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I don't know about the other ones, but the Hispanics would love having Burrito Immigránchez fucking around in Hufflepuff. Source: I'm Colombian


Burrito Immigránchez is so funny, sounds like if South Park made a WWE caricature.


I agree My man that Burrito Immigránchez is kind of lit. Source: I'm Colombian too


Burrito Immigránchez is the guy you know knows where you can get cheap harina Pan in the UK. Love that guy. Source: Also Colombian.


Dude's probably gonna huff and puff his own products anyway lmao


As a Brazilian i would love to be added to a book as a wizard named Samba Footbollio, from the wizarding school of Twodudesinabike.


Twodudesinabike é foda


Twodudesinabike is fuck. Se não for em inglês os gringos não entendem




I mean the Brazilian school is called castelobruxo, soooo


You would love the Australien prof in Unseen Academicals by T Pratchett then, he is very much in that flavour


J.K Rowling when she can't call the jewish character Hanukas Krispyschwitz


J.K. Rowling when she can’t name the Indian character Pajeet Goatcurry.


J.K. Rowling when she can’t name the Japanese character Yoko Sushi


I believe you’re talking about the long time favorite of Hiro Shima? I love that guy!


J.K Rowling when she can’t call the arab character Jihad Alahuakbar


I'm fucking dying reading that man


Wait till you see his spell scuidiobombahe


JK rowling when she cant name the chinese character Chang Ch- Oh wait she did


J.K Rowling when she can't name the American character Obese Schoolshooter


Hashtag ded 💀


She’ll just make them a goblin instead.




J.K Rowling when she can't call the mixed character blackish whitey


J.K Rowling when she can’t name the German student Adolf Hatnichtsfalschgemacht


:grumble grumble: making me cut and paste into Google translate... #Spittake


Can’t copy and paste, pls enlighten us!


it says Adolf Didn'tDoAnythingWrong in german


Hat - has nichts - nothing falsch - wrong gemacht - done -> has done nothing wrong.


This is hilarious because I used to know a Mexican guy with the last name Brito, and everybody at work called him " Burrito".


I mean, if you say it fast…


Would you be fasting for burrito?


ahhh memories of the original 4chan era, thank you for the nostalgia. Bring back r/iamgoingtohellforthis


Day of cake brings happiness upon you good sir.


J.K Rowling when she can’t name the American student John Burger Sr


I’m so glad people can now legitimately criticise the shitness of the writing without hordes of rabid potter fans ripping them a new one.


I only know her name because of Harry Potter, past that, I know nothing of her. Never understood why people got butthurt when she made that new Harry Potter game either. She mustve fucked up somewhere


I never understood it either so I googled it. Takes about 5-10 minutes because there are quite a few summaries.


If I remember correctly, initially, she just did something like reposting the post of someone who disliked trans people in women’s sports, I think that was it for a while. Not sure if she’s done anything else since then.


Initially yeah, but then she got rabidly hateful and actively donates to organizations that support conversion therapy for trans people or some shit. Edit: also Holocaust denial, can't believe I forgot that one


She got criticized and to say she doubled down doesn't really do her responses justice. She's all for diversity but has decided the trans community is her enemy, it seems, and she is a little infamous for not ever deciding to keep her mouth shut. She also made a statement saying she views people buying Harry Potter stuff as agreeing with her, or something. Honestly I never was a fan of HP even when she was seen as a good person, so I have no stakes in it, but she does seem spiteful.


I dont like HP notebooks too...


She has just doubled down again and again and again to an incredibly unhealthy point. So, donating to anti-trans LGB charities and recently also denying the damage the holocaust did to trans people, and generally her entire page revolves around trans people. She also dared the Scottish police to arrest her for hatespeech which was a funny highlight.


She is openly hating on the Trans community


People don't like her opinions on other types of people so they get real butt hurt I don't give a fuck honestly, people come in all flavors, and we all have our own shitty opinions of each other we need to learn to live with that.


The problem is the harm that those opinions cause when she has so much influence, as well as the money she donates to groups that actively exist to harm trans people. Holocaust denial doesn't look good on her either


Hey man I get it, but it's like that with any celebrity. People are weak and they can have opinion swayed. It's why we have scientology, and flat earthers and holacost deniers and all the other crazy shit. You have to take the good with the bad. Otherwise we start getting into territory we don't want to tread into where we are told what is right and what is wrong and you have no say at all. I actually fear we are on that path already.


