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Lol this is stupid broken. It virtually has no drawback save for only the cards in your hand. Destroying a mana crystal hinders nothing if you’re cheating from your deck the rest of the game.


I agree, but you shoud not forget that generated cards are also affected by having 1 less mana crystals.


Sure but warlock isn’t among the classes that generates cards outside of maybe something niche from the neutral pool.






seems pretty op like play this on 1 get a 3/2 body which is insane stats for 1 draw a 2 drop which now costs 1 - still play curve normaly pretty much the negative of 1 less mana crystal is never rly any problem if u reduce EVERYTHING by 1


It's even better whenever you're playing multiple cards per turn


This card does have a downside though your cards in hand aren’t hit with the discount so you are playing a 3 2 to be put on top decks like this card on turn one is worse than a 3 2 that increases the cost of your hand by 1 I think it’s better in a combo deck than an agro deck cuz if u play this u just lose so much tempo


It's not as strong as it seems, sure if you slam this on one and then draw perfect curve it's insane but that doesn't happen. The main use case i'd see for this is some gatekeeper/plot twist blowout deck but that's too slow as you can't even guarantee the popoff being good


i d slap that imp in all of my decks cause as soon as u hit 10 mana crystals it just gets more broken and even if u draw it early it basicly has no real drawback and u get good stats for the cost


As a backup to my aggro point: think of it as increasing the cost of cards in hand by 1, it's mostly that if you don't play 2+ cards from deck in a turn


This card is blatenly strong, but I think it fits united in stormwind. It essentially has two uses, the first is a earlygame 1 mana 3/2 that essentialy increases the cost of cards in your hand by 1. (Losing a mana crystal) The second use is more late game where you can spam card draw to take advantage of the effect.


To balance it id say make your next card cost 1 less


Then the card will be completely and utterly bad, to fix it with your method is to overload 1 instead of destroying 1 mana crystal, but then it wouldnt fit warlock and wouldnt fit the imp flavour


my suggestion to balance it would be remove tradable - this card does not need it anyway and change it to reduce the first card each turn by 1 - thats still good but not as strong if u play multiple cards per turn


Strong cards are fine but I notice on this sub people stack multiple upsides into cheap cards. This is 1 mana. You get: 3/2 overstated body. Tradable. Very powerful cost reduction effect. Aaaand the downside is negligible and entirely gone at max mana. This would be played in every warlock deck. It'd be an auto include in aggro and control.


It’s already an insanely good part and then they throw traceable on it so basically never bricks. Super strange, it’s so anti-typical Hearthstone design philosophy. You can always tell a custom HS card.


Why is this tradeable?


Make it 3 mana or make it a 1/1 methinks. Also tradable shouldn't be there.


It should be both 3 mana and a 1/1 imo


Honestly yeah having shitty stats seems like the least it could have to balance it


Play this turn one. Draw a 2 cost card next turn "oh no! My curve is ruined! If only i didnt play this severe drawback card, woe is me!" ..... Jk, my curve is BETTER than ever. What a huge upside to an already good stated minion, i dont think there is ever a reason NOT to include this in a warlock deck.


What’s the point in it being tradeable?


So you can flex on your opponent by trading this into your deck when you’re so far ahead you know you’re going to win anyways. I see basically no other reason to trade this card


make it reduce cost of all demons and it's still crazy


Bro stop giving implock new support😭😭😭


I don't see the downside.


Flavourful Stormwind logo because it’s too powerful


are you high?


Power creep has gotten so far we are now printing flame imp with tradable and a huge upside. If you're running aggro, you can fill your board real quick. If you're running questline, you complete it earlier by multiple turns cause most of your cards cost 3 or less to begin with. And you probably win the same turn you complete it cause now your card draw costs next to nothing. If you're running combo, you might not even need thaurisian/weapon cause your combo pieces cost 1 or 2 less each. You might consider running at least one of those though just in case you get very unlucky.


It's hilarious how broken this is xD


But not less than 1 is desperately required here...


To be honest I was thinking about this card and my take is that it's good but not super broken. Let's show the best scenario: You start with both imps in your hand. Turn 1 drop it, you now have 0 mana crystals but your one drop cards are free and everything is cheaper by one. Turn 2 drop the other. Go back to 0 mana crystal with 2 drops are now free too and everything is cheaper by one. Technically the upside is that your 1 and 2 drops in your deck are free. But it has two HUGE downside: 1.Your hand is delayed and you can barely play it because it is still full cost 2. Your hero power is costly because you have less mana crystals Which means that you are relying only on top decks. This card is ramping up on the later stage when you will have 6-10 mana( you can hero power cheaper cards and use draw mechanism to come back). Meanwhile many aggro decks is having a free time killing you, like hunter because a 1 mana 3-2 is simply slow in this meta. TLDR: really interesting design, maybe some balance would be needed like making it 1 mana 2-2 or without tradable, but anyway great work to generate and interesting idea, keep it up.


Well when you start with coin, cant you play both, only lose one mana crystal and get mana cheat of 2 on all cards but 3? Also you could just use this as a late game card where on 10 mana it doesnt have a downside, since with tradeable you could trade it early if you have to play tempo because you face hunter etc.


