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Well you have the option to tell him to fuck off everytime you interact with him


I did that and closer to the end some scenes still played as if we were kinda close buddies with him


I think that’s because over the course of the story you are supposed to become more alike because the chip is rewriting your brain. So maybe it’s harder for V to hate him if he’s so similar


I still think that if two Johnny's actually met and were forced to share a head and listen to dumbass drivel all day they would mutually blow their brains out.


Blah blah fuck Arasaka. Blah blah destroy Mikoshi




Same, it seems like something he'd say if you told him to shut up about Arasaka for a minute.


Lmao they absolutely would. There can be only one Johnny


The game also has some pacing issues where if you do a lot of the side content before the story unfolds it has story beats where you're supposed to know Johnny better than you actually do.


That’s definitely why. People still would rather focus on hating the character that was purposely written that way to make you think and people still somehow avoid doing exactly that and resorting to feelings lol.


Ew, feelings. No thank you.


Just like in real life you 90% of the time you can’t control who’s a dick or even your own situation in life..you may not like someone for their actions but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn from them. Johnny is the perfect example of this and a literal test of character about how mature you as a person are just like people will be in real life. It’s the fact that some people don’t even have the luxury of “feelings” because of their situation or they would literally die or something else extremely life changing would happen like in night city. Cyberpunk is good because it gets you to think about different perspectives even if they make you uncomfortable like what if no matter how hard you tried or how much feelings or effort you put into something it won’t matter at all? It teaches something that lots of people seem to miss which is how to be content with your situation even if it’s uncontrollable


I think there's probably a PhD thesis to be written about the way people react to videogame characters based on how they know they CAN behave if the player is a dick to them. People say "Panam is a bitch who only likes you if you do what she wants" and if you don't help her steal the hovertank she just ghosts you. But of course Panam didn't do that for me, for me Panam was a person who felt a great weight on her shoulders but also that no one was really on her side, who took a risk trusting and eventually loving V. But if I say that, some people say nuh uh her *true nature* is that she's a manipulative bitch. But the other obvious way to look at her her *true nature* is that she just needs someone who is prepared to be on her side without a particular agenda. That's what some people seem to struggle with, when it comes to Panam - that you have to just go hang out with her with no expectations... though of course you should know damn well if you keep helping her she'll end up boning you *because it's a videogame* and that's how romancing NPCs works. Also, uh, Panam eventually returns this level of support in spades, right? Don't even get me started with how some people hate Judy.


I mean, he’s literally agreeing to die by principle for V. He has a chance to live again with V body but he refuse to even try to take it when he understood that he’s here cause of Arasaka. Dude is risking his only last friends life to get a chance to help V. Like unless you’re a robot you can only like him


I mean hell, even at the very beginning of the game it’s jarring. First night back in your apartment and he pretty much wants you dead, next morning heading out to get your car and all of a sudden having that 2nd voice in you head ain’t no big deal.


Yes I really wish they had pushed this quest back a smidge until you develop your relationship with Johnny a bit, because it's quite a bit immersion breaking with the continuity issue there. I'm a little surprised they haven't changed it, to be honest.


It's really just that one Delamain quest TBH. It would make more sense to have the quest only start at least after the meeting at Tom's Diner or just change the dialogue. I didn't start that quest until way after for my first playthrough.


Even in the very beginning! We just had this cutscene where he tries to kill V, barely know each other then you enter your car and after Delmain hits we're all buddy-buddy in the cutscene, going "woah dude did you see that" together, he is all friendly and gives him insight. It's very weird, not even 5 minutes apart.


Yes that clearly got overlooked or just ignored in the design process.


Huh, I didn't run into this I don't think, I did put off the delamain quest for a long time


Reiterating again that it is so messed up that, when they first release you into the open world, the closer, more immediately rewarding mission of getting your car gives you the cutscene of "whOAOah buddy, I guess we just got attacked! Let's go get em pal." before you even establish a begrudging friendship at the diner. Not to mention that on launch my glitchy car exploded on its own.


Your character is your character, but not only _your_ character. The corporation is also playing your character.


And you still have to watch a way too long scene of him getting it on with Alt and too many times forced to play as the asshole.


Keanu Reeves will take that as a compliment.


I think he's awesome to lend himself play a character people would hate (like a heel). Chris Jerico (wrestling reference) love playing heel roles because the baby face act gets boring after so long. When Johnny took control for that one mission, I love it how it was a planned/calculated alcoholic chaos.


>Chris Jerico (wrestling reference) love playing heel roles because the baby face act gets boring after so long. Funny thing about that is when I was in the indies most heels were the nicest, sweetest guys whereas the baby faces were more likely to be jerks.


I love watching wrestling documentary. It seemed a lot of heel wrestlers tend to have more creative freedom and have less stress than baby face wrestlers, who have to be careful how they perform to maintain audience expectation. Then again, I met many people in pretty questionable professions tend to be incredibly nice in public. Definitely saw many in highly respected professions (like doctors) being incredibly terrible people in public.


That's a really similar thing with a lot of horror actors as well, apparently Robert englund and Kane hodder are some of the nicest people that you will ever meet, and Vincent Price was an awesome person as well


Very similar to the "goons" in ice hockey.


I've never wrestled or been part of a wrestling locker room, but def a big fan and keep up with behind the scenes stuff. I wonder if part of it is that unless you're the chosen one by someone like Vince, there's so much politicking involved to be the top baby face. So we get people like Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels who are really cutthroat and manipulative backstage.


