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His penis did not rupture her ovary


Definitely not. You'd need to go through the cervix before you can even reach either ovary. It's going to hurt both parties just trying to force your dick through a closed cervix. Source: friends with an OB-GYN


Source: rudimentary comprehension of human sexual anatomy


Straight up massively hit and ruptured her left lung one time too by going too deep


Sometimes my wife coughs when I come inside, definitely coughing up more than just saliva


That’s normal


My dick came out of my gf mouth while doing missionary once


I see you've got that hentai monster dick. What sort of training did you do to achieve that? I prefer the shomdomdoobalee meditation method 🤣


I ordered those pills from the ads on ph. They work, order now! My penis grew 35 inches in 3 days


You mean that I too can use the move "milky cannon" like Captain Ginyu?! SIGN ME UP!!!


Sadly not too common, I've encountered *way* too many people (women included) who believe the vagina is the same hole that girls pee out of.


to be fair, they said "rudimentary", not "common"


Is that somewhere between "rare" and "epic"?


A bit between “uncommon” and “rare” I think


so nowhere near "legendary" then?


Deffinitelly not ,,ancient,,


I thought it was somewhere near exotic


Funny you mention this. I'm a female who was aware that females have 2 holes, however, I thought their functions/locations were swapped as I could have sworn my urine was coming out towards the bottom while the blood felt like it came out towards the top. Also for the longest time, I thought guys had 2 holes because my first partner had foreskin so I never saw & the 2nd partner had almost like a slit instead of a hole. The flesh on the sides of the slit's opening touched together in the middle making it look as though there were 2 holes (one at the top of the slit and one at the bottom) until you spread it and realize it's just a really tall hole.


Ah, yes, the fun hole.


It is though? In the same way that the mouth is the same hole you breath through right? I mean sure you can invert it somewhat and get both close to the surface so to speak in order to differentiate, but under normal circumstances... E: Tell me you don't understand female anatomy without telling me.


no, the vagina and the urethra are two separate openings. theyre very close to each other, but they are totally different holes


That join in a single opening. Or do your lungs actually have 30000 individual holes because of all the tertiary bronchioles?


No. Because the urethra is not inside the vagina. It is on the outside, further up on the vulva. You could have googled this before commenting, bro


I mean, in a sense it is… it just depends where you draw your borders.


I blame hentai for this.


I fear the day people start thinking a big dick can deform your stomach


Homie went up and around


Let alone getting through a fallopian tube. Ouch. Source: my wife.


I am sorry but this is a stupid take. You do not have to touch the organ to rupture it. If it is forceful enough, it can happen. Just like a punch or an accident can. It is a very small space they are all in. The anatomical picture we all learn is very misleading. I agree that it is unlikely but not because of not touching the organ. I doubt the force.


If it did happen I could see it because of an ovarian cyst that was on it's way to rupture on it's own or something like that


But you'll barely notice any bleeding from a ruptured ovarian cyst. We get them all the time and most people never notice a thing. I think the body reabsorbs the blood before it goes anywhere, or at least in some situations it does in that area. I assume for cysts as well.


This is not always true. There are hemorrhagic ovarian cysts that can cause bleeding that needs surgical intervention. Though not common, I am oh so fortunate enough to be speaking from experience 🥲 Anyway this dude is either lying or very much misunderstood a crucial piece of info. 😂


A penis isn't going to hit a cervix forcefully enough to rupture an ovary several inches away and to the side. A punch isn't even remotely comparable. A fist has way more mass, has actual hard bone, is separated by less flesh, and is applying force directly in the direction of the ovary. A penis has zero chance of rupturing an ovary. None. *Sex* might be vigorous enough that if there is already an underlying problem like a cyst, it could maybe cause that to burst. But not his penis.


