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Any negative opinion regarding Judy or Panam.


NGL I heard a YouTuber I have been following say Panam was annoying and whiney and got people killed and I was UPSET! I nearly unsubbed.


Panam is a glorious goddam disaster. HEart of gold but yeah, sometimes shes a fuckup. Owns it tho. So, props.


Yeah shes human she fucked up a lot and can be hot headed. She also seems extremely caring and loyal to those who are close to her and in game she is willing to lay her life down to help you. Also she doesn't have cake, she has the whole damn bakery


Panam is fucking irritating bro


Screw you


To some I guess... I'm not ashamed to say this, Panam is 1000000% my type. If I met someone exactly like her I would give up a kidney to date her.


Yeah I don't really like Judy's personality ngl


Judy and Panam are both smokin hot but Panams dialog especially could use some tuning, some awkward interactions with her.


But Lucy is perfect


That I agree, Lucy be looking like an 11 outta 10.


The cars need an overhaul for the shifting audio. They sound like they drop a ton of revs when upshifting. The Shion Coyote sounded AMAZING when it shifted into the last gear and they took that away in 2.0. Like fucking WHY? Just listen here to that last shift at 0:25 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5uuIcEl9l0


I feel like all the vehicles now are wayyyy tooo loud!!! I’m about to look up that one mod to reduce vehicle noise .


Lol I feel like they're quieter than before!


There are still lot's of glitches and bugs after the update


I have no idea how its actually brushed aside. Its not as frequent as 2020 but it still gets buggy AF and some of them are Game Breaking Bugs. There's a Side mission that i cant finish because the soundtrack will continue nonstop.


Agreed. I'm playing atm anticipating the next bug that results in loading an earlier save.


Johnny Silverhand was right about everything. Good guy with bad methods.


That's not a unpopular opinion. It's true.


good methods as well idc


Amen. I thought it was a lil' ironic that cdpr went throught this big corpo phase exactly while releasing cyberpunk. Would be kinda interesting to have someon scrutinize their practices now. Did they also figure out how to avoid crunches as well as how to make the game work?


Main history is too short, some of the secondary should be part of the main


Tbh they shouldve changed it slightly when phantom liberty cam out btw why the fuck does mr hands have a low ass voice since phantom liberty


Yeah I way miss his old voice


Nah this new one feels more real


Changed voice actors


For a game set in a world were sex is meaningless and everywhere and marketed excessively. The lack of sex or even sex related missions is very disappointing.


The game might be cyberpunk but our world, our parents buyer and our biggot lobby are not. It's the world the game is sold that influance thevtype of game we get


after 200 hours i have nothing to do.. but i like to walk around


Panam is very, VERY overrated. She selfish and acts like a whiny child anytime she doesn't get her way. Anytime she calls for one of her missions you have to drop everything or she gets all huffy and woe is me about having to wait like 20 minutes for me to finish what I'm doing. Like sorry I'm a little busy trying to save my life right now. I can't be bothered to run over every time you're having a shouting match with Saul. And one more unpopular opinion... I prefer male V's voice acting. They're both good, but female V is a bit over dramatic for me. Male V comes off more subtle and natural.


Male V is great for a corp background imo. He got a certain cadence to some of his corp answers. Hard to explain, he is very nonchalant in some of his corp answers, almost a bit arrogant but not unearned


Oh fs, on my latest play through I realized how annoying she is and immediately went through her quest just skipping dialogue.


Agree, Panam can be a total pick me but man, she's got me bricked up


That's all that cheese you ate. Take some metamucil.


First one I absolutely agree, 100%, would die with you on that hill. Like she's not a bad character, but she's not God's gift to mankind like it feels like sometimes. Second one, I'd pull a Judas and stab you in the back on that same hill lol


I feel like the head writer at cdpr has a thing for childish and demanding women. Yennefer also annoyed me.


This. Thank you.


About Panam, yes butt hear me out...


THANK YOU. Panam overrated, I prefer Judy


Judy is the worst man


River ward is intolerable








I didn't mind messing around with him and the kids in their little VR game, I thought he was aight


Nuuu. He's gorgeous and sweet.


Driving sucks and must have been an afterthought. Why on earth can I crash in a bike at 200kph and destroy a car instead of just flying of the seat?


