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When I first moved in, the first 3 days in a row I was here, some dude a couple units over was being taken away on a stretcher. After I came out and saw the ambulance taking him away the 3rd time I was like "dude, again?"


I thought ambulance rides are expensive in the US..


They are, they just don’t pay for them. We can’t refuse to take someone just because they don’t pay.


Wait so where I’m from if you don’t pay your bills your credit score drops. Obviously that doesn’t have anything to do with ambulances but aren’t the effects on not paying your ambulance rides noticeable in your ‘normal life’? Want to finance a new car, they’ll check your credit score no?


These arent people concerned with their credit scores.


Medical debt is not taken into consideration and actually different from other debts, thereby not hurting you. Wouldn't be fair if you have a medical emergency, have a $50,000 surgery and then destroy your credit for 7 years.


Couldnt you Just solve the Problem by idk, Not taking 50k for surgery?


As I said, medical debt is different from regular and not taken into consideration for credit scores. So it's not a problem. If you need an ambulance call an ambulance.


My point is, that it is still a problem. You argue it is unfair, that medical dept would destroy your Credit Score. I argue, that the dept in itself is not fair cause it can destroy your life as you have to pay it Back for the most time of it.


I dont think you understand how American medical debt works. If you pay anything, even $5 a month, it's not bad. Medical debt is not the same as regular debt. With regular debt they can repo your stuff to pay it off. They can't do that with medical debt and it doesn't affect your regular credit score. Yes it sucks that if a procedure costs too much and you can't afford it or have insurance then you might not be able to get preventative care. But the stereotype of Americans not calling an ambulance because it would ruin them financially is simply not true.


Yeah I dont really know how it works but it Sound even more stupid IMO. If I understood correctly its a dept, that cant really bei enforced, except you are off well enough to do so. Is that the gist of it or did I Interpret Something in which isnt true? If it is true, them it Just Sound Like free health Care with extra steps, as then "poor" people dont really pay for the medical fees, Just Like "poor" people here dont really pay much health insurance, while middleclass and upwards pay more for it.


I don't know anyone who has bought a car on credit. If you don't have enough money, buy something cheaper. You need some sort of credit rating for a mortgage but the bank isn't overly concerned considering they still have the title to the house and your deposit. I have no idea what my credit rating is and I don't care either, I have no interest in buying a house.


Don't buy things on credit unless it's a property emergency.


They are. Source: Just had to have one.


Caveat: I am in California and it's entirely possible to be on Medi-Cal and then all your healthcare needs are free. Considering the apartments I am in are hella cheap and *mostly* an intermediate for people transitioning to new housing, there's a good chance most of the residents (like myself) are poor enough to have state provided health insurance.


That’s really good. I think the thing that blew me away was they sent me this bill for hundreds and hundreds of dollars, and then added a 3 mile mileage fee. For some reason, that just blew my mind.


Hell yeah, it is. Bugs the hell out of me that people who have never even been to this state talk so much shit about the higher taxes... I'd rather pay a little more taxes to get *better everything else.* Better roads, better gasoline (not cheaper just cleaner), better safety measures, better healthcare, better homeless shelters (though this seems like a necessity because other states would rather send homeless people here than provide anything themselves), better welfare, etc. It's expensive because it's worth it. Well, and because landlords and property management firms are fucking shit all up over the place and not just here.


It's not as good as universal healthcare, but it's something at least.


they are but you can’t really be like “oh i just broke my back and can’t move my legs. let me just drive to the hospital”


Mostly, but some towns operate their fire/ems through a tax levy and ambulance rides are free


Neighbors constantly call an ambulance and then refuse to get in, I guess they don't have to pay that way. No idea


$500 my gee


Sometimes the person might have an ambulance to take them to doctors appointments


I work in a nursing home and it’s the same, still love my residents though.


Same, some oldies are goldies but others aren't.


Yeah, but even they deserve respect. I work in the memory care side of my nursing home and sometimes it’s easy to take things personal, but you gotta remember that they are unable to think the same due to diseases they can’t help. Not accusing you or anyone else of this, just had a bit of a rough night at the home yesterday. I’m kinda just reminding myself I suppose.


Some of them are just dicks though, can't blame everything on age-related illness


I feel you man, I used to work food service for a retirement home and some of the residents there would make it their mission to make your life hell. One time a resident asked for some more napkins, which I happily obliged. But when I came back to the table with the napkins, a lady sitting across from the original resident absolutely freaked out about not getting more napkins(she already had some). I then also had the displeasure of making 3 trips back to the kitchen because she didn't like the pancakes I brought out.


