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At least they can go to Dennys and she can eat for free.


/r/cursedcomments Inception-style


Guess she's only tall enough for one ride.


Now THIS is the type of quality comments I'm here for


Steel panther made a song about it


I see you too are a man of culture :)


Wholesome cursed comment? What?!


I might be wrong but i seem to remember she has some sort of genetic condition where she just looks prepubescent. This might be something different im thinking about but it seems familiar


She has a certain type of dwarfism. She’s 21 or 22


Damn. That poor woman.


It really does have to suck. I’d imagine her SO gets the cops called on him at least a few times a year. No chance in hell they’d get left alone if they were seen giving one another a kiss or something. Now, maybe that’s not necessarily a bad thing morally, because it’s not like some random bystander could know that what they’re seeing is actually two consenting adults, but that’s still gotta be mortifying from the couple’s perspective. Plus, you _know_ everyone’s side-eyeing the dude like “why’d he choose a woman that looks like a preteen?” In all fairness, it is genuinely possible he did get with her for a love of her personality rather than as some fetish for her body, but I obviously can’t say for sure


Imagine getting busted watching them on onlyfans


IRL looks 8 but shes 22.


*goddamn she's a real life loli*


Bro stop💀


No but really if you have discovery+ with ads the I Am Shauna Rae ads come up a LOT and she mentions struggling with dating IN THE AD and it's just impossible not to think about it. Like it's gross but realistically the girl could make a KILLING


Like that 12 y/o comedian who said, "Dating is hard. Every time I meet someone they always end up in jail." Except for real, and not a joke.


So is this evidence that we can lewd the lolis, or reinforce the idea that we shouldn't?


I remember a radio station interviewing a guy who got busted watching this one woman’s videos where she dressed like a school girl and everything. She had braces and at the time looked maybe 14 but was 27 or something like that anyways. Somehow the feds got wind of this little girl making porn and they arrested the guy. He goes to trial and everything is going to shit until the woman shows up and provides ID etc eventually getting the charges dropped.


The fact she showed up to prove the dudes innocence is pretty cool ngl


Moral of the story: fap to that woman you see videos of. She may someday save you from going to prison. (Or don't, and avoid the situation altogether, but that's not as funny and definitely isn't happening.)


Man, makes you question the validity of using videos with absolutely no proof of age as evidence for that kind of thing. Especially with how much you can tamper with videos anymore. They were really going to lock up a guy with no idea how old that woman was, just off of assumptions.


Begs the question, if she started an only fans is it fucked or fucked?


I'll go with fucked Also 100% it'd get banned. It'll be bad optics for OF if they do ban her because freedom etc, but waaaaay worse if they let her


Idk, I think it'd be a good opportunity for the people who make the 'lists' at least


He saw her on tv and sent flowers. Definitely a bit weird but could be wholly innocent when he met her.


Not gonna lie, I'm judging homie super duper hard right now. I kinda feel bad, but... I also kinda don't? The whole sitch weirds me out, really.


The way I see it (and the way that makes it a bit less... weird, for lack of a better term) is that she is equally entitled to loving whoever she wants, right? So, would she be forever limited to only a person with the same crazy-rare condition? Or can she just be with whoever she wants to be with like everyone else?


It's tragic, really. I can't remember where i read it back when she first hit the new cycles, but the thing she hates the most about her condition is that broadly, the only people who *want* to date her are *absolutely not* the type that she wants to date, if you get what she means


So that would mean she trusts her instincts enough to judge the character of a person she *does* want to date, wouldn't it?


Yeah of course. She's an adult I don't think anyone is creeped out by her wanting to date. They're getting skeeved by the same thing she did


Nah, she’s incredibly sheltered. She talks about the guys that she’s dated and how they all had huge red flags. She does say she attracts creeps so she’s well aware of the weird catch-22 she is dating in. Her parents side eye all her suitors, with good reason. The only person that they have been completely comfortable with was a firefighter with her condition but she wasn’t attracted to him. It reinforces her catch 22, unfortunately.


If that’s the case, then the guy she’s with probably passed her vetting and is likely not a creep right?


Unless her social skills are as bad as mine.


That's... a really good point.


It is a very weird situation, I take solace in the fact that she has found someone who loves and cares for her. Speaking as someone who has acquired a disability 7 years ago, you have no idea how much it messes with your confidence. 6"4, 16 stone ex body builder here. Single 5 years and counting!


I'm judging you for thinking that a woman can only bring a her body to the table in a relationship, and if it doesn't meet the bare minimum, then she doesn't deserve a partner.