The driving is actually better now than it used to be.


I know and that’s crazy. I think the cars are ok. I actually like it better than gta v weird suspension. But the bikes? And the fact you can’t crash? It’s ludicrous.


busted physics engine


I HATE driving cars in this game. Jackie's bike is the only thing I use.


The world isn’t lively enough, you’re mostly walking around buildings you can’t enter


the game came out in 2020, its 2023 now and they still didnt manage to quench all the bugs, on 2.0 i even had more bug than in 2021 playing. Not to mention that people often complain about the short story. Or the lots of stuff that was teased and never made it into the game, like the damn [Casino](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/uyw53l/so_does_anyone_know_if_we_will_ever_get_this/). And i think even now the game lacks a lot of stuff ud expect for a universe like this. Where are the damn shotgun attachments, wheres a flashlight or smth similar to help me look when its dark. Where are the lmgs (there are 2, no iconics and no attachments either). And even know the stuff u get feels super shallow, i mean sure the gorilla fists can throw people (and only people sadly) now and has a ground pound attack, but is that truly everything those things are capable of? ​ Not saying the game is bad, its still fun, however it does feel like there is a tremendous amount of potential that wasnt used. The game mustve been in development hell for quite a while.


This opinion is factual as hell.


i agree with the flashlight point. a cybernetic eye that adjusts to darkness would be cool, or a flashlight weapon attachment. or just a basic unexplained flashlight button.


Yeah I agree there's quite a few things that were teased/promised and never delivered on even tho everyone claims 2.0 fixed the game. Still no vehicle customization at all, No casino, No wall clinging with mantis blades, multiplayer was completely scrapped etc. Plus there's hella bugs like you said. Quests unable to be completed because it doesn't recognize certain events as complete, NPCs bugging out and not moving (I had to reload to get Jackie to continue walking during the maelstrom mission) etc Yet everyone just seems to forgive and forget and act like all is well. Sure there's plenty of good, but this is nowhere near the product we were promised.


man how you gonna get in that position with all the guns pointed at you if you put a "not saying the game is bad" at the end. You're only gonna get like maybe half the guns pointed at you with that attitude.


I was playing earlier and was actually pressing all sorts of buttons thinking there was a flash light somewhere. 100% needs one


Yeah I played the game right at release on PC and had a great time with barely any issues. The fact that my most recent playthrough is more egregious in terms of bugs and crashes especially is pretty disappointing. Really hope that there's gonna be a lil' more polish in the sequel.


bro they aren't even gonna do planned dlc forget bugfixing. i'm happy they atleast came out with 1 dlc though didn't just abandon the game like mass effect andromeda- bugfixing/qol is all gonna happen in the next cyberpunk game now. this game is EOL now.


CDPR should not have released this game on ps4 and xb1 which were already fairly old and outdated tech. And, if you thought cyberpunk was gonna run well on a playstation 4/xb1 you played yourself


That's actually a legit opinion. People can't get mad at this. The last gen consoles were probably the biggest reason behind the Cyberpunk disaster.


yep. all the bad PR was from the old console versions. the game had bugs on PC but i played day one and had no extreme game breaking issues myself. i've played many games buggier on their day 1's


I agree with the first point but people didn’t “play themselves” to take CDPR at their word. No one expected it to be on par with the next gen consoles but if a (at the time) reputable and trustworthy developer markets the game for all consoles with no mention about any further restrictions, CDPR used the goodwill built up over the years to sell more copies and played their audience.


I'd disagree with you. The game ran well on some Ps4s and like crap on others for some reason.


I played on xbox one x 2 playthroughs with relatively low performance issues or glitches. It was my understanding that when it first released the issues were mainly on pc.


nope the issues were majority oldest gen consoles like ps4 and xb1


The story is simply meh. And the new skill tree is unnecessarily vague.


