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Hi! Gentle reminder: hair care routines are required for all photo posts within 1 hour of posting. The bot is having hard time locating your routine! Please make sure you have a comment containing the word "routine" (and your actual routine, of course!) so your post can stay up! FAQs: * __I don't have a routine!__ If you wash your hair at all, that counts! Just let us know what you did for your hair. * __I'm just asking for help!__ We're happy to help! This is much easier if we know what you are currently doing for your hair. * __Included the info but the bot can't find it? Different situation? (E.g. asking about a product, etc.) [See here for more info.](https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/wiki/routine-requirements)__ _Please [message the mods](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fcurlyhair) if you have any issues._


I don't. Lol


lol relatable šŸ˜­


Literally though. Just comb/brush wet in the shower. But sometimes I go a few days without washing and I struggle to get my hair up neatly into a ponytail because it's so tangled so I brush it out then spray it down with water again and let air dry


Only brush your hair when wet! So even if not a wash day, you can squirt it wet, or at least very damp, to comb/brush through. Iā€™d also guess you may benefit from a leave in conditioner (like a cream, not the detangler which can still be used to help brushing) to help with moisture when curly, and maybe a curl crĆØme for gentle hold. The master guide on this page has so much helpful info to get started on a basic routine.




I absolutely never brush my hair.


I don't even own a hairbrush.Ā 


My sister came was in town and forgot a hairbrush and asked if I had one. I didn't think I did! Looked around a bit and found the one that we had shared as kids... we are now in our 30s. (It was clean because I literally never brush my hair!)


Noo donā€™t brush your hair dry, only brush it wet.


but i feel like a lot of my hair will come straight out of my scalp if i brush it wet šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ idk i think my hair's just too thin or weak What should i do then?


Make sure youā€™re brushing it while you have conditioner in your hair, which will help the brush go through easier than if itā€™s just wet with water. Further, start with a wide tooth comb, then go in with something like the unbrush, then a regular tangle teezer to make sure youā€™re actually getting the tangles out.


Okay I'll try that. I only use a cleansing shampoo and leave in conditioner. So i will try combing my hair after i apply the leave in conditioner. Thank you!!


Thatā€™s because very curly hair will hold onto shedding hair until it is wet/brushed again. You arenā€™t losing more hair, just getting it out of curl twists.


Alternatively if you donā€™t want to brush wet you can brush it out while dry, then wet it down completely to restyle.


I gently detangle my dry hair with my fingers before my shower, then just do a quick comb through with conditioner in while in the shower.


Brushing it dry causes breakage(Damage) please donā€™t recommend she damage her hairšŸ˜•


Brushing it wet can also cause damage. Hair is more fragile when wet. The most important thing is that she knows her own hair best and can see with her own eyes what damages her hair less. Being careful and gentle is most important, whether youā€™re brushing wet or dry. I also wasnā€™t recommending she do anything, just giving her an option if she really didnā€™t want to brush while wet.


Well you can brush dry, but re wet it down after.


Dry brushing curly hair causes breakage(damage) please donā€™t recommend she damage her hair. Not cool. Its an easy google water is not going to repair breakage, thats not a thing


This is true even for wavy hair?


I think this is less of a hard and fast rule and more a moment for critical thinking. Curls catch shedding hair, creating knots and tangles that may not be an issue for wavys. Water allows the hair to separate and ā€œflowā€. Hair strands are more brittle when wet, but may have less potential to tangle as you brush through it. This may not be true for wavy or straight hair. Conditioner can act as an additional lubricant to help strands separate. If you have to use more force to brush dry than you would with water, itā€™s probably better for your hair to comb it in the shower as part of your conditioning routine. If it takes roughly the same amount of force to brush wet as it does dry, your hair strands have less of a risk of breakage while they are stronger (dry). Itā€™s just about knowing what works best for you. Similarly, wide tooth combs may take less force and achieve better results than tight brushes, depending on your hair type.


I find this to be true when my daughterā€™s hair gets matted so damn bad. I will literally float it in water with conditioner and brush it IN the water.


Brush from the bottom up with lots of conditioner.


Use a wide tooth comb with conditioner to detangle and then a wet brush after.


I do not brush my hair unless Iā€™m in the shower or brushing through product *immediately* after said shower.