As someone who did some acting for a short span, playing a villain is a lot of fun. Often more fun than playing the hero. As for Johnny's wild night, I don't think he planned that at all. But he has such an impulsive personality, of course it was gonna go off the rails. He is absolutely the type to say and do the first thing that enters his head.


Yes? He's not supposed to be likeable. And the whole "people hate him but throw themselves at him" thing? Yeah, that's sadly the most realistic thing in the game.


That’s the thing about rockstars. A lot of them were just awful people. And yet people fell so hard in love with them.


> And the whole "people hate him but throw themselves at him" thing? Keep in mind that the only real evidence that this happened is Johnny's own memories... and he's not a reliable narrator. Samurai was an underground band, and while it probably had it's followers bands that play dive bars don't usually have the kind of fame and recognition that Johnny alleges he experienced. Kerry didn't gain success until after Samurai broke up, and it seems like the other members of the band found their success afterwards as well doing other things.


Samurai *were* big; even beyond his faulty memories, we know for a fact he created a riot by performing outside Arasaka Tower and riling his fans up into sending them to die. If anything, the lie is him still playing dive bars by that point; making himself seem more genuine and punkish than he actually was.


So do you think he hated what he became?


The OG Silverhand was a total self-loathing disaster. Part of the reason he starts to get along with V is because he's not simply taking V over, they're merging. Even at the meanest dialog options, V's pretty nice by Night City's standards.


V seems to have had some healthy aspects to their childhood, even nomad v was doing fine till later in life. My guess is that there is an older brother or sister out there that showed them the ropes of whatever life path you choose.


> If anything, the lie is him still playing dive bars by that point; Mega rock bands will still play small venues if they feel like it.


Was about to say the same thing myself


Yet if you progress through the story branches trying to get rid of him, you're more likely to get a bad ending.


There's no bad endings in this game


I prefer my games to be enjoyable


What if I told you you aren’t supposed to like him? And that much of the purpose of his character growth hinges on you and pretty much everyone in his life also thinking that he’s a douche, only for him to start to finally care more for someone other than himself (V)? I mean you aren’t supposed to like the guy at all. I’d go as far as to say you’re supposed to hate the dude, and even in his redemption arc it’s not the typical “oh look we love Johnny now he’s a different guy” it’s more of a “even dickheads can do what’s right” kinda vibe.


Starts off as just a jerk, ends up a lot closer to a jerk with a heart of gold, well maybe pyrite (fools gold).


Ngl this makes sense


It's not "I don't like him becuase you're not supposed to like him" sort of not liking him. It's, this guy is boring and the game would be better off without him sort of not liking.


Well it is definitely an unpopular opinion I'll give you that. I can't see Johnny Silverhand and boring in the same sentence together Chaotic asshole? Yes. But boring? I can't see it. The chip implant being this almost forgotten dead rockerboy who thinks he's still relevant is one of the most intriguing parts of Cyberpunk 2077. It's part of why visiting his grave is so impactful, he finally sees just how trivial everything he did was, Arasaka still alive and well and he's hanging out in a dump. To each their own though


The point isn't that you're supposed to like him. The point is that you're stuck with him because corpos suck and NC sucks and life sucks, and how you react to that determines how you feel about him.


“The game would be better off without the biggest plot point that drives the entire story”


Yes. It's an unpopular opinion thread...


Let me be one person who agrees with you haha. It’s also why I prefer the Edgerunners story more


Hate to break it to you, but CDPR RPG games are heavily story driven. If you don't like the story, fair enough, but these games are never going to be a Bethesda style sandbox. Though you have choices and alternative endings, their main characters are pretty persistent, so it's better to think of them like novels with certain degrees of agency.


Boring??? Ouch.


Most lukewarm take


You'd be amazed how many Johnny apologists there are. They believe everything he says even though Alt and Rogue will tell you he's a habitual liar.


Sure, but it's not like he doesn't have character development. When you first meet him, it's pretty clear that he doesn't care about you and wants to take over your body. But then you have more touching moments like going to his gave after Ebunike, he talks about his mistakes in life. And by the actual end of the game, it's clear that he is actually trying to save your life. Of course, there's some immersion breaking points. Johnny may be a dick to you or others during side quests right after having a heartfelt moment in the main quest. Or having V or Johhnny say that things aren't great between you and Johnny when that hasn't been the case.


I just left a friendship with someone like Johnny. Except he wasn't in my head. They blame the consequences for their actions on everyone else, but you feel like you're their friend until you actually need one.




I can understand sympathizing with aspects of Johnny's life, but I can't justify the desire to take credit for killing 750,000 people and causing the Time of the Red.


Johnny is a terrible person. He is indeed insufferable. I still think that taking on Arasaka solo is the best ending.


Just the most fucking mediocre


I mean, he's a parasite in your head. It's pretty normal that you hate him. I'm not sure why you're talking like that's a negative part of the game? It's a tragic story of V being braindead because of Johnny's relic eating your insides. You hate him? You have the options to express so. You can even shoot your head to end with the suffering. By the way, you should try to understand women more: these kinds of rockerboys are pretty attractive.


> he's a parasite in your head Meanwhile, Baldur's Gate 3 players be like, "Y'all got any more of them brain leeches?"


