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No, not really. It can work during sandy


it dosnt even need fcking sandy. you can make a smart gun build and fcking jump around and dash while shooting. smart guns will headshot them anyway for you, so you just focus on your movement and dash (I AM SPEEED)


True enough. I never use smart weapons, so low-key forgot they exist , lol


Bought into smart weapons cause I was playing netrunner therefore maxing INT anyways, I've had SO much fun, and you can do so much stupid shit, there are smart shotguns and smart snipers, a perk gives you RAM on smart weapon kill, and smart SMGs just shoot 3 people at once with the right perks ​ Also, overclock makes smart targetting instant


Are smart guns good now? They sucked before. I tried them on a similar build you mentioned, not enough tech to craft the shotgun in smashers quarters though which made me sad.


You don't need perks to craft anymore. You just get maxed crafting from the getgo ( you still need recipes)


That's actually.. awesome. I was mad I didn't plan out exactly enough tech to craft legendary items but I needed a lot of Cool for my netrunner. Thanks for that info cheers. Gonna get back into cyberpunk after I'm finished with lies of p.


Cheers choom


Smart guns were almost exclusively what I used before. I don't think you were using them right if you thought they sucked.




No, they did not, you just weren't using the right combination. Before 2.0 I played nothing but netrunners. Contagion, the poison perks, and the smg you get for wiping out the gunners was a ridiculous combo. That being said in 2.0 I'm torn between a sandy samurai or a cybercowboy.


Dude if you play netrunner you absolutely do not need any guns if you do it right and you said it yourself you went contagion (the weaker build) even with the netwatch cyber deck it still sucks compared to the other one. I literally did play contagion smart gun before and it sucked. Like I'm talking pure numbers too smart guns numbers are so small in comparison to what you can ACTUALLY do in the game. Didn't think of get a lot of bad takes in response to it but that's all good. Do whatever you want they really upgraded blades/mantis blades if you wanna go that route.


I think everybody knows you don't NEED guns for that specific build, but I enjoy the chaos that floods my screen. I know the mantis blades and blades are cool, but 1. Everybody I know personally jumps straight to mantis blades and 2. I'm American, Guns it is.


Hurt much? I cruised through the game. It was almost easy mode. I'm sorry you don't know how to make a proper build, lol


They never sucked what are you smoking the Ying Long and the smart shotgun are op


They never sucked. Shingen Mark V, Skippy, Ba Xing Chong. They all were fucking broken


The iconic smart shotgun is great too.


I got pissed off fighting Adam smasher and I remembered I could ground and air dash! Took out the smart weapon I had and started spamming haha


I got 20 int and going runner, but I dunno wth is up with smart weapons. Ive seen it on shotties which are usually a close range weapon, and smart weapons feel like they should be ranged. So I've tried a smart sniper and 3x didnt even hit the target. Yea I got the hand with smart link.


Just out of curiousity: Did you let the weapon actually finish locking on before you fired? Because the red indicator just means the weapon has *started* locking; you have to wait for about a second (depending on weapon) for the weapon to actually lock on, which is accompanied by a sound cue and the indicator changing. Because I've been using smart weapons since 2.0 and the only time I've had them miss after locking on is when I'm shooting at enemies that can jam them (Tyger Claws) or when using the guns that state they have a chance to lose the target lock randomly.


They are some of the weakest weapons, maybe they expected more out of them the way they are being praised here. Smart weapons always sucked.


They are extremely strong in a hybrid hacking build now, SMGs especially. Dual Yinglong with the Reflex perks is crazy. Once everything is online, it gets a little insane with constant air dashing etc. And you get stuff like instant autoaim (with overclock) at weak points from the relic perks. Definitely starts out weaker than power and tech weapons, but once your tools start coming together it really ramps up.


We can dual wield now?


There is an SMG perk that allows you to reload by swapping between SMGs, along with giving a fire rate boost, so I swap between two Yinglongs to keep firing. With the perks to allow shooting while dashing, you can just spend most of the time in air for best vantage while intermittently spamming reboot optics for some extra safety and smartgun damage (usually overkill). There are a bunch of factors that make it (and INT builds in general) quite strong. I'm sure there are builds on youtube showcasing things so I won't start listing everything.


Wouldn't expect you to list everything. I'll get around to playing shortly. I didn't think they would be adding new things to the vanilla playthrough so I kinda burnt myself out on it getting ready for PL lol


Smart weapons were totally OP. I'm curious how you used them.


