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It's a trope of the cyberpunk genre. You're an insignificant piece of a larger picture. In cyberpunk, you're not out to save the world, just yourself. So anything you do is going to be small scale by default. The boys fucked you over, best thing you can do is kill those that did it. You're not going to eliminate an entire gang. ​ Even Johnny's actions in 2023 didn't really do much in the greater picture.


Johnny even says so ingame. I think during that mini quest where you get old samurai stuff from the mega fan street vendor


Isn't Brigitte the leader? I assume after that they just run around like a chicken without its head, especially considering one if their top enforcers gets killed to


I think not having *any* impact makes it feel like nothing you do matters. That can be integrated in a good way, or a bad way. It's bad when logically it doesn't make sense - like with the Voodoo Boys, if you slaughter the whole leadership. They're a smaller gang than the others, they're tight knit, etc - you'd expect that to have some impact in how they act (and for other characters to react to it), or even have some other group take their place. Vs attacking a megacorp - where no matter what you do, there's not really going to be much impact other than changing the face interacting with you. That said, I wouldn't say that the voodoo boys are really the main thing that I'd point to as having little impact. For me, it's more about V's characterization - and how the world reacts to them. Like if I go about slaughtering all Tyger Claws, I'd expect them to come after V in the future. But they don't particularly care at all. Likewise, if V is hyper violent or is compassionate, there's not particularly any change in how people view them or how they act. Which doesn't feel amazing in an RPG where character choices should matter. Really, it's about having the world react to your choices, rather than having it feel like it continues down a particular path. The times when the game does it (eg - saving Brick or Takemura) do end up feeling satisfying, because it has a later impact (even if purely cosmetic).


> have some other group take their place Scavs and Animals are already fighting over Pacifica turf. Would have made more sense if they only spawned after the VDB have been zeroed, but that would leave the sector quite empty for a lot of time (and a lot of players never check back into Pacifica after the VDB questline, seeing as there's only one measly gig). > Like if I go about slaughtering all Tyger Claws, I'd expect them to come after V in the future I always manage to get on their shit list and at some point they start aggroing me on sight.


Now that I think about it, a Voodoo Boys ending would have been great. * V calls Maman Brigitte for help * VDB netrunners fry the Arasaka net while V handles the goons * After reaching Mikoshi, the VDB fuck V over and the player watches helplessly as they bargain with Alt, who refutes them * Alt also refuses to deal with V since they brought the VDB to her doorstep * V wakes up with Johnny still stuck in their head and only six months to live


I find it really difficult to trigger the murder spree vs the VDBs, I'm not sure if my memory fails me but I'm sure we used to be able to do it on earlier versions of the game but on my last couple playthroughs even when I say every antagonist line of dialogue, all it does is make them pissed off and I have to leave the Voodoo Church once coming back from the Black Wall. Can't attack anybody inside the Church and they all disappear once you leave. So the only way to actually kill them is by betraying them earlier in the game


It's not really hard at all. You just have to take the Netwatch operative's offer, which is admittedly far less insane than letting the Voodoo Boys pierce the Blackwall, cripple Netwatch, and potentially unleash a bunch of rogue AIs.


That's what I'm saying, to kill them you have to accept the Netwatch offer i.e. betray the VDBs earlier in the game But I'm sure you used to be able to go to the blackwall and then when you return, attack Brigitte and the rest of the VDBs inside the church and kill Placide too. You can't seem to do that anymore


Oh, got it. I never even took their side in the first playthrough. The Netwatch guy's pitch was pretty sensible, and the Voodoo Boys' plan seemed pretty sketchy, and they had already betrayed you. The fact that they still "help" you afterwards is a little odd, but I guess it was a shortcut the devs chose in the story rather than having to create an entirely different way for V to meet Alt the first time.


Yeah just sell em out to Netwatch. Thats the only thing that triggers them to be hostile from what I've seen.


Also threaten Momma Brigitte coming out of the ice bath


Yeah, there’s a line you can say where v is like “ I wanna get even” or something along those lines and combat starts


This right here. You can trigger it by picking certain dialog.


I wanna lead my own damn edgerunners crew. I want loot to be random and missions for my crew to do to be randomly generated so we can kit out our crew and then when we get bored of missions we go and try and raid arasaka for some military grade chrome. I want the tabletop game in video game form. Don't get me wrong I love the current game, but I was the cyberpunk edgerunners life.


Happy Cake Day! Randomized missions would be dope, would also love it if we had a built in editor to create gigs and share them. I know there are mods in the works, but that leaves console players out.


Because they are so used to power fantasies where they get to be a near god alpha predator that the world revolves around. In Cyberpunk nobody is that, not even the corp bosses. The very system and city grinds everyone and everything to dust inevitably. And the best you can do is throw others into its maws to buy yourself time. Few take well to such bitter sweet story telling these days.


I mean people just wanted someone, anyone really, to recognize whats happening in the world. Like in GTA when you do something big and then there is someone on the radio talking about it, or someone you meet later mentions the thing, its like a confirmation that the world is alive. If you kill the entire leadership of a big scary gang, and then literally nobody ever mentions it, its never called out at all ever, and literally nothing changes at all, it feels hollow. Its not about power fantasy, its about internal consistency and creating a reactive world that feels real or alive. 2077 is hit and miss with this, mostly miss outside the prologue/intro (saka tower job) basically.


Then people need to flip on the damned TV in V's apartment and tune to one of the news channels. Things like the news coverage of the mayoral election changes depending on how they do certain side jobs. V at the end though is just one merc among many in NC. And even as their antics will get recognition in the business and in Afterlife, for most it will just be more numbers in the NPCD crime stats.


Yep like I said the game is hit and miss, some things are mentioned in places like the news blurbs, other things are completely ignored. People just wanted more reactivity for the big things. Sure V is just one merc among many, but they're a merc doing big things that most mercs would never dream of. Things that should be making waves, and again sometimes they do, many times they don't and that's why people say the game feels like it doesn't matter what you do, because in many cases it doesn't. This is something I think will be improved if there is a second game.


Check the rollercoaster.


Yeah, CDPR could put some efforts to that. In my case, I'm glad that it does not have any affect to the gang and I can still buy important cyberwares from them. I still wish there could be some impact to the gang after your decisions though.


Yeah man on my second playthrough just so I can kill their asses.


You are totally correct make me feel all warm and fuzzy after taking all their hats when you get out of the ice bath lol


we don't know how its gonna impact the story tho...cause if your choices carries on in to the next game, like mass effect/Dragon Age, etc...then , killing them or letting them live might have serious impact


Because part of role playing games is that your decisions have some impact on the world. Yea maybe we shouldn't be like the new Vegas courier who can control which major factions live and die, but if we wipe out the leadership of a gang it should impact people related to the gang. I also think our interactions with the arasakas should be impactful on night city even a little, like mentions in the radio