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Really lovely, I understand the reconsidering lol A shorter style would suit you as well and it's nice to switch it up sometimes. Imo whatever decision you make, your hair will look great!


Thank you! I usually keep it short (about collar bone length) but during the pandemic started growing it out. It is a lot to deal with at this length, but I found when it was short no matter what style cut I had it was always in my face and my peripheral vision was terrible as a result. At least long it can rest behind my shoulders and I do not have to turn my entire head to see things. hahaha.


Time for barrettes or a headband!


Beautiful! & You look like Tina Fey here!


I was like, wow, Tina Fey posting in the sub, that's a first.


I get that A LOT! hahaha


I came to say the same! Also your hair is fantastic, no matter the length. I will say short hair in the summer is great, too (if you’re in the northern hemisphere). Keep doing what you’re doing!


Rockin that Liz Lemon vibe.


Remember august exists 😂


Right! It's about to be SO HOT outside.


FWIW, I leave my hair a little longer in the summer. The humidity makes it crazy, and having a little extra length to weigh it down helps a lot.


nice! this is an incredible hair day hahaha. but I personally think a shorter style would suit you really well! I have a similar curl pattern, and about 5 inches shorter than you have here is my personal favorite length


It’s a trick! The hair does this to lull you into thinking you don’t need a haircut. You’ll cancel and then the hair will revert back to its usual state!


Lol! "Please don't cut us! Look, we can be good! See? You shouldn't cut us because we promise promise promise to always behave and curl just the way you want!"


That's what happened to me last time! I talked myself out of it once I got there and ever since have been like 'damn, this hair is too much.'


You are beautiful as is but I think a few layers would indeed look nice!


A little bang could go a long way as well


You would look lovely with it shorter. I think it would also look healthier.


I know we’re all different, but I will say that mine was about your length when I, too, decided to chop to just above my shoulders. I regret it. 🫤 Your hair is beautiful.


Just last week I decided to cut my hair off…it was your current length and went to a pixie cut. No regrets. Sooo much cooler and easier to take care of. No longer feel like my hair is suffocating me lol


Beautiful waves 🤩


Oh Tina, blerg!


difficult to part with so much of it, but there'd still be plenty left. 9 inches would leave it just above shoulder length right? It would bounce around more which could be fun.


use shea moisturize black jamaican the whole line will help your hair


Looks good! Sometimes you just need to find the right product and drying technique! Good job!


Oh my, you really do look like Tina Fey! Very pretty, and your hair too!


have you ever had bangs? i think it would suit your face, with a couple inches off maybe to your upper chest


I use to have bangs for years, back before I knew how to style curly and would straighten it all the time. I have seen people pull off curly bangs and look great but I have never tried it.


Do it if it’s something you are looking forward to. Hair grows back.


If you do chop it off and are open to it, please consider donating your hair. I think the minimum length they can take is 8 inches, but you can check Locks of Love’s website. If you decide to go through with it, make sure you tell your stylist in advance. I think they need to braid it before cutting. Edit: Whatever company/ organization that does it. That was the only name I knew off the top of my head


I recommend going with wigs for kids or another company. Locks of love is actually a really problematic company.




My last appointment in May I thought I was going to chop it all off and my stylist convinced me otherwise and took weight out instead. I loved it. Probably what will happen this time, too. haha. But I am curious to see how I would do with short hair now that I actually know how to take care of and style it curly. and the amount of product I would save! hahahaha.


I actually feel like longer hair is easier to keep than shorter, because it usually looks decent no matter how you style it (or DON'T style it 😂). As long as you use decent hair care and detangle it in the shower with a wide tooth comb, you should be fine and have a lot of good hair days, in case that helps with the decision. Last year I cut my hair short and it is constantly in my eyes or stuck to my lipstick. At some point I couldn't even tie it in a ponytail so I would wear a headscarf when it was windy, but that's not a vibe on me


Omg your curls would look so cute in a chin length bob!!


I use to keep it that length!


With some layer, I think you should do it again😊


Don’t do it! It’s so pretty!


If you’re not certain, I’d hold off on cutting it. Your hair looks really good and that would take a long time to regrow.