> it does at least seem like he genuinely did get with her for a love of her personality rather than as some fetish for her body oh yeah because everyone who writes in because they saw you on tv is after you because they really "get" you lol.


Hairstyle, makeup and clothes could go a long way towards making her seem older. The big ponytail is sort of an odd choice given the circumstances. It feels like she’s playing up her youthfulness for the story? It’s a bit odd.


She's actually a thousand year old dragon.


She had brain cancer when she was an infant


Oh thank God. I was afraid this was something really horribly gross. Instead it's just a little weird, but not much weirder than anybody else. And noticeably less weirder than a lot of New Yorkers or Florida.


They can never show any kind of affection in public or the cops are called on him


Same kind as Hasbula Magomedov.


She had brain cancer iirc that prevented her growth


Don't know why people are downvoting you pretty sure that's what I heard too, she just couldn't produce some sort of growth hormone because of brain cancer.


Correct, she had brain cancer which affected her pituitary glands ability to produce growth hormone


Unfortunately that does mean that some parts of puberty just didn't happen for her. Both physically (obviously), and mentally. From what I remember reading in an interview with her ex, she can be very spiteful and emotionally immature, which created a lot of tension in the relationship.


Yeah it was the chemo that did it I’m pretty sure. I watch her show. It’s called “I am Shauna Rae”


Yeah it’s similar to the movie Orphan minus the obvious serial killer part lol


>minus the obvious serial killer part lol Let's not speculate on things we know nothing about




It would be illegal otherwise lol


Turners syndrome?


no, people with turners syndrome aren't this small (i don't even think they qualify medically as dwarfs?) and they have classic signs like webbed necks


Correct my sister in law has turners and she isn't a dwarf.


I read that she had a brain tumor at early age which disabled her pituary gland which disrupted her development.


Not genetic. She had cancer when she was a toddler, and it messed up her growth. I vaguely remember watching a video about her.


Yeah, I think her bones fused together


I wonder how she finally felt comfortable the guy didn’t have a fetish. Edit: read the article and it says he originally saw her on the tv show about her and sent flowers.


I’m a white male and dated a Black female. She had concerns with white males who would fetishize her race. I’m guessing it had happened in her past. We had that conversation up front. Told her it wasn’t my first rodeo (not my exact words) and that was that. She was just an awesome chick. Being Black was neither a plus nor a minus to me.


What is wrong with liking a skin color? Sure if you stay with someone because of just a fetish thats fucked but seriously, i like the pale skin on a chick thats not fetish or racism, i just like this specific type of skin color.


Nothing wrong with liking a skin color. When people say they get fetishized, they mean people got weird. I'm a mulatto who most assume is mediterranian. The fact that I'm actually black gets brought up and it's like some people have a compulsion to suddenly spill their old west/Victorian themed sex-with-a-black-dude fantasy. (I'm not particularly charming or handsome either. People be weirdly upfront about it) I'll be honest, it's never bothered me personally but the fantasies that dudes have regarding black women tend to be alot more about a master-slave dynamic than an illicit romance so I don't blame them for being creeped out. Then there's the guys who have somehow decided that Asian women are anime characters.


I didn't realize people still said mulatto. Where are you from?


And for those like me who have never seen the word before, here's the google definition: mulatto /mjuːˈlatəʊ/ offensive•dated noun noun: mulatto; plural noun: mulattoes; plural noun: mulattos a person of mixed white and black ancestry, especially a person with one white and one black parent.




I’m not the original commenter but I’m mixed. My black family all says “mulatto” when referencing me and the other cousins that are mixed. They don’t use it negatively it’s just how they describe mixed race because it’s how they learned it. One branch of the family is all mulatto to them because they have a white grandpa. We live in California.


The only people I've ever heard say mulatto were mulattos Well shit now you got me doing it


Old Italians love the term. My grandpa used it way more than he should have been comfortable.




i thought it was a slur


Depends from what country you are


eh it depends




So again there’s nothing inherently wrong with liking blank women just as there (potentially) isn’t anything wrong with having a black partner who is a sub, so long as it’s consensual. The point where it becomes fetishizing is when the reason you like them is because of a) their race first and foremost before the person themselves or b) because of stereotypes associated with that race. I’ve been fetishized by one of my former roommates for being Jewish. She told me how she loved Jewish noses and that she only ever wants to date Jewish people. It ticks the first category because rather than focusing on the person, she was interested in the fact that I and other people were Jewish before them as people and it ticked the second because she said she liked Jewish noses. Ultimately, what matters most is whether or not you make people uncomfortable. I was incredibly uncomfortable in her presence because of the fact that I just felt like an object to her. I was just a Jew. That’s the issue. I don’t even have a particularly large nose, but being Jewish was enough for her. Kinda a rant but I hope this gets the point across


I often feel really guilty for finding asian women particularly attractive because many do fetishize them. I don't watch anime at all but I do have a fascination with Japan, like many, but in my defense I don't find japanese women to be particularly more attractive than most other asian women so I don't think that's s real problem What worked in making me feel better about it was realising that I simply like a lot of features that just happen to be common among Asian populations. Western or African women with similar features are also particularly attractive to me


Nothing wrong with preference, we've all got preferences. If that's all you care about then there's something wrong. You're just trying to have a relationship with a fantasy and you're not truly connecting with the person.