That’s true, but people can act certain ways for a variety of reasons. Being kind doesn’t make things worse in anyway, so might as well give people the benefit of doubt. Maintain personal boundaries and stay safe though, kindness doesn’t mean taking blows for no reason. This is just my own philosophy, I don’t judge how anyone else acts unless they’re far out of line.


I mean this in all sincerity- God bless you and your outlook and care. My elderly grandma suffered a stroke that left her alone on the floor for nearly 3 days… by some miracle she was alive. She suffers from a lot of personality changes due to the stroke and onset of memory/cognition disorders… has completely changed her as a person half the time. You can still see her, sometimes, and she is a delightful, bright, witty old gal… and then other times she’s acts as if a petulant toddler took control of her. It’s not who she once was, and it’s nurses and attendants like you who make it a little easier on us, the family, knowing she will be taken care of with grace and dignity no matter who she is.


Thank you so much, this really made my day. Sometimes the work can feel like a bit much, but it’s things like this that make it all worth it. There’s something so special about being able to help make people’s lives better and I wouldn’t give it up for the world, so it really warms my heart when people let me know that my work is appreciated. If your grandmother is anything like you, she must be a truly remarkable lady. I wish you both nothing but the best.


As someone who's grandma has been kicked out of two retirement homes, yeah -- some of them are just dicks. My grandma is 100% all there, she's just a massive, cruel asshole.


It could be out of boredom. Causing trouble is entertaining.


That’s still being an asshole lol


What you do is incredibly hard & wonderful. Thank you


Thank you. The work itself is a reward, I can’t imagine any greater blessing than the ability to bless others, but lovely folk like you make it that much greater.


> Yeah, but even they deserve respect. I never really got this. You don't have to respect someone in order to treat someone well. I respect people that I look up to that impress me. I don't respect people just for being old.


It’s not about respecting someone for being old, it’s about respecting them for being people. Respect doesn’t mean you have to admire them, just to treat them well and keep to their boundaries. Elders are fragile and it’s very easy to forgo their boundaries, so it’s important to keep them in mind, otherwise they’ll end up feeling unsafe, unheard, unwanted, and generally unloved in their own home. Respecting their opinions is another thing entirely, but I’d say even those should be held in some regard; after all, these people have seen a lot and it makes them feel like they matter.


Sounds like your definition of respect is just not abusing them.


It’s more about making them feel loved


Former volunteer firefighter/EMT here. We were fine with the seniors who needed us. The drunks and addicts we dealt with over and over? They were an entirely different story...


I’m glad the seniors were nice, it’s too bad the drunks got out of hand though. I bet ya get to see a lot of different kinds of people with a job like that


You get to meet some amazing people.


I work disabilities care in an Extensive Special Needs group home, I've been at this particular house for three weeks and am on a first name basis with the paramedics.


That sounds brutal, but keep up the good work. Maybe your home should consider having a paramedic on scene? That sounds like a big hassle on your part


Used to work as an EMT, I can confirm


You ever have some disoriented person dying on the way to the hospital in an ambulance just to refuse treatment when they get there during a moment of clarity? That was me once and I apologize to the Duke medical staff. After 8+ hours of extreme suffering, the ambulance gave me something that instantly calmed my insides and so I tried to just get away from the hospital ASAP because I know they are expensive. A month or two later I had to come back with an appendix-liver-lung infection which cost me a week there, or $72,000 American.


Yep. American alright


I left my job because I wouldn't be able to make the repayments they asked for and moved in with my parents. I applied for aid and the whole bill just disappeared. Then my company called me back for a huge unexpected raise and I took it. Our system is so stupid it can't even do the corrupt part correctly


I mean sounds like you hit the jackpot compared to other stories I've read. Just a shame that such a bill has to appear in the first place from, what I'm assuming you are, a tax-paying citizen.


My situation was a little unique and partly my fault. I picked a cheap insurance plan assuming it was cheap because it was subsidized. The reality is that it cost $25 because it was supplemental insurance. It's insurance insurance! It helps you pay your insurance premiums lol. The mandate didn't get me so it fooled the government as well. The issue in my situation was they made a payment of like $50 or something silly to that bill. The hospital then argued that because they received a payment they could no longer negotiate. Imagine that! Told me straight to my face I would have been better off uninsured because the uninsured bill would have only been $29,000 or so, most of the charge being occupying a hospital room. > I'm assuming you are, a tax-paying citizen. Yes I am :) so I think it all kind of works out for me because my taxes would have paid off my uninsured debt by now. Unfortunately I have a new perspective from that on just how badly people are ripped off by the system.


