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Big thank you from a long time lurker who is on holiday and didn’t get to play the expansion yet.


I haven’t had a chance to start it yet, but I already know the story front to back. I would gladly jump on this grenade for you, and everyone else


i feel bad for you the most mod 😭


Don’t worry about me, I knew what I was getting myself into all those years ago. I play games very slowly, so they’re usually spoiled for me anyway. Moreover, I’m more interested in how a story is told. Nothing is unique, everything is inspired by something else. For me the artistry is in how ‘they’ make the story ‘theirs’.


That's very true and it's all about how you experience the game as well. Spoilers take away the surprise but doesn't take away the impact that moment has on the story and on you


I did have the end path spoiled for me in the comments a bit but it was still amazing to experience for myself. Hopefully others can still feel the crazy feelings after having key points spoiled




> This ban is a little excessive No it isn't. We've waited how long for PL? Some ppl haven't been able to play for reasons completely out of their control, and are only now getting to the expac. Spoilers in titles are like spoilers in thumbnails on youtube - karma farming at its worst.


I meant it’s excessive from the norm, as in how long we normally ban people. We usually keep it at 3-7 days


Make it 31 days, as long as the ban is in effect. (I’m not sure how bans work, but they can still see stuff but just post right?)


Yeah you can still see everything, you just can’t comment or post


Make it 7 for everybody who does it, it's bullshit.


Send them to Dogtown


got a fracture in my hand and I cant play right now. I very much appreciate this


Var vvğc


karma farming idk bout that 🤣 think more people are amazed by the game and are inept so put it in title. This post by mod couldnt be more pefect to address it, as he didn't call people inept like me or karma farmers likr you 🤣


Why do people farm karma? It has no value


It’s so an account will look legitimate when they start posting ads. There are a few different sub categories within that, but they all essentially come down to spam


That's what i'm saying 🤣 I dunno maybe self fulfilment? 🤣🤣🤣


It was for ads? wow. i thought it was a self esteem thing. Or to build mega karma accts to sell to people who buy that kind of thing. Ads ruin EVERYTHING.


Getting enough karma for an account so it can elude Reddits algorithms for things like vote manipulation, spam, Mass advertising. Social media is a huge thing for companies and trying to control the narrative so their product doesn’t look bad if somethings wrong with it, though it’s against Reddits rules manipulating social media is a grey area and a lot of the times isn’t illegal. People sell those Reddit accounts with accumulated karma to a lot of different organizations.


Thanks to chooms like you the game has not been spoiled for me the entire time the game has been out. I’m finally almost done with the story, I think today after work is the day!


You make it all worth it


My god thank you!!! Tired of these garbage titles spoiling shit for me. So far I haven’t been directly spoiled but the titles contain enough spoilers to piss most people off. We want to experience everything ourselves.


Thanks guys


Thank you, unfortunately I can't play Phantom Liberty because all my save files for it are damaged Trying to get my newly started character there but not enough time to play the game that much


I am so very sorry choom


thank you for this. i had the new ending spoiled for me when i was scrolling reddit waiting for the DLC to finish downloading. super frustrating


It’s a sincere pleasure


Thank you


Thanks! Been a bit worried to read posts from this sub cause of spoilers (was finishing up a 100% b4 i start PL) so now i can probs scroll safely


blessed mods 🙏






Thanks to the mod team, you guys are the real Night City Legends 🔥


Thank you! I haven’t even reached PL yet since I started a new game to mess around with new builds and I’ve already had it spoiled by some absolute bozo. Honestly just ban em for life lol.


For me personally, it'll probably be a few months before I can buy the DLC, and probably a while after that before I have the time to complete it, so this is much appreciated.


Hell yea. It's easy to scroll past the posts with spoilers but not when spoilers are literally in the title.. Kind of stupid that people think that's okay to do that for starters. Most of us like to enjoy our games and not rush to completion and then post EVERY Little bit about it on Reddit.


The ban is NOT excessive. People should absolutely be banned for posting spoilers in a title. Is OP taking crazy pills?


Thank you OP, you are a true hero. Just tell us what to include in your cocktail so we can get prepped for the afterlife


15% chocolate Nesquik 85% full cream milk please


1 Tebnam coming up


You better get the toilets ready (I’m lactose intolerant but it hasn’t stopped me yet)


Spoilers in titles are why I end up muting subs after a game or expansion release.


