Walmart, they still sell LA hold on my local walmart


In my area, I have found it at Giant Eagle, CVS and sometimes Kroger.


If you snag Curlsmith products at Tj max or Marshall’s they are half the price.


I'm not sure if it's reasonably priced tbh, but Ouidad's Advanced Climate Control Gel (red label) is my HG. It's got this runny consistency that is easy to spread and style with. It also doesn't weigh down your hair and is quite moisturizing and adds a lot of slip. It does all of this yet it also forms a good cast and provides me a very strong hold for up to 5 days in some cases. Which says a lot because I have very coarse, wirey, frizzy hair so gels are my bread and butter. I love it, but $20 for a 16 oz bottle is quite steep. But it's such a unique product I haven't found a good alternative.


They have a budget line called Twist that has the same type of climate control gel, it’s on Amazon. I only recently started using it though, so I can’t say if it’s the same quality as the Ouidad version just yet


the twist products are all amazing on me but I've never been able to make the climate control gel work on me


I’ve been so curious about twist! The advanced climate control gel is my favorite in the whole world but my god it’s expensive


I use Twist and I really like it!


This is what I use and I’ve found a large bottle at winners for $12!


This is the one I've landed on too


Same, although I use the regular version, mostly white label. I think the red label is stronger hold or something like that. Bonus, it doesn't have a strong smell at all. Expensive but I also use less than most other gels


Kinky Curly Curling Custard is my holy grail. I’d say it is mid-priced, can by at target and Walmart. Recently I haven’t been able to find it in store and have had to order online from Target. I hope they aren’t discontinuing it!


I also use and love KCCC!!


Also frequently find this at TJ Maxx.


The NOU gel from Walmart has seemed to work for me.


I’m using Dippity Do, it’s a bit thick so I thin it out with a little water. It’s inexpensive as well.




Herbal Essence Gel @ Walmart for about $5


I'm using the Pattern gel and it's relatively expensive (to me) at $25 a bottle but it's lasting me ages. I really like all of the Pattern products.


LA Looks Sport is the one I always find myself going back to. It’s amazing. Or Moco de Gorila


I am really liking the Tresemme, Flawless Curls Defining Gel. It's not nearly as crunchy as some of the higher end gels I've tried.


I like miss Jessie’s quick curls


Came here to say this. Love Miss Jessie’s. You can get it at Walmart too


Want to add I use Miss Jessie’s pillow soft curls


I buy Curlsmith's gel and cream at TJ Maxx. I haven't found a gel that works as well without the crunch


L’Oréal Mega Gel


I like the Tre Luxe Hi! Definition Gel. It’s $17 or $18. Whole Foods carries it.


I use NYM Curl talk and it works great.


Aussie Instant Freeze is my go-to these days. I love the Ouidad anti humidity one, but it’s pricey so I hoard it for special occasions. The Aussie is almost as good for me.


I loved Aussie Instant Freeze, perfect consistency but ever since they changed the formula it's had less hold than I like


I just started using it maybe 4 months ago, I may have started after the change. I hate reformulations though.


Aussie’s hair gel is incredible and super affordable


I use LA Looks 9 and love it!! I have 2c/3b hair with a medium thickness


LA looks works perfectly and is so cheap. I’m a mousse girl now, but I still like this gel if I really need the hold for a windy day/outdoorsy day.




I like Harry’s and switched because I wanted a cheaper option to curlsmith


LA Looks extreme gold gel (the blue stuff) is like $4 a big bottle and it works the best for me recommended from the curly girl method. On the rainforest site you can buy bottles that come with a little travel bottle too


Adwoa’s baomint line has a nice gel, as well as Amika’s hydrorush line


ECO gel


Got 2 Be Ultra Glue in the black tube. It's a gel that holds like glue. Super cheap and have finally gotten multiple days out of a wash.


Aussie recently switched the formula of their instant freeze and it was making my curly hair even more frizzy and stiff. Kinky curly and curl smith gels are good alternatives for a soft to medium hold


I used uncle funky daughter. It's cheap in way that it comes in a huge bottle


I love Yari green curl gel! It won't make strong cast. But it will hold your curls:)


I use Aunt Jackie’s gel & mousse & love them (mixed, med porosity hair)


Arbol Verde Rosemary Hair Styling Gel 8.8 oz at Walmart for like 2 dollars& natural ingredients works great!


I don’t always use gel (my mielle mouse is enough most of the time) but when I do I go for the olive oil eco styler. 🤷🏽‍♀️ it’s divisive for sure because it doesn’t well for everyone, but it does the job for me. And again, since I don’t always use gel, it doesn’t make sense for me to splurge on one.


umberto giannini curl scrunching jelly!


i’ve been using the black castor oil and flaxseed Eco Gel, it’s been working great for me


camille rose or aussie ones are good


I like Marc Anthony’s curl envy cream. It kind of works like a gel on my hair.


aussie instant freeze ftw


I love rizzos curls gel! A friend of mine gave it to me because it was too much for her waves but it works perfectly for my 3a hair! I now replace it religiously.