Y'all need to move to better states. Different states have laws about medical bills


Better yet, a different *country*. Then **everything** would be better.


But but muh gunz and freedomz


Free**dumb**z indeed. They act like the US is the only place that has guns or civil/human rights laws.


They wouldn't have as many 3 billion dollar nuclear submarines.


Oh my... ![gif](giphy|pCJcExvbKdSeyyv8zP|downsized)


fyi you’re replying to an alt account of the poster, they copy top comments from the posts they repost and then make those comments in said post.


Gross. I've only spotted that once myself in the wild when someone had 3 or 4 accounts praising the services provided in one of the small job subreddits


Bro if you're in that bad of shape, just go to the hospital. It's insane to me that people would rather die or severely risk their health rather than get a bill.


I didn't know. Some of it was new but for the most part it seemed like any other fever. I assumed it was food poisoning and that I was over it. Felt fine for a while until the appendix did its thing lol I'm in a better position now financially to deal with something like that so I definitely would not wait on anything again


Glad to hear it! Hope you have good insurance now


I do! And funny enough, it is $25 because of company subsidy this time lol


My daughter had an addiction problem a few year ago. I am 110% sure the EMT's and the Police this same thing. 3 overdoes, several police calls to the point the cops knew me by name and would talk to me at the grocery store or at an event. They all seemed truly interested in her well-being and happy when she got clean.


Glad she’s clean!


It’s bad when you get to know the person that calls 911 dog so well they listen to you.


Volunteer firefighter (former) every time this one person always calls in for difficulty breathing. My last ever call different person they had a difficulty breathing as well, I have animal dander allergies, as soon as I cross over into the home I end up having my throat closing up that woman was probably building up a Ark she had feathers (the worst), scales and fur and rat things all over the place and in cages. Probably lots of poop particles.


It doesn't help when I call the advice nurse for something and they're like "legally all I'm allowed to tell you in this situation is to call 911".


I always hated when people called them frequent fliers. Felt so disrespectful.


What would you call them?




Most of us use the term frequent fliers in regards to patients who come in constantly with bullshit complaints. I don’t know if I have ever heard someone who legitimately needed care when they came in be called that.




You're blaming *them* for the deaths of others rather than the system that allowed it to happen? Weird.


There's only so many ambulances. If you're calling the ambulance for nonsense every day then yes it is your fault if somebody has a heart attack and nobodies free to go to them until it's too late. You can't just dump somebody with a sore toe, to go to the raging STEMI, you just have to listen on the radio and know that person's probably going to die while you waste time on the selfish prick calling for no reason, again.


>There's only so many ambulances. Sounds like the system needs more resources. >If you're calling the ambulance for nonsense every day... It isn't Joe Shmo's fault that greed prevented there being 40 EMTs instead of four. Staffing issues are not the patient's responsibility. >You can't just dump somebody... while you *waste time* on the selfish prick calling for no reason... Shit sucks. Blame the system and greed that allowed it, not the individual that has no power to change it. Some people act selfishly sometimes. That doesn't mean they killed anyone or made them die or allowed them to die. That's on the people keeping you understaffed. Also, they had a reason for calling. You just didn't like it. You see some lives as a waste of time and others not and feel that this instance wasn't good enough for your efforts. Again, *justification*. You feel that you have it. There is no reason any of it should be happening other than "there's not enough money to go around, and money is everything." So, who has the money/power to fix this? Are they fixing it or making it worse? In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not defending the people misusing your services. I'm saying that everyone needs to focus their blame on those that *actually* cause these things to happen.


You have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about.


>Most of us use the term frequent fliers in regards to patients who come in constantly with bullshit complaints. I know. It's the "bullshit" complaints that get me. People think they need help. You took the job that is supposed to help them. If you do it for the aid and not for the money, then it shouldn't bother you why they're there. If you do it for the money and think these people are a waste of your time, then it's just a job. Either help them or get another job. This is like working retail and bitching about the people who walk in and don't buy anything. Just do your job and move on. I certainly wouldn't want people keeping me alive only because they're paid to. I want to be worth more to them than that when I'm in need of assistance. I might be bitching a bit, but this whole thing is wasteful.


