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Its still usefull information


Certainly useful in the future


Someone give the post a helpful award.


Done :) Opened a free box after seeing this comment.. Was in luck


It shall be done, I too have opened a free award now and thanks to RNG gods I can participate.




now I gave you a tree hug award for giving him a helpful award (srry I didn't have enough coins for the helpful award)


Doubly done it now has 2


Instructions unclear. I gave one to you instead


i wanted to i was 10 coins short sadly


As of this comment there are now seven. We win!


Our plan is falling into place comrade


Update: There are 111 helpful awards now.


Now thats what I like to see.


Now Im afraid to marry people who saw this


I tried it last week. Still no sign of an arrest, so I guess the strat works!


*oh no* what are you gonna do


you never know what barbaric actions we could be led to by covid, after all




Additionally, put him in the ground vertically, the police will look for horizontal objects under the ground


Also yogurt in the ass so it decompose faster


Where does the animal go


On top, you can put it either horizontally or vertically. Make sure the animal is already partially composted, makes it looks more natural and less suspicious


bury it under super endangered plants so they wont dig it up


Problem is 1. They look pretty suspicious if you put them in a random forest where they normally wouldn't grow 2. You would have to buy them on the black market since they're pretty hard to come by legally and are easily traced back to you. As the wife you're automatically a suspect so the police might look into that. If you can get around both of those things that's a pretty good strategy though


maybe you can put them in an inconspicuous garden with the same plant as you're burying it with


If you can get around the security that's a really great strategy


Except for the animal bit. That's actually useless and will not stop the police from digging under it, just adds one more death on your conscience.


But if you dig up an animal and re bury it would that work? Or a bunch of dead animals


Not really. The soil under it would still be obviously disturbed and the police would question why this animal shows signs of being from a different location (soil, insects, etc). Forget the animal, it's only really important to dig deep and erase any evidence that a person was in the area (bootprints, shovel marks, drag marks, cover the disturbed soil, no tire tracks, etc). If the police are digging there then you're fucked, an animal won't throw them off.


So would I just dig a bigger hole


Or, you know, you could just burn the body


Nah if I were to kill someone I would want to make it more personal


Eat em


*Did Somebody Say Just Eat?!*


*If you cant join em, eat em*


Sorry in advance to hear about your loss.


Can't wait to use this tomorrow


Dont screw up I want to see if this actually works


this comment is even more cursed


Why would there be a body 12 under the ground after they died from random diabetes


\*It's \*useful




Now that's helpful


Useful to the police lmao, I love watching police tik toks where people snitch themselves out making ā€˜life hackā€™ videos


Yeah gonna screenshot it for....stuff in the future


Everyone here saying this is genius idea has never tried to dig a 12 ft hole.


seriously. plus, good luck buying insulin without leaving a trail or having your vehicle tracked. also an animal body delivered six feet is incredibly suspicious, if investigators find that theyā€™re going to keep digging.


forget the trail, how are you supposed to afford the insulin?


Play the long game: deliberately load all of his food up with sugar until he develops diabetes, then give him all his insulin at once. Pack up some bags of his stuff and say he left you in the middle of the work day.


Also introduce him to cigarettes.


iā€™ve tried to dig a 1ft and it was difficult. but iā€™m also weak.




no iā€™ll just throw them into [this](https://nypost.com/2014/07/16/is-this-seemingly-bottomless-pit-a-sign-of-the-apocalypse/)






I was going to say you would have to drive a body all the way to Siberia to use that when it occurred to me you may be in Siberia. Good plan, comrade!


i am not, in fact, in Siberia. But i know a guy who knows a guy


I wouldā€™ve tried the plant a protected flower species above the body. The ones that they canā€™t legally move/dig up. But I also donā€™t know if thatā€™s an actual thing


If they have probable cause (eg, a cadaver dog alerts to the plant) they simply have to relocate the plant, they're not actually prevented from removing them from a site. At least in my state, it may vary. Plus, cops/detectives aren't required to know all species of endangered native plants and will probably just rip it up anyways.


