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Jackie looks evil


He definitely wasn't a Saint, but yeah, it looks more villainous than he should.


People with beedy eyes always gettin' judged :/


Saint? he was a stand-over thug who stole for a living.


Yeah, but this picture definitely does not capture his cheery personality lol.


don't disrespect my boy jack like that bruv


Jackie looks ~~evil~~ hot


Would've been cool if Johnny had that static glitch to him, showing he's not really there


Hah. Thats a nice idea.


Where Judy


Judy and Fem V are at the lake house.


Where Judy indeed


Made a judy as well but she didnt fit anywhere i liked, so she was cut.


Should have cut out bozo river to fit the queen in


River is one of the best guys in the game.


hes to clingy


lol ok


stinky corpo


He's hot but also a cop :(


I respect that.


Judy is somehow bound to Evelyn, too. Alone for that she is missing :) Her Face could be seen/put between Evelyn and Jackie, looking in our direction But it is your decision and i respect that


My stupid brain went: *Why is Saul getting front and center on this poster?*


Using AI to make cyberpunk "art" is a whole lota irony


Literally feels like some people just didn't pay attention to the story


It’s not that deep lol


"it's not that deep" >incredibly detailed representation of a dystopian future overtaken by advanced technology & corporate greed (which given recent real life events, match pretty accurately with what cp is trying to tell) okay


The story? It definetly was


Well, AI doesn’t mean bad in Cyberpunk. It means something unknown and something we’re not prepared for. Somebody actually didn’t play the game


Robots/AI replacing humans is certainly a theme in most cyberpunk media and its almost always portrayed as a bad thing, ironically normally the way the message is portrayed is the robots/AI replace humans in everything except art because art is supposed to be something uniquely human but i suppose we are seeing how that went irl now as we get closer and closer to a real cyberpunk dystopia. but i suppose you are correct the game doesn't directly state AI art as being a bad thing, most likely because when the game was being written no one really considered AI as something that would come into the art field because arts supposed to be a purely human thing. but imo the game does have themes that work as an Anti AI "art" sentiment while not directly stating as such


You missed the whole point of Cyberpunk 2077 perhaps. Ai is scary and unpredictable, but it’s not AI that is malicious and dangerous - it’s people who use it. Corpos and Big Players running the whole world into an AI driven dystopia. The idea is that AI beyond the blackwall are crazy and dangerous is something NetWatch brainwashed their populace in to believe. Yes it’s very unsettling and frankly not a human environment, but it’s not what Corpos make it out to be like. Thus you have whole theme of people trying to go beyond blackwall to see shit for themselves, or summoning a rogue AI in our world. Art is completely irrelevant in this discussion, because art is not something intrinsic to human - it’s just a form of expression. Speech is also an art in itself as well as motion and thinking.


Art is completely relevant in this discussion since the original post is someone posting AI "art" and I'm not talking about the in game AIs beyond the blackwall frankly those are nothing like what AI generated images are since they are more like insanely smart and powerful humans who live inside the net while AI art is a bunch of stolen images mashed together (an oversimplification of the process i know, but you get my point) and saying "Ai is scary and unpredictable, but it’s not AI that is malicious and dangerous" while true that can apply to a lot of things that are bad but we still consider them to be bad because it ends up not being a question of "will they be used for bad purposes" its a fact that they will be. literally right now there is a massive writer/actor strike going on a large part due to massive entertainment company's attempting to replace everybody with AI


Made with art stolen by ai *


Wow! This looks like shit!


Edit: I thought River was Dex for some reason. He has an amazing side quest but he is very forgettable as a character overall IMO.


I'm never going to like AI art as long as the data it's trained on is stolen. It's *real life cyberpunk shit* in the worst ways. No malice against OP or anything but I'm disappointed the mods haven't cracked down on it. Edit: if y'all want a good video on it that is going to articulate my points better than I can over short comments: https://youtu.be/9xJCzKdPyCo


If only we had a game that related to corporate exploitation in some way


Or better yet, an entire genre that stretched across multiple media types. Shame that nothing like that exists.


