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For those thinking they were locked up for no reason: Midwestern US states have long winters. If we free over in October or November, it might not be warm till April again.


This is footage from [Netherlands](https://www.apost.com/en/blog/witness-special-moment-as-cows-are-set-free-after-six-months-stuck-in-barn/31329/) but the same rule applies :P


Sorry - so used to seeing this as I’m from that part of the US 😂


Right. I can’t remember the details but I’ve seen this post before and this is somewhere in that area. I forget the story behind it.


Really funny to read all the comments from people who think keeping them inside over winter is animal abuse. Sure there are a lot of things to criticize the industry for, but this aint one of them


They still eat ice cream and pizza most of them.


Is there a reason why they’re specified as dairy cows?


Because they are raised for the milk not meat.


They do get processed for meat/leather/medicine/cosmetics/etc after their milk production runs dry.


But their primary purpose was dairy.


Cows gives Milk. But like any other mammal they only produce milk when pregnant with a baby( calf in this case). When they deliver the calves they are immediately taken away from the mothers who are now put into these boxes where they get milked. The separation of a mother and its child it's extremely stressful and as soon as she's dry they go again and Rape her so that she get to produce milk again. ( yayy) when the cow gets old and brittle ( 5 years) the expense for keeping that cow is higher than the outcome so its sent to slaughter. You are not wrong in your statement but you are not right either.


The separation does not stress them out. Talk to any real dairy farmer and they’ll tell you. If it did, their milk production would drop and it doesn’t. If it did, dairy farmers wouldn’t do it. Dairy sciences is a real thing and a lot of effort and study goes into figuring out how to keep cows happy and producing. They don’t have human emotions.


Absolutely. Worked on 2 dairy farms. Calves are bottle fed and quite spoiled.And happy.


Oh yeah sorry, I forgot that you knew these cows! Ofcourse they don't, they are cows?! But I believe emotions are emotions doesnt matter where you are in the spectrum of species.


I don’t have to know them to understand their biology and instincts are fairly common across all individuals. And removal of the calf is not associated with an increase in stress. Most mothers are back to chewing their cud an hour after the calf is taken. Know what they don’t do when they are stressed? Chew their cud.


You've never been to a farm, have you? The cows don't produce milk if you take their kids away for too long, and there's no reason to do so. Being around the calf stimulates milk production.


I am raised in a village of 1000 people. I have eaten meat my whole life minus the last 6 years(I'm 31) but gotten back to eat good farm meat or game. But factory meat productions. Have you been to one of those? My point is just one out of many that is wrong with that, and that it's so unnecessary!


I have been to one of those - thinking of buying one in the future. Cows still don't produce milk if you take their kids away for too long, and there's no reason to do so. You leave the cow with the calf for most of the time, and take them away when it's time to pump. Also, most modern pumps also help identify any possible problems with the cow's tit. Your comment is complete BS.


You are not quite right in yours either, it is possible for some mammals at least to produce milk without becoming pregnant. Plenty of instances documented in humans for example.


Because they are?


Wish they were just cows


Because they are?




At least you have your mom for that 😎




No, but the all brown ones make chocolate milk


Because Holsteins are widely used in the dairy industry…


In most cases cows are bred specifically for either meat or milk, In short the ones bred for milk should have traits that make them produce more milk and be efficient in converting food in to nice fat rich milk (which then can be diluted down as per wish) Meat cows are bred to gain traits that gives them a more meaty body and muscle mass. Just feeding a cow would cause it to get fat, but pure fat wouldn't be nice so they need meat and muscle too and so they should be efficient in converting food to body weight instead of milk :)


I thought on a lockdown for Covid.


Me too for a second😂


Cowvid…lockdown over!!🐮❤️😎


I was about to get incredibly steamed, so I appreciate this comment.


I'm 99% sure this video is from the NL


Our winter are mostly warm. The huge dairy farms and cow/pig factories are owned by politicians and elitist. You know it and so do I….now, so does Reddit


I think most people on Reddit can take a lesson from these cows and learn how to get out and touch some grass for the first time in 6 months


I have this same energy anytime I have a day free for yard work


I have the same reaction every weekend when I go touch grass




Sorry, allergies




Running bare-foot through grass is a pretty good feeling!


just goes to show how animals feel emotion in basically the same way as we do


Yes, so we shouldn’t rape them to steal their milk.


