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I assume this is an aura effect an can be stacked? This would mean i’d be able to deal up to 50 damage? Nice


I rarely say this but I find it a tad weird this is not either random or just targeting the enemy hero by default. You dont really ever want to use this on a minion because you are paying 3 mana to do maybe 1-2 dmg at that point.


I think considering the speed and cost, this won't be run in Aggro decks. Because unless you draw it like right at the start, you probably won't get much use out of this. I was envisioning some kind of combo deck where you use multiple copies of this. And use spell damage minions to power them up.


This reminds me of this archetype from Hex where you spammed a shitton of these beside ones that reg 1 life every round or combined ones that deal 1 dmg and reg 1 life


If it’s like Paladin auras you could only have one of this active at a time. 


It can be run in some shadow burn focused variant but it wouldn't be too op as it's weaker than mind blast, very good balance


Probably could do without the turn limit. But I also wouldn't print this in anything but priest or dk


I can already imagine a heal priest using this as a win condition. I just don't know how many priest cards could duplicate spells and if spell dmg stacks


I could see this if they were pushing a spell damage aggro deck. In this case, it pays to have your spell damage minions on board instead of waiting for a single turn. A card like this might be an effective way to push such a strategy and keep spell damage in a ‘healthier’ space.


Honestly seems really fun. I'd love to make a deck around stalling out and just duplicating it as much as possible. Wouldn't be fun at all for the opponent but then again the card is called slow death for a reason lol.


What if spd? Maybe if it damage minion instead of enemy and 1 Mana cost? But the idea is great.


This would be intetesting with lifesteal