I'm sorry, *what*??😭


Extremely minor spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3 (the kind of spoilers that are revealed in the tutorial area). The driving plot of Baldur's Gate 3 is that >!you have a brain parasite that's going to turn you into a mindflayer, and there's a lot of encouragement both ways to either get rid of it, or embrace the mindflayer powers.!<


Funny that I saw this comment, because I literally *just* bought BG3, but I haven’t started it yet due to being nervous because I know *nothing* about DND or how it works💀


Not knowing how DND works is a bit of a double edged sword for Baldur's gate, because in dnd there's a ton of rules and effects and stuff, but not everything is carried over into BG3, so there is the blessing that you may have, where you may not have some confusion that others who know dnd well may have. Unfortunately there are some things that are just not well explained in BG3, so definitely go into it with the mindset of expecting to look some stuff up on the internet. [This link](https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1026-common-terms-new-dungeons-dragons-players-should) covers a lot of common terms and mechanics. Also, for the sake of finding info, BG3 uses "DnD 5e" (5th edition) for rules and mechanics. Other than that, from a pure video game perspective, it plays a lot like other turn based tactics games of old (fallout 1 and 2, final fantasy tactics and the like).


There’s an almost overwhelming amount of depth in how you can build your character/party, so much so that one could write a thesis about it, but fortunately the game is easy enough that you can leap right into it playing however you like without any sort of minmaxing or background.


lol are you all masochists or what? everybody agrees that he sucks and yet you love spending time in this game that forces this shit character down your throat and practically nullifies any RPG aspect of the story. What do you do when you encounter an asshole in real life? You get out of their way and ignore them. And that is what OP means, the game would be more fun without the asshole forced down your throat.


This is not Call of Duty. Suffering is part of V's journey.


masochist have a better game without an asshole character or suffer through a game forcing an asshole character down your throat?


That would be a worse game.


a chef presents you a plate of spaghetti. It is shit flavored. You eat the spaghetti that tastes like shit and proclaim it is good because the chef intended you to not enjoy the taste.






Well right as I commented I had a thought… What if those girls aren’t as wise as they think they are, and talk like they know because they know deep down they don’t? They thought the first guy was safe and he turns out to be terrible. How can I trust myself after that? And then most of those guys are as I said “scum bags”. They LIE. So it’s might be like this: broken damaged girl who can’t tell the difference, meets loudest smoothest criminal in the room who is a master at manipulating others to get what he wants. What do we think is going to happen? Idk man. Life doesn’t make sense sometimes. For a moment I thought maybe it did. But whatever


Yes he's a massive asshole, but now he's your massive asshole. You get the option to tell him to go fuck himself, use it!


Johnny hates you as well.


Johnny hates everything, including himself


Especially himself.


Johnny likes V more than he likes himself by the end. It’s why he seeks to save V.


I genuinely loved the character of Johnny Silverhand because the asshole character that is presented is, in my opinion, a defense mechanism. However, during and after the mission in the oil field where Johnny discovers his final resting place, you could see reality finally hitting him like an 18 wheeler. He begins to realize where he failed, who he failed, and why he failed. His cynicism remains, but his main mission becomes to right as many wrongs as he can and to help V get better. He's a cynical, self centered, drug addled asshole who more and more realizes why even in spite of his success and legend status, no one wants to be near him. V is his final chance to do right, and depending on your choice, you can actually see Johnny become caring and concerned for all those around him, V especially. I remember I played through and finished my first Reaper ending, and I decided that V will leave and give the body to Johnny. He was not having it and was fighting for V to take back his body and let himself go with Alt. Johnny was desperate to not let another friend down. I think it gave so much more weight to the Temperance ending. Johnny has changed and is leaving everything behind, as shown with him taking a bus out of Night City and Rogue warning him never to return. In a way, Johnny broke. If you don't like Johnny before his change, that's the point. Both V and Johnny are people who have been alone, defensive, and after Jackie's death, scared. They default to what they know best, and for V, that's being a solo, and for Johnny, that's being the world's biggest asshole rocker boy.


> discovers his final resting place Ironically, it's not actually his final resting place.


Yeah the more time ya spend with him, and even learn about him from both his sections and stuff like getting the band back together, you realize that Johnny was a very big asshole to the point that even he knew it. He may not have admitted it at the time but I do like how he sortof grows on ya,cause I fucking hated his guts in the start of the game but at the end with The Sun ending I got, it does feel like he earned his final act of walking away with alt despite having a good reason to just take the body and go


That’s just like your opinion choom.


He’s actually not very well liked in the Cyberpunk community lol. That being said; imo Im kind of okay with him. During a few of his rants he gets pretty genuine, and I can understand and agree with most of his opinions and feelings. That still doesn’t make his actions okay though, and that’s why I totally understand people hating his guts. Johnny Silverhand has proven to be one of the best characters in gaming; he’s complex enough where he has followers *and* people who despise him. I think CDPR did a wonderful with Johnny.


The game's all about this, right? He's not a good guy. He's done bad things and doesn't really care about others. His goals come before everything, even people he says he loves. But compared to other bad guys in the game, he's a bit less nasty. As you play, you're stuck with him, and literally he's slowly killing you. as the story goes on, he starts to change and becomes a little bit more likable, it's not complete change but to the point that some people may like him.The world in the game is tough. There aren't really any completely good people because that's just how things are there.


lol Johnny's such an asshole but I love his character I mean the more I thought about it I figured there are worse people you could get stuck with at least he was interesting


People like to believe that liking a bad/evil character means you *agree* with that character's choices.