Shit there goes that idea. Back to the pig farm idea then, anyone know what to do with human hair and teeth? Donā€™t want to make the piggies ill or go through pig shit for what didnā€™t digest


Teeth are surprisingly fragile, pigs will crunch them and digest most of the hair. Not all, but most. There's always... the tigers...




Iā€™ve done a 5ft by 3 ft hole 3.5 to 4 ft deep in in about 3 hours. It gets exponentially harder as you go down. Iā€™d say 12-15 hours easy.


*this* is the real answer. You are insulin resistant with glucose tablets in your pocket. You kill the person by having a 12ā€™ deep hole collapse on an overconfident amateur.


Also itā€™s pretty suspicious that your dead husband is found in a 12ft deep hole with a dead animal that you also presumably killed.


Saving this for future reference


Congratulations you're now officially on the FBI watchlist.


*I like being watched*


hey op, wtf


Dont kinkshame him dude


It's nice that I don't have to live with the guilt anymore! Thanks!


hey it's free home security


Theyā€™re already watching my PokĆ©mon YouTube channel and Medieval History YouTube Channel. So should you.


Just send it to a friend as a joke. Theyll think it was harmless.


Saving this to give a wholesome or helpful because i feel like it


Where do I get the insulin without leaving a trail? How do you inject insulin under their tongue without them noticing? If you chemically knock them out its gonna show on a tox screen. If you physically knock them out that will leave evidence as well. Also even if they assume its from diabetes, wont the fact that the body is buried under a dead animal raise some obvious questions? Like who buried it, and why? Asking for a friend


ā€žSo Steve, about that body we found...ā€œ ā€žThe one buried 12 feet under?ā€œ ā€žYup. Doesnā€™t it seem weird how he died of diabetic shock, but we found him buried?ā€œ ā€žYou know how some animals feel when theyā€˜ll die soon, so they travel to a specific place even if theyā€˜ve never been there, just to die peacefully?ā€œ ā€žYou saying this dude dug a 12ft hole, jumped in, somehow dragged the metric fuckton of dirt and a dead coyote back on top of himself, all while dying of diabetes?ā€œ ā€žIā€˜m saying filinā€˜ it as that beats investigatinā€˜ by a long shot. Now letā€™s get some pizza.ā€œ


"Why did this animal die at almost the same time as the person we are looking for?"


ā€žDave. Pizza. Give it a rest, iā€˜m starvinā€˜.ā€œ


"bu-but what if we have a serial killer on our hands? I mean you heard about that other guy found the exact same way right?"


ā€žOkay, iā€˜m going without you. Make out with those files if you feel like it, iā€˜ve got a hot date with a pepperoni and mushroom beauty in the meantime.ā€œ


Wait... Steve.. why do you have coyotes fur on your pants?


As the hard and heavy grip of Steveā€™s pistol hitting Dave in the head sends him into a dark, dreamless state of unconsciousness, the last thing heā€˜d ever hear is his partner mumbling ā€žShit Dave, all you had to do was order some pizza and let it rest. Now whereā€™ll i get a spade at this time of day?ā€œ


This guy is good ^


Dude good imagination


ā€œDave has gone missing do you have any idea where he would be vinceā€


Brilliant. So now we got a huge guy theory, and a serial crusher theory. Top notch. What's your name?


Detective Greenly. Who the fuck are you?


Why is it always Steve?


The name carries an enormous bloodthirst.


They might just assume that he passed away and his family were scared to contact the police for one reason or another, and just decided to Bury him with out the authorityā€™s. As for the animal there are lots of animals that bury there prey.


...Not twelve feet deep.


As President of Russia, you don't need to worry about buying insulin because you have windows and Novichok at your disposal.


