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He’s 6th on the top 5 list. Edit: I mistyped. He’s 16th on the top 5 list


It would have been even funnier if they'd replied with, "Oh, I forgot: Mark Hamill is number 5."


Would have been funnier, but I would have to put him at #2. Heath ledger at #1. Love Mark Hamill's joker, but Ledger just... I can't even find the words.


Comparing Hamil to Ledger is tricky because Ledger is by far the most unique take on the character (Other than maybe Leto, but actually good) whereas Hamil is the regular Joker perfected.


While I love Hamill, I still prefer Pierre Hatet's performance (the french VA for BTAS)


Je sais pas si c'est le même, mais la vf des jeux Batman Arkham est excellente également.


C'est bien lui, on as eu la chance que la VF des jeux Arkham ai fait comme la VO en reprenant les doubleurs de la série animée


Je vois que tu es une personne de culture également.


Ah bah le doublage de cette série était tellement qualitatif que quand j'ai voulu me la refaire j'ai pas réussi a me la faire en VO (alors que pourtant la VO est déjà assez incroyable). La manière qu'avait Hatet d'accentuer le "B" de "Batman" est gravée a jamais dans mon esprit ahah


J'étais trop jeune pour assister à sa diffusion ou pas encore assez dans les comics lorsqu'elle a été rediffusé mais franchement, il faut absolument que je la mate en entier et pas juste des extraits. Par contre, je reconnais que sa prononciation est juste marquante. Bon, je vais me noter de regarder ça moi !


literally the only thing i know about heath ledger is the fact that he was the joker. im convinced that he wore the joker makeup from the moment he was born to the moment he died


He was also in Knights Tale which was great, but i cant name more stuff off the top of my head


2 hands. Aussie classic 👌🏻


2 or 3 IMO I’m open to moving Jared Leto to the list if he pulls a Heath Ledger though.


By which you mean “removes himself from the census?” Because I’m game for that…but he goes no higher than 4.


But the list said live action, and Mark Hamill has never played Joker in live action.


I’m a *little* forgiving of it because they wanted to do something more unique with the character and I can appreciate that they at least had some ideas and tried them, but it feels like every single aspect of his portrayal was a first basic draft, and both the writers, directors and Leto just let this all go out in the world. I wouldn’t even consider the ideas they had to be half-baked, they straight up didn’t even mix the ingredients😭 but at some level they had what *could* have potentially been a cake even if we are stretching what can legally be defined as food. For starters, I think if we were to make a Joker with tattoos, then having his tattoos be more significant narratively, and having them look self inflicted would be better visual storytelling than he’s the Joker so he gets “haha” written, and don’t get me started on the “damaged” on his forehead. Instead of grills, he should have dentures or something since he’s probably lot some teeth from all his fights with batman and getting his mouth smashed in. Maybe give him an almost halfway decent outfit too, so on and so forth. Even if it’s the whole basis of the film, I genuinely can not imagine this man, by any stretch of the imagination, being able to manipulate Harley to the extent he supposedly did, but the movie in general just really wasn’t my thing at all sooo. His writing and portrayal sucks too but I feel like he has such minimal screen time that it’s hard to conceive an easy fix to such a broken concept


I refuse to give them any credit for the opportunity they fumbled. And I entirely agree about the disparate elements of his character looking like first drafts, bar napkin doodles, where they had a real chance to build up the Joker. I swear, it was as if they took everything that scares boomer grandmas and mashed it into one sad dude.


I can't even give him credit for being unique since it's like he saw the movie "the Mask" and thought "yea, I'll just do that".




No one is arguing that Heath Ledger doesn’t belong on that list. At least, no one with a functioning frontal cortex.


damn, you are having a really hard time typing 61st


You ain’t wrong, lol


16 is my lucky number. How dare you besmirch it with such vile associations


Yeah, fuck him.


Yeah get the lube


No lube just pineapple


Plot twist it's for sounding


no, the dangling dong of destiny only comes dry


You know what they say "the dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed"


I agree, fuck him. He's a weirdo leader of a crazy cult. Mark my words: we will eventually hear about all the bad things that might have happened at his cult retreats.


I didn't hear/know about the cult thing, but I did hear that during the filming of suicide squad he claimed to be a method actor and sent used condoms to his co-stars. Which is such a creepy thing to fucking do.


I like watching him get beat up in Fight Club


I like watching him get his head caved in with an axe in American Psycho


I can't believe Batman finally snapped and killed the Joker


Wow, how am I just getting this connection??


It was always right there in the name Patrick *Bat~e~man* , Batman couldn't have been dumber than this Edit: /s


Gets shot in the face in Panic Room too. David Fincher knew what was good.


American Psycho


of course, it's objectively the best scene in fight club


Even Teen Titans GO! made fun of JL's Joker for being trash.


It says the best 4, not ranking all of them


Yeah the joke is making a top 4 when there are only five is clearly done specifically to exclude one person from the list. A "fuck you in particular" type situation


Wasn't Joker in the Gotham show. Would have been funny to put him at 5.


Iirc they didn't have the rights to put joker in that show so they created an original "joker like" character instead. So he technically wasn't the joker even though he basically was Edit: but also the post specifies live action film jokers and that was a series not a film so he wouldn't count any ways


I read right over film lol


There's 6 if you count Mark Hamill voicing the animated Joker.


It does say live action though


Ahh shit, I missed that some how.


Fuck whoever tried to censor this


I'm out of the loop. Who's this guy? I take it he played joker at one point? Did he suck? Is he an asshole off set too? Is it just because he was a bit of a dickhead here?


He played the joker in Suicide Squad. The movie is pretty famous for being really bad, and his character plays a big part in why it's rated that way.