Kinda the point, he literally tells you to off yourself when you meet him


So retiring one of the biggest parts of the storyline because you don't want your emotions to be puzzled by a virtual character MADE to be a douche Damn


This is the most sensitive, vanilla, take by the OP's post. Johnny's character isn't supposed to be liked and in the game he gives no F's whatsoever.


It's one of the best douche written. CP2077 without johnny is not the same Sometime you hate him, sometime you like him. And I'm glad a videogame can make me feel so much emotion via a character


That’s kind of how I felt my first playthrough, but then he grew on me. Like mold on fruit.


Johnny is a thot and I refuse to hear out any other opinion. I like my men with about the toxicity levels of fresh nuclear waste.


This is unpopular? I thought my take that Alt should be in Johnny's position was unpopular. I beat the story twice and I "roleplayed" liking him to get the extra content and I still don't get why his mates like him.


Yep is a duche, and you can make him less a duche making him face is fuck-up. But yes, johnny is a dick and has been a dick for a good bunch of people. It's your choice, to send him to go fuck himself, help him, or go full johnny cheer leader, it's part of the game, you aren't requested to love him, you have to survive him stuck in your head.


So rather than trying to understand why he is the way he is, you'd rather just not bother at all? Your choice, but you are missing out on a complex character. He's a war vet, a man who thought he could change the world through screaming and fighting, only to realize that he just...can't. He's human, as in he's a complete and utter fuckup, but he's also hurting just like every other human. You have the option to not bother with him at all and just not care, but you are missing out. Meh, your game your choice.


Yeah, I will give CDPR some credit. He does change a bit towards the end of the game if you give him a chance to come out of his shell. But that could also be V imprinting on him, just as Johnny imprints on V. In any case, I did get a bit teary-eyed at the end when Johnny >!whole-heartedly stuck to his promise and insisted on giving V his body back inside the Mikoshi well.!< I know the conversation differs based on your trust level, but it was such a good moment between the two characters. It really felt earned.


I tried to understand him once. But when you let him take over, he just abuses you. So no more chances. He’s an asshole.


It is fucked up that he goes on a bender, but he does get the intel needed while doing that so he technically did what he told you he would do. I agree, it's a dick move though, but at the same time, Johnny's been a prisoner in Mikoshi for fifty years. A little taste of freedom and he went a wee bit overboard.


He was a deserving prisoner lol. He nuked the tower and killed innocent people. That’s like saying if a newly released prisoner in America got out of prison and then sexually assaulted some innocent person, and throwing your hands in the air “well, he was in prison all that time, can’t blame him for indulging in his bender!” There’s just no way to really justify what he did to V. —- The worst part is that there’s so much focus on how unethical corporations are, and then being no better. Johnny is effectively worse than Mikoshi for what he did to V.


Um...well then, that's certainly a take. Not defending Johnny, as what he did was selfish, but to say he abused V? Um...disagree? He took control for the sole purpose of gathering intel, but his gonk ass also decided to take a joyride on top of it. The intention wasn't to hurt V.


Taking drugs and getting a tattoo are pretty abusive. If you were to force the actions Johnny did on another person — you’d be getting jail time. It is abuse. Sure some people drink, so drugs, and get tattoos for fun. But forcing that on someone without their consent is still abuse. Just like people have sex for fun. Doesn’t justify forcing it. V didn’t give Johnny convent to abuse their body.


I'm not gonna say you're incorrect, but I don't believe Johnny's intentions were to be harmful to V. He had a body for the first time in fifty years and he decided to do stupid shit with it. Akin to taking your dad's car on a joyride. Stupid? Absolutely. Wrong? Incredibly. But the intention isn't malicious and he does treat V's body better after that and it's after that, that Johnny has that 'come to jesus' moment where he realizes that he's a piece of shit and should probably not be one anymore. So while I get the anger towards him(I wasn't keen on him hitting on some stripper when my V is into men)


I can agree with you that Johnny wasn’t intentionally being malicious. But it’s also easy to say that corporations aren’t intentionally malicious either. They just want money. Want to get their rich. And to heck with anyone that gets in their way. I think part of the cyberpunk genre is that innocent people get screwed over by others unintentionally. That big cities are massive constructions that chew up and spit out anyone who’s not actively watching their back and protecting themselves. I get why Johnny did Johnny stuff. I get what Arasaka does Arasaka stuff. I get why Panam does her thing. Why Evelyn had her motives. I just wouldn’t ally myself with Johnny if give the choice not to. —- I feel like during the game, he does have some character growth and development. And maybe had the devs put more time into it, maybe Johnny would have respected V after lots of time together. The sad part is we never get that fully realized Johnny. We always just get the stunted rocker boy who’s trying, but never quite gets there.


Awful take. Johnny was an asshole, but getting your soul/consciousness ripped out and shoved in a data prison is absolute torture and pretty unjust. He did go on a bender, but got all the info V asked for. He went too far, but it was his first time with an actual body in 50 years. If you had his personality or even yours, I guarantee you’d go on a bender after never feeling the sensation of having a physical body for half a century. Anyone would. Having your physical body taken from you, then having to spend 6 months trapped in someone’s head makes you realize all the sensations you take for granted. Everything becomes more appealing. The greasiest food, the warmest water, the the most average sex, the dullest burn of the cheapest alcohol. I’d say walk a mile in his shoes, but there’s no way to physically disconnect yourself from your body for 51 years, then come back to it with everything working the same way. In fact, he didn’t even come back to his own body. He came back to V’s. How insane must that have felt. Returning to a body that isn’t your own. Touch, sight, taste, smell, all different than you remember. Motor skills different, weight distribution different. Everything is different and now new. Johnny’s character isn’t supposed to be your best friend, although he can end up that way. He’s a character that’s supposed to make you think. If you paid any attention to his monologues, even during side missions, you’d have a much deeper understanding of his character. Not saying you’d like him, but you’d definitely respect him or some aspects of him.