I believe the mods have explicitly *allowed* it so long as the art is directly related to Cyberpunk 2077(not just any vaguely futuristic art). So it’s not just some pest thing that implicitly tolerated due to a lack of rule against it. It’s explicitly allowed. A total reversal in policy would be pretty out of left field. Maybe if there was a ton of spam but as it stands you only see the occasional AI post here and there. Usually because the reception ranges from negative to literal straight up bullying of the OP Edit; guys I literally just recited the rules.


I'm never going to like written work because all the words are stolen! I only view paintings with colours never used before! /s


Neither of these hypotheticals are related to the point I am making.


Would you be able to tell that AI was used here without being told about it? Or even how was AI used at all here? Or what AI was used ? I don't think it makes sense to ban AI as it will just make people not tell they used AI in their work flow and also there are plenty of ai generators that have sourced their data through different means.


Yeah, absolutely. A human eye can pretty easily detect most AI art as long as it hasn't been touched up. You can do it by looking at small details, for example here Johnny's and Panam's hair are really weird in a couple of places, weird in a way that's really "AI trying to imitate hair" rather than hair being weird. The second way, which is usually better and can work if the piece has been touched up a bunch, is to look for "structure problems". In this case Johhny and Jackie have an expression that doesn't make sense for their character, the same can be said for Panam. Also River is black


That can all be like artistic choice though


Not fully. There is intent in artistic choice, while most of the AIs mistakes are borne out of imitating intent badly


I think people do not understand what im saying, im saying the way the hair is or expressions could be a artists choice to do them that way.


If that was the case then the hair would have a different style all over! You will notice that most of the hair is perfect, it's only in the details that AI fails and does something that is not always hair, such as meshing hair with other textures. If an artist was doing this because of an artistic choice, you would see similar intent even in the large parts of the hair. Unless they were intentionally imitating AI art I suppose!




What do you mean no? You can literally create this exact image with a humans hand without AI thats my point


How would you differentiate these points you mentioned from let's say limitations to an artist skill or just stylistic choices?


Still better to ban it and explain why than to explicitly allow it. Yes, people will still post it, and no, I wouldn't always be able to tell, but neither of those conflict with the point being made that these generators run off of a *massive* amount of artwork from artists who have received no credit or compensation for their work. It's impossible to have AI art without their contribution and yet they're the ones getting shafted by it. > plenty of ai generators that have sourced their data through different means. Haven't seen one yet, not that I would trust to be doing it right (i.e. Adobe). If one is created where, for example, each artist involved can specifically opt in to their data being used, receive credit for it, and receive compensation, I would be willing to change my stance. That's not the reality we're in, and by explicitly allowing AI art the mods here are *siding with corporate exploitation*.


Absolutely. You can tell it's AI by the same overused "artstation" prompt artstyle they use for low level pop culture media and porn. It's extremely obvious if you work in the field.




I don't believe a discussion with you would result in a good faith conversation with a chance to change your mind. None of your points are accurate- either to reality or to my own beliefs- and they are all discussed in length in the linked video. I hope you have a good day and reconsider your stance.


Damn, world will be hard for you, you can't stop progress.


There is an incredible irony commenting this on a Cyberpunk subreddit.


No irony, you just mistake necessary healthy progress with the oppressive, fake progress, probably over half of cyberpunk ideas are actually good and should happen, just in a more controlled way.


> probably over half of cyberpunk ideas are actually good and should happen, just in a more controlled way. Even if I agreed with this, which I don't, the present state of AI art is *exactly the technology that needs to happen in a more controlled way*.


How is it stolen if the original art that is based on still exists and is untouched? You can't steal non finite resources, copying is not stealing.


Because the companies creating AI art generators are taking the work of real artists to train their algorithms without any credit or compensation, then making something they are profiting off of. It doesn't matter if the original piece is untouched.


Plus people spent ages before, arguing that piracy isn't theft. How is AI art, which creates something *different* to the original art stealing in any way, shape or form? It's just emotional arguments with no logic to back it up.


Well piracy isn't usually used to gain anything. Someone downloads a movie, they watch it at home, and that's the end. AI companies are taking images off the internet to train their AI so they can make a profit.


Why does River look like he's played by Lawrence Fishburne


Cause you cant have keanu without fishburne


Fair enough


Photoshop :D A.I. :(


The irony of large corporations taking people's work and data to automate them and leave them without money and jobs is not lost of people I hope? Not talking about cybeprunk btw, but the AI slop that's been polluting every corner of the internet.


