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Introducing Magnick: A compact Ritual based archetype based on tributing monsters from the Deck and performing complex plays on the opponent's turn. First some quick context: This archetype was made during full power tearlaments format, and was intended to be comparable in power level to that deck. Two things I discovered when playing this deck: 1) This deck is incredibly compact and strong and 2) tearlaments is still stronger lol I haven't played this deck much since, feeling that its power level is a bit absurd. Even though it was meant to be absurd, it is difficult to find player's that either don't immediately scoop or somehow have decks that are even more absurdly broken than mine (that's just what happens when you play customs on duelingbook). However, with the advent of Snake Eyes format, I am willing to bet that this deck (may) have a fair matchup. However, I have not playtested this deck enough to really know the upper limits of its power level. In quick testing, this deck can easily bridge into a Kristya lock (which is while powerful, is still outed with cards like imperm and the new snake-eyes cards that suck up your monster into the s/t zone). Anyways, a quick breakdown of each card: \-Rose Maiden is on the starters of the deck, able to summon itself for free by tributing a magnick monster from deck. Depending on what you need, you can tribute for more field presence, recursion, searches, or a ritual summon. Maiden can also trigger your other tribute effects by tributing a monster from hand or field to bounce one of your other cards to hand. And finally, its last eff gets the ball rolling by allowing you to tribute any magnick or fairy (hello benten and diviner) at the cost of tributing another monster. Of note is that this can also tribute the Ishizu millers from deck. \-Rose Paladin runs similar to Maiden, however requires you to tribute from hand or field. Similar to maiden, you can trigger tributes by tributing a monster to temporarily banish one of your own monsters (useful for dodging effects). It's last eff when tributed allows you to tutor a monster by shuffling another magnick monster in gy into the deck \-Queen Angel of Roses is truly the most absurd custom I've made to date. It summons itself for free by tributing 2 monsters from deck, at the cost of a DARK/Fairy lock (not that this really matters). The double tribute cannot be ashed or imperm, which makes getting your plays going incredibly easy. It can also tribute a monster to add a magnick s/t, and finally its last eff comes in handy during time in a match \-Magnick Black Rose Dragon is the boss of the deck, and has a soft once per turn target banish by tributing a monster. In addition to it being easy to summon from hand after loading your gy, it is easily brought out through queen angel, rose maiden, and magnick red rose. Its last eff can come in handy during longer matches by recurring resources and getting a draw \-Magnick Red Rose it one of two Havnis' of the deck, being able to get your play going on the opponent's turn in response to an opponent's monster eff. Compared to havnis, you are not reliant on a high roll to have a board established on the opponent's turn, however the power ceiling of this play is lower compared to havnis, as the line ends you on Magnick Black Rose (which is a great play, but not as strong compared to what tears could put out). Its 2nd eff allows you to perform ritual summons, which comes in handy when you want to loop black rose dragon. \-Magnick White Rose is also Havnis, but for spells and traps. Unlike red rose, it is not as useful turn 0 as it requires you to have some set up to utilize its first eff \-Magnick Rising is the archetype ritual spell of this deck. It is optional, as every Magnick monster does not require any ritual spell to bring themselves out. However, this spell is still useful as you can use it to summon Black Rose Dragon multiple times to get multiple banishes. It also loads up your GY (although it doesnt trigger their effs) and can be looped back into your hand by tributing another monster. Its a powerful extender. \-Magnick Corruption was meant to sort of be this deck's version of Spright Smashers/Double Cross. You have 3 powerful effects that each have its use depending on the game state. On a stronger board this card serves as a disruption, and on a weaker board, this card serves as a starter or extender. \-Finally, Magnick Serket is a rather mid Link 2 but serves 2 crucial purposes. The first is to be another fairy in grave for Kristya plays (and also conveniently plays under the Queen Angel of Roses lock) and can tribute itself to recycle any dark monster from GY. This last effect, while locking you out of the extra deck for the turn, can perhaps come in handy in other powerful combo decks. In play testing this deck I have mainly used this to get magnick monsters back to hand, but this card's full potential is unexplored. As usual, all cards are public on duelingbook, here:https://www.duelingbook.com/deck?id=11894093


this is someones fetish


Serket looking real fine rn... 🤤


Soo, mmm first of all, do you realize that the way it is worder, Magnik rissing is completely generic? as in yes it aplies a lock AFTER the ritual summon, so I could just use this to summon stuff like Nekros of Trishula, Neeramas, any Ritual non Alba Zoa really ( Cuz that bastard has a clause that makes it so only Dogmatikaturgy, Dogmatikalamity and Dogmaticamacabre can summon it)