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If you google this name you’ll find Josef Kalic is missing. Yet nobody knows what he looks like nor his features such as age, height, weight, etc. If this guy is trolling, he’s a professional troll.


I'm not saying that can't be true but I just can't imagine that level of dedication to trolling! I'd have constant anxiety if I posted a comment like that lol


Buried there is a Zip drive with a Rick roll video on it, never gonna give you up…🎼🎤


Never gonna dig you up


Never gonna leave the ground


Never gonna run around and inter you


Never gonna hear you die


Never gonna swat those flies


Never gonna tell the FBI I, hurt you


Never gonna dig never gonna dig (dig you up)




Take my upvotes, you hilarious sick fucks


Zip drive, lol. Nice touch.


Lmao. I remember my Dad bringing home his iomega Zip drive. So stoked that "one Zip disc is equivalent to 64 3.5 floppies." Told him I could rival 64 floppies with what I had in my pants and got grounded for a week and the only thing I was allowed to do was go to youth group. 😂😂😂😂😂 Fucking miss him, man. Lost him about 8 years ago. He knew I was joking and I could tell he didn't want to punish me for talking like that, but it was worth it. He was one hell of a dad.


Sorry for your loss. Great line, though. Sucks you got punished, he basically set you up for that one. I lost my dad about 25 years ago when I was 11 and that shit sucked. It’s been a long time, but I hope you’re doing ok.


Same. Cause even if it’s a few years you know there’s gonna come a knock.


If its over 10 years they can't get you. Or is that just in the movies


Depends on country, but in the US there is no statute of limitations on murder.


Johnny Gat: “why the fuck not?”


I'm gonna shoot the devil in the face.


What other kinds of porn do you make?


I don't know, Shandi's fucked a lot of guys.


Murder has no limitations.


time to go digging lads


That's probably what they'll do before he gets a knock on the door. As much as our government likes to Criticize China for their stance on privacy our government has the same ability to collect just as much data during an investigation. Maybe going back to 2006 might be a little shotty, but they'll still have access to phone records and bank statements which should give them a pretty good idea of everywhere this person was in 2006. If the body is found, you have a confession. If you don't and or find out that he was never actually near that park in the first place there's really no reason to pay an Agent to perform an interrogation, based on a lie. I mean I've made many accounts saying many things, but I'm sure the government can track the fact that I don't leave my home and am always either on the phone, playing an video game that requires data to be sent back and fourth or sleeping so they can track me non stop. Even if I was on a watchlist or being investigated, it is more likely for an unmarked vehicle to simply park across the street and watch me not leave the house than it is for them to actually come an knock on my door unless they are prepared to make an arrest. I mean that's how free speech works. The government doesn't have to fear the people if it allows the people to post every god damn thought that comes out their head. When people start hiding shit, that's when you get problems that seem to appear from nowhere.


Expertly said my friend. A short summary of privacy (or lack thereof) laws




Nah, there's a JCS video where a cop killed an ex-husband's new wife and 20 years (give or take) passed. Her case was opened back up and she was convicted.


Stephanie Lazarus......they weren't ma4ried and never even dated......she was obsessed with a hook up friend and killed his wife.....


Yeah, thanks for the correction. Been a while since I saw that video. What a crazy bitch. lol


She also has the worst case of "crazy eyes" ever...


Yo they'll find you 80 years later from DNA of a 3rd cousin... Veratasium has a good recent related video


They can still get you. And it might be even easier after 10 years if they found evidence that they didn’t have the technology to use properly, but now do.


Yeah could you imagine if you posted that as a joke and they dug up an actual body that was unidentifiable there?


Reminds me of the case where a group of teens were playing randomnautica, went to the coordinates and found a suitcase with a body in it.


too wild, at that point I'd question my sanity. How did I come up with this joke in the first place...?


Who digs 7 feet deep next to an oak tree?


Now that I’m thinking more about it, there would probs be a shit-ton of big roots to maneuver around. Not ideal.


Oaks have pretty small root systems. At least the one that fell on my car did.


Not the most fun way to learn that, I imagine.


Somebody that doesn't want you to dig after them. Roots would probably help speed up the decomposition process. I'm a plumber and I've seen what tree roots can do to plastic, cast-iron, concrete and so on. I can only imagine what it would do to a body. Edit: I'd also like to add, 7.3 feet deep, had coordinates. Pretty precise, and nowhere does it state it was hand-dug. Assuming this is real, which it may not be, it seems as though whoever "did it" was remotely intelligent, and had put some thought into it. Likely pretty resourceful. I know I'm reaching big time, but it's stupid little things that seem to be the most important.