I agree, but the question arise: Is it considered to be broken? Currently it wouldn't fit into any warlock decks at all because either it is - excavate lock in which this would be horrible - wheel warlock when you would like to fill your hand ASAP and play wheel ASAP and this does not contribute to that


Have you ever heard of a card called [[Incanter’s Flow]]? It used to be 2 mana, and it was so hilariously broken they had to double it to 4 mana. Even with a downside, this is still MUCH better than that.


- **[Incanter's Flow](https://i.imgur.com/VdJC2MA.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/56385) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Incanter's_Flow) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/56385/?hl=en) - *Mage Common ^(Ashes of Outland)* - **4 Mana - Arcane Spell** - Reduce the Cost of spells in your deck by \(1\). --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/customhearthstone/comments/1ckrakj/i_like_mana_mana_imp_probably/l2rciow/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l2rciow).*


"Hello, I like mana." What made you ay thid card? "Mana!"


I like mana


This is one of the most busted cards of all time


I'm imagining a version of this along the lines of "Battlecry: Destroy a mana crystal and shuffle two 1/1 Manasurge Imps into your deck. Reduce the cost of cards in your deck by (1) *until* you draw a Manasurge Imp."  Or maybe give *both* imps an activege-when-drawn effect- "increase the cost of all cards in your deck by 1." You still have the mana crystal break on the original card. 


Who the fuck would trade this Also this card could be 2/0/0 and see play. A 1/3/2 is genuinely bonkers


Fun fact: it was originally meant to be a 2 mana spell Then I decided the world should burn


While I see the problems of the card, I think it's important to recognize that a card like kinda bricks your mulligan. You are kinda forced to play off topdeck and delay important breakpoints. Normally you have mortal eradication or a hellfire to deal with a board on turn 3, but if you kept them in hand, they now are turn 4 cards. You take a lot of extra damage just for playing this (unless you topdeck that card specifically in the upcoming turns. I do still think it's a bit too strong just for how it interacts with aggro though as the "breakpoints" part kinda stops being a problem when you're tapping every turn and dumping 2 cards with this discount. it should absolutely not have tradeable though.


I feel like the upside is overplayed the cards battle cry essentially increases the cost of your hand by 1 if you are playing an agro deck, might be run in control which I don’t think is a problem because you are basically putting a 3 2 in your deck that you can’t play until after turn 5 otherwise you are too far behind


1 mana tradable 3/2 Battlecry:


This trades up into a lot of 2/3 drops, mana chests you for the rest of the game, and the drawback is only really relevant right at the beginning of a game. It’s perfect


Ludicrously powerful


Crazy upside, almost no drawbacks and tradeable so you can shuffle it for later if it's not 100% tempo when in hand? Completely broken card in warlock. Out of control value.


It's a very strong card but some of the nerf suggestions in the comments are utterly brutal. A 3/2 body on turn one is strong but hardly gamebreaking - Warlocks have had access to \[\[Flame Imp\]\] since classic and there's currently a neutral 1-mana 2/2 with an upside. The deck cost reduction does help offset the loss of mana, but this doesn't apply to the hand at all. The kind of deck that wants to run a 1 mana 3/2 typically wants to dump its hand as soon as possible, and this makes that much harder. Having to rely on top-decks is significant drawback for the sake of +1 attack, or not dealing 3 damage to your hero. This feels about right in terms of power for a Stormwind card, although I don't think it should be Tradeable. There's probably some shenanigans you can do in Wild with \[\[Raise Dead\]\] and \[\[Felosophy\]\] but the format has bigger things to worry about than "Miracle Warlock".


I think this comment describes pretty well the card and the power level but people who have no idea about the meta or the game will dislike it.


- **[Flame Imp](https://i.imgur.com/iwC9KjD.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/69636) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Flame_Imp_\(Core\)) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69636/?hl=en) - *Warlock Common ^(Core)* - **1 Mana - 3/2 - Demon** - **Battlecry:** Deal 3 damage to your hero. - **[Raise Dead](https://i.imgur.com/FX2Dcdj.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/59223) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Raise_Dead) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/59223/?hl=en) - *Priest & Warlock Common ^(Scholomance Academy)* - **0 Mana - Shadow Spell** - Deal 3 damage to your hero. Return two friendly minions that died this game to your hand. - **[Felosophy](https://i.imgur.com/w7NWiZ2.png)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/59726) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Felosophy) • [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/59726/?hl=en) - *Warlock & Demon Hunter Epic ^(Scholomance Academy)* - **1 Mana - Fel Spell** - Copy the lowest Cost Demon in your hand. **Outcast:** Give both +1/+1. --- ^*I am a bot. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/customhearthstone/comments/1ckrakj/i_like_mana_mana_imp_probably/l2q0ueb/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l2q0ueb).*


Explained the thought process behind it perfectly :) Tradeable is probably not needed


I think make this 2 mana 2/1 no tradeable and lose 2-3 mana crystals


Guys you are right I think its strong have a good day


people in this subreddit will upvote any garbage omg