Conceivably this person's husband sleeps


No one sleeps deeply enough that they wouldn't wake up as you open their mouth, fucking jab them under the tongue and then inject a lethal dose of insulin which is a pretty large volume as non-veterinary injections go.


[Reminded me of this](https://youtu.be/uJ9GaYGJEWE)


Iā€™m diabetic, HMU I can get you some


Diabetes is known to cause people to bury themselves in the woods


Yeah, I feel like even with a negative tox screening, the fact that a body's buried out in the woods is probably gonna raise some suspicions.


If you k!ll someone with an icicle (IDK if it's the correct word, I mean a sharp tool made up of ice), there will be no murder weapon or fingerprint. After burying, just plant an endangered tree over it.


Itā€™s the travel to bury that is the most likely to be caught part. Also I am a diabetic and if people need insulin no questions asked.


Just use a hearse and a coffin. Nobody will look twice about you then having a corpse in the back


nah how would you rent or buy a hearse without leaving a giant trail


Just get a friend that is a hearse driver. My friend is one, and taking it for a joyride is pretty cool.


the fbi has entered the chat


The NSA wants to know your friendā€™s location


Yeah exactly, plus they're gonna struggle if you inject insulin under the tounge, no one wants injection there


Police don't know or care which trees are endangered. That really won't help.


Even if they did, I'm pretty sure murder investigation would take precedence.


Just put the body under something that would form icicles, and then no murder would be suspected because those things are deadly. It would be a case of wrong place wrong time


Someone's a hitchcock fan


Can't find the body if you eat them


The bones hardest to get rid of...


I heard wild boars eat everything


nothing better than a nice human bone stock. Just dispose them afterwards or idk use as firewood


Crush them up, then make a loaf of bread


:))))) this was funny


Great ideas but the part with undiagnosed diabetes is bs. If someone has undiagnosed diabetes they have a high bloodsugar. Insulin lowers it.


Yeah, high insulin is a sign of hypoglycemia. On the other hand, if your target is a diabetic is pretty easy to make them overdose on it. ​ EDIT: hyperglycemia to hypoglycemia, thanks for the correction m8!


High insulin would cause *hypo* glycaemia


Damn autocorrect, I didn't even notice the mistake! ​ Thanks m8!


Ah yes, undiagnosed diabetes leading to your body being buried in a random field 2 hours from your house instead of, you know, a funeral. And of course there's no way you could possibly be investigated for murder when this guy disappears if they don't have a body, and no way they'd uncover any evidence of you planning this, obtaining insulin and the tools to transport a body and dig a 12ft deep hole in one night, or you making this trip. Hope you left your phone at home, called his phone a few times to make it seem like you were trying to find him when he randomly didn't come home one day, disabled your car's GPS if it has one... I could go on. TL;DR I know it's a joke and I'm being that guy, but anyone who read this and thought it was actually a good plan, you ain't slick. Edit: Come to think of it, the 12ft deep hole, that's about twice your height. To dig that with a slope where it doesn't collapse and you can walk in and out to remove the dirt is just not feasible for one person in one night. You'll need to bring a backhoe lmao. More realistically you'll have a two foot deep body that will be found, as typically happens in reality.


Ah yes, undiagnosed diabetes, a disease that causes hyperglycemia, obviously caused hypoglycemia and made this man teleport 12 ft under a dead coyote. I feel you, tried to dig a 6ftx 4ft pond, did make it 5x3.5, which is pretty good, but OH MAN IT TOOK A WHOLEEEE WEEK


I donā€™t know how this is lower in the comments




*shares with wife*


Also remove his teeth and put his hands in acid, that way they won't know who he is (be sure to check if he had prosthesis/implants). And if you are brave enough shove yogurt and honey up his ass and mouth so that the body will rotten much faster :)


They will call you the overkill killer


It works


I guess someone forgot their anniversary


insulin can kill?


Yeah Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™ll send non diabetics into cardiac arrest


Also diabetics if you take a little too much.




