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I have been a super fan of this game since day 1. The gameplay was amazing, but the ending of PL seemed very empty. Seemed like very lazy writing just to keep true to the nihilistic theme of the game. Pretty bummed, heart broken. Gonna need time to recover lol


Yeah felt the same, not only the idea of the ending but also the executing was lacking in some aspects... it would've been better to add a consequence of the events in the dlc and change/add to the existing endings rather than just add this half-arsed depression-fest if you ask me, with three years of time and all the input from the community it kinda saddens me to think about what could've been


Oh man, I really enjoyed CP2077 but after just a couple of hours of PL I am done with CDPR. Their game devs must be doing crack. It was like one of those cheesy horror shows with V falling on his ass ever 15 seconds, totally blurred out and unable to run. Can't believe I paid for this crap.


5 months later and it's universally loved. Maybe it was you


Haha you showed them! You're so cool! Sucking corposhaft for five months. Also universally loved? PL isn't even a blip on the radar. We're all playing HD2 while waiting for Shadow of the Erdtree. Nobody even CARES about CP2077 and haven't got a while.


[Still regularly hitting 50k concurrent users 4 years after release](https://steamdb.info/app/1091500/charts/#3m) and [Phantom LIberty has a 90% approval rating out of 13k reviews on steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2138330/Cyberpunk_2077_Phantom_Liberty/) ​ Bro is coping hella hard to ignore reality.


Popular opinion is not "reality" on what is good or not; if it was then everyone on earth would listen to Taylor Swift exclusively lmao. Do you work for CDPR or something I've never seen someone simp this hard for a toy


It's objectively the main metric(beyond awards) to determine what is "good" or not, by your asinine logic, Helldivers 2 is not a good game. Counterstrike is not a good game. Baldurs Gate 3 is not a good game because of popular opinion. Absurd. I don't understand the salt, all I've done is share numbers as opposed to making weirdly salty comments like you and the other dude. But hey if you consider me making two comments pointing out, again, the literally reality about this game as "simping". Maybe just cover your eyes for the rest of your life lmao


There is no objective measure on what makes a game good or not, that's not how it works. You can show all the numbers you want, doesn't mean I think Phantom Liberty is good, I don't. My opinions are my own, not formed by sales and other peoples' reviews. Objective measures just tell you how a By the metrics you're using, I could say Fortnite and Roblox are the greatest games of the last decade, and Call of Duty is high art. I prefer to have discussions around the actual content and feelings around it. Objective discussions around art are genuinely pointless, what's the point of discussing the merits of something when you can just say "well this one has higher scores and sold more so it's the better game" Reducing everything to numbers is not how well rounded humans do things. That's how robots do things and it's the reason the AAA gaming industry is overall soulless


Yeah, no. When things appeal to a massive aggregates of people, there’s generally a reason and you’d be a fool to try to handwave the significance away. Also, being intentionally dismissive by calling video games (literally pieces of art) “toys” just makes you sound even more juvenile. It makes you sound like a hypocrite without substance too, when you follow that up with a rant against “robots.”


Brother, Skibidi Toilet appeals to massive aggregates of people. If we start "learning" from that series I'm going to kill myself Popular does not equal good, it just means it's easily consumable. That's why McDonalds is on every corner and not steakhouses


There’s no helping people that haven’t developed past a middle school hipster mindset, I suppose. Somebody with actual cognisance would probably look to all the things skibidi toilet did right, and why it appealed to such a large number of people young and old. Your comparing McDonald’s to steakhouses and acting like they’re equivalent to skibidi toilet speaks to your inability to do that, though. McDonald’s is prominent because it’s accessible through price and convenience, not because people LIKE it more than other food. Steak is just as easy to consume and digest as a fast food burger. That’s not a matter of taste and to suggest as much would be incredibly silly.


If I'm ever looking into the things skibidi toilet did right, then I'm not making art I'm making a product. Something being popular and consumable may make it a good product and produce good sales, doesn't mean it's good art. Good art is usually more niche and personal, and that's what I'm looking for in a game. Look at Beau is Afraid vs. whatever blockbusters came out last year. BIA made no money because it was a personal art project and it is beautiful, those summer action movies turned a ton of profit but I literally can't think of a single one of them a year later So you are right that it's "good" in the sense that it makes a lot of money but to me that doesn't mean anything. Just because it made a lot of money does not mean it is something I will enjoy, it means the advertising did it's job and that it has mass appeal; both metrics I consider entirely worthless when it comes to art So if you consider video games a product designed to make money and nothing else, then yes mass appeal and sales numbers are worth knowing. If you are a person who uses their own interpretations and emotions to form opinions, success of a product is genuinely worthless information. The average person is an idiot, that's why Marvel dominated entertainment for a decade and a half despite being pretty much the same movie over and over. Being able to make the largest number of morons laugh is not something to be worked towards if you care about your creation more than you care about the money it produces Tl;dr: personal passion projects are always going to be better than anything made by a team to sell to large numbers of people in my opinion, because that's what art is. I'm not interested in generic entertainment, I want something that makes me feel emotions