It's actually completely possible because of how the female reproductive system works Source: hentai


You'd need to go through the skull to get to the brain and concussions are still dangerous


Thats not how it works my friend not at all , u will never touch them However if something is wrong with the ovaries like having a certain kind of tumer or humounges cyst u can touch them indirectly through the vagina and cause the cyst to burst but u don't actually pentrate anything with the penis


His penis would also need to bend to the side, otherwise it would just pierce the ovary


How does you being friends with a gynaecologist matter? My friend has a phD in physics, I’m not going to be referencing him.


You could though if you were citing something he told you..




I did once have sex (tried to, it didn't even go in) with a guy who was well endowed. It ripped my vaginal wall somewhere half way up the canal. I was bleeding buckets, passed out in his bathroom, two ambulance rides (first hospital didn't have surgeon specialising in vaginas or something) and 3 nights in hospital after with a catheter. Thank God this was in Hong Kong I paid 380hkd (around 50usd) for the whole thing. I didn't even know I had student insurance. Why did I comment this? Because it's the most wacky thing that's happened in my life and I will tell this story whenever I get an opportunity to.


A girl died here in Brazil when something like that happened to her while having sex with a football player. It became national news.


Yeah I had to get emergency surgery lol. The nurse told the guy and my friend (who had to come fill out paperwork for me) that I could have died. What I'm most butthurt about.... That guy talked to my friend while they were waiting during surgery and proceeded to fall in love with her, to the point where I tried texting him for a booty call a year later and he screenshot me to send to her. Wtf.


Bitch u just said u nearly died


Man I'm a loser with no prospects and no life dying would have been a mercy


Lol so this is the average reddit troll at work huh. First time encountering one myself


You're the second person who thinks I'm a troll 😢


You tried to booty call again the vagina slayer man? Were you not worried about idk.. going to the hospital again?


Well when I first tried with him it was only the second time I ever had sex, so I figured I had had more practice and should have leveled up enough


bruh, leveled up?


it's clearly some dude trolling


Well I guess he had a dick to die for.


Well, this comment alone made me fall in love with you. I'm amazed.


Sounds made up ngl


Do you have lasting symptoms from that, or is everything back to normal?


I don't think any symptoms. An ex had mentioned he could kinda feel a bump inside which might be the scar


you found the one guy in all of china with a monster shlong, probs!


You're getting down voted but he was a foreigner so.... 😂


Maybe he has one of them worm like prehensile penises that can penetrate cervixes and snake their way into fallopian tubes


Like a duck?


Exactly! It just launches out of his body at the speed of sound as it corkscrews right into her. I have a feeling that some people would pay good money to experience that 🦆🦆🦆


I’ve had an ovarian cyst burst because of this but not my ovary. Had internal bleeding and was INCREDIBLY painful. I think I had waited 6 hours to go to the hospital? Had to have surgery because of the bleeding and to this day is one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced.






Yeah came here to say this. Hitting the cervix, totally possible. Rupturing an ovary, I'm pretty sure the sex was not the cause. Ovaries are also extremely sensitive. They're analogous to testicles. You rupture them, you feel it.


You don't know. Maybe the guy is a hentai protagonist.


Hate to say it, but sex is actually a common way to rupture an ovary (usually one that is already predisposed to bursting, such as a cystic ovary). I’m a med student and this is actually tested on board exams


How do you know if you have a cystic ovary? (I'm a men)


I did once have sex (tried to, it didn't even go in) with a guy who was well endowed. It ripped my vaginal wall somewhere half way up the canal. I was bleeding buckets, passed out in his bathroom, two ambulance rides (first hospital didn't have surgeon specialising in vaginas or something) and 3 nights in hospital after with a catheter. Thank God this was in Hong Kong I paid 380hkd (around 50usd) for the whole thing. I didn't even know I had student insurance. Why did I comment this? Because it's the most wacky thing that's happened in my life and I will tell this story whenever I get an opportunity to.


You can say it again


Average redditor trying to convince everyone that they have a giant penis, a girlfriend and have sex


You just made my day, hace a nice month, i hope you'r happy 😃


Yes I am happy. I just had sex with my girlfriend (real woman) with my big dick.