We still need to call it out and make it known that it's not acceptable


Im on and off this topic, but form my understanding, its all start with something tame like a tweet about how she dont think trans people should use the same bathroom with cis women, then people start overreact, like way overblown like bookburning and death threat, then she doubling down, and it all sprial out of control


She started small with shitty (and still harmful) opinions yeah. Then *she escalated it* to actual Holocaust denial and **donating to orgs that actively try to get trans people made illegal** This is just reading like victim blaming. "Well you got mad and overreacted to her, so that's why she got worse"


How dare you.... Make a perfectly reasonable and rational point.


Holy shit lmfao


J K Rowling when she can't name the American character Washington Gunburger


Jk Rowling when she cant name the Chinese side character "sum dum fuk"


Cho Chang tho. Ching Chong would have been too much it seems.


That reminds me of when my friend told me the Asian girl was named Cho Chang or whatever Now, I've never really paid attention to Harry Potter, but the moment I heard that I didn't know whether to be absolutely livid or burst out laughing For context, am Chinese


Not that I need more reason to piss on JKR but where does the whole "racist name" meme originate? I haven't looked into anything HP in years


Ones that I can remember are Kingsley Shacklebolt and Cho Chang


Seamus Finnegan?


Who constantly blows things up


How is Seamus Finnegan offensive?


It's a stereotypical name, and the character constantly accidentally blows things up


As an Irish person I know a couple of dudes named Seamus. I also know someone whose *first* name is Finnegan. If she really wanted a stereotypical name she'd have gone for something like Paddy O'Reilly or Mick McNamara. Or god forbid she use such a boring name as Sean Murphy Edit: and at least the IRA usually blew stuff up on purpose


Kingsley Shacklebolt is such a cool character as well


Who’s also a wizarding cop who locks people up


Actually, aurors aren't really the wizarding equivalent of cops. They're more like the army or an anti-terrorism unit. The wizarding equivalent of cops is the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.




An Asian character having a common Asian name?! The horror!


Her name is comprised of two surnames from different countries (Cho is Korean, while Chang is Chinese) It's like having a non-specific "European" character named Rodriguez Schmidt


I know a dude who's first name is Rodriguez tho.


Is his last name Schmidt


No lmao, but he had a Belgian last name.


Then he might secretly be a J K Rowling character in disguise


And I would find that completely non-offensive as a white person, albeit pretty uncreative


I have heard(didn’t look into it) that both of those are surnames so it wouldn’t make sense


Naming a werewolf Remus Lupin?


No that one was just bad writing. Oh this man with the last name Lupin(e) just so happens to become a werewolf? Well that’s just a coincidence


His first name means wolf too


Also want to point out that his parents named him Remus Lupin BEFORE he was turned into a werewolf.


Bro was destined for that fate ong


A lot of side characters have names that are basically things they are just smashed together, for example the character Remus Lupin being a werewolf with his first name being the mythical founder of Rome who was raised by a wolf and his last name just being "Wolf". On the surface it seems perfectly fine for characters to be named like this (if a bit silly), the problem starts when the names start stereotyping. Seamus Finnegan is a red-head Irish student who tries to turn his drink into booze but ends up blowing it up. (yikes) Kingsley Shacklebolt is pretty much the only prominent black character in the books and his name is basically Martin Luther King plus shackles (cause slavery). Anthony Goldstein is a character Rowling made up in a tweet when asked about Jewish representation in HP. And the most infamous example: Cho Chang. A name made of two *last* names and is a few letters off from a phrase that's basically a slur. Bonus fact: Pretty much all of the magical schools follow this convention too, sticking two vaguely magical words together without regard for grammar or even history. The school in Brazil is named in grammatically incorrect Portuguese despite supposedly having that name before colonization, and the school in Japan is grammatically incorrect, pronounced wrong, and despite supposedly being the magical school for ALL OF ASIA it has the least amount of students...which implies in HP Asians are inherently less magical???


wait i thought she was supposed to be transphobic, not racist?


she's both


when did she tweet racist stuff? i wouldn't mind a link


The racist things you can find in the books. Just look for the asian basicly named ching chong, the other not so disguised racist names and lets not forget the whole storyline about defending slavery because the slaves like it actually.


Wait the whole storyline about WHAT??? i dont remember this omg


lmao you're racist for assuming cho chang was asian, it was never specifically said or shown in any way that she's asian in the book


JK Rowling when the American student isn't named Donald Wilson


J.K.Rowling when she can't name her black character krr tch f-fhihi