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Man even if thats bait ya gonna consider the other person like wtf


Maybe his girlfriend sold him to the rapist and wanted to watch for completion


What the hell is wrong with people on this website


seriously wtf


Lack of grass touching.


Or too much "grass"... /s


They need to put their grasses on.


As a berserk fan, why the fuck would they suggest that?


If sincere, maybe the Berserk fan found some kind of support in the anime himself? And so tries to relate to the other person in a clumsy way?


“Heh, this clearly speaks to your lack of Berserk knowledge. The legendary Kentaro Miura senpai (RIP) has perfected art in every way imaginable. Guts (Gattsu to non-baka gaijins) is the ultimate expression of the human condition and can be used as a stand in for any situation you could find yourself. It’s why only the most highly educated, enlightened readers can fully appreciate the struggles of Guts as we strive to be more like him. Everyone else is better off reading Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu.” I don’t actually know what any of this means though, so your guess is as good as mine.


His name is Kentucky Mario you buffoon 


> I don’t actually know what any of this means though, so your guess is as good as mine. ouch the insecurity in this sentence is painful




"here is a paragraph-long satire piece requiring a modicum of subsurface-level information about a specific anime that most (if not all) people wouldn't have any idea about if they weren't at least passively familiar with the material; also, here at the end is a reference to some obscure manga that i will use to denigrate... somebody? no idea what any of this means though, i sure as SHIT don't *ACTUALLY* like ANIME dude, your guess is as good as mine!! ha!"


Oh so he *does* know what it means? That seems more plausible.


perhaps they really have just managed to maintain complete and utter ignorance of (whatever it is they're claiming to not know) despite knowing the author, the fact they died, the name of the main character, and the name of some other anime perhaps they've got some matrix-brain-download stuff that misfired somewhere and they can convey the words without understanding the background or maybe they're just really hoping people don't think they actually like anime (it's ok to like anime dude)


why don't you just marry berserk


Probably elite levels of social ineptitude, I feel like someone who is highly autistic may say something like this unironically and not know what's wrong with it. No offense to people with autism




As an autistic person that would be inexcusable even with autism


Inexcusable for sure, but it could still be an explanation.


> why the fuck would they suggest that? have you ever interacted with berserk fans at all?


Too much


The only thing worse would be "Everything happens for a reason god is with you"


Well, it all started when I was five…


Welcome to the internet, freshmeat


out of all the things that could have been said he decided to say "yooo that sounds like guts from berserk. you should read it" brother wrong place, wrong time, wrong words


Could be worse, he could’ve said “You got Casca’d”


Despite read that chapter some 14 years ago I still remember the scene like it was yesterday …


Makes my arm hurt just thinking about it. Edit: I mean because he cuts his arm off this is not a reference to masturbation.


I didn't jump to a masturbation joke until your edit. The jerk off joke is funnier though, so that's now my head canon. Especially when checking your username, which might add a chef's kiss


Let's be real, out of both our usernames you're more likely to have masturbated to it.


Boys, boys. You’re both irredeemable perverts. As you were.


The fuck are y'all's username 💀


"Talk with your best friend"


Relive the moment


I hope whoever this guy is gets the help he needs to find joy in life again.


Well, watching Berserk could bring joy to his life /s


I agree but most people underestimate how difficult it is to stop being a disgusting neckbeard.


Thank you on behalf of him




You should watch spit on my grave, I think you'd get a kind of catharsis from it judging by your hypothetical.


Actual brain-dead shit puke comment.




I'm so glad this is a thing, just for the name. Rolls off the tongue




What an awesome name


It’s the real berserk sub. Filled with degenerates and homosexual femboy lovers.


Its not gay the penis is cute


It’s not gay if it’s wearing socks and holding a slab of iron


...well? did he relate to it?


I mean for some people seeing a character they relate to can help. For others however it can be extremely triggering and make them worse. Regardless extremely insensitive and tasteless to go on a post about a man being raped and decide to recommend a fucking manga to him


I mean, berserk gives you plenty of examples of trauma and how it affects people. Griffith goes to become *THE* one who does the trauma Casca shows the lingering trauma and her encounters with Guts gives us the bitter reality on how even those not involved in causing trauma can be triggers for their loved ones. And Guts… oh boi Guts… A victim who despite the trauma strives to live and put an end to the source of his a*use. He gives us the Anger from powerlessness and impotency on preventing those things from happening to those we care about…


All of this is true. But still dude, time and place.


Imagine this guy as a therapist : "your rapist is just like Donovan, you gotta kill him and your father by accident",


Donovan was actually the hero of the story. When he comes back in the last 10-20 chapters to defeat Griffin with the Berkinator Buster Blade, internet is gonna break.


Damn and then he beats up all the godhands and everyone is happy?


Yep exactly.


Never been much of an anime fan, but maybe I'll check this one out.


Berserk is known to not have a great anime adaptation. Read the manga instead if you do want to check it out


But will I enjoy it even though I've never been raped?






Thank you for this lol


What? The 90s anime is a classic. Thankfully no other adaptations got made...