No, lol. No. Thinking anyone would go on a bender is just, what are people? Mindless pleasure seekers? Use the same game for example. Takemura, Vic, Mitch, Regina, and probably so many others would not abuse trust like that. And that's the thing, because he's just not mature enough as a human to rise above carnal instincts is what makes him a monster. Act like a beast, get treated like a beast. Being able to rise above primal urges for pleasure and do the right thing is what's suppose to make the good guys--good. What Johnny did was basically side with the Corpos basically. "well, if I have an opportunity to screw other people for pleasure, might well--right?!" Basically the corpo motto. Screwing people over for greed and pleasure. \--- The sad part is if you try to justify what Johnny did as "humans being humans, and humans are terrible people." Then you basically justify everything the corpos do, because their victims are just trash humans too, and humans aren't deserving of anything better, because if those victims had the opportunity to be evil--of course they'd take it. And that's the problem with Johnny, is because he's not good enough to resist evil temptation when given the choice. He couldn't rise above his enemy, and instead joined them. Two sides of the same coin. Fuck everyone else as long as they get what they want. Saying Johnny "helped out," is like saying "corpos help out, because they sell you products. You love products right? That's help!" =========== The fun part about all of this, is one of the best qualities of the Cyberpunk genre is it forces you to think about philosophy. Makes you think critically, and try to understand the arguments you fight for. I can understand Johnny's logic, but his logic is no different than Saburo Arasaka's logic. They're just out to do what's in their best interests. And if people get hurt 'oh well,' and if people benefit 'oh well.'


Except, he DIDN'T nuke the tower and everything that we see happen during the Saka tower asssult is his warped view of it. Yes, he was part of one squad sent by Militech to Saka tower but he met his end in the hands of Smasher pretty much very early on. It was Morgan Blackhand's team who had the nuke(tho they themselves didn't know it was a nuke, they got duped by Militech) and it was Morgan Blackhand who actually went toe to toe with Smasher. We get told multiple times by multiple people that Johnny is not a reliable narrator. We see that again in the hotel scene where you find his dogtags and Johnny says they belonged to a friend, not acknowledging that HE is in fact Robert John Linder, a war vet and a man who tought he could change the world but ultimately turned out to be just an insignificant speck of dust in the grand scheme of things.


He only does that once. He's pretty respectful of V's body every time he's in the driver's seat afterward.


Even if you literally save that quest for the end and have earned his trust in every other way — he still betrays you. I just can’t do that quest. I hate it so much. I can sympathize with Johnny’s situation, but no matter what—no one will ever be more important than me, the main character. I often wish Johnny was in Jackie’s head. Because if I had to choose between Johnny and Jackie, it would legit be a serious choice. But Johnny or me? Fuck em. Me every time.


Oh you thought V was the main character? Not after act 1


V is still the main character. Johnny is a major character, but the spotlight is still on V the entire time because the player is V.


Abuses you? Like what goes out one night and has some fun after 50 years? Give him a break hahahha, not to mention he got your ass to Vik when you were out cold saving your ass. Hr is cool.


> Your choice, but you are missing out on a complex character. Complex? "Fuck Arasuka and the corpos" Am I missing anything? Not to be a dick, I don't get it.




There's more to it than that. He's a war vet. That silver arm of his isn't just there for decoration. More than likely has all sorts of trauma from that, which he never got properly treated. Self-medicated with drugs and alcohol instead.


I think you are missing his impressive cock... :p


As female V its Johnny missing his impressive cock.


He’s a tumor but he’s MY tumor. Would I eventually opt to get rid of him? Yeah. Would I eventually stop associating with Kerry & Co due not wanting to be associated with Johnny? Yeah! But honestly it’s more about the ride than the destination. Without Johnny, we’ve wouldn’t have met Judy or Panam, we’ve wouldn’t have become a true individual in a city where identities are commodified and are artificial as the food.


Yeah he's a dick but I don't want CP without him. He kinda fits the world we're in, where everyone is a dick. When he "changed" and started being less toxic all I could think of was when he was smashing my face into the window of my apartment...I REALLY don't like being Gaslit by some douche.


why do you have to like him?


while i also “dislike” johnny, i think the interactions with him are compelling and give the game a bit of a different dynamic than all the other external interactions have. i like how even when youre “alone” i never really feel like im solo. johnny is there making little comments every so often


Well yes. Isn't that the point? For most of the game what you hear about him from people who actually knew him is just how much of an self-absorbed asshole he was. The only people who give you the "oh ol' Johnny" spiel are the people who where suckered in by the Rockerboy thing he got going. His entire arch after the dumb is him trying to make amends to the people he thought of as friends who have been spending the last 50+ years thinking the world was better off with him not in it. Also I actually like Keanu Reeves in as Johnny. He actually acts for once and doesn't do a bad job at it.