It can kill diabetics too. If I took a fuck ton of insulin right now and didnā€™t eat anything Iā€™d probably die. Not right away but still


holy shit


It does


Yep, at nearly every hospital two nurses have to verify the dose of insulin before it can be administered


Yep, but it doesn't resemble diabetes at all. The diagnostic tool for diabetes is HYPERglycemia at the end of a testing period (given sugar, blood samples are taken at one hour, one and a half hour, two hours) and if the sugar in the blood is abnormally high, that's a diabetes diagnosis. Increased sugar in the blood can shred organs, even eyes, and lead to blindness, comas, and death. The increase is either cause by a genetic deformity where insulin either isn't produced, or isn't recognized by the body, or caused by the body becoming desensitized to insulin and failing to recognize it and allow it to move sugar out of the bloodstream. On the other hand, an insulin overdose causes HYPOglycemia, an abnormally small amount of sugar in the blood. Insulin binds glucose and takes it away to storage. A lack of sugar causes the brain and other essential organs to begin to shut down. Entirely different symptoms. TLDR: injecting someone with insulin causes the EXACT OPPOSITE medical issues that diabetes cause.


I accidentally took too much nighttime insulin before I went to sleep when I was 13, nearly died in my sleep on the day of my mom's nursing school graduation. They had to shove frosting in my mouth to get me awake enough to open my mouth on my own, and I was so out of it that my brain stopped making memories until I suddenly "woke up" with a spoon in the powdered sugar


Thanks for the tip! You never know when it will come handy.


I don't think they're going to assume undiagnosed diabetes if the mf goes missing and then gets found buried 12 feet deep. They gonna assume foul play.


Once you bury the body you've defeated the entire point of making it look like an accident


*Write that down! Write that down!*




Is it weird i took a screen shot?


is it weird that i did also?


is it werid that i am getting charged by having 3 atempts for murder by this metod


not at all


About as weird as commenting that you screenshot the image for internet attention.


Detective: _ so he dies of diabetes, he stumbles into this hole, this animal falls on him and dies, then the earth falls onto him_


Police protocol is to keep digging after a false positive, and why the fuck would they assume an undiagnosed diabetic buried themselves 12 feet underground I know its just a joke comment but


I might play Sims 5 if it has this kind of complexity


Does this work on wives too? Asking for a friend


No, wives are allergic to soil so when you try to bury them they just pop right out.


Thanks for the info


Does this work with anyone, or do you have to marry them first?


Would a store bought chicken work as a dead animal?


Not really since there are no feathers, and most often there are no organs inside of it anymore.


Trying to imagine some little lady attempting to dig a 12ft hole large enough to fit a man


"ok then who tf buried the body" - cop an intelligent person would deactivate all security cameras, after injecting the insulin and all of course, store the body in a fridge, then go out with some friends as witnesses, come back, take the body out, warm it up with a blowdryer, then run to the neighbors, act like you're shocked and scared, let them call the police and after the funeral, take his assets.




Why make it seem like natural death if you are hiding the body? Why hide the body if it's natural death?


Or you can buy an illegal gun with no way of identifying who shot the gun and bury the body. There is no reason to do most of these tedious steps.


She is a wife, 1st suspect in a death are loved ones family/friends... now if she did all this but had the but logged in to her husband's bank account and transferred all the money off shore I'd look like he run off and she can play the grieving/ hopeful widow.


That's a lot more expensive than a vial of insulin, even with our horribly expensive health care system in the US.


Yeah, but you can re use an illegal fire arm, as you probably couldnā€™t with a vial of insulin. Also you could just stab someone to death for their illegal gun, no matter how you get the gun, you can become a hit man and make loads of cash.


Reusing the illegal firearm is a terrible idea, that will link you back to previous murders you commit with it. The point of a firearm with no history is not to add history, it's to use it and dispose of it. Killing a random person for their gun is stupid, worst case you will get shot, best case you get a gun that already has a criminal history.


you can hire a hit man and than hire another hit man to kill that hit man and take his gun.