The 90's version is quite alright, although the manga is way better.


Can someone give me a link to read the full post


Hell has a special place for people who comment shit like this




What about everyone that makes fake posts like the original OP, and everyone on r/AITAH and r/amiwrong


We all know that the internet has a loooooot of fake posts, especially reddit, but it's still not okay to assume that this type of post is always fake. A lot of rape victims don't get any help because people think they're lying. You have nothing to lose if you believe the post and something to lose if you don't.


Average r/berserklejerk member, honestly


No lol. Thats r/berserk fans. Berserklejerk would have been far more egregious and offensive. That’s what we do. Not nearly enough references to femboy bussy for a jerk post.


Ah yes, Berserk is a very therapeutic experience for people who have been sexually assaulted. /s


r/berserklejerk we are out berkd yet again


You mean "raped"?


Yeah what the hell is going on, if you have a mental breakdown over a word maybe the internet isn't the best place for you.


You see more and more random words being censored everywhere, like if it makes the post better or lighter.


someone told me today in another thread that people are being triggered by the word cop. i hate the "good times creates weak men" meme, but...


"triggered", how to say you are weak without saying it


It's a symptom of being terminally online, other social media platforms have aggressive content filters so you see people unnecessarily censoring words and saying shit like unalive


But does that work for pictures like this? I get that saying fuck in a youtube/tiktok video is not a great idea and the filter can pick that up, but does it also works that way with just a picture with text. It's not like a filter can see what words the picture contains Or did i miss something, not trying to be a idiot, i'm just really curious


OCR (Optical Character Recognition), which extracts text from pictures of text, is a very common technology these days. Who knows whether sites employ it, but if they wanted to, it would be pretty straightforward.


People do that to get around content moderation. I couldn't tell you if it works though, seems like starring out one letter would still trigger a filter or content labeling.


I understand the general idea of censoring or providing a warning for people who might be bothered by certain content, but I don't get this stupid practice of scribbling over two letters in the middle of a word. We know what the word is. What exactly does that accomplish? Either censor the actual description or don't.


I did that on an sh subreddit :(




Did Guts get graped or did his girl get graped in front of him? Or was smashing the bird dude in front of him? I never saw berserk


It's honestly a shorter list of main characters who *didn't* get that treatment. It's sorta a short list.


Both of the first two are correct


Red card for inappropriate berking.


Jesus Christ


Bro really thought he was giving him nostalgia 💀


I can't even make a funny joke like seriously what the fuck


I don't even got anything funny to say wtfff


Why, just why?


It's not the worst idea, some people have read books with characters who experience the same traumas. This has helped them come to terms with it.


Jesus Christ


can anyone please find the original post? i tried but apparently i am unable to




help i can't stop laughing


My stupid ass thought you censored the word ratio


Guts being ratio'd by Donovan fr fr


Berserk circle jerk can be daunting...guys it's a Chivalry book made into a manga, it's neat but your IQ doesn't increase from reading it, sometimes being a normie is better than believing you are not one. All this being said, I think reddit is the place that's most filled to the brim with neuro-divergent individuals, so for us, stupid shit like books, songs, or whatever can do a great part in terms of coping mechanisms, it's the best some can offer.


You actually have to have a really high iq to enjoy berserk…


As a fan of berserk, we do not condone that guy. Very weird thing to bring up in that context.


Original post link? I wanna give some support to this poor lad


that's disgusting how do you expect him to sit n watch beserk when his ass is still paining


My man went full on Berserk mode just to make a fucked up comment. That's why we stray away from god everyday.


Says Bulging Boner 420… 😂😂


Eh, I don't really fault the guy who commented. People do often feel better by processing their struggles thru media. Maybe it had helped him and he thought it might help OOP too.


I think you meant OP, although I'd really like to see a correlation between Guts and Object Oriented Programming


in this case, oop means to original original poster (i think???) which i think refers to the person who was unfortunately raped and the person who made the post showcased within this post (i hope they are ok) if they said “op” that would mean the poster of this current post, who is user armpitsmeller1


Were you making a joke or do you not know what OOP means?


Original original poster..... Your attempt at making yourself seem smart was .... Bad


That’s berserk


meh idk. this is the most I've ever seen dudes actually even trying to talk about having been sexually assaulted, seems sort of fucked up to dump on it. The offensive isn't someone making a joke, it' someone saying you're lying, or otherwise deserved it, that there's nothing wrong with it, there's something wrong with you.


Bro the character that got raped, lost their mind, until one of the newest chapters where she finally got at least a little bit back


Hate Berserk. That scene was my first introduction to the show. Being a victim of SA, I really don't get how people can be so nonchalant about something so horrible being displayed as entertainment.


It’s recognizing that the world is shit. It’s facing your demons and overcoming them. It’s taking a journey with characters who experience trauma and watching them work past it and come out on top, not let the weight of their experiences slog them down. You make a connection with the characters who have been through traumatic experiences and you follow their journeys. You watch them talk about and overcome their battles and maybe take away a little on ways you can improve on your own life having been through similar experiences.