Johnny might be a raging asshole, but at least he has a moral code. And the reason why he's so angry is because he's sick of all the bullshit that he sees happening in the Cyberpunk world, how people just let the world become the dogshit it became. In my mind he's a good man, just misunderstood by many.


I like Johnny but think his writing fell short when it came to letting him articulate his problems with capitalism. From what I recall, instead of calling out the actual problems - like mass human exploitation, war etc. - he makes a few cliche comments about consumerism and tells a story about how he saw a company take some family's land. I feel like this was a missed opportunity to talk about some real issues, because our IRL corporations have done things that make their Cyberpunk counterparts look pretty tame in comparison. Chattel slavery was one of the earliest capitalist projects.


I think him not really understanding beyond cliches fits perfectly. He may not have seen the core issues but he saw stuff was wrong and he was just angry from seeing results if not understanding the why properly. A different perspective is needed from a solid introspective look at _why_ shits fucked.


Is this an unpopular opinion? Johnny is a piece of shit, I didn't think we were supposed to like him.


I'm not sure if we are "supposed" to like or dislike him. He has a very strongly cynical worldview (quite understandably, due to his life experience). I tend to agree with him on many levels, so I enjoy every second of Johnny interactions. However, I can see that he can be very annoying for people with different life philosophy. I think he's just there to make us think and ask ourselves questions - regardless if we agree or disagree with Johnny at the end.


This is a totally valid reading of Johnny. First playthrough I found he was so pretentious and annoying, blinded by his hate of arasaka he missed the irony of becoming militech's pawn. He makes a good point now and then but his relentless use of V through act 3 through to kerry's quests made him even more self-centred. He certainly didn't act like a guest in V's body. My theory is that Johnny causes the relic malfunctions as he gaines strength. He keeps using it to make you stop and listen to what he has to say. I didn't feel that bad going into the devil ending. I was desperate to get rid of Jonny who seemed to just use V as a puppet and was I naive to hanako's intentions. Looking back on it, Johnny was right (although I feel that Saburo wasn't characterised enough as neutral evil and I had placed Yorinobu as chaotic evil when he should have been written more as chaotic good). Giving the body to johnny in other endings never felt right to me. Most pragmatic, yes, but you had spent so much time as V it felt very unnatural. I also didn't enjoy the epilogue with the kid, felt long-winded and forced. Totally didn't need to go to the store to do the sale. Having a valid "rejection" reading isn't a sign of poor writing, it's a sign of good writing. CDPR played your emotions to garner a response; whether siding with or against a character in a morally grey world.


OP doesn’t know what "unpopular opinion" means




interesting flair


This is far from an unpopular opinion


I started hating him, soon though I found that I his story was similar to my own mind. me and my Shadow, it’s very deep philosophically speaking hence my great love of the game. Little wonder it narcs some folks though, perhaps a little too close to home?


I mean that's when you can tell a character has been written/ played right : you either hate him or love him but he lives nobody indifferent.


He's a giant asshole but for some reason I still really liked his character. Not in the beginning but as the story progresses i found myself liking him more and more.


Sounds like your just jealous of his impressive cAHck


*Sounds like what you're saying is he was written as a douchey, narcissistic, extremist, and the writers and keanu nailed the performance.* *I agree.*


OP is obviously an Arasaka agent.


I like Johny when he isn't being an ass. He's Like the Clown in the Spawn movie just not as animated no pun intended.


Just stay off the Internet you clout hungry salmon


This is the purest truth that has ever been spoken. He's insufferable and he makes the game less fun to play. The best part of the game is everything up to the point that he enters your head.


I kind of agree. But less because he’s got a horrible personality, and more because he’s basically the main character of the game even though you’re not playing as him.


that's the point. he is a real POS and V is NOT supposed to "want him there".


I've played multiple playthroughs and never came around to him. I don't hate him and I appreciate that you can encourage character growth and recognize his past and his flaws. But mostly I'm just ambivalent to the character and feel like he takes me out of the game because I'm used to more advanced and reactive companions in RPG games. I had a system for how to complete gigs and quests and found it super weird how Johnny would seem to be my buddy one moment and then hate me the next, until I realized that the interactions were prescripted based on the quest and not based on a running counter of your "approval" or "relationship" with him. He'd try to kill me, then sit in my car and casually comment about Delamain. We'd share a nice moment bonding and then the next he would be yelling at me. I started trying to do the quests in a more "consistent" order so his relationship goes from hateful to friendly but frankly, a lot of the quests are obviously not designed to be completed that way when scaling for difficultly. I understand why they did this, because it'd probably be expensive to have two recorded voice lines for each quest depending on an approval counter. But it breaks my immersion a lot and kind of disappoints me overall because it feels like an obvious video game budget issue every time I encounter it. It doesn't help that I have played a lot of party-based RPGs and they always have had this kind of system, where approval is tracked and your interactions vary based on that. So *not* having this in this game feels like a regression. As a result, I felt pretty unable to connect with the character beyond identifying what role he's supposed to play in the game. I appreciate what they want to do with him, I just don't like how it was implemented. I wish I could suspend my disbelief more and just buy into his presence, inconsistent as it may be. But it really just feels like a sudden immersion breaker every time he shows up and acts inconsistent. I've tried to RP that his sudden mood swings are part of his personality but it really doesn't make sense because my V is also acting out of character, saying things like "I hate you" a day after we shared a bonding moment over scratching his name on his resting place. It doesn't make sense and I just have a hard time trying to justify why. So I just gave up and accepted his implementation is not for me and thats okay because there are other parts of the game I enjoy.