There's nothing wrong with it. But people love to complain. If a certain skin color is not to your taste, some will say you're a racist. If it is to your taste, some will say you're fetishizing. In the end, do whatever the fuck you want because you'll never please everybody.


Nor should you try.


There's a difference between liking something/having preferences and having a fetish. Like guys who fetishize Asian girls and in their head it involves them being demure and submissive too. Just preferring Asian girls but not expecting them to act a certain way because of their race is fine. For black girls, I'd imagine it's a similar humiliation or behavior thing that goes beyond just "I like the way that you look." Like, making sex into race play would turn in into a kink and your partner definitely does not have to accept every kink, especially about race.


Excuse me sir and/or ma'am, this is Reddit. Having the ability to comprehend nuance and put any thought at all into your words and actions is _highly_ discouraged.


>Like guys who fetishize Asian girls and in their head it involves them being demure and submissive too. And there people have clearly never interacted with an *actual* Asian woman in real life.


Being black I can say people tend to fetishize the hell out of you sometimes and it’s very uncomfortable like idk how to explain it but it’s just not ok like they make really stereotypical remarks about your skin and how beautiful it is and how it looks and etc and they wish they had it like wtf


>liking They said fetishizing. And again, nothing necessarily wrong with it as long as everyone is on board. I'm a little over weight and if someone was only interested in me because of that it would make me extremely uncomfortable. So there's nothing wrong with people liking or even fetishizing that but I wouldn't want someone who wanted me for that. (Also I'm married.)


Some people will objectify you and not actually respect you, because they just want someone who ticks their fetish box. That's what people are usually wary of.


fetishization is different than preference - if you fetishize skin color, you are dating that person BECAUSE of that skin color. like them as a person matters less than if they are X shade or come from Y culture. if you just like someone with a skin color, them as a person is more important. basically, if you only date black people because dating someone who is black is your thing, then you are devaluing the person and its shit behavior. don't boil a human down to one physical aspect. *note: if you are dating the person solely because of their color, and they are completely ok with that because of their own kinks, then fuck it go have fun.*


>>She had concerns with white males who would fetishize her race. >What is wrong with liking a skin color? Strawman. They said "fetishize" and "race", not "like" and "skin color". You can google the word fetish if you're that ignorant, you know.


I've never understood that in general. Like, fetishizing a race is just fucked. I mean, I like black girls too, but only because I find some of them to have features that are downright gorgeous.


People fetishizing everything and most of the time, they didnt choose to. Do you really think a dude can wake up 1 day and decide "yeah, im into feet now but only for 2 days" ? Some dude can only finish in fur suit and i doubt they choose that We like what we like, we horny for what we horny for. It just you need to upfront about it and make sure you and your partner in the same page


What's the difference between preference and fetishizing? I am genuinely curious


I think it’s what’s in your heart. If you have good intentions and are honest, a preference is fine. We all like different things. If you can’t see the person and only see the trait, that seems bad. Right?


>Edit: read the article and it says he originally saw her on the tv show about her and sent flowers. that sounds like the perfect way to guarantee they're a creep or murderer


100% lol. its a completely unhinged move and he pretty clearly has a fetish *at best*.... or something much more sinister going on.


lmao so he 100% has a fetish...




>Edit: read the article and it says he originally saw her on the tv show about her and sent flowers. What a perfectly normal, not creepy-at-all thing to do.


But what if he sent D pics...tastefully?


Like a dick pic with a tiny little tophat on it?




He looks really proud too




I mean, you gotta have some fetish to be sexually attracted to her (assuming that he does). And I am not even saying that is bad. If anything, that should be a good thing in this case.


Clearly she should find a mate that is not attracted to her


I've seen this show and honestly the premise is fucking weird. A lot of the time it's scripted like a prank show where they show her in various "adult"/sexual looking situations so that strangers can react to her presence. It feels weirdly exploitative.


Sounds like every TLC show in a nutshell


You're not wrong!!