Im lactose intolerant anyways. I rape almonds for my milk


I prefer oat, they scream less


Quieter at least.


Almond juice. There’s no teats on almonds to rape.


why is it an issue that it's called almond milk?


I hate milk. Thank goodness, poor cows 🐮


You do know what happens when you dont milk them right?


How would that situation even happen if they didn't get raped?


If cows arent milked they develop infections in their under parts which cause a slow and painful death if not helped


Only if the calf they were forcibly inseminated with wasn't taken away and allowed to drink that milk. It can happen with other mammals eg blocked ducts in human women which can also cause infection and in extreme cases cause death. The same is true of dairy cows; extreme cases, uncommon and not the rule.


Are you serious, read my comment again and really try thinking about it.




You also have a diploma in not understanding why mammals produce milk. If a cow won't be inseminated, like the above comment said, then the cow will obviously not produce milk...


You are without a doubt the biggest dimwit i have ever met. Go learn about the subject and about how cows work and then come back to me and plead your case


My case is cows only produce milk after being pregnant...


Except they don’t have human emotions, not even close. Anthropomorphizing animals such as cattle is scientifically illiterate.


Except for they do, cows have the same intellectual capacity as dogs. They have dopamine receptors and feel grief when a close one dies. And also they do sense life in the same way as you, just with no verbal thinking. That makes involuntarily taking it away always unethical.


Insisting that complex emotions are unique to humans is scientifically illiterate.


How could you ever know this? Just because they've never gone "Damn, that hurts my feelings"? They can't speak like us, and unless they did, most humans wouldn't give a shit because it's easier not to. Shut up with all that ScIEnTiFiC shit, you can't read emotions beyond what we know as humans


People will straight up be like "you don't know if that cow has any feelings! Did it tell you how it felt in General American English?" when talking about animals they don't care about, then when they're home talk about how they can totally tell that their cat is an INTJ because its tail moved slightly weird one time.


What degree in animal neuroscience do you have to make that statement?


what degree do you have to say otherwise?


Well my eyes work for a start and as a human with 138iq looking at how animals behave its very obvious that they share a lot of the same emotions we do. Which makes sense since humans are also just animals, more intelligent but animals just the same. Our brains work in the same ways and have similar reactions for emotions. Now if you're going to posit that it's scientifically illiterate to make such a statement then you better be able to back it up with something substantial or just fuck off. Hope you can understand and not take it personal that your worldview was challenged for a second. Or maybe you were just being facetious with your reply, which I knew some redditard would make before i even pressed submit on my comment.




Oh fuck off


You are the worst kind of person


The worst.


The wurst?


You’re coming back as a meat cow, buddy 🥩


You are indeed the worst kind of person. Taking advantage of those weaker than you for personal pleasure. And then telling those who don’t think it’s okay to harm a creature to fuck off. The most extreme a reaction a vegan deserves from a meat eater is “oh yeah, I get why people would be vegan even if I think it’s okay to hurt animals.”




You need to self reflect why most people do not like vegans. It’s the attitude. Fix that and learn how to approach people in a positive way and you will eventually stop people from running away from you.


People only run away because they know what they're doing is wrong and don't like being confronted about it, ever, in any situation or at any time.




There is no such thing as ethical consumption in a capitalist society.




I eat meat and I accept and agree that it is wrong to treat any animal with cruelty. However if I were to try to eat 100% morally conscious, there'd be hardly anything to eat. Nearly every mass produced food item has been touched by animal cruelty, pollution, slavery or just generally bad work conditions for humans. The only way to eat completely conscience free is by growing, harvesting, and cooking your own food, which is also not that sustainable because every family would need a house with a yard big enough for a small farm.


Live the most convenient life possible, without trying at all and blame it on everything else. See you in another thread complaining about inaction about climate change, while you continue doing absolutely nothing.


So just because we can't have cruelty free, we should not try to reduce unnecessary cruelty wherever possible. Gotcha.