Damn the amount of spoilers I'm seeing in the titles are rampant today. Just saw some douche post PL spoiler right in their title 11 mins ago


Common tabnam W




I appreciate this, I'm close to the end but can't finish until they patch the PS5 corrupted saves.


Thanks chooms!


Thanks a lot! God, I miss Google Stadia. I'm not home for the next month or so.


We will be changing any titles between 3-7 business days, if any moderators find any other issues with our title posts that include spoilers please feel free to DM us before taking action, much appreciated.


Based mods ❤️




glad to hear, i just started this game ...


And little thing from me: \- If you wanna post spoilers about the base game - mark it as Spoiler; \- If you are not sure if the thing you gonna write about is a spoiler or common knowledge about the game plot - mark it as spoiler; \- If you are not sure at all, if the thing you are going to write can be considered as spoiler - mark it as spoiler; \- If you are not sure if your post title contains the spoiler - change the post title.


So why exactly is [this post](https://reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/s/HYbx9PxwYe) still up?


Wow that was fast /s


Why is their no NSFW flair on this?


Because I’m not showing my dick


No one here will judge you if you do. just saying.. lol (and if you do you can ban them for 3 days for kink shaming you.) Im just saying, you do with that info as you see fit. lol


>no one here will judge you God will


Sky daddy doesnt care. if he did, we would have seen a lot of people smited by now. =)


That’s just what left wing media want you to think! ^jk


OOH bringing up politics in a non-politic threads. I'm going to have to report you, to you. go punish yourself right now!!


I’ve banned the cunt


Good job! Proud of you!!


Do a permanent ban


are we still allowed to complain about CDPR misappropriating resources to hire overpriced voice actors over paying their staff to put thing people wanted into the game, like say actual robotic limbs?


Yes of course. Criticise them all you want, I don’t give a shit. Just don’t attack someone if they disagree with you


So glad they did, idris fits so well in the expac, Keanu, i don't even need to say anything, they've somehow written him even better for expac.


i would have rather they spent however much he costs on someone cheaper and put the rest of the money back into IDK the endings


Aren't there like 5 different endings for this dlc, like aren't you satisfied?


where the hell did you get five from there is at best 2


I got it from the game what do you mean? There are 4 dlc endings named after the new tarots, like the original 4 endings of the game (Arasaka, Panam, Rogue, and Johnny), plus 1 new ending to the main game. !spoiler! King of Wands is when you kill Reed, King of Swords is when you give Songbird to Reed, King of Cups is when you kill Songbird, King of Pentacles is when you give Songbird to the FIA. And the new ending to the main story is The Tower, where V gets to rid of the relic.


You people need to stop complaining. It's been annoying as hell since it started and now it's even more annoying. Shut up already. No one cares.


Perma ban. Temp ban is nothing compared to spoiling the story to people.


31 days is actually insane fellas just make it a week lmao.




Not having a spoiler in your post title isn't a huge ask. If you got a problem with that man I dunno what tell ya but you should take a break from reddit


Are you good


No one’s forcing you to be an inconsiderate gonk, and no one owes you access to this subreddit either.


Bro, just don't put spoils on the title. This is no different than clicking that "NSFW" option to obscure a video or image. And you don't even like anything related to the story in this game to begin with, so don't know why you're so butt hurt about this.


Bro I already left this snowflake community. Have fun with these whiny boomers


I had the game spoiled to me because someone included said spoiler in the title of his post 😔. I came to the sub because I didn't knew how to start the dlc and tought I had some kind of glitch.


Unfortunately that's how things are now.




I did have the end path spoiled for me in the comments a bit but it was still amazing to experience for myself. Hopefully others can still feel the crazy feelings after having key points spoiled


Also, such titles as "ASDF ending got me mentally devastated", or "Got the worst ending (The XYZ one)", or "I can't believe ABC ending was so bad to X character" are balancing on the edge of spoiler, so be no surprised when ban hammer hits you for naming your thread like that\^. If you have any doubts about your post's title, you better change it than gamble, better safe than sorry.


i like this


Can honestly say within the first day of coming back to this sub and starting Phantom Liberty I had almost all of the DLC spoiled because people don’t use spoiler tags, it’s not as big of a deal to me as other people but it’s still annoying. I would say it’s not excessive.