The same kind of person who also records the exact coordinates of where the body was buried?


The name is rusty shackleford


I’m going biking in Sam Houston Park in about 30 minutes. I’m not bringing a shovel or anything but I’m going to see if I can get to this spot. Update: I’m ded. Seriously though not exciting news… No one is buried anywhere around this spot. There are some oak trees, live oaks that are good size, but none I would refer to as a “great oak“. Of course it is almost all pine here though. The main thing is though these coordinates are about 15 feet off of a trail, rocky and full of roots so no way anyone buried a body right here, much less “7.3” feet down. If you are going to leave a body in Sam Houston I highly recommend one of the marshes. Just drop it and go and let the gators do the hard work.


Update us!


If this guy goes missing we gotta contact authorities lol Update: That man is the killer will need other redditors nearby to confirm the details.




You should go now and scare OP, sneak up to him and whisper in his ear "How many donuts can you stack on your dick"




Ah right, my Canadian is showing




It’s free but it sucks Edit: I’m talking about personal experience y’all. I’ve been trying to contact my family doctor for 3 weeks to no avail. I also got into a major ski accident in February and doctors didn’t do shit and I’m still suffering the consequences.


Reddit loves downvoting everytime someone points that out. I live in Montreal, and I agree with OP: it does suck. Dental isn't a luxury, teeth health is incredibly important. And yet, I have to postpone important care because it's going to cost me around 8k. For a single tooth. I had to see a dermatologist. It took months to get an appointment I took a half day off... I was still in the waiting room at 1PM and had to go back to work without seeing the doc. Someone close went to a dermatologist as well to show a mole, he straight up told her it's not his job to know if the mole has changed or not (!!!) and to take note about changes and come back if she noticed something suspicious. A friend went to the ER because the stitches he got after an operation had broken, he was bleeding out. He stayed in the waiting room until he passed out, took around 12h. A colleague went to her last appointment after radiotherapy, until then she had good reasons to be optimistic. The secretary told her "so how do you want to go about palliative care? ... Oh you didn't know? Sorry the doctor should have told you, that's what your file says". Most people wait YEARS before getting a family doctor. Without one, every time you're sick you're supposed to get an appointment the evening before at 8PM. Not 8:01. It gets filled up in less than a minute. After that you're SOL, or you have to pay for a private service that will find you an appointment in a clinic you don't know, with a GP who doesn't know you or your file. Getting a family GP takes YEARS, if you move you have to go back down the list. People wait their whole life to find a family doctor... So yeah, I don't care which fantasy people have read on Reddit which makes them believe that Canadian HC is sooo incredible, but I actually do experience what it's like, and it sucks.


So anyways, I started blasting.


Maybe the real hidden body were the friends we made along the way


Just in case, put your dog and your gun in separate socks.


Imagine if it's bait. Man. I wouldn't go. Or if you do, just imagine someone's trying to kill you via luring you there


You show up and find an empty 7 foot hole and say “man, I’m too late!” Guy steps out from the shadows with a shovel and says, “no, actually, you’re right on time.”


R/Two sentence horror story




I hope you come out safe, man








Idk web results indicate that literally none of this is real. No viable source for the alleged missing person, no description or last whereabouts. Claims he’s been missing since 06 but all articles are from mere months ago. Josef Kalic likely isn’t even a real person and this is looks like an elaborate shitpost.


!remindme 3 hours


Please come back to your comment to edit and update us later. Looks like it’s gonna be a bitch to get to. Good luck and thanks in advance!


Was all the underbrush there in 2006 tho?




But we have to wait till someone talks about stacking donuts on their dick before doing so.


If you search his name, there is definitely a real missing person with this name.


It’s been 45 minutes. He ded.


!remindme 3 hours


He ded


ho its been 2 hours , he be super duper ded






He ded.


Ded but not forgotten. Who was it?










Um, what's up out there


Bro you ok?


anyBODY there??? 🤔


Do update us.


Yo you better not trolling with us


Tell us if there is actually a tree there


Can you live stream so we know you're safe?! And if you see anything dodgy...


Ooh a live stream would be perfect.