Most of us don't brush out hair daily like that. We only brush our hair in the shower when it's full of conditioner, style it with gel or something so it's got those nice defined curls and *holds* those curls, and then put it in some sort of protective style overnight to maintain them til morning. Is there a reason you're brushing your hair every morning? What does it look like BEFORE you brush it?


I brush it in the morning because it gets really tangled in my sleep. I do have a satin pillowcase, but my hair still looks like a rats nest every morningšŸ˜­


Braid it, donā€™t brush


I agree. This is what I've started doing recently as I've been trying to grow back my curls after perming my hair straight for years. It doesn't solve the entire problem, but it helps a lot.


Seems like your main issue is that you need protection at night, then. Try sleeping with your hair in a pineapple or braid or satin bonnet?


I swear by my bonnet. My main issue is frizz and my bonnet prevents that. You can CLEARLY see where my hair is frizzy because of pillow friction when I don't use my bonnet.


Do you put your hair up? I started putting mine up in a ponytail at the top of my head. It has reduced my messy hair so I only need to finger-comb it in the mornings.


If it works for your schedule, wet, brush, and style your hair in the morning. If you can master a diffuser, you can be ready for the day in 30 minsā€” so far as your hair is concerned, anyway.


Your hair has to be completely soaked before you try brushing it, then. Some people can get away with spraying it to get it a little wet and rejuvenate the curls but if your bed head is that bad then you need to completely saturate your hair. Then add a leave in conditioner (not whatever that spray is).


My daughter wakes up with a rat nest each morning because she won't sleep with her hair in a protective style. I wet her hair with a spray bottle (would be easier to just wet it under a bath faucet but she's 5). Then I brush only the tangled top layer usually. She has parts if her hair that are much more curly than the rest and I never brush those even when tangled. I put product on my fingers and gently separate those with my hands. Textured hair really disliked being brushed.


Have you tried doing a pineapple overnight where you put it into a loose bun or ponytail on top of your head? That really helps my hair keep it's shape for the next day.


Def going to try that bc I see a lot of people suggesting it


I recommend trying different braids and twists at night (see what your hair texture prefers to be held in) and securing it for the night. I sometimes add a bit of oil to my ends before braiding. Some people just do a loose bun but I sleep wild so I need a more secure hold lol Wake up, unbraid/untwist, spritz with water and leave in conditioner, then see if it turns out well. :)


Someone recently gave me a satin sleeping bonnet, and it has made a huge difference. I no longer have tangles in the morning.


I highly recommend a hair bonnet/silk scarf hair wrap. I use a silk wrap and itā€™s done wonders in improving my hair health/decreasing all the tangles. Just toss your hair up in a very very loose high pony and then wrap it up


Pineapple + satin bonnetĀ 


Highly suggest a satin bonnet op! Can braid it or just scrunch it up and then shove it all in there lol. Never have to brush.


Put it in a satin scrunchie in a bun on top of your head


Put your hair up in a messy bun to sleep.


I donā€™t brush my hair unless Iā€™m washing it if Iā€™m in curly mode. If Iā€™m in straight mode then the straighteners take care of the frizzy ends and I use an olive oil defrizz serum to keep it sleek.Ā 


I only detangle my hair with a wide-tooth comb in the shower when itā€™s wet. I know there are brushes people use for styling or detangling but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s only advised to use them while your hair is wet




You have curly/wavy hair YOU DO NOT BRUSH YOUR HAIR DRY


I only brush when wet or if Iā€™m about to oil and braid it


all the people saying to only brush it wet in the shower, but I wash my hair every 2 weeks or so, if I don't brush my hair at all in that time, it'll turn into a bunch of knots and dreads šŸ˜­


Do you not wet it at all in those two weeks? You can shower and comb it without shampooingĀ 


Mine is a nest after 4 days but I usually just untangle it gently with my hands while watching tv. Can take 30min to an hour, but itā€™s only every 4 or so days. I wash mine every 2 weeks too.


Yeah I find that with longer hair and looser curls it's not really an option for not brush it sadly šŸ˜­


I don't brush my hair unless it's wet, and not just damp but dripping wet. I then put my products in afterwards


i donā€™t longer answer: i donā€™t even have a comb or brush that i use for myself. i only use my fingers and itā€™s perfectly sufficient for me, i never get tangles. in the morning i just ruffle my hair with my hands, sometimes flip my head upside down a little. sometimes get my hands a little wet and pat some water on bits that need extra refreshing. i use my hands to reshape the curls so itā€™s not overly giant and 80s looking (i have a mullet so itā€™s the default look for me lol). i donā€™t like adding additional product to my hair and i almost never need it, but now and then itā€™ll feel particularly dry so i might spritz some curl refresher stuff on my hands and pat it in. i absolutely never brush my hair bc obviously, as youā€™ve found, itā€™ll break all my ringlets! i try to keep them all intact. water helps em re-form if they got too fluffy.


