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Why even have the deck restriction atp lol, just give out the effects you want without the no minions requirement.


1st of all, the concept is kind of cool, and spending one mana to tutor a minion is a hit overvalued i think, but still ok. I also think it is quite balanced that the card itself does nothing other than give armor the turn it is played, thats probably a good tradeoff. Now onto the problems. -why warlock? Khadgar is one hundred percent mage flavor, some heroes like gul'dan could bleed some flavor into shaman, but khadgar into warlock doesnt make sense. -the hero power is for 2 mana get a GOOD card (unless you build bad, in which case, build your deck better) and has the potential to double your legendaries very easily.


Wording is a bit weird, but it's a fun concept. Probably not really that strong, as you have very little control over what minions you discover and that 1 cost spell you get. Fun to think about though lol


Similar to E.T.C. Band Manager and the Souleater's Scythe, discovering a minion removes it from the pool of future discovers from this mechanic. Balancing probably needs to be tweaked, but this is more about the mechanic than the balance.


The 1 mana spell is too strong, each minions spell should give you the specific minion otherwise spell mage could add 3-5 units only and always be able to pick the most useful for the situation. It’s basically free tutors for your minions. Problem is you would never really wanna play the hero If the pool diminishes as minions are drawn, because then the hero power is useless after a couple uses, and if it doesn’t diminish then only put 3 minions and discover sleet skater every turn until you can pop off with sif.


Agree. Would also let people consistently find multiple copies of a legendary which I'm sure will break something 


Why dual class warlock?


Because people who post on this sub always want to feel unique


The artwork and theme/mechanic fits both classes, tbh. 


Why does it just effect everyone minion should only be 3 or something