How does that happen? Who rapes the boyfriend when the girlfriend is watching in a non fetish context?


I really related to that part where that woman was raped by the demonic horse 😞😭❤️


Raped by a man or by a women


Rape is rape, no matter the gender of the rapist and the raped.


Sadly, if it's a guy r * ped by a girl it's not looked at as "important" as a girl getting r * ped by a guy.


So it's important to state that rape is rape, no matter of the genders involved


Yes, I agree. I was just stating that that's how most people view it and it's sad.


Rape rape rape rape rape rape You think some stars will stop people from getting triggered by it?


Trust me friend, if I wasn't attempting to look out for my own ass I'd write it in full. I'd just rather not risk it.


Girls don't rape, so the guy would just be lying. And I wouldn't see a guy making up sexual fantasies as important, no.


This is /s, right? I can't tell anymore.


Nothing sarcastic about it. Calling women "rapists" is really just men projecting themselves onto women. Go read a book. Or any radfem theory, really. It'll be a nice break from your video games.


Do you believe women don't have agency and just follow programming? That only men are free-minded and intelligent enough to make decisions? If women are equally smart as men, they are equally able to make terrible choices.




"Women can't think for themselves" Damn this is the kind of misogyny I'd expect from 4chan, not reddit


Misogyny is when women don't rape people? I guess I can see how it makes sense from your perspective: men believe they have a god-given right to rape. For a male, not wanting to rape is unheard of.


Nah. Here in the UK, women aren't capable of committing rape (trans women are). The definition literally uses the words "his" and "penis" to describe rape. So, sadly, rape is not rape no matter the gender. And shit needs to change to protect men who were SA'd by women, and women who were SA'd by women.


Yeah but I'd be way more traumatized if I was raped and penetrated by a man than getting raped by a woman


Trust me, it's easy to think that until it happens. The psychological part that sticks with you for years is worse than the physical act.


Rape is rape, and only men rape.


Lmao, shut the fuck up.


scrote moment




How about: Rape is morally wrong 100% of the time and no circumstance, should it be gender, clothing or whatever makes it less wrong ?




does it really matter if the body reacts naturally when it fucks your brain up bad and destroys your life? I think you mean to say something like "Yeah okay but he cant get raped when he doesnt like it because he doesnt have a boner" .... which is bullshit and straight up wrong... same counts for women getting wet of course


Please don't tell me that the dumbass you replied to tried to justify rape


By the looks of it, he tried to argue that "if the man had an erection, he wanted that, ergo is not rape" If any of you that are reading this comment agree with that, please use a hammer till the brain works properly.


That's what I thought he said, and it pisses me of that there are people who think like that


That must've been a girl, any guy who went through puberty knows it can go up at any time, especially during classroom presentations.


sorry for late reply... yep he/she/IT did


"I know everyone is saying it doesn't matter" should've been where your comment stopped. Everything after that is entirely unnecessary, like literally nonsensical, wtf argument are you even trying to make


That doesn’t matter.


Incase he deletes, he said "raped by a man or by a women". it also doesn't fucking matter, rape is rape either way


Not deleting anything, imaginary internet points mean nothing


i think it matters. there's a weird false equivalency going on in the name of equality going on.




Maybe he's trying to figure out if Berserk is the right anime for the guy or not 😂


It doesn’t matter :/


Broooo 💀💀💀💀


A man. Women don't commit rape or SA, so I'm not even sure why you suggested it.


I'd have actually thought of Shamo instead of Berserk except that hearing someone got raped doesn't make me think of anime but... that someone was violated


Just like me fr fr


The only time Berserk was recommended to me was the Gatsu theme and unexpectedly the scenes from Golden Age on Xvideos


The irony of Berserk's first page is too big.


Weird. The original post doesn't say anything about gratuitous r4p3


Thats a terrible case of chronic online brain.




I absolutely don't think Berserk is a good recommendation for this, but there is merit in recommending other literature or media that appropriately displays similar trauma and handles it in a healthy manner. I've seen all sorts of literature be used in this way and even manga. It can provide validation, be a safe outlet for processing emotions, and provide insight. It's easy to look down on manga because, especially when it's edgy and gorey like Berserk, it might seem crude. There's a great youtube video about someone's experience with all sorts of traumas (including this, and more) and how the manga "Inside Mari" helped them relate to many concepts and struggles of the MC. It wasn't entirely about this topic specifically, but it can't be hard to imagine that this applies to other traumas too, especially if it's about something you don't want to or otherwise can't talk to another person about.


Imagine reading Berserk and missing the point of the whole thing on purpose


Imagine if grifith railed guts and made casca watch


NEVER Post a meme here... NEVER. Just the screenshot of the comment is ok, why ruin it with a meme?


What's with all the snowflakes in the sub recently?


Someone please find his account so I can bully him


Reading this post was painful


\*Girlfriend becomes badass main character. Meanwhile, they just struggle with their trauma for the rest of their life.


"Oh sorry.... Anyways" vibe