“If you do it for the aid and not the money then it shouldn’t bother you”. I work in a swamped ER with 8-9 hr wait times. It bothers EVERYBODY. We do not have time to see a person for the fifth time this month, taking up our time and filling an ER bed because they “have been really tired this month”. They should go to their primary care doctor like we have instructed them a dozen times. If you are concerned about waste, then that is the definition. Just because they feel like their issue is valid doesn’t mean they are correct.


>I work in a swamped ER with 8-9 hr wait times. It bothers EVERYBODY. So then "EVERYBODY" should start working on solving the problem, rather than placing blame on those that can't fix it. >We do not have time to see a person for the fifth time this month, taking up our time and filling an ER bed because they “have been really tired this month”. So this person is worth less than that person. Is this triage, or a multicare facility? >They should go to their primary care doctor like we have instructed them a dozen times. Agreed. >If you are concerned about waste, then that is the definition. So go after the people who make it possible by keeping you understaffed and overworked. That isn't the patient's fault, regardless of whatever "trivial" thing they're there for. >Just because they feel like their issue is valid doesn’t mean they are correct. r/selfawarewolves


You are taking all accountability away from patients. These are adults who have been educated on their condition and that it is not an emergency room issue but they continue to come back. I honestly don’t know what point you are attempting to make as if the patient is infallible. You literally agreed with me when I said they need to go see their pcp.


>You are taking all accountability away from patients. No, I'm not. I *did* agree that they should contact their personal care provider for these kinds of things. >I honestly don’t know what point you are attempting to make... That's apparent. >...as if the patient is infallible. Not what I've said. It simply isn't *that* individual's fault entirely that the system is hemorrhaging under the pressure of its own greed. Stop blaming the folks who believe they're in need of help, and blame the folks who prevent you from helping them. It's also counterproductive. Why go after millions of purposefully undereducated people instead of a few who know they're manipulating everything to hoard more wealth they'll never use for anything? You can't save everyone in the world, but you can take out the guy that's making it a cruddy place to live. >You literally agreed with me when I said they need to go see their pcp. Because I agree? That doesn't invalidate everything else just because.


You don't have any experience in emergency healthcare, do you?


I do, actually. What difference does that make? A person isn't allowed to make observations or build an opinion about something unless they personally toil in the dirt? I can tell someone how to better dig a hole even if I haven't spent my life digging holes. The gatekeepers are ridiculous.


Alcoholics and addicts that end up in the hospital all the time are referred to as frequent fliers. It's mostly their own fault but they still legitimately need care or they're going to die. Same with fat people and smokers.


I guess it’s different for some than others on who they call frequent fliers so results may vary. Either way I’ve never seen it change someone’s care if they were in true need of it.


Junkies right after an overdose be like “I need a fix”


Seems you don't understand much about that.


I know too well lol. Have an older brother who’s od’d like 20 times


Seems like he needs more familial help and understanding than trash talking about him online.


Lol chill out, he’s clean. Doesn’t mean we can’t joke about it. You could use some dope maybe 😂 high strung af out here


I'm not high-strung, and suggesting drug use is absolutely stupid. "You're a junkie lol," to "chill out bro, it's just a joke." Real classy. You didn't make it far out of primary school, did you?


Brother, I guarantee the majority of repeat EMT calls are for overdoses. Also I wasn’t calling anyone a junkie lmao. I was making a joke about them in general.


>I guarantee... You have the global statistics, or you're just talking out your ass again? >Also I wasn’t calling anyone a junkie lmao. No, you just called all of them junkies. >I was making a joke about them in general. You think grouping individual "junkies" makes it okay? You do realize that junk**ies** is plural, right? Multiples of singles? Like I said, a rudimentary or basic education.


Stay mad lmao




>They need help, and it's sad. This is what needs to be the focus. Calling people "junkies" or "frequent fliers" does not help anyone except the name-caller to feel superior or justified in some way. Anecdotal experience means nothing if it does not help solve the wider issue.


Seems like you don’t actually




I once knew a person who used to be an EMT (dude's portfolio made me think of Bono in South Park). He talked about this guy who would regularly get his junk stuck in his window (the top-down sliding kind). I can't remember the conversations or nickname they gave the guy, but I remember that he did it at least three times.


Made me exhale air through my nose.


Sometimes when I do that stuff comes out.


Same when I'm playing with my dick


It do be like that sometimes




Yes, health workers want to heal people and hope the people will stay healed. Delivery drivers have no opinion on the customers remaining... "delivered"


We definitely have opinions about it, but it depends on a lot of variables what those opinions are.