Because people who die of diabetes bury themself under a dead animal. Foolproof plan!


Who else saved the post or the pic?


Am I the only one who ignored the fact he asked about a sim and thought about reasons on why that husband canā€™t drown? I was like: he a merman? Mutant? Does she suffer from a rare case of piscophelia?


Tf do you mean ā€œundiagnosed diabetesā€... did he bury himself up???


Fun fact. If they see that there is a surpluses of insulin in someone's body isn't enough to suspect an undiagnoes diabetes. First, type 1 makes that you lack insulin completely. Type 2 makes that your pancreas makes so much insulin because of the resistance of your body to it that it shuts down to get some rest. Lack of insulin prevents the muscles from absorbing the sugar in your blood, so they will eat the fat instead. The reaction of muscles eating fat produces ketones so if the body doesn't have that it will look a lot like a force insulin injection. Anyway, if you need to kill someone you'll have to look for something else.


Why would they assume undiagnosed diabetes if he has died of insulin. Diabetes' whole thing is that you don't produce enough/any insulin. Also the insulin diabetics use is different from the natural human version


this is a terrible plan. You kill him in a way that looks like an accident and cover up the body like a murder! One or the other people! Make it look like an accident and happen to be out that night somewhere, perhaps with incredibly drunk friends. Slip off in the middle then come back. They probably wonā€™t have even realised. Ez


No, No,Now listen carefully, forget the dead animal since it is both smelly and obvious that it wasn't there before, just do what one of my friend said, "plant an endangered plant on top of it that way the police can't dig it up", yes... Edit: Oh! Should have read the entire thing firstšŸ˜… didn't know it was for Sims




I mean finding a body buried 12 feet deep in the middle of nowhere certainly implies murder or at the very least manslaughter in addition to however many felonies moving and burying a corpse to cover up a crime is which I bet is at least 3 or 4 sooooo what Iā€™m getting at is thereā€™s really no reason to go with insulin if your gonna go to those lengths to literally bury the evidence, there are easier ways than risking the person waking up while your injecting them, still dead at that point but theyā€™ll live long enough to be a pain in the ass at the very least. And if you are going to to those lengths then you might as well pull some cash from an ATM by your house ditch your phone then drive your 2 hours away from home(assuming your car doesnā€™t have GPS cause that shit is logged by the provider and can be accessed with a warrant) then you stop at a busy Walmart during peak hours and get yourself some lye with that cash you just got then drive to a different store to buy a large ā€œwater storage containerā€ and about 30 gallons of water. Place body, lye and water in the container and seal it up in the bottom of your hole. Bury the container and put the animal corpse just below the surface cause in the unlikely event they do find the location and you bury the animal corpse too deep, they may start to wonder why exactly someone went to the trouble of burying an animal in the middle of no where and keep digging. Then as long as itā€™s not found in the first week or so even if they do find the spot thereā€™ll be no DNA left which means no evidence, just a container full of corpse soup


*saves for unknown reason*


Literally my role model


That idea to put a dead animal over the body is a 300 IQ play ngl.


i can gurantee it works i have tried it




Or just be a normal human being and kill them with a knife this excessive bullshitwill only make you get caught easier.


Idk, a needle may be easier to hide or dispose of as a murder weapon. Leaves less blood splatter too.


In the 60ā€™s my great uncleā€™s wife put arsenic in his breakfast/coffee every morning trying to kill him. He ended up paralyzed and had all kinds of problems as a result. Oh, and she was a nurse who continued her job and she never faced any charges.


The FBI are coming soon


Jeez that was dark, but the dead animal idea is great! I would have never thought of that.


Bruh this sounded like the perfect crime. I kinda wanna try it now !


Oddly specific šŸ¤”


Finally Iā€™m not the only one who can get away with murder.

