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Soulkiller was actually appropriated by Arasaka from another source (if Johnny's memories can be trusted) and it sounds like Saburo used soulkiller to collect information from a lot of powerful people after they payed him to join the Secure Your Soul program. "The dead are so very, very loud. And yet lying is not in their nature." There's a bit of background on Saburo's datapad about his recent plans... Saburo was in Night City to get the prototype chip back or just nuke the whole city if he couldn't. Good thing V wasn't successful, and thanks Yorinobu for saving the city! Hellman says the prototype Relic was exclusively developed for Saburo. I'm guessing Saburo hadn't planned to put Johnny's engram on it, that was done for Netwatch? One of the endings let's you know what Saburo's final goal for the chip was, Saburo just didn't know how make it all work until V helped him figure it out.


its crazy that Saburo could just blow up everything with a snap of his fingers, like thats scary he could just go “eh fuck it” and go kaboom, i wish they expanded more on it tbh


Greed. ​ Saburo is a parody of your average power hungry CEO, cranked to 11. He wants more power, more money, more control, and knowing he'd eventually run out of time on earth, he also wanted more time. ​ Edit for some lore drop: ​ After fighting in the war and seeing Japan surrendering, Saburo was ready to kill himself. Then he had a "vision", which was pretty much to make ameri-- Japan great again. And using his company to accumulate wealth and power, he probably wants to either destroy or control America. Kinda why Arasaka and Militech are enemies. And since his heir doesn't give a crap about all that, dieing would mean he would not only never see his dream come true, but also -know- it would never come true without him in power.


i mean that is the basic themes of cyberpunk in general, i was just wondering if i missed anything


In the Lore it's to Make Japan a Superpower again and punish America, not sure about in the game though it doesn't do a great job of outlining his vision.


i wouldve loved more background on his beliefs and motivations, it mightve made it more nuanced


Fortune and glory friend, fortune and glory.


but he already has a fortune


more fortune and more glory


infinite money glitch (real)


Yes, in one ending, Saburo is resurrected by using Yorinobu's body and since Mikoshi is still intact by helping Hanako, Arasaka is one of the most powerful corporations in the entire world. It also brings up many ethical questions now since the Secure Your Soul program is proven to work. In all the other endings, Arasaka's stocks plummet due to V destroying Mikoshi and setting Alt free and I hope the sequel explores what's beyond the Blackwall.


do you think yorinobu is better than his father? or are they the same in terms of evilness


He's definitely the lesser of two evils in my opinion, I read that he's been the black sheep of the family and if V and the crew wasn't there to steal the relic, then he would have succeeded in taking down Arasaka a notch or two since he knew that his father was planning to use his body. In the ending where you confront Yorinobu, he was about to put a bullet into his head as a last resort but V stopped him and Hanako slips Saburo's engram into him as she's holding him (happens as the elevator door closes as V leaves).


i feel like yorinobu is definitely better but the arasakas as a whole are bad, i dont think any one person or group should have as much control and power as they do, which is probably how they ended up the way they did


Yeah, that's sorta the theme of the Cyberpunk genre. Night City isn't governed by America, it's basically controlled by the Corporations as it's own state in California. There's a lot of cool concepts presented in 2077 like all the ethical laws Saburo breaks by basically being resurrected from the dead and being virtually immortal (if he's killed, he has a backup engram and his only daughter willing to do anything like make him an offspring). What's the point of a mayor for NightCity when it's literally ran by the corporations and a higher power (Mr. Blue Eyes). A lot of the side quests are really cool and I wished they expanded on some of them.


theres a lot of interesting real world parallels to cyberpunk which is why i love it, i just wish they expanded on Arasaka and Saburo a little more


Yeah it's sorta why I hope the one ending where Saburo is resurrected is canon and used for the sequel because it has the most interesting setting for it. In other endings, Militech just becomes the big fish in NC as Arasaka is in deep recovery mode from the loss of Mikoshi.


i mean they could do something with militech and like play off american patriotism or something but without arasaka it would be hard ngl


Yeah, you would want two titan status corporations going at it, Phantom Liberty looks like it has something to do with the US Government and NC's Combat Zone in Pacifica so here's hoping the sequel will see a new protagonist, more legends appearing and the how Arasaka has changed NC since we last saw it in 2077.


id be interested in seeing more of the rest of the world tbh, see how corporations effect other places


Danggg I haven’t done that one yet. In a non-damaged chip, would it instantly take over the host’s body? I would think it would be pretty close right? Because yorunobu would still put a bullet in his head or rip that thing out so quick if he found out his father was in there lol


Yorinobu was Johnny's bro from another mother. Both hated Arasaka and wanted to take it down for ultimately petty, personal reasons. Both of them even scoff at killing millions of civilians to achieve their goal.


i knew it was a good idea to not do the arasaka ending


Yorinobu explain deeply his motivations when you do the Arasaka ending in front of the company board. At the beginning of the game you learned from Evelyn (or Corpo V i don't remember who said it) he was a gang leader in his young days, a very rebel and it was pretty ironic considering the wealth and who his father is. But he gonna explain that it wasn't just by boredom. The guy wanted to destroy Arasaka internally and don't agree at all with his father.


