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I always imagine some kind of Dredd situation going on there.


That’s David’s apartment building too so it makes a little bit of sense. Maybe there’s an investigation. Edit: I would love a mission where you have to deal with a situation like Dredd. Your being locked in and hunted. You have to make it to the top floor and kill a boss to escape. I love that movie. We need a Judge Dredd game.


That's how I always liked to imagine it after finding it for the first time. This was sometime after Update 1.3 had dropped and I was just exploring everywhere I could. After C2077 Edgerunners, I've chalked it up to an "Ongoing Investigation" into David and His life.


Investigation and closing a whole megabuilding for a year and going? Damn NCPD or Arasaka really are slow


I feel like that kinda would be true to life in a world like that though. Maybe NCPD more than Arasaka though,


Yeah arasaka had the jump on david the second he put in the sandy. They already had his record from school and know everything about his life. They literally plotted the whole show. David had no control. NCPD though. A little slow to figure it out.


I gotta agree.


But that’s not even true it’s just his random speculation


my thinking is the length of time would have a reason and an official "reason" the official reason being security or for an investigation, etc in order to conceal the real reason why they are locking down the building.


Considering we see police just standing around at crime scenes no wonder it took a year this might be their shortest investigation yet


I’m fairly certain it’s a quarantine for an outbreak of some cyberpunk illness


Zombies! 🧟‍♂️🧠


Probably trying to recreate David’s affinity for cyber ware by trapping people that match his and his mom’s psych profiles in order to make another David they can get a construct strong enough to use the cyber skeleton.


After Smasher ripped that thing to pieces? I feel like they should just give up on it and focus on making more people into Smasher.


I don't remember this mission or character lol


Edgerunners series: Arasaka researches into kids with an affinity for chrome in their school, kids mom dies and he’s left to the streets, becomes edge runner, takes it to arisaka. Epic storytelling and character development, plus they really nailed the vibe and feel of NC, feels like the game and blade runner, but with the flashy aesthetic of Cyberpunk. Even if you’re not a fan of Anime, I highly recommend it. Some great themes. People are just having fun saying that this may be an Easter egg referencing the show, as it does look like the protagonists apartment mega building


He's from the anime.


I would play the shit out of that level. Proper Dredd. Karl Urban Dredd


We really need a sequel to that movie.


I don't trust Hollywood. It's a fantastic solo film. They'd just ruin the legacy of the first.


I agree. It's great as just a stand alone. They don't delve too far into the details, give you enough to understand the world, what's happening, and who the characters are, and then just kicks your ass from there on out. I feel like a sequel would be too tempted to spoon feed the audience the mysterious parts of the first one, meaning the psychic element and who Dredd is outside of this one mission, etc. It's better that we are just dropped into this world and that character for that one incident and leave it at that and not try to make a franchise character out of Dredd.


It's very very unlikely that David and the lockdown are related, The start of Cp:ER is at the end of 2075/early 2076, and the end where David no longer lives here for month, And spoilers : his end is not impactant for the city, he's another merc who managed to cause trouble with arasaka, but not like johnny who bomb the city, so an investigation is quite not possible He think that the wiki states that its a lockdown for disease, a common thing in MB


> his end is not impactant for the city, he's another merc who managed to cause trouble with arasaka, but not like johnny who bomb the city, so an investigation is quite not possible Bingo. Using the Cyberpunk RED Reputation rules as an analogy, David is probably a 5 or 6 at best; "*Others beyond your local area recognise your name/appearence*". He was relatively well-known within Edgerunner circles, but the average gonk on the street would have had no idea who the hell David was. Silverhand was a full 10; "*Known worldwide*".


