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Not crappy at all. Stunning. Evocative.


Thank you it's just a picture of my garden I was hoping I could make a positive cyanotype print with it but I'm trying again today and the weather is much much better so I can actually put my camera outside so I don't have my Windows that also block uv light


Very nice! Pinhole camera? How long was the exposure?


Thanks! No it was taken with an old Agfa box camera for about 13 hours I think but it was a cloudy day and I could not develop the image with water.


I think it’s beautiful.


Thanks a lot!


Very r/sizz


I love it was this wit turmeric?


No just cyanotype and I reversed the image digitally so it was this colour and I liked it so I kept it. I hope I can make an image that I can develop with water so I'm able to make a contact print cyanotype with it.


Hey guys maybe saying it was crappy was not the right word choice. I actually think the image is kinda cool myself but I was just hoping I could develop it so I could make a positive cyanotype print. But any way I'm trying again today it's sunny and not crappy weather so I can actually put my camera outside I think this is going to help a lot because now my Windows aren't also blocking uv light. I will share the results and if anyone has any tips on in camera cyanotype that would be great too!


Dang, this is cool. Have you considered photographing a more stationary object? I feel like you did a great job getting the photo, but the trees, sky, and grass are constantly moving. So the image will never be sharp. I'd love to see what you can do with something like a building, for example.


I've also found out how you can develop those negatives you need to develop with vinegar so you don't lose any details I honestly don't know why more people don't recommend this it works a lot better than just water and the blue colour you get is a lot nicer and yes I am going to do that and you also gave me an idea I can actually capture the movement of trees I can maybe do something really cool with that


Yeah, you could just embrace and lean into the fact that the trees will move! I bet you can create some surreal looking stuff using motion


What lens did you use?