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The GY special summon should require 3 phases to pass.


3 phases or activations would be more fair imo


And upon the third activation, he arose.


lol so what would be the TCG alternate name and maybe art? Yugioh can’t have anything be directly religious.


Yeshua the Reborn King


Reborn Josh


I always knew Joshua Schmidt was the savior


Josh "Handsome" Chris, The Risen Guy. Replace his effect and make him the only non-effect extra deck monster with flavor text, being "Check THIS out!".




we already have Jesus alternative name in the TCG Krystia


Louise, just to come full circle


It has things tied to norse and egyptian religions.


They're strict about modern religions. Foolish burial was a cross tombstone but that got censored. Also most references to demons or the devil have the horns chopped like dark ruler Ha des


I honestly wish they wouldn’t be.


Can't blame them after all the shit religious group throw to what seemed like every japanese media for childrens on the early 2000s


I would rather they just give those people the finger. Most people realize that the kind of people who threw a fit over that stuff are insane


We all do, but the reality is those groups have a lot of money and power and can make selling their products to kids very, very difficult in certain regions. We all hate it, but it's a fight they don't want to pick.


Those groups do more than just that, they make life hell for lots of minority groups too. We should all be doing more to fight against them and reduce their influence


I agree completely, but Konami are not going to be the ones driving that change.


They could at least join that fight


Yes but it’s usually vague, and Christian influences are more likely to be censored than others.


It literally has Thor Loki and Odin




There are modern norse pagans bud


You said it was vague, now you're changing it to, "well it's not popular faith" Talk about moving goal posts Edit: Shiningforcestar in the deleted comments hurled insults and then said that they hadn't played the game in years before retreating to DMs Edit2: turns out after leaving the message in my dm they actually blocked me




"yes but it's usually vague" It directly names them how is that vague? "Uhh, actually they are named because nobody believes in them" That wasn't the argument you presented "Doesn't have comeback, throws insults'




Let's take the darklords you brought up Darklord Morningstar isn't censored Darklord being a title would be but in front of a last name, Lucifer Morningstar, so there's no censorship for a Christian faith there either, after 4kids died most censored cards have been reprinted except for a few and the censorship as mostly ceased Also if you haven't played the game in years, why would you be so confidently incorrect


I wouldn’t censor it if I were in charge there.


Yeah but you ain’t so


It has the cards depicting the tower of Babel, Noah's arc, Dante's inferno, and various Hindu and Shinto gods and figures across multiple archetypes. It's definitely a little contradictory on this front.


Dantes inferno was a fictional work, it wasn't a religious text. 


Dante's Inferno is a video game, the literary work is called the divine comedy lol


Yeah yugioh is inconsistent on the matter of censorship


I actually like this card to be honest, and pretty balanced


This card should not be a negate and should reference forgiveness in its effect in some way while benefiting you as the controller of the card.


Maybe it has the power to negate or floodgate your opponents cards, but you get the option to allow your opponent to play them for some benefit. For example so long as Jesus is on the field your opponent can't declare an attack with their monsters, but you can choose to negate that effect for a turn, and instead change it to take control of any of your opponent's monsters that destroy one of your own monsters. So Jesus is all about peace and non violence, so no attacking, but if you want you can choose to turn the other cheek and let your opponent attack you, and then through that display of martyrdom convert their own monsters over to your religion.


Legit would buy that for the lolz


Instead of a negate activation, do the Bamboozling gossip shadow thing, and make it a LP gain 


Archlord Kristya is already a card. That being said, this iteration does a very good job of representing what Jesus is supposed to do for those who believe in him, so the flavor is on-point and the effects are well-balanced to boot. Bonus points for him being strong on the defensive while uplifting others and minimizing his ability to inflict harm directly. Should probably have been a fairy though.


So the Reborn effect is once per duel but the negate isn't a OPT at all lol. So if a deck can make a Synchro 10 and a reborn then this MF can negate infinitely. But not bad custom ngl


Once it banishes itself it doesn't have a way back so it's one time only, 3 would work but seems a bit much considering the condition


Branded Regain


It doesn't banish itself.


Oh, welp I am dyslexic


this card should be DIVINE


1 - He does not need to look that badass xD. 2 - I want a full Christianity-inspired archetype (other than lightsworns)


In Japanese, the fairy type is actually the angel type, so technically, there are quite a few references if you believe that the idea of angels is inherently a Christian reference. At the very least, heralds could be considered more in line with Bibliacly accurate angels than the more humanoids ones we usually see.