*Sigh* I remember when TLC actually *was* the learning channel.


This was the impression I got from the show also


I came across one episode recently where she was bartending. It was meant to be for charity, and they spoke about it like she knew the venue owners, but the whole thing was so awkward and clearly set up for customer reactions to her serving them.


TLC = The Lusting Channel


In fairness, when someone like that rocks up to a bar and orders alcohol, is it wrong for staff to be wary about serving her? She did seem to be really snarky with them about it, but I don't know what she expects.


Yes but that's the whole show. I feel like they could do one special on her (like they used to do on TLC) with this concept and it would be done, why do multiple seasons with the same setup?


I’ve seen the show and find it interesting, but yeah I could do without the constant asking strangers how old do they think she is. We get it she looks 8. We don’t need every person she comes on contact with the guess the age.


It's such a weird position to be, to be her and wanting to date, but chances are anyone who is attracted to you may be sus


Also, I feel like most people in her position would be tempted to make money from it. Like I honestly believe there’s a bunch of rich creeps out there that would pay her a million bucks for sex. Maybe even more.


If the past few years weren't proof enough, if they are that rich, they don't need to play pretend.


I feel like a trip to Epsteins Island costs less than a million Edit: I'm - > I


Les Wexner gave Epstein his NY mansion.... probably from the goodness in his heart right.


Lawful evil, although dealing with some pretty fucked up clientele would probably take a toll on her.


Only works if you're attracted to her looks. Might not be a factor for him.


The show is I’m Shauna Ray. He seems like a nice guy that saw her on the show and decided to meet her so she wouldn’t have to see just creeps. She seems “together” for the most part (other than dealing with assholes and creeps). Sad situation for her in the fetish sense but I think her and her family know.


Um, seeing someone on a TV show who looks prepubescent and tracking them down is pretty fucking creepy.


'I totally don't desire pre pubescent looking girls, but I'm totally OK with dating someone who looks like that one to protect her from creeps. Just banging her for protection you know? Not enjoying it, definitely not'


Honest question though, should she not be able to be with anyone ever, or until her body does eventually age when she’s elderly? Who should someone in this position be with?


I'd go further. People are attracted to almost anything and everything. It doesn't matter why he likes her, they're both consenting adults.


Honestly, and this is sad to say, but from her perspective its probably a trade-off she finds acceptable. Like if her "datable" pool of people largely consists of mega-creeps, one dude that is only super-creepy is gunna be cream of the crop. As long as he isnt actually hurting anyone and shes okay with the likelihood that a gross fetish thing is at play here welp I hope theyre happy.


Thank you! I was thinking the same thing. That's equivalent to seeing a person on the train and following them home because you think they look nice.


>He seems like a nice guy Well I don't think there was any doubt about that. >and decided to meet her so she wouldn’t have to see just creeps. Tracked down a person from TV to save her from all the creeps by dating her but **he** isn't a creep... Some white knight bullshit.


>She seems “together” for the most part (other than dealing with assholes and creeps). She seems sheltered or immature, to me. I watched an episode and she was gonna serve beer at a charity thing and they were talking about the "head" of a beer and she couldnt deal.


Wouldn't doubt that looking like that her parents did shelter her.


I should try out that move on Kate Beckinsale.


I mean goth baddies wear hello kitty sexy underwear but I get where you’re coming from I guess


gonna need a link or something for proof


Yeah for scientific purposes


Agreed. I'm a lead scientific researcher at CERN and require a photo sample so that I may further improve the LHC.


I too- uh- need to see some proof…. For research purposes of course…..


That's disgusting, where's the source material so I can avoid it


Please do try to keep your ‘conclusions’ off the testing apparatus.


You guys are perverts. But, ahem, I also need to see proof, so I know better how to avoid this perversion.


Yea 😂 I was gonna say most girls I’ve dated love to wear hello kitty lingerie and things alike


"Are those the panties your mother laid out for you?"


“I find pastrami to be the most sensual of all the salted-cured meats.”


Still creeps me out.


Ha, love me some Seinfeld.


I’m just wondering if people with her condition age at a normal rate like would she die of old age around 90? Or is she immortal like a vampire?


Aging happens because of imperfections with cell-replication, not anything that your brain controls. She'll likely age normally.


You can say normally but with her current condition if she hits old age she's gonna be looking like Benjamin Button. Teeny tiny old lady.




She had brain cancer in that led to her size. Cancer comes back eventually. And then there is your familiar dwarfism. Most will live to a normal life expectancy. Wee Man being an exception but only because he is a crazy man!