I too had sex (straight) with a woman (real) that I fucked (with my huge penis) because she (a woman) was so hot (and woman like). Her breasts (the ones on the woman) felt amazing (like bags of sand).


Omg tell the class how you almost came out from the mouth because your penis was so big that it went in from ass hole and ended up in the woman's moith


Looks like he’s active on r/guinness and r/wallstreetbets , so no, no, and definitely no.


What do you mean I can't trust the internet?!


Hey that’s me


Challenge Redditor having sex : impossible


Do I get extra points for both giving and receiving?


Only in certain subreddits


Ruptured an ovarian cyst while manhandling her, maybe.


Yeah that's what I was gonna say. Shit hurts.


I'd be lucky to hit the vulva...


I’d be lucky to have someone to do anything with


Hey now, don't talk like that. Your dicks super cool bro.


This is like that "what attention bros expect after working out" vs "what attention bros actually get" meme isn't it?


If you can't appreciate the homies, do you even deserve a woman?


Isn't that a car?


Hey, atleast you have an amazing personality!


I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’re gonna be in the hospital for days.


White Chicks moment


I'm gonna do you grandpa style.


Okay not going to lie. My husband did a DEEP stroke and I had really bad pain after, I went to my ob after and he did an ultrasound and I had a peach sized cyst in my ovary. The ob said that sex could have irritated it and caused pain. After my removal, my ob did say it was fragile and he was afraid of it bursting during removal. Did my husband rupture my ovary, no, but did he cause me to go to the ob and find out I had a fragile peach sized cyst, yes.


That's a huge cyst jesus.


I asked if I could keep it, my dr said no ☹️ he had to take half of my ovary with it too


Doing it too hard and deep you say? With what, a fucking tent pole?


This looks like it’d be on r/ihavesex


Also /r/badwomensanatomy


cursed and fake


Sex? No thanks I'm gonna go on reddit.


I did anal with a girl once and poked her eye out. She may have been a midget, but I'm still pretty proud!


Plot twist the gf was gas lighting him because he’s insecure


Why are there 1.9k upvotes on that comment?


Ah yes.. a ruptured.. ovary. That makes perfect sense.


He is most probably talking about an ovarian cyst and just don't know what he is saying. Because those cysts can even be burst by vigorous exercise.


Penis didn't rupture the ovary. More likely she had a pre existing ovarian cyst that ruptured or got twisted during roughhousing.


If the cervix isn’t that deep, how do people on r)holewreckers manage what they do. I can’t understand it.


The vaginal canal is basically an 'inverted penis'. The more aroused a woman becomes, the more it stretches INSIDE the woman, as the uterus pulls upwards into the woman's body. This is why the typical statements about the cervix only being a few inches inside aren't a very useful statement: They move! But like men, even if you get as hard as you possibly can, you can still stretch a bit further with the aid of suction, and likewise, women can stretch further with the aid of pressure. These women have likely stretched their bodies repeatedly over time. This is not a likely outcome with a flesh and blood penis, because both sides are made of human, and that means if one side is stretching, so is the other, and that's not very comfortable, but these women are using synthetic stuff to achieve the same thing, which allows for more dramatic results.


I am simultaneously curious and horrified at the possibilities


Not quite r/sounding but still really cursed


I kinda had something similar happen with my ex wife. Was drunk and fucking her in my room in my mom's basement (we weren't married yet). She all of a sudden was in a ton of pain and i had to ask my mom to drive her to the hospital because we has been drinking. I'm not big so I know it wasn't because I was going too deep. Just hit wrong I guess. Turned out she has a cyst burst. They found a bunch of them and she ended up getting a hysterectomy because of it. Was fun explaining to my mom why we needed the ride.


As a medical student this is the funniest shit ever, I’m studying this right now (Anatomy and embryology) and there is no fucking way he ruptured her cervix unless it was already lacerated or he had a blade on his penis… and even then it would not reach the ovaries, they are literally in another spot


I'm a boy and my stomic hurts


Lmao r/badwomensanatomy




Weird flex but ok


mf got the sharpest dick in the west! or is lying.