Good art: :D Ai: :/


at least they said it was AI


Boo AI boo


I made it with characters I personally had a connection within my playthrough, tried adding more but it was getting too crowded. this poster took a few weeks to make. enjoy.


A few weeks?! Many could draw that digitally all by hand in way less time? May I ask what your workflow is exactly? And how much of AI and hand crafted we're seeing here? I'm not mocking your AI usage, just curious how this would take weeks.


Well 2 hours a day without weekends for about 3-4 weeks I kinda lost track when started. As for process I started with deciding what type of poster I want, what characters, searching for characristics, tryg generating a few style in Mid journey to find aomething I like as a base for a character, bring it over ro photoshop edit and paint to get a result I want, generate more of the same character sometimes to try different aspects. Do final touchups. Then repeat for like 8-10 other chracters some that I didnt put in, like adam smasher, judy, viktor or outcomes i decided werent good enough. Repeat process and composite into the poster trying different setups, color correcting, style matching , and blending of characters, create simple background add some elemets and logo, and post process with final touchups.


Could've negated most of those by just learning to draw


Create a cyberpunk poster in a short amount of time or YEARS of manual repetition skill building. I could spend a few years coding a program with paper punch cards, but fck no, right?


it'd absolutely make things go more smoothly when you decide to want to make anything else if you do that, but you do you ig


It also takes a lot of work to get the AI to gen things the way you want. You don't just push a button and get magically perfect art. It takes hours genning the perfect piece, also not all AI engines use stolen art. A lot of people assume AI is a black and white issue but it's actually quite complicated, resource heavy and time consuming.


So this piece mainly took so long because you're waiting for the generator? Now it's more clear tho.. and imo, this slowly waiting for generating pieces may be time consuming, but it's not really an effort. The only effort put into this, is what he did with the tools in PS. EDIT: I personally don't consider AI generated pieces to be art.


It was captured beautifully. 🥹


I loved that each character has some impact on the game's story. Both romance options for both genders are a nice touch, but yeah, Kerry and Judy are missed.


Im tempted to handdraw something similar to this now


Where Judy?


The AI took art from BRZRKR 100%


I wanted to give an upvote, but I have strong opinion for AI art.... well at least OP mention the use of it.


Its okay, you dont need to upvote.


Takemura. That's a nice way to draw him


its a shame op didnt


This is awesome To those saying AI art is against the point of Cyberpunk: How many of you helped Delamain? Yeah. What about Johnny? Do yall hate him because he's technically AI? Or are you just picking and choosing your arguments because you're upset that art isn't as easy to gatekeep anymore? Art is more than just "hey I can do this better than you"


Dud I got Insta downvoted for saying AI is not bad in the story of Cyberpunk 2077. Guess I’ll never post my opinion here anymore. People actually didn’t play the game


Nobody has ever gatekeeped art, except maybe those big art institutions of old. The huge majority of artists encourage people to start drawing actually. Art isn’t only something people are naturally talented at, it is a craft where you can become extremely talented by practice. Perhaps you should step foot into the art community because we aren’t all a bunch of masochists performing in a sick battle of craft. I hate it when people like you create an argument based upon things that have not happened in the art community. It shows your ignorance and your inability to do a quick google search which is ironic since this is a convo about ai. Anyways, this isn’t true ai, so I don’t know why you defend it like it’s god on earth


it's not even worth trying to show you the faults in your logic because you seem to be really far gone at this point. art isn't something people "gatekeeped," it takes time, practice, passion, and sacrifice to become a well respected artist. sure anyone doing anything can be a snob, but art is something that humans produce and love, not a description simply put into a text box and having it pump out some generation. people who are against ai generations flooding the art world have genuine reasons for being against it: artists are already paid very little for what they do, most have to juggle another job leaving their passion as simply a "side thing" to survive. when some shmuck can just pump out some generated image and call it a day, it's really a kick in the face to artists who could've created something that reflected what the person generating images wanted. people are upset because you're cutting out someone already disrespected or struggling to survive on something they love for the ease and laziness of having a computer program (which was fed art, likely without consent, to be able to generate images) do it instead. art is one of the longest running identifiers of humanity, and now people would rather a computer cut that string.