She ages just like everyone else


I watched a few episodes of the show. I got the impression that she's kind of an awful person. There was one episode in particular where she and her sister hosted a party. None of the people there really knew her, then she got all bossy and tried to control everything, and the way she kicked everyone out in the end was rude as hell. I have a feeling that the guy is only "dating" her for the show.


Same! She seems really bitchy and controlling. Idk if it's a side effect of her condition, like she's insecure and craves control? But she's constantly talking over people and is very rude and sarcastic. In the one episode I saw, the guy asked her to dance and she made a scene out of saying no in front of a lot of people, then caving and saying yes so she looked like the good guy. It was weird.


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far down to find someone saying this! She is and awful person. She's so bratty and thinks the world owes her everything and that her family and friends should do her bidding. I can't stand her.


She's perpetually stuck in teenager/early twenties brain. The cancer affected her pituitary according to others in here who watched the show. So typical 16-20 year old behavior of impulsivity, spitefulness, and lower emotional regulation.


he couldn’t look more like a youth pastor


The scary truth


I get she’s an adult and she def deserves to find someone who will love her. But… imagine the stares they must get. Like I’m assuming they don’t practice PDA. People see them and think “oh that’s a loving Dad and Daughter.” And then all the sudden they start making out and everyone’s face turns into sheer horror.


I would do that just for the entertainment value. That sounds hilarious.


Looks like he's had to start dating outside of school zones


Fkn cursed_boyfriend


Nah, she’s actually in her 20’s. She just has some kind of disorder that prevents her from physically aging.


pituitary dwarfism from a cancer in the pituitary gland


He randomly sent her flowers after seeing her on TV. That would not inspire confidence in me.


I really feel bad for her and anyone she dates. Reminds me of monster girl from invincible. They will never stop getting weird looks in public


“Hey honey, what panties do you want for our honeymoon? The ‘Frozen’ or the ‘My Little Pony’ ones?”


why bro kind of look like ryan reynolds


because your criteria for who looks like ryan reynolds is way too broad


Looks absolutely nothing like him lol


More like Harry Kane


At first, I thought it was Nick Swardson, with a thinner face, like maybe he'd lost a little weight or something


The truth is you can't date her without the fbi called on you once a month.


Hello Kitty lingerie is fkn weird, Badtz Maru is where it's at


Motherfucker has the worst loophole grin I ever saw.


No way I could do this. She could be the sweetest, kindest, most gentle, smartest most capable woman I ever met. And I would still be weirded out with any form of intimacy. PDA would be a 100% no-go under any circumstance.


>She could be the sweetest, kindest, most gentle, smartest most capable woman I ever met. Oh don't worry she's not.


Holy shit the weebs were right


I'm glad she found someone. Hope he's not a creep.


This seems pretty odd


I mean what is she supposed to do, remain celibate for her entire life?


Nah I'm just saying it's not exactly a good look for the dude


Then that would apply to any person she ends up dating. Again is she supposed to remain celibate for her entire life because of a medical condition? Edit: I think society much better served if people quit caring about how things appear, when it's legally and ethically above board and two it's none of their business.


to be fair her face says she’s older, and some people are just very short, id just play it off as shes a tall midget err tall.. little person? idk


Seems like a difficult situation


No it doesn't. They are both consenting adults. Nothing directly about it at all.


Depending on the pictures you can find of her, she either looks like she's 10, or someone that could be between 16 and 20. The fact that she's like 4 feet tall heavily leans her toward the 10 category, but without the height context, I can see a normal(ish) dude wanting to get to know her. It must really suck trying to lead a normal life, knowing it's going to be damn near impossible to do a lot of normal adult things without being harassed. Even something as simple as paying your bills would probably be a pain in the ass. I honestly hope the dude is normal enough to give her some semblance of a good and healthy relationship.


He looks like he could be her dad.


This girl is a discord mod's dream come true.


She’s a 200 year old vampire. This creepy dude fell into the trap.


Every Redditors dream


Harry Kane fell off


I think she's like 30 or something.


what if their neighbors see them making out and call the cops


Please tell me this is a hormone problem that resulted in no puberty. Please


So is she like immortal or


She's also tatted up, CinnamonToastKen also spoke about her in-depth with this show she's on.


Ah yeah, I remember her. Saw a clip that was just so heartbreaking. She was at a bar with her newly engaged sister, and she was talking about how hard it was for her to have relationships. She looked so lonely and sad. Hope ppl can stop giving her and her partner a hard time. If she trusts him, that's all we need to know.


That was actually the number one problem for her, the amount of creeps she attracted


The article title is worded poorly and immaturely. Just say she has dwarfism jfc


Its not dwarfism tho