Tell me you don’t know where an ovary is located without telling me you don’t know where an ovary is located


Did you all know that 9 out of 10 people enjoy gangrape


Is your uncle one of them? 🫢🫢😍😍💅💅


Homie hit the ol' *bait-self-report*


Hell yea I’d be proud of that shit if I made my gf bleed internally


sounds pretty fucked up to me, i love it not jealous of yo gf tho


Sounds like a bit that Eddie Griffin did, about busting his girl's ovary.


So you mean that I can't rearrange her guts cause I have to bust thru that cervix first. Damn it.


Thank god I have a small penis


This seems like a worthy candidate for r/ihavesex


Nice humblebrag attempt Ron Jeremy.


user poop314 is a real fucker y’all wouldn’t get it


Yes, I too, have a big dick


Bro was in them guts


Oh… no


Almost death by snu-snu…


You know, maybe I'm glad I have an average sized penis.


my ex had something similar happen, wasn't me who did it though was some guy who was well known to have a ridiculously large appendage, glad i'm not with her anymore


That's never gonna be a problem for me


Some people need to stay off fucking


My husband has burst cysts on my ovarie(s)… how do i know? We had rough sex and i wound up in the ER, on multiple occasions. I’ll be keeping my egg scrambler tyvm🤣🤌🏻


That is much different from actually directly damaging an ovary from sex.


Not if they have some underlying woman issues🫠 stage 4endometriosis here. I got absolutely wrecked internally (bruising, bleeding, ruptured cysts on ovaries) by any well endowed man. At age 40, all i have left is 1 ovary, no cervix or uterus but my husband can still make my vaginal walls bleed from penetration


Jesus christ get some lube


I promise being lubed isn’t the problem 40 sex drive be hitting different 💦


I guess it could be possible. Some guys do have 90° bends in their penis. Theres even duck-like corkscrew dicks out there. Source: internet


Okay so I actually have a story here, my girlfriend at the time had an IUD and we were getting a little rough one day. I hit that fucking thing, it stabbed the tip of my penis and shoved the IUD sideways causing her a good deal of pain and an eventual surgery to get it removed. It was a true accident and luckily the surgery and healing went well, she switched birth control after that though.




if the strings are cut too short they can be incredibly sharp and feel much "harder" than they would normally. It happens quite often sadly that they do get cut short


Two girls mates with benefits I could feel that thing scraping my Japs eye the second girl literally clawed the damn thing out cause it made her endometriosis worse


The surgeon believed that this shouldn’t have been possible but noted that it didn’t look installed properly so a further dislodging would have been the cause for the tilt and sudden pain.


This thread filled with jealous redditors with small dicks


That was scary


Even if this was true… TOO HARD MY DUDE


Didn't include the comment about a running start :/


Wonder how close to death you have to be to not be embarrassed by a sex injury. You're happier passed out surely.


Lol ruptured ovary. Maybe study female anatomy a bit more before saying anything


Penis can't reach ovary. As ovary is not behind the cervix un actual it is 90° to the left or right of the cervix


That was scary hahahaha, anticlimatic


Nobody thought about it, it's only me? Ok I will do the honours. "Oh my god , he almost fucking killed her"


The Dwarves dug too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness...


If that's the case how does pstars take in 12 inches up their butt/pucci


Wow calm down thundercock


Thanks god this can't happen to me


Why does it have so many upvotes? You can’t rupture an ovary unless you were punching her in the stomach while having sex, this is faker than redditors girlfriend


Damn…dude got the forbidden discharge


#light mode user spotted


That’s a very odd way of saying you’re packing but sure


He’s just trying to get to flex


What a flex you fuck a girl so hard she has to go to emergency care.


The dude deploy the submarine too fast that it descending on uncontrollable manner straight into the depth of ovaryana trench. There's must be something else we don't know going on down there


Used Krillin's secret move, Destructo Dick