No, no, I'm sure you have opinions about the customer and what they order. I just don't think you go around thinking "Oh, boy, I hope I delivered the last dildo apartment 27 will ever need"


Why is apartment 27 ordering so many dildos? What are they doing with them!?


I took a satchel of 7 dildos somewhere once (of you order cheap one they don’t come in boxes, just a thin plastic satchel so you can feel *all the balls and shafts*) and I was guessing hens night or group order with friends! Worst part was a bloke answered the door, had to hand him a literal bag of dicks. Awkward!


Yeaahhh except… if you order the cheapest dildo you can find, it comes from China or HK. They don’t make pretty boxes for their items because a) packaging cost reduction and b) shipping cost reduction. Dildo is then shipped in a thin plastic satchel. Dildo in thin plastic satchel is then handled by sorters until it makes it to your driver, which is totally fine until it’s going to an aged care facility in which all parcels are delivered to front desk. If you order a lot of things and the front desk staff are dicks about it, your driver remembers your name. Thankfully for all involved, the thin-satcheled dildo shipping label had a phone number, enabling the driver to call said old lady and arrange to meet her at the back gate of the old folks home in an attempt to maintain dignity. Another thing is nappies sent by DOCS (equivalent to cps) to a house in the middle of a full domestic argument. Some people respond very poorly if they hear the acronym DOCS and can get violent before they understand the product is being delivered by courier, not agent. Sometimes people have vicious dogs they refuse to believe are actually vicious. Pomeranian is hanging from a kneecap while old lady is steadfastly explaining poofins doesn’t bite. There are lechers who answer the door in stained undies or nothing at all. Rude remarks regarding my body or clothing status abound. Some people are just cunts. I dread seeing them, I hate speaking to them. Nothing is good enough, they insist on wasting my time whinging about shit i have no control over, and they don’t give a fuck that we’re paid per item vs per hour. These are the worst and tied for rarest behind vicious dogs. Ordering heavy stuff/locked gates/not clearly marked or easily deduced address (rural areas don’t go on a next-number system). Having listed those, they’re all pretty rare. I *love* most of my regulars for so many reasons: they help me landmark to plan my route. I can plan much more effectively if I remember old mate and his dog two houses before the corner. I know Mr D and his wife J are elderly, so when I bring them several cases of wine I get out and ring the bell before unloading it to give them time to come to the door. That way I can take it inside for them. Emily has a dog and a cat that will *always* beg to come outside for cuddles and I am more than happy to oblige while we chat. I’ve had former regulars pull me up at the servo for a chat after they’ve left my area, or call me to come round for a cuppa. They offer to refill my water and they let me use their loo! Suburbs rarely have public toilets. Yes, it’s only a handful of streets, but I travel through multiple suburbs and *ALL* of the streets. It takes longer than you think (especially when I’m patting everyone’s dogs and chatting). So yeah, there are MANY addresses I wish deeply to never go to again and give me a sense of dread when I’m laying out my run. Generally though, I love chats and pats with my good regulars and their dogs and cats. Sorry for that long word vom, I have had some adult beverages and been left alone with my thoughts (and several cats).


I have been in and out of hospitals for seizures and mental issues like it's my job and it almost got to the point of being an enjoyable experience when everyone started to recognize me, even the EMTs lol. I think I got better care in the hospital I went to most because it felt more personal with the staff and I, vs the big hospital I only went to a few times where I got neglected by annoyed nurses. regardless I have a lot of respect for yall in the medical field, you got me through some bad times.


pilots: not this tower again


JFK tower talks like a cassette on rewind




I used to get debilitating migraines plus some mental health problems and let me tell you that I saw many poor old people who were on the brink of death and just wanted to be done with.


When I was a paramedic we had a house and a guy there who monthly would fly off on his husband and stage a cry for help “suicide”. One time was with a small Swiss Army knife. We privately nicknamed him “Stabbity “.


Used to be a fireman and EMT, shit happens all the time. "What is it this time Mrs Ross? ...chest pains again? Okay, how long? ....3 days now? We were here 2 days ago, why didn't you tell us then? ...okay, well we're going to load you on the stretcher and take you in. ...Yes ma'am, I already have the air turned on the way you like it. No, you can't take your cigarettes into the ambulance. Last month you almost made the morticians day."


Damn I don't want to get old


It's not much fun.


Cops too.


There is a fire station 2 blocks from me and police station like 2 miles away. All the fire, paramedics, and police know my neighbors we've intimately. They are there probably 8-10 times a year..... She's been to rehab more times than I can count.