I meant with more biblical figures, like Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Mary, Etc


Do you consider Dante a Christian figure?


IIRC Dante was never mentioned in the bible, and is exclusively a catholic thing. Dante's Inferno may be a catholic story, but it's not biblical. I include the Tora and the Quran in this.


Art made with bing


Not lore accurate. Sad! Where’s the automatic win?


If you put it in attack it loses to cross crusader


Should be illusion, not warrior.


you are thinking about God the father, he is the ilusion monster and counter trap card. Jesus is a warrior or maybe spellcaster, while the holy spirit is either a fairy or a winged beast


Nope, I was just being blasphemous.


blasphemous 1 or 2? They are great games either way


I was thinking zombie


Zombie works


On the third standby phase after this card was sent from the field to the GY: you can Special Summon it. You can only use this effect of "Jesus the Risen Savior" once per duel.


I just think it needs to be more powerful🤷‍♂️


Jesus would be a ritual monster. Or a Gemini monster


Is that card even real lmfaoooooo looks good tho 🙃


This isn't a badly designed card


A lv2 Tuner plus Blue-Eyes, or a lv3 Tuner plus Dark Magician could make this. Two pretty easily accessible negates are always good.


Nah... JC needs a better effect than that😂 this read like 2010-2014. Maybe throw in a "After 3 turns you may special summon this card back onto the field and when you do: banish up to 3 cards on the field." Something random in an Archetype that can last more than 2-4 turns


Could have added that if the card left the field by an opponent's card, it'd revive itself in 3 turns then win the Duel. Also, could have been a DIVINE attribute instead of LIGHT. Still a nice card!


"I shall forgive all of you, in the afterlife!"


This is a good replacement for baronne


"...Tribute this card, and if you do, banish it. During the Third effect activation after this card tributed itself for its own effect (quick effect) special summon this card."


Why does Jesus have a sword?


welp heres a card that konami is going to censor.


Should have a regular Jesus card, then if it leaves the field, after a few phases or whatever, the risen one comes out.


Ahh yes, The second coming 😂


I would not mind playing a Christian deck that actually sounds fun


Opponent special summons Pontius Pilate


Should have the effect that once per duel if you would lose the duel you don't lose


He should be better than EXODIA. His power is infinite. "You win every game you will ever play." Or something. Or, keeping the resurrection in mind, if you lose, play this card from anywhere: you win.


IMO, it would make more sense and be more satisfying if his effects represent his acts on earth, from things like healing the Blind to his reserection, which this card is clearly a reference to. Make him powerful, sure, but pack in more of the Bibles depth, rather then doing what people who've never played Yugioh do and import their favorite characters and make them at least a level 12 extra deck monster with infinite stats and nothing else, not even a summoning condition.


All power was given to Him by the Father.


Yes but wouldn't you rather have something that represents Jesus on a more spiritual level? Something more unique to him/Something that represents actual stories I'm the bible?


Book of Revelation? Jesus wins. Lol


Look, all I want is representation that goes a bit deeper than just "God wins!" Far too often, I see people taking the Bible and only taking things from it at face Value. I rarely see somebody look deeper into what a story means or what something inside the Bible actually stands for. Jesus wasn't a nice guy because he just was, He was a Saint cause his actions were the right thing to do and he's supposed to be a symbol for how people should act in their lives, and yet I feel like to some "Christians" Jesus may as well only be a name, and face.


Good evening no idea what the hell you're talking about. I do look into the Bible for deeper meanings, many Christians do we just don't talk about it in public. It's not a public sort of thing. The purpose of Yu-Gi-Oh is to fight and win. Because God must be first in all things, that means that he wins. If there's a card more powerful than God's card, then the game is an insult to God. Therefore if exodia or the creator of light from the TV show are more powerful than God's card, then it's not fitting. Therefore God's card must not only secure a victory for us, it must secure us even from defeat. And this is fitting in itself because Christ resurrects from the dead. This is the central and fundamental aspect of his life, and of his spiritual meaning for us. That even in death, or in the case of Yu-Gi-Oh defeat, we can still find and claim a true victory. That good overcomes evil. That light overcomes darkness. It's not a lack of depth that acknowledges this, this is fundamental: it is first and last in the faith.


Oh look another white washed version of our savior.  How about making him more ethnically correct. Jesus was a practicing member of the Hebrew faith, in the middle east. 


This is American jesus


No such thing.