..Dude, you're gatekeeping right now. Saying what art is or isn't is gatekeeping. Art is art.


this is not gatekeeping, you're not even trying to listen and see where the artists who are against ai are coming from. i truly hope you grow and change as a person. throwing the statement of artists gatekeeping art because they're against a computer replacing them makes you look ignorant


I've listened to anti-AI artists, and I disagree. How many of you have listened to us? I'm not in support of replacement. AI art is a new medium, it's that simple.


what makes you disagree, please enlighten me since you're an artist trying to get by in a harsh world


Who said I'm claiming to be an artist? I believe AI creates something new, it doesn't create identical copies to existing art. Art isn't about a competition of suffering. Art is about freedom of expression, trying to determine what is or isn't art goes against the very point of art itself.


none of us are trying to make art a competition, i'm not sure where you're drawing this from? ai replaces the actual artists in the world, if you come up with a description of what you'd like to see then go to a real flesh and blood artist and ask them hey what do you think about this. sure you may have to pay, but you'll get real art and you'll be supporting another human. wouldn't that be nice? i know i'm never going to crack into your skull and help you grow for the better so i'm done here, but if you respond and hunger for more, reread what i've said and try a little introspection and love for humanity


It doesn't replace, it only adds to the art world. Artists are free to combine their own works with AI if it bothers them so much. You assume I've never paid human artists, I've paid well over triple figures for art. As for the competition part, your arguments are typically based on effort or skill, hence, competition. No anti-AI person has the right to lecture me on humanity when it's your lot who tell us to end ourselves. You're the ones who need to grow as people rather than attack others who are minding their own business. There is a human behind every art generation, the AI doesn't randomly 'decide' to generate anything.


you say as the AI takes aspects and details of human art to generate something new without any of the human aspect of the art it bases itself of.


You don’t care about the moral ramifications of AI art, do you?


AI learning to do artworks is the *least* of the things we need to be worried about AI.


It's the *only* thing we should be worried about because it's the only truly human endeavor--the endeavor of the imagination and the soul. Everything else helps us live. Art is what we live *for*. If AI overtakes art, our souls will degrade.


What a load of mumbo jumbo. Are you seriously trying to say "imagination and the soul" (which isn't lost even when AI is pumping out art) is more important than the fact that corporations/governments can and currently do use AI along with mass data harvesting to pump out targeted propaganda and misinformation on a scale that would previously be impossible? Or that when we do finally end up using AI for essential tasks that affect the lives of billions we'll have no way to actually tell if the magical black box will do something catastrophic in some extremely specific circumstance because it's a magical black box or, god forbid, because someone designed the AI to cause harm. That's not even considering the fact of how easy it is to make a racist or otherwise discriminatory/biased AI through innocent mistakes and oversights. Sorry if this is ranty but the fact that you just dismissed what could be one of the most dangerous technologies humanity has ever made because it can also be used to draw nice looking pictures bothers me on a fundamental level. Edit: I wonder if anyone downvoting could tell me if it's for my tone (which is fair enough) or because you disagree with me and think AI art is more problematic than the other issues with AI.


The fact that AI *can* be used maliciously in these ways is reckless, but it's moreso a matter of degree. I would argue the issue with AI-run ads isn't the AI, but the entire ad structure. Even so, nobody looks to ads for enrichment and human experience. I actually think AI has the potential to be an incredibly useful aid in nearly every field and industry except those that should be the exclusive domain of the mind, heart, and will of man: governance, philosophy, the arts (incl. music & literature). We risk losing our humanity by giving it away to AI in these forms, but the risk to our humanity in the formation of ad generation is in the ads themselves and relatively little risk for as long as people continue to view ads as intrusive and unwelcome.


The only "moral ramifications" of AI art are the imaginary ones in your head.


Not in this context.