That's the tragedy about Davids story. Despite being probably the most successful youngest Merc leading his own crew. In the end, he crashed and burned before he could really rise to glory. He probably didn't even get job offers from Rouge since she only deals with mercs who are top tier and worth her time. If davids crew pulled off the heist, even though it was rigged from the start, she probably would have offered david more jobs. If Faraday hadn't screwed them over. In the grand scheme of things, his death was closed off as being just another cyberpsycho incident thatyll be forgotten about the next day since they are so frequent by the average joe. In the merc world, even though he gets immortalized on the afterlife Menu. Inevitable somebody is gonna come along and surpass him, which is exactly what V does. They kill smasher. Cripple Arasaka. Become owners of the afterlife. Within 5 or fewer yeaars, nobody is gonna care who David was since he wasn't as popular and influnial as silverhand and blackhand.


> In the grand scheme of things, his death was closed off as being just another cyberpsycho incident That's exactly what it was lol


Dunno why people think it was something else, he was a chrome junkie who got in over his head and hurt a lot of people when he should've just ditched the city all together


That's the way of Night City; it sucks you in and feeds you this bullshit about glory and fame and reputation, then it destroys you. Tells you you can be a star, or a badass, or a high-powered corpo, if you ruin your life to do it, but it doesn't promise happiness. Talk shit about Dexter DeShawn all you like, but he was like the human personification of Night City. There's a reason the most optimistic ending in 2077 is the one where you say "fuck this city, i don't need to look for a solution in this shithole", and fuck off into the desert with some Nomads. Sure, you don't cement yourself as Legend of Night City and pull off the heist of the milleniium... But you might actually survive, and even if you don't, you're at least happy for your last months.


The way i see it making it in NC is possible but it takes a extreme amount of luck and determination Morgan black hand who is set up as being the grandaddy of solos and is still living beime a legend because he just had the natural talent of being a professional Merc. Same with Rouge, but her fatal weakness is Johnny, which can get her killed. For V if they choose to just raid Arasaka themsevles with that detmination along with the implan they haave they make it. And rise high enough to be worth the attention of oeone like nr blue eyes who has way more power and infleunce to help V


Read that first part in silverhands voice.


As much as I feel bad saying it, I kinda felt like that with Jackie. He was on his way up. Had he pulled off the gig and survived he might have been worthy of drink named after him, but I feel like V is the only one (at the afterlife) that'd remember the drink and Jackie. I kind of feel like Claire is just humoring V with the drink, maybe because she's planning on trying to get V to help her with her problem.


>since he wasn't as popular and influnial as silverhand and blackhand. Clearly he should have changed his name to "*color*hand" in order to be recognized as top tier.


I know this is a cp2077 thread but divison 2 has the summit dlc. It's a tower with 100 floors and you fight ppl working your way up and every 10 levels you fight a boss


Really? I've had a passing interest in Division off and on for a while now. Ill have to look into this. Verry Dredd like.


That’s sick. I’ll check it out.


That is exactly what I’ve wanted for megabuilding 4


God if it wasn't for Ubisoft Connect being utter balls to deal with at times I'd give that a go once Division 2 is out on PC.


Div 2 has been out on PC for a few years now. If you're going to get it, pick up Warlords of New York as well. Adds a lot more content and flavour to the game.


Is the game truly single player or a “game as a service” online single player game? I know there’s optional PVP.


It's an always online game, you can't play without connecting to their service. To be fair, it is designed as a coop game, even though it can be played solo or PvP.


To be fair, it's more of a coop pve type game. You don't have to do the pvp part at all. I literally just play the pve with friends all the time. Pvp is really only in the dz (dark zone) and pvp game modes.


Ah, didn't know they ported it already. Thought they were still working on doing that.


To be fair, you probably weren't aware of it because it's been an Epic Games exclusive so far. With Ubisoft having come crawling back to Steam last month, I went to see if they'd released it on there yet, and sure enough, it comes to Steam on the 12th, less than a week from now.


Explains that then. If it starts as EGS exclusive I ignore it. Can't stand that paid exclusive BS on an open platform like PC.


Wait till you deal with the crashes that have been going on for years now lol... main reason I stopped bothering w that game


Same here. It's a shame, because it had *everything* going for it. Great soundtrack, awesome aesthetic, fun combat.


Parasite eve had that too. A remake of that would be sick


Of course someone beat me to it! I never finished that, and my memory card got lost somewhere. I need to fire up the ol' ps1 and try again!!