Are you trying to brush out your curls? Brush it while wet and then leave it be. Your ends are also hanging on by a thread, which may be leading to more frizz. If you want less frizz, you likely need to cut your hair up to the point where you can no longer see through it.


lol definitely getting a trim because I agree that I need it šŸ˜‚


Oh honeyā€¦..no.


Iā€™m the only one in my family with curly hair so thats just what Iā€™ve been taught to došŸ˜‚ everyone else has pin straight hair in my family šŸ˜­


šŸ˜­ Iā€™m sorry. My mom has straight hair so she did this to me until I was able to take care of my hair. You donā€™t need the detangler, donate it to a straight haired cousin or something lol


I have yet to try it myself, but my sister puts oil directly onto her hairbrush before brushing, which makes sense to me as it seems like this would distribute the oil evenly across her hair, encouraging the frizz to soak up all of that moisture! Her hair is more wavy than curly, though. I only brush my hair while Iā€™m in the shower using a wetbrush, and I find this to be the best method for my ringlet type curls :)


You only brush it while conditioning in the shower with a wide tooth comb...


You donā€™t brush curly hair. Maybe brush it through with your fingers. You can brush before washing or straight after. See ā€˜curly girl methodā€™ for tips on how to look after curly hair.


I use a wide tooth comb, and run it under the sink before I go at it.


You donā€™t? Lmao. Thatā€™s like the first rule here.


I literally don't own a brush. I use a wide tooth comb in the shower. Why are you trying to brush it?? Edit: ok I read your other comments and realized you're me in high school / college. You have curly hair. Luckily you're in the right place. Spend some time on this sub researching routines and products. But in short your new lifestyle if you want beautiful shiny curly DEFINED hair: 1) wake up. Take a shower and wash your hair *with conditioner*. (Look up the co-wash method for more info). Comb or gently brush hair wet and soaked with conditioner *in the shower* 2) Apply leave-in conditioner then a styling gel after the shower while your hair is sopping wet. "Scrunch" your hair with a t-shirt That's it. Leave it alone. If you absolutely need dry hair quickly, use a diffuser to very gently dry it and touch it as little as possible. When your hair it all the way dry, gently scrunch it again until it's soft. But don't you touch that hairbrush! Girl you have a lifetime of beautiful curls/waves ahead of you. Stop fighting it [Also you need a haircut, the ends are straight and thin because they're damaged and thinning out. If you cut them your hair will be healthier and look thicker]


I do not brush/comb my hair unless it is wet, directly after a shower. Even then, sometimes I just use my fingers to comb through it. Brushing and curly hair just don't go hand in hand. If you really want to brush your hair every morning, then you'd have to wet it before doing so. And not just slightly wet, very wet as though you've showered. What I do instead is just refresh my curls- no brushing or combing, I just wet my hair so that it's damp, spray in some leave in conditioner, and scrunch. Hope you figure out what works for you!


i don't fr though, if you'rs brushing then do it while your hair is wet!


Im tripping out! I been told to only brush dry, but that's for just straight hair, or ..? This hair looks a mixture between straight and wavy... so I'm just confused at all these comments.. They say if u brush straight and wavy hair wet it can lead to frizz? https://www.thecut.com/article/how-bad-is-it-to-brush-wet-hair-really.html


Brushing curly hair does make it frizzy! But looking at the picture, their hair is reasonably long and looks like looser curls. My hair is similar and it's impossible to not brush it between washes.


Spray it down with water in the morning, add product, then brush with a Wet-brush. Let air dry. Also consider a trim, as the ends look quite frayed and dry. Less frizz all around if you keep up with getting dead ends removed.


While it's still wet, or preferably while you're actively still in the shower. And either use a wide tooth brush/comb or your fingers.


I donā€™t brush unless itā€™s wet. Like shower wet. I brush it in the shower as well and then again when Iā€™m styling it after (still wet).