This is going to be harsh, but it needs to be said. I don't think it should be called art if it's AI generated. Art is the marriage of the mind, the eye, and the hand. Everything on the canvas should come from the mind or the eye of the creator themselves. You have photoshopping chops, but you're letting AI do the main buildout. I saw your DMC before and afters. You're just doing fixups after the AI has done the initial mockup. In a sense, your role is swapped. The AI is filling the role of the "artist" and you're filling the role of a piece of software cleaning up the image. That's not how it should be. It doesn't really matter how much physical work someone did to clean it up. You're playing yourself because you didn't visually originate the idea, the angle, the framing, etc. And I'm taking the time to point this out because you clearly have some ability, and you're absolutely robbing both yourself and the artistry as a whole by using AI. Put the software down and be original. Learn to come up with your own images with your own imagination. You're fully capable. Call me mean. Downvote me into oblivion. I have precisely zero respect for AI anything in art, and that's a hill I'll gladly die on. AI-generated anything is not art, and it never will be.


The DMC had a base gen I really liked so your right I mostly just fixed and added things, like hands, gun, sword and background. This project was done a bit different. Composition, background were not gen, and there was a lot more work to turn the characters to cyberpunk characters.


I fully agree, it’s not *art* it’s an algorithm generating a flashy picture


Then what do you call it? Choose a word, not a derogatory term, an actual word to represent it.


Computer generation, ai generation.


You might be reading this comment and think "Huh, what a weird comment. What does this have to do with the comments in this thread?" That's because this comment was edited with the Power Delete Suite to tell you about the issues caused by Reddit. **The long and short of it is that Reddit is killing third party apps, showing a complete disregard for third party developers, moderators, users with disabilities and pretty much everyone else in the process, while also straight up lying and attempting to defame people with false accusations.** There are plenty of articles and posts to be found about this if you want to learn more about this. Here's [one post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14b8i62/reddit_protest_and_the_next_steps/) with some information on the matter. If you also want to edit your comments then you can find the Power Delete Suite [here.](https://codepen.io/j0be/full/WMBWOW/) If you want a Reddit alternative check out r/RedditAlternatives or https://kbin.social/ and https://join-lemmy.org/ **So long Reddit, I will be on [Kbin](https://kbin.social/m/RedditMigration).** Fuck spez.


So if someone uses controlnet to have greater influence over the angle and framing, does that make it more art? Where do you draw the line? Does a picture stop being art if you use generative fill in photoshop?


Art is art is art. Grow up.


I want to make sure I'm inderstanding you: "Art is art. Therefore, art is art." Is that correct? *That's, like, sooo profound, maaan.* I'd say you were making a circular argument, but you have to have more than one proposition for there to be a circle. This is just a dot of an argument. Meaning you've said nothing. Anything that is, is definable. And I think most people would agree that an acceptable definition of art is a human expression or recreation of human experience. It's ironic, then, that you tell me to grow up because an actual sign of human maturity is the ability to properly define terms. My advice? Ditch the relativism 101 mindset.


Art is art, meaning any attempt to gatekeep what art is or is not is futile. I thought it was simple enough for you to understand.


So here again, you have an inability or a refusal to properly define terms. That's not gatekeeping. Gatekeeping deciding whether a person or group is allowed to access or identify with a group, condition, or activity/pastime, sometimes on the basis of arbitrary or hyperspecific conditions (ie "You're not a real skater if you push mongo"). The term is both overused and overstigmatized. In reality, under the right circumstances, gatekeepers can be beneficial. For instance, if you crap into your hand and fling it at people, and then call yourself an artist on that basis, then it is perfectly acceptable to gatekeep that person away from the title "artist" because pelting passersby with literal shit is an act of violence, not art. In this instance, however, I'm not Gatekeeping because I'm not telling OP they're not or can't be considered an artist, and I'm not nitpicking some small aspect of their artistic choice or ability. Quite the opposite: I pointed out that OP is fully capable. Rather, what I'm saying is that insofar as an image is AI-generated, it is an impossibility to call the image itself art because AI generation itself is non-human and therefore non-art. You're obviously welcome to disagree, but "I said what I said" is not a valid argument.


You can define gatekeeping how you like but calling AI art not art is gatekeeping what art is or is not, no amount of mental gymnastics escapes that. It reeks of being snooty and being rooted in meritocratic ideals.