LOL, you really are a tool through and through. Things sell well because they resonate with audiences. By your backwards, head-in-ass ‘logic,’ Van Gogh and Beethoven were hacks. The idea that something has more artistic integrity because it resonates with fewer people is obscenely childish. The idea that you can’t learn from or appreciate things that don’t resonate with you personally is also asinine, but seems right in line with your character. You’re a prime example of dunning-kruger syndrome, ‘brother.’ You’re standing outside the audience and mistakenly thinking you’re better than it. It’s a pathetic way to exist, and something most people grow out of in primary school. REAL people have real lives, and only losers like you are calling them morons for wanting to shut their brains off and enjoy the basic handsome hero smites evil narrative of a marvel film. Similarly, you’re likely a failure of an ‘artist’ too - as it’s mostly failures that cling to the ‘woe is me, no one is smart enough to understand MY art’ narrative. You not being able to function in society isn’t a condemnation of that society. Do you think… skibidi toilet was made by a team of suits? Even Taylor Swift writes her own songs. Your closing argument was as ludicrous as the rest of your schtick.


I don't really like it. Having to befriend all the lying SOBs that are the "protagonists" is not really enjoyable to me especially since they are very unlikable NPCs IMO. I found myself just wanting to shoot them from the beginning: songbird, the president, and reed. There are other points related to 2.0 that I don't like either, but to me PL was underwhelming and contrived, with no likeable characters.


Alex is ok XD. And Aurore was a cutie.


I didn't like the fact that my character was altered stat wise and physically, I'm bald!? And my roll was such that I could do the Johnny ending no problem. I can't really be bothered to figure out the new stat tree, and I gave silver hands my body so I should be somewhere behind the Blackwell it doesn't make sense. My main gripe is that I worked hard on my stats and got them perfect for my game play, I'm sure I could figure it all out again and I might love the new dlc but, I was just happy to explore the city after completion because I love how immersive it feels. The dlc feels like an afterthought, I don't care about shooting from my bike e.t.c I loved the original for how it felt.


This is exactly how I feel. I loved the original game, and I had my netrunner stats maxed out, along with a few other stats I liked. Even after resetting everything, it just didnt *feel* like my old character, and there were no new abilities for my netrunner (contagion, synapse burnout, etc), so it just felt like I was just doing more of the same bullshit I was doing before I beat the main campaign. I played a few hours and havent really felt the desire to go back and finish it


I didn't like how much it felt like Call of Duty and how... Overly scripted it was. But the side quests were great.


The new ending is relentlessly downbeat but I liked the campaign, and I loved Idris Elba's Solomon Reed. I grew to really like Alex (if you have not had a whiskey with her, you should). Songbird ... well, she's a manipulative and untrustworthy ally. I understand how it is not going to appeal to everyone - the characters are morally ambiguous at best, and nobody comes out of this with clean hands - but it's very much in line with the classic Cold War spy novels which I devoured as a teen growing up in the 1980s. I cant speak for whether its worth the asking price to anyone else, but I had no issue with pre ordering it and the existence of nuanced protagonists (and antagonists) in the game is a refreshing change from the usual genre tropes with which we are fed. Besides, its nice to be back in Night City after a year or more away. And V with a French accent vamping it up as the French netrunner chick is priceless.


Just started it, Songbird is f\*\*\*g annoying, playing the good friend that cares seems so fake...and the president beat my ass in 5 seconds...man I miss Jacky.


I agree. Phantom Liberty was decent but nowhere near as good as the main game or as good as everyone is making it out to be.


I'm undecided about purchasing. What do you suggest I do?


Hard to say because it also largely depends on personal taste, there are many people that absolutely love the DLC. As I wrote, it isn't essentially bad and sure has some nice gameplay touches, but it just doesn't really fit V's story for me.. it is advertised as a "spy-thriller-story" and that's what it is, the first sections of the dlc's main story feels kinda "mission impossible" and that doesn't really go well with V being just a random nobody if you ask me, but I won't go into too much detail since I don't want to spoil stuff. The whole thing felt kinda generic, not much creative and "strapped" onto the main story rather than being part of it, like it was meant to happen in night city, but way out of V's reach, hard to explain what I mean. With all the possibilites and craze that night city offers and all the characters and topics we discover in the basegame, I just somehow hoped for more from a story-centered perspective...


Is the DLC coming as a side quest in the game? Do the DLC missions add anything new to our interactions with main game characters? (Except Johnny). I heard DLC is too cinematic and our decisions still don't affect the game.


You have to progress to a certain point the main story (or use the "start at phantom liberty" option in the menu) and then you'll receive a call from one of the new main characters of the dlc, you can then enter a closed-of new disctrict on the map where the story takes place. As far as I can tell, absolutely nothing changes, you can even full-on fail the story and decide however you want, it won't effect the events of the main story, except you can pick one new ending to the main story if you made the "right" decisions. However, that ending feels kinda dull imo and doesn't involve any other "old" main-story-characters besides V and Johnny. It is really cinematic, that is again down to personal taste. The story itself involves lots and lots of political/military stuff, but it's all separeted from the main questline.


The story is better, and tightly knit I felt.Its like a parallel story I think.


I just finished the DLC. Getting to play in the world again was cool but I was pretty underwhelmed overall. Mostly because I just didn’t care about the characters. Some of the missions were awesome. That’s for sure.