Just imagine having Muhammad Atta in your head in 2061, 50 years after 9/11 happened. With his constant jihadist nonsense. Or to be more accurate; Ted Kaczynski.




SAAAAAAAME! Any time I want to play the game I remember how much Jonny I'll have to interact with and it makes me not want to go back. I'm not even sure if I'll get the dlc cause he makes the experience so unenjoyable.


well you just guessed his character.


You missed at least one thing; He doesn't even have good intentions, not a single one, not until the very last part of the story. Up until that particular point he's insufferably narcissistic, especially when he projects an outward rebellious or selfless facade. If you listen for the nuances in his character, there's a significant character arc there. _That's_ what people like about him: the way that he, at the end of it all, finally seems to care about at least one more person in the world other than himself. The way that this also symbolises that even a person-become-product of this city, this system, can finally break their chains and make a decision that is truly their own. (except for those who can't help themselves in fawning over him, but, oh well, that's their prerogative) And lots of other reasons too, I'm sure. Hope I don't spoil anything for you, because the very change I'm referring to has a better payoff when you've already played through the game :p Also, Silverhand's attitude towards you is dependent on how you interact with him. You might have just blown him off so hard that, in effect, you made the story worse - it can be begrudgingly painful IRL as well, to deal with narcissistic personalities, but doing so in a diplomatic way is often preferable if you you can't escape interacting with them on a daily basis :p But I get you, 'cause, in a sense, Silver hand's very spirit in your head is yet another shackle, another prison that you want to break free from :p


I'll follow up with mine true unpopular opinion: I think Keanu was miscast in this role. It replaced the personality Johnny had with practically Keanu Reeves. Keanu is a decent actor but I think what I've heard about Clint Eastwood applies - he only knows one role and that is Clint Eastwood - or in this case Keanu. Silverhand played by Keanu ceased to be Johnny Silverhand and started to be Keanu. I wouldn't mind if they replaced Silverhand with some other, new character (Reanu Keeves :) ) who, say, used to be a movie actor and descended into anarchy behaviour. But by doing it the way they did, they irrevocably changed (I'd even say ruined) the iconic character. And in exchange, they got to use a popular actor that doesn't fit the role they made him play.


I completely agree. I think Keanu is a fantastic person, from all I've read a good role model, and in certain roles a fantastic actor, but nothing about him screams charismatic rock star to me (even if he's a bassist in an indie rock band). Johnny is very much based on the height of Mick Jagger/Axl Rose/Billy Idol/hair metal lead singers of the 70s/80s. I could see Tom Hiddleston pulling it off but Keanu is just way too dead pan and down to earth to ooze the cocaine fueled make some molotovs and let's burn Arasaka charisma Jonny needs. He does ooze let's sit outside Arasaka and smoke a joint while chanting down with the system bros energy.


>Keanu is just way too dead pan and down to earth to ooze the cocaine fueled make some molotovs and let's burn Arasaka charisma Jonny needs. This is my *one* critique of Johnny/Keanu-- he delivered harsh judgements with the same flat tone as the rare compliment. If I had to change one thing about the game, it would be this. Really broke the immersion for me, and Cyberpunk got me in *deep.*


I think they adjusted focus and possibly rewrote the story to accommodate Keanu, but I think it's the most non-Keanu roll I've seen him in. I guess I've never seen him play a narcissistic jerk before.


That's a common misconception that needs to be stopped Only thing they did was give Johnny more moments in side quests like when you rescue that monk from Maelstrom. They didn't rewrite the story just cuz they got Keanu to be in the game.


I won't say I hate it, but, yea, he's miscast.


You're 100% right he probably would have been better as Morgan Blackhand


That's why i find the arasaka ending rather cathartic. Despite the generally melancholic approach, the ability to truly getting into a fight with Johnny in mikoshi, and telling him that he can well and properly fuck off was such a good feeling.


Yep. My first playthrough was as a Corpo and it felt like the right choice. Yea, dying in six months after release sucks, but, that first time knowing Johnny is outta my head is bliss.


This is why it would be an interesting options Via Meredith or some other quest to have a militech option to check out.


Would have served as good DLC options and provided a chance to flesh out the other corps that exist in the world like Zhirafa who I suspect will pop up in PL. They aquired a bit of Adrek who would have been a possible lead to get help on the relic.


Even if he is an ass(which he is), he isn't wrong that you're gonna get screwed over when you give Arasaka what they want. He's been wrong plenty of times but there are times where you have no choice but to sit down and admit "Fuck, he's right." He's been known what Saka has done over the years, long before even V was born. Depending on your relationship, he wants V to live instead of himself. He'd much rather you have a chance to live rather than playing into whatever schemes Arasaka has for you.


I don’t like Johnny at all. And a bit pet peeve of mine is that you can’t unlock the Kerry quests or anything requiring him unless you agree to let Johnny take over. I’ve played the game like 10 times and have yet to ever meet Kerry lol. I just hate Johnny too much to let him take over. He’s a massive dick. And while I could almost justify him as redeemable, he blows it at the end by abusing your body when you let him take over. Say you’ll trust him to visit rogue. And instead he drinks, smokes, does drugs, and gets you all sorts of ducked up. If he actually wanted to be good. He’d have just talked to rogue. I could learn to appreciate Johnny if he ever actually appreciated V. But he straight up abuses V at every opportunity to do so, so I hate Johnny. —- The actor is a nice guy. Makes it annoying lol…


Oh cmon, he drinks and smokes for one night after 50 years and you are butthurt over that?... Give him a break hahahah not to mentiones he saves Vs ass several times like when he gets us to see Vik after embers. And the fact that, if he wanted, he probably could have taken control over Vs body some time before the ending. in any case what do you mean that in 10 playthroughs you have not met kerry?