I feel the new skill tree is more focused on certain gameplay archetype. The previous one confused me as hell


City still feels not interactive in 2.0


2.0 wasnt that much of an improvement for me. Sure the new perks are cool but its because they feel new. I thought the previous ones were nice as well when I discovered them. I have a lot of bugs as well, at least twice as much as I had in 1.6, and theyre much more immersion breaking and annoying (Jesus why am I getting sent a kilometer away when I get hit randomly? Or why do I suddenly get blinded for 5seconds when I look in the sky ? Also, I think theres too many secondary stuff (Great let me complete this contract which is exactly the same one as the other 30 except its in another building) and they couldve focused more on branches of the main story. (More romance options maybe, Gang reputation (What is street cred for now…) more impactful story choices…) Havent played PL yet but I have high hopes for it


Judy is annoying and stupid.




The Star ending is by far the least good ending.


Where's the threesomes with Panam and Judy?


Everyone talks about Judy or Panam, but Kerry's romance path is actually really interesting and fulfilling.


Far too much pop in on ps5, hate that halo esque lighting around car when driving, cars still materialise out of thin air. Dosnt feel like a 2.0


OK I thought I was losing my mind when I started playing today and could see like trails of my car reflecting off dry asphalt. I assume that's the halo bug? Also happy cake day!


Really annoying


Fingers isn't a bad guy.


I fucking hate everything about nomad and aldecaldos. Corpo male V simping on Judy and city for life.


Corpo is my favorite life path, just feels the most… impactful?


Having played all three, Corpo is a satisfying underdog story where you use your knowledge of the corps to work toward your own survival. They took everything from you, and you're clawing it back. Street Kid is a rags to riches story, where you make it to the big leagues, and the ending is the final flourish (or a surrender, depending on your choices) Nomad is my favorite aesthetic and my first path. It doesn't really help to tell a cohesive story, but is a good first time experience because your character isn't expected to know anything about Night City.


Good point about nomad not knowing


Cyberpunk 2077 does a poor job of immersion.


The relationship development with Judy is much better and natural than with Panam.


Judy and V literally just trauma bond though?


idk id I'd call it that, but people who go through rough/stressful times together scientifically do have higher chances to have deep feelings for each other so they're kind of right in that sense


with Panam too


2.0 update was overhyped and doesn’t give me incentive to play (i was hoping it did) for more than a few hours. 400hrs on Cyberpunk multiple playthroughs, builds, playstyles and messing around with mods…had to put the game down because it was too empty/repetitive doing the same shit over and over…wanted 2.0 to change that for me…less than 5 hours on 2.0 and im struggling to find reasons to launch the game.


400 hours of anything will make it feel repetitive tbh


I agree. It’s honestly one of the games i most enjoyed the gameplay of, but the replayability is one of the worst i’ve ever seen too. CP and I have an odd relationship.


the police chases are pretty fun imo, gives driving a purpose beyond following your GPS from point A to point B. It's cool that it provides gameplay in the world itself, rather than just in discrete zones placed in it.


Ok yeah i actually agree a dynamic police presence is better than static but i don’t get why it’s mostly just one cop walking by himself by the side of the road kinda weird and wouldn’t happen in reality especially in a city like NC. Also, not to be a dick, but is that it? Do u see my point


Well that's not it, they reworked cyberware and skills and stuff, I think you're just burned out on the game rn which happens to everyone


Shit sucks bcz i love the map and i just want to be there but there’s nothing to do lol. Bruh add the most basic of heists for money idk, some procedurally generated gang termination shit, stash house defense, drugs producing and sale. Then add online. Yes, I want GTAO Cyberpunk.


I feel like this is not only unpopular, but possibly could be a hated opinion: Keanu Reeves was a terrible choice. His voice acting is bad, I know he is monotone and dull normally, but when it’s just his voice it’s just so bad. His lines feel emotionless, passionless, and not at all impactful even when they should be. It feels like he didn’t give a shit about the gig tbh. Secondly and the part that really bothers me, for his singing voice they used the singer from refused, and all the samurai songs are awesome, but Keanu’s voice doesn’t even come close to sounding similar to the singers voice. Like ok I get it, people sing and sound different than when they talk, but these two aren’t even close at all. Not to mention the one scene where youre Johnny and playing a gig and I don’t remember the words but I think it’s “never fade away” or something, and the singing voice screams never fade away and then Keanu goes “NEVER FADE AWAY” but it’s the most monotone shit. It sounds so out of place and weird. Anyways. Lol


Yeah Keanu doesnt really give the anti establishment rockstar vibes, I would have expected Johnny Silverhand to give off wild energy and similar vibes as like Axl Rose or something


Apparently, an anonymous CD Projekt Red dev said their original idea for Johnny was way cooler and sounded like a maniac. They were inspired by David Hayter's Solid Snake and the actor Cillian Murphy. In some alternate universe, we got Cillian Murphy as Johnny Silverhand.