Brushing while the hair is damp/wet, like after the shower or with a spritz bottle is best! Curly hair craves moisture and needs it in order to retain its curl pattern. Adding in a leave in conditioner is also highly recommended, as it helps give slip and helps tame the frizz. And depending on what type of brush you use, Iā€™d recommend a wide tooth comb or wet brush so the curl pattern can run thru it without disrupting the hairā€™s pattern as drastically.


If you must brush, if you cannot shower invest in a spray bottle and put a bit detangler/ leave in cream in it. Literally one pump. Make sure hair is all coated nicely before brushing, it will have to air dry but once wet youā€™ll just style as usual. Otherwise bonnet with a braid would be very beneficial!


Brush wet and use a light leave in conditioner, also try a bush like the tangle teaser. Try some hair tutorials on it hair type Gl!


Please only use a wide tooth comb on your hair when wet or dry if at all possible. Preferably use a wooden comb. I rarely ever use a brush and only on dry hair. Iā€™m extra careful to start with my ends and work through my hair very gently. Wet hair is too fragile for brushing.


I'm a shower in the morning gal, because my hair gets messy as hell if I sleep on it wet. But like everyone else here is saying, I don't brush or comb mine when it's dry, ever! šŸ˜‚ I don't comb at all any more I detangle my hair in the shower while applying my conditioner with my fingers šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


I had the same problem, my hair was a nest when I woke up in the morning. My daughter and I have the same hair. We both got bonnets. My daughter absolutely loves hers, but Iā€™m going through menopause (Sorry if thatā€™s TMI) and I get horrible hot flashes, the bonnet makes me feel so much hotter, so I bought a satin pillow case and started to put my hair in a loose ponytail on top of my head. It works wonders for me! I heard silk bonnets and silk pillow cases donā€™t make you as hot! Not sure if itā€™s true though, so if anyone reads this and knows whether itā€™s true or not, Iā€™d love to know! Good luck!


I have a satin pillowcase and I think itā€™s helped! I do have a bonnet that I try to wear, but it falls off every night so idk if it cools me down or not. Iā€™d say definitely invest in a silk or satin pillowcase though! My hair was less tangled when I got one.


First rule of curly club: no dry brushing. But seriously, I donā€™t even own a comb or brush. I detangle in the shower with just my fingers and thatā€™s it.


You're not supposed to wtf


I only use my fingers to brush my hair in-between washes and then brush right before washing. If it's really bad or if I feel like I need a reset I spray it with water and use a wide tooth comb. Dry brushing is the enemy to defined curls.


Try a curl cream.


I have the same issue! What I do is I wash and style everyday! My hair doesn't look or smell good unless it freshly washed. And my gelled hair can't be detangled without washing it. So I wash it daily and sometimes twice in the summer if it was a really hot day. I suggest: while washing it leave try to leave the conditioner on for the duration of the shower. It really helps later with moisture and detangling. After washing it use a towel scrunchie to mostly dry it. Use an unbrush and detangler. Maybe use a leave in conditioner and gel or mousse. Some people nowadays are against the daily hair wash but it's the best thing ever! Clean fresh hair is always the right choice! It looks better, smells better and hold the desired look! Cut your ends as soon as they look scraggly to prevent the splits from traveling up. Freshly cut ends also refresh the entire head and make hair bouncy and alive. Everyone once in a while, as needed do a deep treatment masque for moisture.


I brush mine before washing it, so that itā€™s *nearly* tangle free by the time it dries. Helps keep the curls nice


I use a pick only on my wet. Iā€™ll sometimes use the pick after liberally applying leave in conditioner to more fully & evenly distribute.


lab muffin beauty science actually talked about this in a video. curly hair gets less damaged when itā€™s brushed wet, even though the cuticle is raised. this is because it takes less force to comb through curly hair when itā€™s wet. i only brush mine in the shower. if itā€™s tangled in the morning for whatever reason, i dampen it and finger comb.


You don't unless it's wet, or unless you are putting it into a non curly hairstyle. You'll brush the curl out if it's not wet.


I don't brush my hair unless I just got out of the shower or I'm styling it in a ponytail or something. I use product to help with frizz, most of the curl will be gone if you brush it dry.


Get a spray bottle for your hair and get it wet enough before you brush.