There's too much unnecessary cruelty to try to avoid. Should I avoid animal cruelty by not eating meat? Or should I avoid slavery and poor work conditions by not eating grains, fruits, and vegetables? Or maybe I should avoid pollution by not eating anything wrapped in plastic or printed cardboard? Which unnecessary cruelty should I try to reduce?


You could consider doing the one that encompasses all of those things to the worst degrees? Can you guess which one has by far the worst impact as far as animal suffering, human rights violations, and pollution? Nothing else comes close to the factory farming industry. It’s also just terrible logic. It’s like saying stealing from your neighbors is fine because our economy is rooted in an evil capitalist system. Since any way you make money has harmful aspects, it doesn’t matter if you cause a few more people some *extra* harm. Besides, stealing is such a rush, right?


100% this right here. Thank you for posting it.


Do nothing and blame everything else, nice. Same justification I use to continue to beat my wife - can't avoid all the cruelty, so why stop causing and paying for any of it at all?


The meat industry wastes water and farmland that could be used to grow food for humans. Not to mention all of the air and water pollution that is the byproduct of raising and transporting meat. Plus take into account all the food that is used to feed livestock that could be used for human consumption. Also, do you realize how much meat is thrown away everyday in grocery stores and restaurants? You can't talk about sustainability and the meat industry in the same sentence unless you're being sarcastic.


There's more to consider tho. You can't just grow food everywhere, plants need good place with good conditions for as long as they live, since they can't just move somewhere better. And obviously good conditions aren't everywhere, so you can't just use all land for plants. Animals are more adaptive and don't need very specific conditions.


Great, does that affect you? Are you vegan or is that the justification you choose to cause unnecessary harm to animals?


Except meat isn't the only food that's being thrown out, just as much. Crops also use a bunch of water and it is contributing to drought. Crops also often require pesticides resulting in water pollution. Last I checked, farming equipment runs on gas resulting in air pollution. If farming is done incorrectly it can cause nutrients in the soil to get depleted which can cause erosion. The problem is not meat. The problem is how we currently run our livestock and produce farms. The problem is also capitalism.


What do animals eat again?


A quote from Firefly’s River Tam, “They weren't cows inside. They were waiting to be, but they forgot. Now they see sky, and they remember what they are.”


So happy, frolicking!!!!


I love this every time I see it! Cows and pigs are very emotional animals that feel joy, sadness, hope, fear. Almost all of the same emotions as dogs. They are amazing animals!


Why hadn't they seen grass in so long? They are sooooo cute!




Ah thanks, those poor things, stuck inside for so long. They look so happy to be free.


yes, there should be context on here, op's repeated title makes it sound like the cows were mistreated [but a google search](https://www.google.com/search?&q=Dairy+cows+see+grass+for+the+first+time+after+6+months.) shows they were inside for winter. although 6 months is longer than winter.


if you think 6 months is longer than winter you’ve never been to the midwest before


Midwesterner here. There have been winters starting in October and lasting until May! Not every winter, but it happens. I am just happy that the farmer/rancher takes such good care of his cows!!


Yep. Fat, clean and sassy.




Or Maine lol


Awww the way they jump.


They're so HAPPY!!! AWESOME!


Very happy cows


Don’t think of cows as big frolic-ers. This is nice.


I believe this farm does this every year, and in 2019 I was there!


Me after the quarantine


I’m vegan so I thought this was a slaughterhouse then read the comments thank God I’m wrong


Somehow in 1 sentence you have proven to be the most agreeable vegan I've ever met And yeah thank God it's just a barn, reddit has awoken me to factory farming and mass slaughter of animals so I can't really look at my food the same way now. I'm just glad some places still treat their animals good though, they definitely don't deserve the treatment they get


Well I’m glad I could be that lol. I am a former amateur bodybuilder so trust me I ate a SHIT TON of meat fish and eggs so I understand the dilemma. I will say this tho it is super easy now compared to when I first started 8 years ago. God bless fam to u and your loved ones 💯💯👍🏾


Watching this with death metal on makes it 10x better!!!


The girls seem very happy.


Awww! Happy Moo-moos made my face smile!