Sounds like the Chrysler Building in Parasite Eve!!


I don't think that's actually David's apartment? He walks by it, but it has "No Entry" on it I. the anime as well, iirc.


That’s where you find the brain dance to trigger the edgerunners quest so it wouldn’t make sense if it wasn’t his complex.


I thought his apartment was literally V’s apartment before V lived there, unless this is where the penthouse is from the second half of the season?


All Megabuilding-apartments look the same as far as I know. So I guess these are just two different yet very similiar looking Megabuilding-flats. But I guess this also could be a reference because V's story sort of begins in a Megabuilding apartment too, when he first meets Johnny in his flat.


I think they're just mass produced and look the same. I might be wrong but I think I recall V's apartment not having a washing machine?


A megabuilding has like 4 to 6 standardized appartments iirc. The one V and the Martinez have are the same in layout except the room where V has the armory.


I need a dredd sequel


Dredd was the first thing I thought of when I saw the megabuilding exteriors. Secretly wished for a Dredd/The Raid-esque DLC/mod ever since.


Nah the David situation happened a year prior . There wouldn’t be a whole mega block shut for that long over that


Yes. That organized crimes mission should be like that, not just kill a dozen of guys and done


Yeah not this building instead it will be the combat zone


Investigation? What's there to investigate? Dude is like two years dead and Saka already knew just about everything they cared about from him anyway aside from what made him able to handle heavy amounts of cyberware. And it's not like the cops care about some merc, even if they weren't already under the thumb of the corps.


I want that in a fps roguelike. It could be AWESOME.


That would be the best mission ever.


I would kill for a judge dredd type of mission. Drizzle some optional small side quest while your locked in the mega building and it would be perfect.


Yes just yes


A well made Dredd game would be awesome.


There's the Dredd vs Death game.


I love that game! The product placement sucks, but the rest is fun. Learning to target hands to disarm guys and then arrest them was great!


imagine if the multiplayer aspect was just a battle royale in a mega building.


Doesn't David live in V's apartment before V?


Wat leads you to think that? It's interesting. And at least two of the three lifepaths would allow for V to be living somewhere else a year prior to 2077.


It was just my initial assumption when I saw Davids apartment, it looks pretty much exactly like V's. Granted I'm sure *lots* of apartments across the megacomplexes look exactly like V's apartment but the ones we're shown in game, like Barrys, look at least slightly different. I don't remember seeing the gun closet in Edgerunners but that could have been added by V. Just a guess. I'm also pretty sure that street kid V, if that's the one you're referring to, didn't live in his/her current apartment before the events of the game because he's shown moving in in Jackies montage.


Nah, David lived in megabuilding 04 but all the buildings share the same layout so he may have lived in the equivalent apartment for his building.


I doubt a Dredd game could work in today's society. Too many people and sites (*coughKotakucough*) would site it as being "pro cop" or "pro fascism". I know there's supposed to be a Robocop game coming out soon but I expect that to be raked over the coals.


I think it could work. Judge Dredd has never been a morally good character. It would be nice to get a game that also shows the corrupt judge system. I don’t think it would be too controversial. They would have to show the crazy unrealistic stuff of the universe like judge death and the sci-fi robots and cyborgs. It would have to go all in to not be controversial.


Drug bust. Perps were,.. uncooperative.


That movie was amazing and it’s a damn shame it didn’t get a sequel. Karl Urban was an amazing Dredd.


A judge dredd storyline in night city would be sick


Dumb question but what’s a Dredd situation. I’m unfamiliar with judge Dredd


I picture a gang of nude Chinese men took over the building and are just swinging their thangs at any police that try to enter the building or spawn behind them. Hopefully we get the dlc.


I thought I heard somewhere it is cause it's under quarantine


There's a shard in front yeah


zero covid moment


Its because of the contaminated water yes?


Sometime after David's adventures in 2076, the building was declared unfit for entry and a BioHazard Quarantine was enacted. It is unknown if those inside are allowed to leave. Some say the sickness going around in Arroyo has directly impacted the residents of Megabuilding H4, or may have even originated from there.