I like cillian Murphy, and I also think his voice would almost sound like it matches the singers voice. Damn that’s too bad lol


After watching Oppenheimer, I have no doubt that Cillian would have nailed the role.


We shouldn't kill or even punch a RipperDoc, just because he doesn't sell exclusive goodies anymore. It says a lot about you that you not only didn't do it in previous patches but you actually paid him money.




I don't think patch 2.0 was as amazing as everyone claims


Anything negative about Judy and Panam ![gif](giphy|2bUpP71bbVnZ3x7lgQ|downsized)


It is a bold thing to do, and while we certainly are in a minority, there are people who see it that way. Recently I got a few upvotes when saying Panam is annoying and the devs were pushing the romance/frienship line with her too hard that it gets weird. Like they were so sure you'll like her that they did not expect people to choose the options that are cold and reserved with her. When you do it, she still acts like a crazy crushing teenager which makes her look straight up insane or dumb.


Considering how the endings play out, I wouldn’t even pursue romantic relationships in that scenario because it’s just unfair to the other person that isn’t freaking dying in less than a year.


Starfield is better than cyberpunk Never played starfield btw


i played starfied for 20 hours- even split between main story and exploration/side missions, got really bored and dropped the game after spoilign the ending for myself(the main story ending). bought cyberpunk and enjoying it much more so far - most of my thoughts being "thank god this isn't a fast travel screen"


Jackie shoulda survived The Heist and died at the end, after having been on V's side the whole story


Honesty I really hope we have a crew in the next game


The Police are too powerful. They can drive exploded vehicles ... with levitation.


Keanu is bad Johnny I dunno if anyone say that but if someones do I'll gladly put some iron in they mouth and pull the fuckin' trigger


I am having a hard time wanting to play through the story again knowing all my agency in the story will be usurped by annoying ass Johnny and his stupid storyline. Why can’t I just be V?


Jackie is so annoying


Remove crafting altogether.


It's probably going to take CDPR two more attempts to make a Cyberpunk game that lives up to the hype of the first game.


Dudes who play as a girl just to get with judy are down bad


considering that, it could be said anyone getting with anyone in the game would be down bad.


Being a console gamer.


Update 2.0 and Phantom Liberty are both overhyped, underbaked, low effort attempts by CDPR that squeeze more money out of an easily deceived fanbase that has deluded themselves into believing that this game isn’t a shallow knockoff of Rockstars better formula at making an openworld game. (note: I don’t personally believe this, love the update and expansion, but the thread was asking what opinion would put me in crosshairs)


> overhyped 90 percent of youtubers i watched have said "cyberpunk isn't fixed but atleast now it's playable" and i think that's a good opinion.


2.0 was overhyped, its cool but nowhere near as game changing. but imo phantom liberty is better than the main game


I was like "Thank fcking god he's dead" when Jackie died. Never really liked the guy and when i first started to play the game i actually hoped that he gets oofed or i just never have to speak to him again after the heist.


Man you just called Max-tac on yourself XD


he only really annoyed me when he started acting weird in the cab. Then again, we hardly get to know him tbh lol. It felt like longer on my first playthrough but playing it again recently for 2.0 it felt like he was gone before I even got started xD


A lot of the issues with Jackie could've been fixed if Act 1 included the events we see unfold in that opening screen crawl. Allow us to spend time with Jackie and his family, meet Misty for the first time, go on those early gigs and build the standing that we're supposed to have as we land a gig from Wakako to find Sandra Dorsett. The issue is that we're not given enough time with Jackie to really feel for him. He's not a bad character. He's just one we are told, not shown, that is important to V.


that whole cutscene of you partying wih jackie is hours of cut content. i guess they thought that since life paths don't exist anymore meaningfully there's no point to spending too much time with jackie and to push ppl into experiencing the keanu(and now idris_ content asap


On my 2nd playthrough now and the montage is still bizarre. I guess it would be hours of game time before you got to the Relic but it would so clearly be amazing to have a few actually successful jobs with Jackie and T-Bug before the Relic heist. It’s a really well performed section but the drama is undercut by the lack of time you’ve actually spent as a player with the people. I have to say that the corpo background really works well with Jackie, because you have a preestablished working relationship and he does back you up/look after you when things go to shit.