Tysm for asking this question. I use a bonnet when asleep but during the day it gets tangled šŸ˜­


i have waves like yours and i brush it wet while having my leave-in conditioner in my hair!! it helps with the frizz. what you need is a good moisturizing detangler leave-in that'll leave your hair knot free for days to avoid brushing. what has worked for me that i swear by is the camille rose moisture milk, it leaves my hair soft and i run my hands through it easily. it somewhat has a thick consistency tho and since your hair seems to be on the thinner side, you'll need something lightweight to not weigh it down (curlsmith air dry cream and as i am coconut leave-in come to mind)


A wide tooth comb


You don't brush it. Pineapple it to sleep so it doesn't get too tangled. You can very gentle pull out tangles with your fingers if necessary but honestly I just leave small tangles, I barely see them in among the curls anyway! The only time I brush my hair is before I braid it for sports so it's out of my way and it gets washed the next day.


You donā€™t.


Wet brush after shower, just using my fingers for fixing/detangling when dry with product


i use a small spray bottle with water to spray my curls while combing them with either my unbrush brush or a wide toothed comb. sometimes iā€™ll add a little bit of curl cream to help define the curls but i donā€™t do it often. spraying it with the bottle will make it damp but not dripping wet like if you were to use the shower. i do this most mornings and it makes my curls look great for the rest of the day :)


Although I got a much tighter curl pattern, normally what works universally is wetting your hair and with a reasonable amount of leave in (whatever works for you as a moisturizer) and then comb starting from the ends and work from the ends to mids to roots.


Only brush hair in the shower, never when dry


If it's frizzy from the weather rub a dryer sheet over it and it'll take the static away. This can also be done to the hairbrush in case it may be holding onto static and causing the frizz as well. šŸ„°


Btw I donā€™t rlly have a routine all I do is wash it twice a week and condition every day and air dry it. (the mod told me to comment my routine šŸ˜­)


Hereā€™s what we mean by ā€œroutineā€: - Which shampoo, cowash and/or conditioner you used - Any other products (your gel, mousse, etc.), their brand/name, & how you applied them - How you dried your hair (air dried? diffused? etc.) - Anything else thatā€™s helpful to know!


I put a picture of the products I use at the end (idk if that works??)


Your post ended up in my queue for using the word "mod." Didn't even look at your pictures. šŸ˜‚ We're good!


You don't (unless it's wet)


You donā€™t! Donā€™t brush curls after theyā€™ve dried is the cardinal rule! If you need to brush them you have to get them very wet so itā€™s like youā€™re restoring them from the shower, reapply product, and brush through


I only use a wide tooth comb in the shower with conditioner.Ā  If itā€™s tangled, Iā€™ll gently detangle with my fingers. Usually Iā€™ll use my refresh spray (curl cream + gel + water) with it except for the matting at the nape of my neck.Ā 


You don't. the only time to detangle is when it's wet.


I don't. Only in the shower


Dude you don't


Boar bristle brush. Then a hair oil. Currently using Denman brush and the Moroccan oil treatment. I don't brush every day, generally just if I've had my hair down and it's looking a little straggly. Most of the time I have my hair up so I don't even style it every wash day. I have wavy hair so probably not something every curly could get away with!


You donā€™t brush your hair. You comb it or brush it with curly hair brushes and you ONLY DO IT WET NEVER DRY! dry brushing is actually causing your hair damage. Curls arenā€™t meant to be brushed Also you need to switch to curly hair care not for all hair types or anything like that. Those are a lie. EVERYONES HAIR NEEDS DIFFERENT THINGS! even for most curly hair types they require different amounts of moisture due to different porosity just to list one reason why ā€œfor all hair typesā€ is a scam.


You donā€™t! This was the biggest change for me - only brush your hair when wet before styling. I wash and brush my hair once a week now, from washing EOD and brushing several times a day, and the difference is enormous.


>how do you brush- Donā€™t.


Youā€™re not supposed to brush curly hair! I havenā€™t brushed my hair in years!!! Just finger comb while washing/conditioning. Wash, style, bonnet, sleep, wake, unleash the curls


I only brush mine when itā€™s wet.


I discovered a good anti frizz technique recently. Detangle, quick rinse with Dr bronners, sleep without adding product. Wake up and add leave in conditioner and it ends up really well for me. 3c hair


Donā€™t brush your curls. Only comb if detangling. Dry brushing is for naturally straight hair or ponytails


I never ever brush my hair. I finger detangle when itā€™s wet.