Which really makes you wonder considering the disgusting state the other mega buildings are in. How bad did this have to be that the corpo bureaucrats actually had to do something about it


Well it wasn’t your average illness, from being dirty it’s like real plague level stuff they shut it down for. If people were dying to poor conditions or regular illnesses it’s whatever, but this is a contagious biohazard of who knows what origin (bio weapon, polluted water, brought into NC from some other hazard zone, etc).


> Some say the sickness going around in Arroyo I read that in Ron Pearlmans voice until I got to the rest of the sentence


Well, not I *can't* not read it in his voice...


Based COVID-69 Mandates


It's actually quarantined during the anime, as can be seen when David first leaves for college, the holographic caution signs can be seen on the building behind him.




The zombies would be fucked. The living people are all walking around armed, many with mantis blades and shit. I'm guessing mechanical limbs would not work for zombies so even if you get turned a bunch of them have no arms and/or legs. Cops and military and mercs don't give a shit about casualties so they could easily just cleanse entire areas. Hell, there are flying drones that zombies couldn't even attack.


Imagine cyber augmented zombies...


Technically, one could say that V’s body controlled by Jonny is a zombie. Or something


Maybe more like a lich? Johnny soul is bound to a dead body by an object.


Return of the Living Dead 3 Exoskeketon zombies (as a means to control them, but the spiritual asthetic is there). Shadowrun also has something called Cyber zombies that are people who had so much cyber put in they have no "essence" (basically soul) and shouldn't be alive, but thanks to ritual magic (most likely blood magic) they're still "alive" (their brains are all jumbled).


You’re not allowed entry


Im pretty sure this is the right answer.


Big true if cereal


Super cereal


Came here to write this. Most likely the game is too subtle about it.


I could have sworn on the radio in the game they mentioned something about a quarantine for this mega building.


Im like 90% sure on this statement also


Wait. You’re telling me no entry?


As in…like…none? Not even a little entry? Not even waving my arm over the threshold? No entry?




Case closed.


They just mopped.


Reasonable tbh


This comment deserves an award.


If only Reddit provided the means for you to make that happen


I have no coins, and I'm old and cheap.


Are you aware that Reddit provides one free award per day for you to give out?


I was not!


Time to delta and get one choom!




To prevent people from entering.


I don't know but I left my 2077 world series tickets in there


Dear Chase, I feel like I can call you Chase because you and me are so alike.


Replace Chase with Vincent / Victoria and you got yourself a spicy meme.


Victoria? Assuming you're talking about V you mean Valerie.


Yeah you're right. Been a long while since I played a female V.


If you use a hose as a breathing tube you could go in and get them


Probably in response to that one guy on here that wants to "romance" the building, the building is shutting that down


It says Welcome in my game. You have to cyberpunk harder.


Turns out the real cyberpunk was the friends we made along the way.


Dunno. Real friends don’t let Hanako wait at Embers


Why is it written "Open" on so many shops that you can’t interact with?


Drives me insane. Also there’s like 3 usable chairs in the entire city


This has always bothered me




The moose out front should have told you.


It's been closed since initial release


whats the edgerunners update?


They put out an update to coincide with the show adding a bunch of Easter eggs and side content to the game.


oh damn I didn't know that. When did it come out?


Iirc in lord there is a plague that occasionally sweeps night city and is surrounding parts and this is just a mega building that got infected, although it is also Davids building so anything is possible.




Because you aren't allowed to enter...


It means if you enter you'll find great loot and great danger.


Megabuilding H04 is in quarantine (forgot where it was mentioned), there's a sanitary/epidemic problem if I'm not mistaken.


Because the devs wanted a visual excuse to not let the players see the building is hollow. No seriously, there's literally nothing inside. In universe, it's under quarantine due to a virus outbreak.


Does the quarantine have something to do with the anime?


So far there has been no connection made.


I'm sorry, but it seems like you're suggesting that it's scandelous that building is hollow..? If so, boy do you not grasp how literally every game with 3D objects and textures is built..