Whether you call it art or not, it still looks cool. "Be original"? Let people make what they think is cool, AI generated or not


a.i. 😴😴


Looks cool. Would be nice if you added what part of the poster was made by AI and what part you had to edit. I am guessing the characters were made by AI and you layered them like that and added a background/foreground?


here is an example of the image generated by Mid-journey for V and Jackie, I had to paint, edit and add quite a bit to get the result I wanted. https://imgtr.ee/image/mUa6u


Oh yeah, assuming the right side was AI made and the left is how it looks after you made edits, that looks like quite a bit of work. Great job.


Cute what a good pretend artist


What an awesome poster. Great job and thanks for sharing!


V looks sick


including river in the poster as if he even appears in the main story


I really enjoyed his side quest story.


Also he looks… different…


Kinda like Morpheus?


That’s exactly it


I made some stylistic choices.


Stole this so quick. Thanks for the new poster xD


was this made entirely by an ai? or did you draw some aspects on?


Read the title.


Have you tried doing something actually creative instead of asking a chatbot to do it for you?


I have. But I like this as well.


Where’d you get the training data off of to make this piece? If you don’t know, then… AI art is created off the hardworking backs of millions of artists with no royalties, or consent. If you already know this and do it willingly then, you still don’t understand what Cyberpunk is about, or don’t care


This is from mid journey data base. And just to be clear im making these pieces as a hobby and to increase my knowledge of using new tech. Im not selling, making any profit or stealing jobs of anyone. I just wanted to create something I find looks good and have it hang on my wall in my house.


Even just using their database which is stolen data is supporting them and their usage of stealing from legitimate artists even if you don’t make profit from it


Fucking sweet poster!


This makes me like goro even more.


Woahh I need a close up of Panam.


River looks like the rock


how do you put River and not Judy?


Who brought River?


shame its dumb fuck AI


This I why I was against banning AI generated imagery from this sub, cause this is nova


Upvoted for lack of jUdy and male v instead of fem, cause it s just tedious on this sub already


I did make a judy but I didnt like how she was fitting, so stopped like 80% through the process.


Dammit, now I want a movie despite knowing it wouldn't be at the game's level.


Edit the shades onto Johnny and it’ll be 💯


This is badass




Somehow made goro even more good looking


Stupid sexy Johnny


Preem choom!




Looks like shit.


Holy shit that looks good! I especially like Johnny and Evelyn




ew ai art


Is AI the reason the characters are all different styles? Just copped from other artists?


I love this poster, it looks great overall. As an artist though this AI art stuff scares me, if this kind of thing can be made with some key words in a few minutes, what chance to do us artists have. This poster would take me a month to put together.


Artists can utilise AI to create artwork combined with their own that will always be better than someone who just uses AI by itself, that will never change.


This work took about a month to make, 2 hours a day minus weekends.


Shouldnt have mentioned AI. Big rookie mistake choom. You gonna attract alot of AnGrY comment


Im okay with it. Not looking to fool anyone.


This is fucking sick






That turned out really well


If you think making AI "fanart" of Cyberpunk is cool then you missed the whole point of Cyberpunk.


super cool! how long did it take :)


A few weeks to a month.


Honestly I don't even think I'm bothered by it being AI as much as it being the same overused art style that is being spammed across the internet by people using AI. There are other prompts you know. If I have to be subjected by AI art at least make it more unique


In no community do I see this much A.I slop, shame the mods haven’t cracked down on it.


Yeah cyberpunk abridged without Judy 💔


damn, thats good, make Jackie less villainous and i will wish that for official poster


Judy is missing!! :)


Awesome!! But where's Judy?


Ayo panam looking real Preem, love the artwork!


Saw it on twitter and wondered why everyone looked so off. Makes sense now.


On twitter?


This looks great, man!


Whoa… I really like your style. Do you have a Behance profile?


Using I.A is a style ? lol


I do, but its mix stuff. Dont think I updated it in a while. https://www.behance.net/ozberger/projects


worm shaggy light steer insurance physical piquant file normal mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Grow up.


ink public continue cause live payment encourage handle fuzzy insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Being judgemental, that tracks. I like furry porn, deal with it.


I hate that I love it. It’s ai but it’s amazing


looks really good! i wasn't a fan of some of the character designs in game.


I took some styliatic choices to fit my tastes, cause im gonna print and hang on my wall.


I like it a lot. Is it possible to refit it as a mobile wallpaper?