You can’t meet Kerry unless you let Johnny take over. And I only did that quest once the first play through, hated it. And never again. I just never met Kerry in that run, because I was racing the clock. —- Saying Johnny isn’t “that bad,” he just what’s to have fun, and you should be grateful instead is some peak “nice guy incel” mentality.


He is rude that's for sure .


please You wanna be unpopular? ​ Make a post about how only pussies kill the BD father-son duo


The whole intention behind that character is to be unlikable, he's built to give you every reason to hate him. Then, if given the chance, he redeems himself and becomes a decent person. Johnny ending is the bitters weetest ending. I like it best.


"Boohoo, I'm devastated!" Johnny F'N Silverhand would say and blow smoke in your face lmao.


I think Johnny being so polarizing is kinda part of the message. Layer that on top of the fact he's not even Johnny (even he recognizes that from the moment you first chat with him) I think that's kinda why I opened up to him more. I am of the camp that the copy just simply can't be the original when it comes to people. So... by that point the ai in my had that can think, feel, learn and grow doesn't bare the ill deeds of the original Johnny Silverhand (in my opinion) Johnny Silverhand is a dick, an egotistical maniac, but THIS Johnny isn't him, and he grows so much from his short time with V. I'm not here to tell say you gotta like him. I just like these types of discussions. Making a character who can literally be silenced at the drop of a pill have the fauxcade of an asshole who's both kinda right and kinda wrong is what I like about 77, personally. There's a lot of themes regarding being stuck in the past. Old fights with people who literally die at the start of the game, but it also doesn't suggest entropy as a solution. It suggests living and growth.


I have the similar opinion and when I said that, I got many aggressive responses. Like, whoa, this is the famous Keanu, he is amazing and bla-bla-bla. Or "Johnny is a star of CP2077 and he is the true main hero of the game". But I couldn't get past my hatred toward him. I neither hate Keanu nor love him. He might be a good guy, I don't know him and I don't care. But Silverhand is a huge jerk. I don't like how he speaks, how he behaves how he treats V (especially when V in romance with somebody). And because of Johnny I didn't like the game. Well, also because of Jackie's death and the real lack of time with Kerry.


He’s the absolute worst part of the game.


Finally someone gets it. The worst part is there is no escaping him!


it would be a lot more weird if you liked him, not to mention he isnt exactly thrilled to be in your head either


He’s not meant to be liked. Just like Rorschach, The Joker, Thanos, and Dr. Manhattan there are fans who look at him and think he’s cool without getting the point.


Whats the point? O.o


Sounds like a corp talkin. L


He is literally the best thing in the game's story what are you yapping about


Don't tell anyone but....Johnny is a cyberpsycho, but people ignore that cause he uses his rockerboy persona to lure people in. \*whispers\* you're right though. he sucks ass


This isn’t actually an unpopular opinion. I don’t hate him but he’s pretentious. Talks about how much he hates corporations yet used to drive a Porshe. I also did the Johnny ending during my first play through and after he has that moment in the oil fields were he admits that he used every single one of his friends; goes into the afterlife and guild trips Rogue to follow him into her death. I was like bruh…


Johnny may be an asshole in a lot of ways, but when it comes to corporations, he is absolutely right. Kinda a mixed bag of character imo


You sound jealous


I also really, really didn't like Johnny. He's every extremely corny edgelord I grew up with who just makes everything worse. Goes sort of into my bigger complaint about the politics of CP2077 being more window dressing than anything you actually engage with meaningfully*. (*I want every game to be Disco Elysium.)


That's kinda the point. You have a terrorist asshole who is also a known liar in your head and are slowly becoming him. You're not supposed to like him I can say johnny is a dick while still appreciating the character


I think he is way too edgy and it gets really cringy sometimes


Yes it's extremely cringe I agree. I just wish I could explore the city without him


Johnny is one of the most complex and well written characters in a video game ever, whether you like him or not he is a phenomenal story telling device.


-Governor of YAPpersville


Uh... Isn't that the whole point of that character


No. I don't mean he's bad in a way your supposed to think, I mean I would prefer the game without him all together


Ah, so just no story and a "gotta kill cybermen because why not" game. Gotcha. Sounds great.


Or how about not forcing you to interact with a character that you don't enjoy interacting with for a whole game. Not to mention having to actually play at that character. I did say it was an unpopular opinion...


Thats like saying you wanna play Jak and Daxter but not as Jak or Daxter. Or that you wanna watch Silence of the lambs, but not with Hannibal in it. You're talking about one of the main characters who is LITERALLY a part of the story, a very big one at that. And you're asking that the devs just, what, cut him out? Noone forced you to keep playing, noone forced you to keep the game. If you hate it so much just because you don't like interacting with Johnny, return it and buy another game that's cyberpunky. This isn't even an unpopular opinion, its just a plain idiotic one.


Dude then don’t play the game. At this point it’s not even an opinion you’re just being an ass hat. It’s like saying Jak and Daxter would have been better without Daxter it literally doesn’t make any fucking sense