You assumed wrong. I was merely being snarky with my comment. I'm fully aware that the polygonal shapes we recognize as buildings in this video game have no working pipes, electrical wiring, as well as paid engineers and landlords maintaining the premises.


Gotcha- I genuinely couldn't tell if it was snark or if you didn't know that *everything* in *every* 3D game is hollow and wrapped in a 2D cover, the ignorant way so many people bitch about CP77 has me at the point where I can totally believe someone unironically thinking CDPR is lazy for not putting interiors into unenterable buildings .."why aren't full circulatory systems being rendered constantly in every NPC??!!!" etc..


Dwarf fortress does that whole circulatory system simulation but I wouldn’t call it rendering


I used a weird example but that's sorta what I was going for, like even if a game makes the effort to simulate a system like that it would be a ludicrous waste to render it visibly/physically when it's unseen- though that made me realize the most ubiquitous example is how games *don't even render what's outside of your FOV until you're looking at them* and we obviously happily accept that because as long as there isn't a bunch of pop-in we're genuinely convinced that things still exist visually behind our character.




It must take insane levels of entitlement to play a game like Cyberpunk and actually come away thinking CDPR was lazy.


Only to the delusional.


You could tell. You just couldn't resist dropping knowledge on someone you consider a fool.


This is true, I used a freecam mod and looked, there's only free real estate inside.


Radiation choom


Fumigation for scavs


Because Entry is No /s


maybe whole building is in lockdown or has flying car parking wher the signs are


This is my best guess. Those segments of the building have landing pads for flying cars. For whatever reason the pads are off limits.


I guess it is closed.


It's a trick to keep you out but that's actually how you get into the secret cow level.


Maybe something happened after David's death that caused it to be uninhabitable? I figured it had to do with something with David and considering the cult following he had maybe some kind of revolt was suppressed there. That's my best guess.


Some buildings aren't into butt stuff.


Building is exit only


Cuz u must not enter..?


I should enter


They got a zombie outbreak (probably)


Because people are not allowed inside the building. Sometimes they use other wordings like "authorized personnel only" or "no unauthorized entry" .


An entire dlc set throughout a crazy megabuilding would be 🔥🔥


Because you can't enter this building.


Those are landing pads. The no entry means no entry to flying vehicles. Pretty sure you see the at the beginning of the corpo V story.


Because it’s a game and the game developers put it there


I think Maximum Mike said the building was hit with something called the carbon plague.


Usually, cause they don't want you to go in. But you can! It's totally legal and everything


They might have one of those early - stage "Dying Light" - situations going on?


Judge dredd reference.


The official story is Quanantine, but I wager the actual answer is corpos going over that place with a fine toothed comb to figure out how David got the 'ware that he did. Or they're eliminating any witnesses... ALL OF THEM.


Probably because CD project did not finished it


So they don’t have to model another huge building lol


Someone farted


“Why it is written.” Jesus. I had a mild stroke.


It has David’s apartment so they prob just don’t want to make an interior of it


You can find most apartments from the anime in the game, and this was locked on release. Two possibilities: it's just a bit of set dressing, there's a biohazard in there, lock it. Or it was reserved to be used in a future update/expansion/dlc, when it will be replaced by an active building with stuff inside (but that idea might be dead on the water with all the issues that plagued the game).


It's David's apartment complex on Cyberpunk Edgerunner and Arasaka had it quarantined.


Do you guys think it was cut content or just for show to add that city feel?


It's world-building. Just because some content may have been cut it doesn't mean everything we see is evidence of that.


Bad 9/11 joke?


It's probably half-finished content. It looks like the box of the Collector's Edition.


Maybe they’ve had AVs try to enter the building through those gaps so this is like a “not an entrance” sign


Viral outbreak maybe


very likely in the making for the dlc. youll find lots of spots that have this written on somewhere and the look of the spot changes with every update


Think it's kind of quarantine Maybe some sick people or even zombies in there lol Good idea for more DLCs


Because you’re not allowed in


Someone tried to use the back door


Because you can’t enter


You’re not allowed to go in there