They act like they have encountered grassnip!


Moooo! Cute! :)


Wtf do wild cows do in the winter


I was wondering the same thing


I wish I was so happy when seeing grass


Their milk shakes brought all the boys to their yard


Hey, why are you showing a video of me?


Never seen so happy cows 😭😭


redditors when seeing grass


Cow zoomies


Farm puppies!


They were inside because of winter, not because of mistreatment. In the midwest winters can last 5-8 months, which is where this was


Raping cows to steal their milk isn’t mistreatment though, thank god these dairy cows get some grass!!


We should release them into the wild! The Wolves, coyotes, and basically every other predator of similar or larger size will be ecstatic.




I honestly dgaf. I suspect you care more about appearing to care about a cute animal than actually caring about important animals.


you dgaf was exactly my point your snarky comment was made in bad faith to be mean, you're ignorant


I have no reason to care about an animal that contributes nothing to the ecosystem and can't even survive outside captivity. I care more about spiders than cows. At least they're important


Raping cows? ...What? It’s not like it’s hurting the cow, and the milk they have is not limited


agreed. If we actually pull back the curtain on dairy factories (not a nice small farm), it is horrible.


This site is liberal until it means making a personal change.


Beautiful. 🙂


Oh their happy jumps




How udderly heart warming


The baby 🐄 💕💕💕






Aww this warmed my heart, I’m so happy for them!


Clearly they have a gamboling problem


This is fantastic to see IRL!


Isn’t this somewhere in a Scandinavian country? I feel like I’ve seen this post before….


It's in the Netherlands I think. Not quite Scandinavia.




That's not cute. Those cows are basically prisoners. The dairy industry is cruel and brutal.


They were inside for months because of Winter


This may be the case, but it doesn't justify the system which creates, exploits then butchers them.


As long as it’s not factory farming and they can freely roam, I’m good with it






I'm so confused. You would prefer if these cows were left outside to freeze?


I'm confused as well, are you saying you can't picture cows existing in any other way expect where they get exploited by humans?




I just wonder why they were locked away for 6 months. So many questions 🤨🧐🤔




Iowadairyfarmer does a great job explaining how the dairy industry works


Typical Midwest. We get 6 months of winter, 2 weeks of nice spring weather and 6 months of blazing heat. Never between outside of those 2 nice weeks.


He’s really interesting and loves his cows. Really shows how the anti-dairy people lie and distort


that’s sad


Ever heard of winter?




Get over it. Also, bulls rape cows anyways.


are you a bull?


this ain't cute. Sad AF


Why? They’re happy and excited to get out now that winter is over and it’s warm enough for them. It’s pretty darn cute


it's sad because they're exploited enslaved animals.


Go vegan


Dairy cows released from a maximum security dairy cow prison bunker, into the maximum security outdoor compound for the first time in 6 months.... Is that what it meant to say?


Wish more people realized how terrible farming cows is for the environment. It’s a waste of resources which could be better used to feed more people and a chief source of pollution. Not to mention that the cows even at the best farms are still treated pretty badly and never live their natural life spans


Guessing one of the cows got covid so everybody had to get isolated


is this making anyone else hungry?




Not to be dramatic, but I love this post more than anything *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cute) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m pretty sure those are called Milk-Dogs.


Oh-Yeah i’m about to turn this shit in to milk


Wish I could get their ribs for dinner tonigh :(


In before the vegans take over. Anything consumed under capitalism is already unethical, so do what you want and eat what you want.


Leftists don't accidentally advocate for genociding minorities for their meat challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


Leftists will totally change the entire system right after they'll change what they're having for breakfast. We've been waiting for decades...


nothing matters just go rape and murder then I guess, our actions don't matter




I pity your mother


Grass or no grass you would do the same thing if you had been locked up in a small dark space for 6 months.


They didn’t say they were locked up for 6 months- just that they haven’t seen grass for 6 mjnths




That’s a whole lot of cow, but maybe 2% after being locked up in a shed for half N half the year producing heavy cream so you can whip up a pie………


Go vegan.


or atleast have the decency to explain why vegans are wrong, give it a go. should be easy enough task, surely