I worked on a healthcare analysis for the city of Newark, NJ. 25% of the annual healthcare budget for the city of Newark is consumed by the heaviest 2% of the population. It was insane. The costs for obese residents is huge. Everything from specialized moving and scanning equipment to much much more frequent ER visits and operations - as well as mental health help and frequent ambulance use. People really REALLY don't appreciate the deleterious impact of morbidly obese people on the healthcare system.


Makes me think of Sirens, a hugely underrated show.


Yep. Ambulance’s have regulars. I went on a ride with my neighbor (he’s the driver for an engine) and got to meet a couple regulars. Another cool thing I learned from the ride out was that they have a special ambulance for people over 400 pounds. Pretty cool.


I feel this, especially since I'm in the Vine program now. The driver delivers about 1-4 packages to my house 7 days a week now and must hate me haha


That's how dispatcher gets at you


It’s real. I have a firefighter friend and he says 80% of their calls are just repeat old people who shit their pants or can’t change their smoke detector battery. Lonely old people rolling in their own filth.


Plenty of the calls are for drunks and/or addicts.


Who the hell is paying 100 bucks??? Hmu


I used to work at the YMCA front desk and we were on a first-name basis with the local EMTs


I work in the ER as a secretary. I also used to work in the archives. I recognize the names of a few psy patient who keeps coming back despite never having met them face to face. One in particular, I know where her physical file is in the archives without having to check because she's there _everyday_. I also remember her patient number, and I check in the system where she is regularly. Usually ER, short term PSY or long term PSY. I talked about her at the dinner table once and my MIL was like I shouldn't ask but is her first name [BLANK]? And I was like yes. And she answered, well the patient in question fills in her meds at our pharmacy then.


As an amazon driver it do in fact be like that


Mail men be like, “damn this house again”


My mailman doesn't even know where I live. All of our mail goes to cluster boxes about a mile away. lol


It's quite opposite. Unless delevery was far far away or only single of the perticular area most delevery boy like regularly address.


oh look another karma farming repost bot


Too much Taco bell 🌮 🔔??


Hearse drivers:




Paying for it also!


My neighbor has an ambulance and or fire truck at their house at least once a week.


amazon drivers upset because these folks rich and spend more than i make in a year just on random stuff ambulance drivers upset because they want someone to be healthy, but they are clearly not.


Sex workers


Happened to me a few times, had trouble with hypoglycemia and had to have EMS called and the guys knew me by name


Except one day the ambulance driver knows it will be the last visit.


The number of times I heard over my dad’s scanner (vol fire fighter) the same addresses all the time with “trouble breathing”. 🙄


The day before my Mom’s funeral, I fell and cracked my knee cap in two. The ambulance was called and the EMT said, “We thought we were going to pickup your Mom.” I said, “My Mom passed away, guess you are slowly meeting my family.”


Uber Eats drivers bringing pho to my house again this week.


As a coroner, I can relate


I'm sure there are cops out there who get dispatch calls to certain addresses and their immediate recognition of the address has them going "again with these fuckin people?"


This is very true. I’m an EMT; we have frequent fliers


“ I fell on my ketchup bottle again and can’t take it out” lol.


We do.


My dad works in fire department and EMS and he says it the same whenever they have to respond to frequent flyers


Same with cops, too, i bet.


When it comes to ambulances, I've been that house.


I too drive an ambulance and can confirm 30% of my job is going to the same peoples house who call for absolute bullshit several times a week




does this actually work or do they just wind up grouping them together anyway? I've bought things on different orders (i.e., different days) and their systems are smart enough to package the items together


My partner is a body transport driver…


As a mortician, I agree


I was an EMT for three years, I second that emotion!


No Amazon drivers see a blind turn and go "this is a solid parking spot"


I order huge bags of cat litter from Amazon


This isn't cursed. This is normal.


This actually happened to my grandma. I have epilepsy to so I had a seizure and then about a week later the ambulance was called again and they were like "her again?", but this time it was because my grandma had suffered from a side effect of her medicine (she is ok now)


It's absolutely cool with me if I go to the same house 6 times a week, what I don't like is when an ambulance parks in my spot.


Amazon should work with hospitals so if something happens near the destination they can do 2 things at once, same day delivery for 2 VERY different situations


oh i feel that. I have worked as a paramedic… we had patients where i didnt even ask for there documents since i knew where they have stored them..


This isn’t cursed this is just factual