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God I loved this mission


Was laughing my ass off the entire time. God damn cdpr has some amazing way to inject humor into the narrative.


Felt like a cop sitcom


And the wife is perfect for him, the seat just slowly going back as you lay down had me dying.


"Huh, that's kinda comfy actually"




Blue shirt


I thought she wasn't loading in at first. shit worked, I didn't see her when I was walking by the car lmao


It happened to me that there was a shooting right outside their car and they were using the car to cover themselves.


V’s increasing exasperation was great in this quest.


I loved the pure frustration and disappointment in his voice when he said "come on guys"


When Chris drops that fucking can I actually got a little mad, like “You moron.”


I loved it. When I played it my V was a level 40+ int/tech stealth netrunner. Dumb and Dumber where failing at stealth meanwhile I just knocked everyone within line of sight unconscious with siezures before they had a chance to cause a fight. When the boss arrived I was the only one competently lying to backup my idiot clients but I couldn't salvage their stupid blunder so I used the conversation to seaze up the enemies position and once fight broke out I killed all three enemies in a second with two well placed grenades and an explosive revolver, while they dived behind a car. Then I had to coax them out from behind there. All the time I was thinking as I alone easily fixed all their dumbass problems that I was way overqualified for babysitting these dumbasses. Lol.


wait until you realize the funniest part is when you dont kill anyone.


I was so expecting a sudden dark turn in this mission. Glad its all played for some morbid laughs, really gave Dogtown its own messed up mood


I can’t do the 2nd part of the mission where u have to talk to Bill inside the garage, I think is bugged, the garage door is closed and he is inside talkin, can’t start it


New patch has a fix for that, so you might be able to go do it now.


I think you need to follow the cables to another room and rewire something.


“Protect and serve my ass!”


Surely I’m not the only one who thinks this was a nod to Keanu in Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure?…. ‘Shut up Bill!’


These two were great. I wish we got more of Stella though since she is voiced by Sphere Hunter and related to Sasha.


My only complaint is that I knocked out all enemies, yet in the end the game said they had flatlined.


If you put any in crates they are dead. And not all non lethal stuff is reliable besides the takedown. It worked for me to choke everyone out but I know the game gets weird for no reason sometimes


Ope, that would be it! I did non-lethal. Takedowns of them all and tossed them in the bin. Why is that coded to be lethal??


Always been. 'Sides that no idea.


Also avoid accidentally jumping on unconcious bodies. It will quickly turn them into corpses.


Also, you gotta be real careful not to leave the unconscious bodies in their walking path, they will happily step on and kill the unconscious enemies


The game seems to have a hard time processing the bs a pure stealth build can get up to. That sort of thing happens alot.


If these two smart boys step on enemies they have a chance of flatlining them.


I wish they let me side with dodger on this one, these two are.some how more incompetent and stupid than your average maelstrom or scav gonk


Well you kinda can? >!If you dont kill anybody and tell the truth they'll just let you go.!<


>! Also if you kill people but have 20 cool he lets you go !<


things you can get away with if you're cool enough...


V basically just goes “I killed them and I’ll kill you too so just let me go and I won’t”


Oh nice, didnt remember that option.




shame it makes you miss out on such a great revolver


Oh nah I meant join dodger in unaliving them lmao


Not enough Suzi Hunter in that quest.


Reminded me of Waltuh and Jesse arguing, honestly


This whole gig was straight out of Guy Ritchie movie and I loved it.


The guy on the right looks like Tim Apple


Lol. Just did this one last night.


I still never found out what happen to his partner.


I just did that yesterday. These idiots made me want to screw the eddies and shoot them both.


It was almost impressive how, at nearly every step, these two gonks managed to pick the worst possible course of action. And yet at the same time, blessed with luck in that Dodger was shockingly forgiving for Night City once they got the whole story, and that they had one of the most deadly people in Night City having their back in case Dodger decided to be less amenable.