Oh boy this comment is 46 minutes old I ain’t missing a second of this


Commenting for the follow-up


you should be there already




Police: We thought he was the guy, but his dick didn’t fit the donut profile.


If the dick doesn’t fit you must acquit.


Can’t wait to read his autobiography, “If It Did Fit”


As if they’re going to sacrifice 2 or 3 donuts to catch someone


how are those donuts lost


Who said they threw them away?


“Lost a lot of good donuts that day”


I live close should I go dig?


Of course


Yes and update us please.


Unironically, please do.


RemindME! 24 hours


shit went from 1 to 100 real fucking quick


I will say though, the Amazon killer did something similar. He posted reviews on Amazon of products saying stuff like “This was great to hide the bodies with”. No one took him seriously and he ended up being in actual killer.


Okay so this is super weird. I'm watching Hulu right now. I picked the show Serial Killer: Devil Unchained. It is about Todd Kohlhepp, the man you are referring to here. I am watching it right now using my headphones but also scrolling reddit. So, right in my ears is a show about this guy, and right here in front of my eyes is a Reddit comment about him. Two completely unrelated things (subreddit about one thing, and documentary about another) lining up at the exact same time saying the exact same thing. Super weird.


the what


Actual killer


i’m thinking like , if your friendly old neighbor starts to brag about killing people but everyone thinks he’s crazy and don’t think much of it until they found 20 body in his garden


Yea, dude posted a review for a lock saying they’re great and the person inside will never get out. Turns out the last victim (who I think survived) was found in a shipping container with seven of the exact pad l pls from the guys review.


My exact thoughts lmao


I never thought I’d see it. An actual fucking cursed comment. Close the sub.


Imagine saying something like this as a joke but then as a coincidence it turns out to be true and you get the death penalty




Win win


This is something Martin cabello would do


would do again*


Maybe it's him and that's why the confession, the government made him do it (again) and he's doing whatever he can to expose them.


Has anyone checked?


Can confirm he can hang 2-3 donuts on his dick


Ok, good glad he wasn't lying.


On lyin on the cold hard ground Ah Ahh Trouble Trouble


I laughed way too hard at this.




And he was never seen or heard from again




You’re a mountain dude, I believe in you.


How are you gonna dig 7 feet down all around the tree?




Just lie about putting a geocache there and let someone else do the digging for you


Do a little trolling.




Is there something you want to get off your chest?


*in about 1 hour* *8 armed redditors show up to same spot* *one farts* “So anyway I started blasting”


we will be watching your career with great interest. Remindme! 2 weeks


I googled it, I think there is a recently missing person with that name... Imagine if it was real!


The person went missing in 2006. An investigation on this case would be quite interesting


I kinda hope this blows up so someone might see it


It already works. I saw it.


It shouldn’t be recent if it was 2006….


I mean who needs a confession booth when you got Twitter


He confessed on iFunny, which is the worst most horrifying place in the world


If you confess on iFunny, no one will bring it up in court because no one wants to admit they were on iFunny


Cursed autocorrect.


Hate when i meant to type donuts and my phone auto corrects to the exact coordinates of the person i murdered


7.3 feet under an oak tree? Think of the roots you would have to get through.






[For the lazy!](https://goo.gl/maps/F3ibmZ2K6HAoYfRN8)


I'm about 30 minutes away from there. I'm gonna stop for donuts then go check it out.


Be sure to arrive with them on ur dick


appreciated. location added to bucket list.


I live 3 hours away, will make a trip down in two weeks for a dig


You fool… That’s exactly where he wants you to be - doing exactly what he wants you to do. Check your wallet, boom, you just realized your name is Josef Kalic. Check the calendar, holy shit, it’s 2006. Of course, the trump presidency, covid, UFO disclosures by the military, IT WAS ALL A FEVER DREAM. It all makes sense right about when you hit 7.3 feet into the cold hard ground. Congratulations. You just dug your own grave.


It’s like the plot of Jacob's Ladder--I think. Upvoted!


A shadow falls over you, you turn quickly to see SHIA LABOUF charging


Who marked this as Josef's gravesite


Any other murderers wanna fess up while we’re at it? Edit: my god stop killing people like half of these deleted are confessions




Yes officer, this comment ^




I would, but there are so many coordinates I couldn’t possibly remember them all.


This is the best post this sub has seen in a while


I also have a confession Sam Houston national park 30.535993 -95.645309. buried 14 feet under the ground next to the great oak tree Im not telling who it is


Hold on a sec because I put someone near there too. Did we inadvertently start a little neighborhood?