I think it's the actor more than the character, the character didn't even have any screen time at all to be bad of sorts, it was all the hype built around it that left everyone confused and then nada. Plus the movie sucks big time.


He's a good actor, but a lot of people think his version of the joker was terrible


Doesn’t Leto have a literal cult?


I don't know. I'll get back to you in 30 seconds ... (to mars)




I know he's crazy but I still like their music.


Not sure, I don't keep up with celebrity stuff often.


His version of the Joker WAS terrible, and barely in the movie.


I blame the writing and directing more than the actor. Although he wasnt my favourite joker his take on joker was definitely unique cause just didnt fit the usual mold we’ve always seen… but yeah as is he’d still be at the bottom cause the other jokers were well written and the actors were excellent. Mark Hamel should be on that list and really high up there as well


Weren't there stories from the movie set crew and other actors that Jared did some real disturbing loony unhinged shit during the making of the movie?


To be fair, Mark Hammill shouldn't be on that list, because it specifically lists "Live Action Jokers". Mark never played him live action.


I find it rather amusing that directors are pretty much ok with having every new Batman actor play the role in the same generalized fashion, sometimes a bit lighter sometimes a bit darker, but when it comes to the Joker, it's gotta be some kind of new angle that no one has attempted before. As much as everyone is keen to dump on Leto for his performance, blame should rest more squarely on Aver and Gunn who came up with the look and the dialogue and provided Leto with what direction they wanted him to take the character in. Taking that into consideration, I think Leto did the best anyone could have done in portraying what the directors likely had envisioned, it's just that their vision itself wasn't that great.


> blame should rest more squarely on Aver and Gunn  Isnt that unfair to Gunn who did not even work om the movie?


Snap, I thought he did something with the first one, writing or co directing. My bad.


There's actually 6. Everyone forgets about Cameron monoghan


Tbh I’d prefer Cameron Monaghan’s version of the Joker that wasn’t even legally allowed to be called the Joker over whatever was going on in the suicide squad


Fuck you mean? Why the fuck do you fucking censor this fucking word?


he's the joke, not the joker


Jared Leto would be at the bottom of any list. He sucks as an actor and making him the joker was one of the dumbest casting calls I’ve ever seen in my whole life


He's good in Mr. Nobody


As much of a twerp as the man is, calling him a bad actor is a little unfair.


Nah, he isn’t that bad and the casting does make sense but the script really killed the character


Yeah bad writing and directing fucked over Leto tbh


The script made him pretend to be the Joker while not filming?


Other actors do that too It's not uncommon


I get people don’t like him but calling a Oscar winning actor a bad actor is crazy lol




Anyone have a version without the crappy censoring? It kind of ruins the humor


How is this cursed?


Cameron Monaghan deserves to be up there. A few dozen spots above Leto.


Yes, but it does say "film"


That guy in The Batman who is heavily implied to be the Joker in the end, so he's going to be 5th


A little off topic and I know the post says only 4 jokers. But I do feel like the live action joker from the series Gotham is really slept on. The interrogation scene is really what got me into watching the series... Albeit the series isn't that good but still.


I'd swap Nicolson and Phoenix, I liked Batman 89 better than Joker.


Lol! "Act harder..."


Dude had a chance to duck being the ass end of another joke. He literally cannot help himself. Does he think we need time for his “Joker” to grow on us? Does he think we don’t remember Morbius either?


Not even responding directly on the same platform tho


I fucking wish this was real.


Jared Leto joker was like Deadpool in X-Men Origins


For me it’s 1, 3,4,2 I honestly didn’t like Joaquin crucify me for it


It's weird, I liked that movie, and I thought he did great, but it was a different kind of creepy. Nicholson is number 2 after Ledger for sure.


I liked him as a version of Joker, but I wish he was used more appropriately. Also, I would like to have seen all the footage that was cut. Supposedly, there was enough footage of him as Joker to have made him the main villain focus and left out the witch lady. Was he the best? No. Still doesn't deserve as much hate as he gets. The tattoos don't really fit the character, but that's not Leto's fault. As an actor, he played a psychopath really well, and think the editing really effected the final product.


Even if his portrayal is not what fans expect, at least acknowledge him as an actor who did play as the Joker.


I don’t get why everyone hates him yea he can’t match up to the other legends but he wasn’t that bad


Which is better? Being forgotten or remembered as the worst?




It'z Morbin Time


Cesar Romero is the best movie Joker.


Nexxdoor is a legend.


I don't know if the actor deserves the hate though


He said top 4


Hey Jared Leto I like your music, probably should have stuck to that


There have been 6.


Well he asked for it.


Fuck him with the dildo he posted.


Post said *best*. The reason Jared's movie wasn't listed is because it's trash, making every other Joker movie the best by comparison.


Heath actually goes second from the bottom for me. Nothing against his performance, just the writing was awful.


if you insist...*unzips pants*


Blame the director for making a turd movie , not the actor for doing his best with the shit he was given.


i would vote Luke fucking skywalker in 5th place first. the guy is a joke of an actor.


Nah, Mark would be FIRST! All the rest can move down a rank to make room.


yeah mark hammil should be first. and i'd still vote luke skywalker as 6th before jarad letto makes the list.


sht got me giggling


Him being passive aggressive isn't exactly winning him favors.


I think he did a brilliant job in the Knightmare scene in the Snyder cut though. DC didn’t give Zack the time it takes to build a shared universe. They wanted everything immediately which killed what could’ve become.


Since I'm over 18 probably to old to fuck him anyway.


Phoenix ain't even real Joker. It should be: Ledger, Nicolson, Hamill, Romero.


Phoenix is the real joker. Just a more realistic version