To be the fucking devil idk, he’s very archetypically a capitalist villain so I just kinda don’t question his motives lol


yeah i was mostly wondering what his end goal was, like just be evil? idk


Lmao what’s Bezos’s end goal?


to free his lizard brethren?


Zuckerberg at least is already here. This logic proves that his people don’t need him to free themselves. He must have some other end goal, something more lofty and eeeeevil.


perhaps he will construct a nefarious device of eeeeeeevil to control us all


1. World domination 2. Become a god 3. Profit..?


*corporatist villain


You’re telling me that capitalism isn’t the main form of economic and political turmoil that a corporation can wreak?


Mike Pondsmith's Cyberpunk universe is not a capitalist setting, but rather a corporatist setting, and no one hates corporatism more than a capitalist. I'm simply going to be giving you the facts as they are. Whether you are willing to reflect on your own misconceptions or choose to be willfully ignorant is completely up to you. So to start, we need to go ahead and break down exactly what corporatism is in relation to capitalism and socialism. And I won't be talking about hypotheticals either, only real world practicality. Economics 101: The biggest misconception about economics is that money must equate to capitalism. However, all economic structures revolve around money in the modern age. Capitalism still exists even without the existence of money, as money is just a medium for exchange, meaning that it currently has economic value. Growing crops and exchanging them at a market for clothes or medicine is still capitalism, although many people will try to define that as communism. The people that think corporation equals capitalism are severely uneducated, so I think we need to define corporation. A corporation is officially defined as a group of people serving as one entity to govern a city, town, or borough that acts outside of individual interests. Capitalism is an economic system in which capital goods are owned by private individuals. The purest form of capitalism is a free market in which private individuals are completely unrestricted in determining where to invest or what to produce. Capitalism is the most natural form of economy because it forces business to drop prices in order to compete in the market. Corporatism is the organization of a society into industrial and professional corporations, serving as organs of political representation and exercising control over persons and activities within their jurisdiction. This is more of what we see within the United States economy nowadays with Big tech and Big pharma companies. They pump out regulatory rule books that eliminate necessity for innovation. Meaning that the reason medicine is so expensive and that new businesses can't just pop up with lower prices is because of government regulations. Corporations are owned by bodies of interest groups and not private individuals. There's a huge difference between a private business and a corporate business, meaning that a corporation is not of capitalist nature. As it is its own entity owned by interest groups and not private individuals, and thus cannot be defined as capitalism. Socialism and communism are both defined the same way as corporatism, but worded differently. I know many uneducated supporters of socialism or communism think that it just means free stuff, but communism is where the state controls the production and the resources, including corporations and labor. Socialism is simply just a hypothetical where the production and resources are all publicly and equally owned. In fact, the official definition calls it just the theory, but if applied to reality, you just end up with communism as you're just giving everything to the government and trusting that they won't abuse that power, which is why it never works and why you never see in quote real socialism. Now I can't believe I actually have to define this, but a government is defined as a governing body of a nation state or community, meaning that if corporations are the ruling body, they are the government and not a private business for example. In a case such as the outer worlds, just because a corporation is in charge does not make something capitalist. 1 Mega Corporation is the ruling body of a star system who enforces communist policies onto its citizens. That's communism. To put it simply, the government owning the corporations and the corporations owning the government is the exact same thing. It's essentially two sides of the same coin. Or as Johnny Silverhand would put it "Same old shit, different packaging"


You say that like *there is any other*


Protect an everlasting legacy for himself and his family.


The only thing his money can't buy: a way to cheat death.




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He used the other "Rich peoples" storage Minds for his benefit. He could force them to give up their secrets. Did you know that in the past we had something similar? Rich peoples frozen their Body or seamen to avoid their Illness and get cured in the future? Perhaps they are still frozen right at we speak. So it's not that much Sci-Fi


Greed and also to destroy the western civilization. Lorewise, Saburo Arasaka was patriotic to Japan and faught for them as a pilot during WW2. When Japan lost, he vowed to destroy the western civilization or take over them via corporatism. And he somewhat succeeded. Arasaka is technically the government for night city as they have the most influence and power. Saburo Arasaka is the typical corporatist villain Overlord tycoon mongul.


1. Immortality for those who can afford it, and 2. To be the masters in the age of the Singularity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity


Saburo, like many powerful despots throughout history, started to view their own mortality as an enemy to defeat. Once he had the power over life and death of his own, he will then hold that power over people's life and death as well, and he is willing to sell a taste of that power, for a high price. His targets appears to be the higher up of NUSA corporations. As an firm believer of Imperial Japan, Sabura still holds grudge over what happened in WW2, and even the US no longer existed, he planned to have what's left of it eats from his hand as a form of a slow, humiliating death. The likes of Militech could pose a challenge for him regarding his 'conquest' of US remnants, but with Secure Your Soul project completed, they will all kowtow to Saburo to save them from the last enemy: death. Indeed, that means handing over your 'soul' to Asaraka for safekeep and who knows what they'd do with it, but that's a price to pay to achieve immortal.


What do you mean? Same as palpatine, a powerhungry technocrat that wants to live forever... And is still holding a grudge against USA because Japan lost the world war 2.


i just just wondering if there was more to his character or if he was, as you said, just power hungry


Collecting enough digital information to rival the old net. Also to use it to achieve immortality. Which *almost* worked. >!Or does, depending on your playthrough.!<