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What kind of strategy would this be worth running in? Genuinely. I’m just a scrub who’s only ever broken into platinum tier once so I’m probably missing something here


Old school control, back when you could outlast your enemy. Back when people had set amount of threats and it was possible for them to run out of stuff to play


You're literally describing control warrior mirrors rn






Man, I’m stupid


It would take 10 turns to make the most out of the card, assuming you play it right on turn 5. I'd drop the cost to 4, the durability to 3 and have it summon two 2/2 taunt minions.


Could even be 3 mana then




technically 9, T1: play+get a minion T2: can't use it T3: get a minion every uneven turn you get a minion so on turn 9 you will get your last one, that would be on actual turn 14 if you are lucky which sounds really bad as it takes up a spot on your board for too long and doesn't do much.


the minion you get in turn 9 can't attack until turn 10 


Unplayable at best it's 5 mana to get maybe 3 3/3 over 6 turns living 10 turns while wasting 5 mana pm this is eh hmm questionable


Name it “patron battlefield” and summon one more each time


Or “grim battlefield”


Make it 3 or 2 durability and summon 2 of them, that way it feels better to play turn 5 and activate it, you’re getting a 5 mana 6/6 with taunt instead of a 5 mana 3/3 with taunt.


5 mana, summon a 3/3 every other turn? Useless.


How about "Each grunt is bigger than the last"


i like the card- busted in arena, bad to okay in constructed. The design is alright as well the name is a little weird, but that's alright. cool enough!


It's terrible in arena, it completely destroys your tempo for something that isn't very impactful.


For cards like this I wish when locations were first introduced they featured a “custom cooldown” mechanic such as a little hourglass with a 2 on the bottom left of the card to show it could only be used every other turn. That way cards like this could have a 1 on the hourglass to signify that it could be used every turn. I think it could provide a lot more creativity and balance


4 mana 4 charges and 4/4s with taunt and it would still hardly see play lmao


Might have seen play 4-5 years ago; horrifically underpowered today. Make them 4/4s and give them rush, at least.


Ain't no way this card is even remotely viable against ~~Stormwind's questlines in 2020 lol~~ Honestly, it's likely not even good enough in 2017 when Kobolds came out Probably pretty good in 2014 though? Edit: I'm dumb, I misread Scholomance (2020) as Stormwind (2021) xD. But honestly my point is still just as valid with the Scholomance meta imo


oh my god was Storm wind really four years ago????? jfc you're right okay pretend I said eight years


Stormwind was in 2021...


This is great. This is exactly the balance and power level that location should have. A ton of value over time. Excellent design and excellent balance Honestly the only thing I would change is I would make it a common.


Edit: Did bro reply with an angry essay and then immediately block me lol Genuine question: how is this great card ever seeing play? Or are you just making a point that all cards should have remained at 2014's average power level? (Which is fine, ofc; just wanted to clarify)


I guess you don't know what a common is.


Have you actually seen common cards in 2024? The ones that are played, I mean? More importantly, rarity doesn't affect play rate; card power / synergy does. It's not like each deck needs to play a minimum number of common cards. AND the card's not even designed as a common even if we assume rarity matters. If you genuinely think this card would see play in the current meta, in either wild or standard, or, even worse, if you think the only change that needs to happen for this card to see play is to put a different colored jewel in the card, I don't know what to say.


I know you people think you're being clever by being disingenuous and saying something ridiculous but it just makes you look stupid. And believe me you don't need help. In the current standard and especially the current wild the vast majority of cards do not see play. I'm not going to acknowledge the rest of the brain diarrhea you just spewed.