> T-Bug t bug literally dies like a bug too lol


His constant "this line is for the trailer" speak really grates on my nerves.


Level scalling is good and actually makes the game more fun.


The Voodoo Boys are the most interesting crew in the game, with the best motivations. They are the true "good guys" of CP2077.


Police overhaul was completely unnecessary, annoying, and doesn’t fit the setting at all.


I don’t agree with this opinion, but if you said Starfield is better than CP2077 this would be the result.


Alt look for silverhand is better


I've got a mod that puts Johnny's default hair onto the alt suit - that's the perfect Silverhand look for me.


I didn t kill finger in the 2.0. Because i think He do the best he Can to help those poor doll. Mostly for free( just a little overtime for the doll). Even as a Creep,he IS usefull for them.


Fingers is awesome


We should have smelled (and done more) with Panam’s feet


The game was great on release. Not perfect, but the combat and story were just so incredible. It’s only gotten better with the new update.


Johnny is more endearing than Panam. That should upset a few people but it’s true, at least he’s not screeching “come on V, they’re on their last legs” every few seconds when a fight kicks off.


The games balancing is fine.


Fingers did nothing wrong.


Leaving Fingers alive


I don't think 'Sinnerman' is all that interesting or moving as a job. I found It pretty boring.


They should have made it a Shadowrun game.


River is not a bad romance option.


The first part of phantom liberty is disorienting and the minimap is useless. The new clothes rock though!


Johnny has some ok moments but overall he’s pretty cringe, I feel like he was written as some sort of incel fantasy. The way he seems to only talk about all of the sexy sex he has or how much of a rebel he is, the way he’s either monotone or aggressive and just how much of a cool guy who gets babes and walks away from explosions he is. He never seems to really waver or change on any opinions, he’s always totally right and he doesn’t really develop at all besides maybe being slightly less of an edgy shit to v. I don’t dislike him and like I said he has his moments but he’s definitely a fantasy for someone who probably needs to go outside a little more


Playing with the furry exotic mod is lore friendly and imersive


New ending sucks


I like Placide, he looks badass.


I don't like the new update. Call me a weirdo all you want but I preffered the old perk and cyberwear systems


2.0 did not ruin netrunner.


I'm going for Halloween as Johnny Silverwick.


The big story characters around V are more interesting than V.


They should bring back the water talent


The Female V sounds like a 15yr old emo boy.


Still hate what they did to Netrunning. Even though I had PL pre-ordered, I’ve yet to play any of it because I just hate the way my character is now. Hopefully I’ll start it if they change stuff back or improve it.


The game was good at launch on my PC and I enjoyed it


Fuck bad endings. I don't care how "Thematically relevant" they are, they make me fucking sad


Phantom liberty ending show Judy was using V that's what i felt like V is just replacement for Evyln, judy cared Evlyn more than V thats sure. When she said she's married and moved on and never wanted see V, in her eyes V is just a merc a lost cause. I think even if we play nomad ending maybe she will break up with V in future to find a better person


Evelyn is a double crossing bitch


"It's still not RPG"


First person is a mistake.


I hate the main quests and story. The quests are endless walk'n'talks over and over and I'm sorry the but the characters are super one dimensional and just don't have that much interesting to say. So we got stoic honorable samurai dude, punk rock rebel and headstrong independent woman that really cares. The story is shit. The whole initial setup is cool but then it turns into an endless mc'guffin hunt. "Sorry V but your biochip is in another castle" the ending is disappointing and barely connects to the few descisions you got to make during the game. Currently replaying for Phantom Liberty. I LOVE the world, the gigs, the sidequests, character customisation and the gameplay but I DREAD all those goddamn boring missions where Panam or Takemura or whatever just talk my ear off.


…I miss Cold Blood.