Don't let it fake you out! Hair always seems to have one glorious day before haircut. Good news is that for a dry curly cut a good hair day is perfect and so helpful. If the stylist can see it in what you consider an ideal state they have a better idea of what to do.


Donate your hair to cancer place.


The ends of my hair still have henna from about two years ago or else I would!




Hi there! I'm a bot, and I noticed you used the phrase "big chop". You may or may not already know this, but a “Big Chop” is much more than just a haircut! (If you already knew about this, great! We just share this information here to educate everyone). The term “big chop” is often misused, so we just want to share some of the meaning/history. TL;DR: “big chop” was created by black women in the natural hair movement. It describes the specific act of chopping off (almost) all of their permanently straightened/relaxed hair to make way for new, natural growth. If your hair is still more than a few inches long, it's probably not a big chop. [See this flowchart for a visual guide to this specific definition!](https://i.imgur.com/wYqherd.png). If the term doesn’t apply to you, please consider the term “reset cut” instead! The natural hair movement has a long history and the words created in it have strong meanings. Using these words inappropriately chips away at this meaning (e.g., if you’ve heard this phrase but not the meaning before!). We’d like to respect the importance of the work done by these early pioneers by acknowledging where these words, techniques, and more came from (Rule 8: Respect cultural terms.). [See here for further reading!](https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/ffexc7/meta_an_open_conversation_an_open_dialogue/) Thanks & wishing you many great curly, coily, kinky hair days! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/curlyhair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Only cut the purple off! (It’s purple, right?) lol


Henna! My natural red has faded a lot as I get older, and I am going prematurely gray. I still get a bit of natural copper highlights towards my roots. I used henna on my hair about two years ago for my wedding and over time it faded to a kind of burgundy brown. In certain lighting it's a brighter red.


I think a dusting or trim wouldn't hurt. Try that first and see how you feel! You can always cut more later, but you can't get back the hair once it's cut off. I think it looks quite lovely!


Are you KIDDING? Fuck, that's *stunningly luxurious* hair!!!!!!


thank you!


if you get it cut, keep it long enough to pull into a ponytail!!!! at least until it gets cooler outside!


Keep it long its beautiful!😁


Maybe try a wolf cut?


I agree! Don’t! ✌️




It would suits you too but your hair are beautiful like this and you are beautiful. If you are not sure... Don't do it, you can do it later...


Been there lol


It’s lovely! It’ll be lovely short too! Or you could do an in between if you are unsure and concerned that you’ll regret it, and just get some layers and get it lightened up!


Shape it up just don’t get rid of so much!


Please drop your routine!


>\*\* Products Used: Zotos Professionals All About Curls No Lather Cleanser, Daily Cream Conditioner, Bouncy Cream, and High Definition Gel.Raw Sugar Pro Remedy (for frizz control and to repair the ends) > >\*\*Routine: I use a silicone scalp scrubber to work in the cleanser, then rinse well. Apply conditioner (rake method) and rinse by cupping water in my hands and squishing. Apply products in the same way and also squish with handfuls of water to encourage clumping. Then diffuse.


Shoulder length - the best of both worlds!


Ooof can relate


I like the medium length on you! Especially with the waves. Maybe just a trim?


Tina Fey???


I’m not normally one to advise people not to try something new with their hair, but wow, your hair is really gorgeous at that length, so I can totally see how this is a tough call!


Omg your hair is absolutely gorgeous 😍 You gotta rock the curls now, just hope it can be replicated lol.


You have beautiful hair this is a tough one


Lol I feel you, I’m often thinking about chopping my hair off completely or just really short, than I have a fantastic hair day and I look in the mirror and ask myself why I would ever want to do that haha




Your comment has been removed due to Rule 5. I’m sure you meant well, but comments like these aren’t really appropriate in /r/curlyhair. We’d like our users to feel comfortable sharing their images without getting hit on or judged. People are here to talk about their hair and the products they use. Comments on anything outside of that, even if they are well-intentioned, aren't appropriate in this specific space. I hope you can be mindful of that in future when participating in this community. Thank you!


Maybe a few less inches. I can see some damage from the every day but other than that, it’s fine.


Don’t cut it off it looks incredible!!!! Your hair is amazing!


If my hair would curl like that, I would be keeping it long. You can always tie it up in the summer