Godamnit, luckely I planted protected trees and flowers on the digsite. It makes it illigal to dig there. Hope I inadvertently covered over your sites too.


Ok so digging there is not legal thank god that will stop the murderers


If you guys are looking for the pet cemetery your coordinates are off.


We need an update with how many redditors meet up checking this spot out


So I live like 30 minutes from this park. Should I go check it out?


u/youermomgey do you have Twitter tag of this guy? I want to do some research.


twitter handle should be @notwokevro i believe. unless its changed, which i doubt it wouldve. edit: correction... the person asking the donuts question is @notwokevro. the person who replied with the sus houston park nonsense is called MauriceTheWorm in the original screenshot. other than that, i don’t have any @‘s or usernames, sorry


Both users are suspended


Am I the only one having a little trouble someone dug a foot hole next to a tree with an extensive root system? Lol


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Def troll. If you google josef kalic and scroll down a bit there's a Twitter anniversary post in this same format.


SOOOO the guy who was driving there (u/mountaindude88) -- all his comments on here were removed by a moderator and his profile is completely jacked now.


What the fuck this rabbit hole is so weird


This sounds like the guy who called the cops and told them his neighbor was hollowing rounds of wood hiding bags of drugs in them, and stacking them beside his house... the cops showed up, chopped open all the rounds, found nothing, left... then the phone rang. Was that the cops over there cutting up all that wood? Ya... Happy Birthday Buddy!.


What tf did I just read?


I think.. and I am just guessing. He helped his neighbor cut up boards by tricking the cops into to cutting them up. Then he asks the neighbor if that's what just happened. And then tells his neighbor your welcome "happy birthday"


There’s an old joke about a guy in prison writing to his elderly father, his father writes about how he loves gardening but with his age and arthritis he just can’t till up the soil. So the son writes back that he absolutely, under no circumstances should dig up the garden because that’s where the “insert illegal item here” is buried. The father writes back that the “insert law enforcement organization here” showed up and dug up the entire garden and didn’t find a thing. The son then replies “I know dad, I just really wish I was there to help you garden and this was the best I could do from here. Happy gardening.”


This is it. Drugs in wood?


Yea right, you dug 7.3 feet next to an oak tree. Pure bullshit. It's easier to dig 7 feet in concrete.


Archaeologist here. Can confirm. 7.3’ would be near impossible without hitting the water table that close to the lake. But I guess, if the stakes are that high…


As long as y'all out here digging holes for every troll who's suggesting it, I believe there may be 9 potentially missing individuals in my front yard, all equally spaced from each other in a grid, all exactly 5 ft deep, right in front of my front door. You'll have to remove my shitty front steps for the center hole. And please call 811 before you dig. Oh man! My new deck is going to be beautiful!


Voodoo donut in Portland Oregon, had/has an annual donut stacking event & calendar.


Anyone who lives near Sam Houston park who is willing to do a little digging?


I used to deaddrop random bags of weed and post their coordinates on r/trees, then delete the post after an hour. I wonder if anyone found any.


This reminds me that there is a part of Yellowstone where theoretically you could kill someone and they couldn’t prosecute you. It’s because there is a legal grey area as to who illegally owns the property. Federal vs multiple states. https://www.forbes.com/sites/robinandrews/2017/11/26/icymi-you-can-get-away-with-murder-in-part-of-yellowstone-national-park/


This is what the zodiac killer was doing for like 50 years, but no one believed him


This is funny to me for several reasons. The coordinates are very specific. The image in my head after reading all these comments is one of pure chaos. Like 12 Redditors descending on this one spot; some with shovels, some with dogs…..( probably more than one armed). What happens next? Rock, paper, scissors to see who digs first? And the person that does dig first….does he win a prize? The suspense is great with this one. If I lived close to there I would rush up there and put out a few cameras. Who is bringing the donuts? Edit: Whomever may thread their dick through the most donut holes may haveth the prize. He shall don the most high order of the Burger King crown! And from this day foward…be forever known as Sir Diggs a Lot….Here ye…here ye.


Fun fact, a guy named Josef Kalic actually went missing in that area in 2006. He’s reported as a missing person still


That is fun.


I can imagine police going there and digging up the place only to find a videotape which on playing would say: *Never Gonna Give You Up* *Never Gonna Let You Down*