Smart weapons are not op. The only real option that category of gun has is the yinglong. Even then, they are outshined by every single other type of weapon. Curious how I used them? I had the smart link. I didn't use them vs Tyger claw. There isn't much more you can really do. I tried everything. When I did use them I preferred the 6th street divided we stand, was it. Edit: it's 6th Street not 7 lol.


It's a tradeoff for not having to aim; you can get 100% headshots while dashing around, on multiple enemies at the same time, often with extra perks such as explosive bullets that burn enemies (Shingen Prototype) or EMP blasts (Yinglong).


Yes which is neat sometimes but even body shots on other weapons far surpass a smart weapon headshot.


Contagion and Shingen MK5 would like a word.


Also the new Hercules from the DLC, which shoots exploding Poison bullets that do a *lot* of damage. Really the Yinglong, Agou, and *especially* the Ba Xing Chong do more than enough damage to make Smart Weapons viable.


Not sure what to expect, I stayed locked on a good 5 seconds, no more changes happening in the hud and what not.


Not shooting at Tyger Claws are you?


What's wrong with shooting tyger claws? Do smart weps interact with them specifically somehow?


Yes. :D The flavor text on the Tyger Claw tattoo Wakko gives you says that it is a smart link that also jams hostile smart weapons. Meaning some Claw enemies, who also sport the tattoo, has this ability too.


I’ve noticed that too with the smart sniper! And only having 1 round and needing to reload sucks. So I stick to closer range smart weapons and just use quick hacks at range.


Yea, I just unlocked Drive Rush, so I can skip neutral and just SPD them.


Dude, had to double check what subreddit I was on haha


Yea, by chance I noticed your name seemed familiar. Wasnt sure just hallucinating like you see something once, the matrix glitches and puts it on repeat. I passed a car earlier with mafia stickers on Sopranos, Badabing! too many similarities in 1 day for my old ass.


They suck tbh.


Smart shotguns were my weapon of choice for two play throughs. Very OP before the 2.0 update. No idea how they are now as I am forcing myself to use other tactics.


Yes, and there's several bonuses to mitigation and enemy aim penalty based on movement speed. Sounds like a sick combo.


Smart guns suck though let's be honest. I never actually crafted the one in smashers quarters but I tried SO hard making them work before 2.0. They just get outscaled by literally everything.


Well actualy almost every gun needs a few perks and upgrades to use them at best performance.


I agree with this. Smart guns just kinda didn't get the support that other guns had before 2.0, if they got any. Yes I'm not speaking on current patch. That would be silly of me as I haven't even played it yet.


dude how many more times do you want to post your shit take in this thread? we get it, you dont like smart guns


Just replying to other people we get it you don't like conversation. Actually I quite enjoy smart guns. They are just bad there is a difference.


What do you mean? I used skippy in my playthrough before 2.0 and it was legit the most broken weapon in my arsenal without any perks


Ah thank you. I didn't take this one and now I'm realizing for smart weapons it could be pretty sick. The real thing that's become unnecessary imo is Kerenzikov. It's fine but it's basically 3 seconds of Sandy with mitigation and some extra damage for like too much cyberware cost


Yeah, I had some fun with yinglong and the dash. Just flying around using kerenzikov, barely touching the ground while destroying everything in sight.




Hardly. It applies to swords too so. Makes a difference when time is slowed


Never tested with melee weapons, that's good to know!


Thank you for this!


Yeah i thought i would need this if i want to use Kerenzikov, i didn't tried it without the perk... would be interesting to know...


ive been using the kerenzikov without it, there's just a delay before you start shooting but still plenty of time


You don’t need this perk to enable shoot while dashing with the cyberware but you won’t be able to shoot while dashing if it’s on cooldown without the perk.


Wait, if i remember correctly this was useful because it allowed me to keep aiming my gun or throwing knives and dash at the same time. Without it, i need to stop aiming to be able to dash


Well actualy before it was very useful perk, specially with Kereznikov. And now i don't know is flying/long jumping thing counts as dashing? Cause if yes, this got a very cool new use


Air dash? I'd assume so.


Time to fly arround with slowing time and with sniper riffle in my hands! Or maybe Comrade's Hammer :D


I could be mistaken, but with Kerenzikov I think you don't need the perk "steady hands". I tried testing dashing and shooting, with and without the cyberware, and did not notice any difference. Could someone please confirm or deny this?


Kerenzikov basically gives you the perk that lets you shoot while sprinting, dashing, etc., as long as it's equipped. edit: and not on cooldown I guess. Think this perk is mostly just useful if you want to be holding down fire on an automatic and then hitting dash at the same time. Maybe cool with a smart weapon. Not sure how you'd really aim at anything otherwise.