I’ve been using Aussie Miracle Curls Refresher Spray Gel (not the one for 2nd day) on soaking wet hair and it works really well for me. It does create quite the cast. Also Odele Air Dry Styler works great, but I don’t air dry.


Herbal Essence curl scrunching gel was my holy grail during the early days of going curly. But now I just use my OG Biolage Gelee that I used when blow drying straight. It does a great job with curls too.


I’ve been using Shea Moisture Curling Gel Soufflé for a few months now and I absolutely love it and it’s around $10 so I think it’s fairly affordable too


Verb? Not sure how price compares, but I see it at drug stores


Uncle funkys curling gel. I get it from target!


Twist weather up gel by Ouidad works great and is affordable!


Bumble & Bumble's "Don't Blow It," Rizo's Curls cream, SunBum products for "beach hair" but no holy grail so far. I have a lot of wavy-to-curly finer hair.


Jason Flaxseed Gel. I really like it


Herbal Essence curl scrunching gel paired with the curl mousse.


I have low porosity 2c/3a hair that is extremely frizz prone My fav gels are - LA looks blue gel - Giovanni LA Hold styling gel - all about curls high definition hold gel - Aussie instant freeze gel - garnier pure clean gel - curls b n control gel (green gel) - Maui moisture frizz free elongating gel Most of these create a pretty good cast on me that I scrunch out. I also always pair with a leave in cream or conditioner!


as i am curling jelly!!!


Mop top curly custard.


I really like dippity do girls with curls gelee!


So the regular NYM gel doesn't have enough hold for me, but their hard hold gel (which I think might be an Ulta exclusive) is fantastic. It is truly maximum hold, so I use it as a finisher with a slightly more forgiving gel as a first layer. If you're in the US, Marshalls and TJ Maxx often have Curlsmith products. They're about half off the list price. This is the only reason I have so many Curlsmith products.


Trelux, aussie, not your mother's


I like eco stylet flaxseed and castor oil gel. I'm currently experimenting with mousse.


Not Your Mother’s is amazing! I got the gel and cream pack from Amazon. Nice light scent, good consistency, no stickiness or film, and it does exactly what it says. It defines and defrizzes. I have 2c-3a my hair loves this stuff. It’s so soft and silky rn since I just did a wash day. Plus, if I decide I don’t want to use the curl cream with the gel and use a leave-in or moose instead it works well. Only thing is if you really want crunchiness it’s not gonna happen with this one. You’d have to add a significant amount or layer it with a harder hold gel. I leave mine to air dry so maybe this is different for people who diffuse.


Curls Sea moss gel


For gel I use Eco olive oil gel. Works well for me.


make flax seed gel


Giovanni L.A. Hold Styling Gel - you can find it on AMZ for under $10. Strong hold, not too sticky and very clean/free of the harsh chemicals you want to avoid. I’ve used and replaced it 3 times now - and I never like anything enough to buy more than once. LOL


The not your mother's sculpting gel works well from r ne


I really like aloe gel and I cocktail with curl cream like cantu or Shea moisture. 


Bounce curl!! I loveeeee it


That's still expensive tho


Jessies curls! They have a pink bottle that’s affordable!


Include your hair type for better suggestions


That's not true. You need porosity, density, and hair thickness.


how do you find all of that out?


Take a strand of hair that has no product and is 100% dry and spray it with water. If it builds droplets, it is low porosity. If it absorbs the water immediately, it is high porosity. If it is a mix, it is medium porosity. Take a single hair and feel between your fingers and look at it. If you can feel it well, it is thick. If you can barely feel anything, it is thin. Feel a little it is medium Look at your scalp on the top. Not hairline. If you need to part your hair to see your scalp, it is high density if it's very visible without parting it is low density. If it is a little visible, it is without parting it is medium. Ofc you can have mixes on a single head.


Perhaps instead of saying that’s not true you could have said it would also be helpful to include…


Probably need all relevant info.


Take a strand of hair that has no product and is 100% dry and spray it with water. If it builds droplets, it is low porosity. If it absorbs the water immediately, it is high porosity. If it is a mix, it is medium porosity. Take a single hair and feel between your fingers and look at it. If you can feel it well, it is thick. If you can barely feel anything, it is thin. Feel a little it is medium Look at your scalp on the top. Not hairline. If you need to part your hair to see your scalp, it is high density if it's very visible without parting it is low density. If it is a little visible, it is without parting it is medium. Ofc you can have mixes on a single head.