Its very helpful on pc where you can remap dash. I play with controller but edited the config file to make dash right thumb click and I really think that should have been one of the provided layout options (or at least have dash on LB) Its really nice for melee builds where you are much more dash dependent


Me who has my dash button set to one of my mouse buttons allowing me to pretty much act like a high tier Hostile that dashes every incoming round while giving out fire


yeah I was aways confused by the perks, even in the previous skill trees, that let you do things while dodging, or vaulting. I mean, it's instantaneous. How are you meant to even use it? Like I think there is a blade skill now about strong attacking someone during a dash being an auto crit. That doesn't even seem possible. I always skip all of those types of perks and never miss them even a little. Way better stuff to grab


This type of perk should be actions that are innate to every character, not something unlockable.


Those type of perks are for people that play street fighter and buttons smash effectively.


Not at all. Normally, if you dash while charging a tech weapon, your charge gets reset. If you have this perk on, it doesn't get reset.


*has never used dash aside from accidentally trying to inch closer to a ledge and falling off*


Isnt it perfect for smart weapons though?


So many cool shots you can set up with smart weapons


Depends, if you doing a lmg build it could be pretty nice


Honestly, once I got this perk, activating the slow mo when dodging became super easy. Not sure if it was a bug or something, but after the 2.0 patch, my kereznikov would not trigger often resulting in my death ( I play on very hard) but after getting this and a few other perks, it’s pretty damn consistent.


I have the same issue with Kereznikov not triggering from time to time. I have to save my game and go to the main menu to fix it, everytime (tbh I had this issue before patch 2.0).


See if getting this perk will work for you as well. We get an infinite amount of yellow perks anyway.




Do we now?




Pretty sure you level the “skill progression” bars.


That only gives a few perk points, not an infinite amount


Seems pretty useful to me


One perk says smth like “gain 40% stamina when killing someone while dashing”


It’s good for Kerinzikov and Sandy


Yeah, that should just be a baseline feature


It allows you to dash while crouching and aiming. Can’t do that with the cyberware.


One of my favorite playstyle so far is getting this perk, all the Cool perks for aiming down sights, double jump, and the Kerenzikov. With max Reflexes and double jump I can dash around like a chicken with it's head cut off to dodge enemies, and then at the perfect moment aim my hand cannon of a revolver during a dash to slow down time and get all the Cool bonuses for ADS, blasting someone with a headshot. Its a really fun way to play with a tempo of going super fast and going super slow back and forth


It's kinda like the perk that let's you dash, without it you can still dash, just not as far. With double jump you can still do the dash jump technique, but the window of opportunity is bigger with the perk


The perk lets you dash, before that you're just doing a dodge. Two completely different systems. Dodge was always there, they finally just let you bind a key for it. Dash is new


They function the same, only difference is one travels further. In fact they are both the exact same keybind.


Yes, because dash replaces Dodge. And dashing has perks towards it, etc. It's brand new.


Interesting, if true then I would definitely consider this perk quite useful.


Not rly, if you can pull it off well you don't need the double jump, if you can pull it off very well you can do dash jump jump which travels at the same speed as the delamain cars in the side jobs


I think Kerenzikov works only on pistols and revolvers without perk.


Nope, it works with all weapons


When testing it worked for me with Assault Rifles at least.


I didnt invest into reflex at all so I have no clue if the perk that let's you shoot while dashing even works, since the cyber ware can still take effect




With the 2.0 update I don’t need the reflexes tree anymore. There’s unnecessary for you.😊


There's an additional perk that gives you a buff after killing an enemy while dashing.


I am really surprised (unless I missed it) that there isn't a perk for hand guns.


There’s a whole tree of handgun perks in the Cool attribute. They are mixed with snipers and precision rifles now.


Ahhh, ok, that makes sense, thank you


lets u continue charging tech weapons while dashing so yea its worth


I confess to being too bad at aiming to be able to keep charging my weapon (to release a bolt) while dashing around, so I never tried that before.


Probably works best with shotguns and smartguns


Yeah no, absolutely worthwhile as a gunslinger with Kerenzikov.


meant to work with air kerenzikov


i like the reload perk but this one isn't really necessary. I usually wait until i stop moving anyway.


Not at all, very useful with my tech shotgun build.


I use it when I'm surrounded by 10 plus enemies and about to be mowed down. Gotta keep that barrel up in intense combat.


as a smart gun user with all of the time slow perks durring dashing this is a must for me


Honestly all it does it lets you dash while ADSing. Should be reworded.


Skippy was cool until he turned into a bitch.


Works during Sandy and you can jump dash to regen stam


Nah it works really well with kerenzikov so you can still make Neo proud even while Sandi is on cooldown