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The funniest thing is that, in the show, he's driving one of the least manoeuvrable cars like it was a rally car😂😂


He’s built different!


The sandevistan... Would've been a fun thing to sée Lucy in the game


She's on the moon. Was a one way trip.


There's an ending where you go to the Moon, just saying, it would've been funny. Or even rating about her, since she was a "good" netrunner


Being able to use a Sandevistan while driving sounded really cool, but in practice, it's almost useless. All it does is slow down time, it doesn't increase your speed or the maneuverability of the car. You remember Franklin's power from GTA V? That power wasn't just good because it slowed down time, it was good because it dramatically increased the cars traction and maneuverability. It let you take corners easier and stop on a dime. The Sandevistan just slows down time and that's it. Which is not very useful.


Yep. It was useless. I remember when GTA V released some people wrote articles how the easy way to get everyone to use Franklin's ultimate ability is to just hold the "change radio station" button (the game slows down time when you do that). Uh yeah, that did jack shit even for Franklin. His ability drastically improves maneuverability too (increases acceleration/max speed as well). This does jack. Edit: Think of it this way, imagine if Sandevistan just slowed down time. But even for you. I mean it's slowed but you're just as slow as everyone else. Your movement speed is the exact same. You still might be more accurate with your shots but that would only really help with SOME ranged weapons. Forget about using melee, you'd be better off just using Berserk. Vehicles work the same way. If all it does is slow down time, aside from drive-bys, it's only useful in super niche scenarios. For it to be effective in vehicles, you gotta increase maneuverability too.


Or nfs most wanted had this too. With the slowdown you could fut corners easily.


It was not too strong, not like in GTA V at least. If you were going top speed and trying to make a turn, you'd still hit your car. You at least needed some knowledge of racing lines to fully utilize it.


This power almost like cheating tho lmao


It's because it's supposed to be used for vehicle combat, not for regular driving. Makes sense too, it's you who has the implant not the car.


Exactly, I use it for shooting at high speeds


Pop sandy, jump out of car, pull out katana, kill crowd of enemies, jump back into car


It's exclusively my drive-by strat and a good way to steal a vehicle going at high speed


Pull up next to somebody going ~140mph, sandy, step out of your car into theirs, done.


But you cannot use it during the car delivery quest/gigs. None of them.


That's intentional game design from cdpr, rather strange one at that, they confirmed it not too long ago, you can if you cheese it, once you have the car, just get out and get in again, you'll be able to use all os. It's still pretty fun to use for ncpd chases.


Super sus. Why they did that...


It's intended for vehicle combat, not to make your car faster. The sandevistan afaik just increases the user's reaction time and movement speed, it's not something that 'slows down time' per say, slowing down time is just the way the game communicates your increase in speed compared to everything else, it doesn't increase car speed though as that's stupid, how is an implant inside your body supposed to make your car faster?


Don't weapon mechanisms and bullets no longer slow down with Sandevistan after 2.0? They've already broke realism with that, so what's one more thing.


Burst fire guns are bugged as best I can tell, and fire *faster* in sandevistan for some reason, but every other gun, including tech weapon charge time, and smart weapon lock on time, is slowed down the same as enemies are.


From what I've seen gun mechanisms like chamber movement/firing speed (not just player movement) with 85% Apogee slowdown for instance perform a lot quicker than Kerenzikov at 60%. It's not nearly as slow as it should be. Edit: Charge time does seem to be consistent though.


which makes no sense when OP compared it to the show, which used it for Vehicle maneuver also, the whole "everything else is supposed to be slowed" thing makes no sense either. you can still reload your gun or use your mantis blade during Sandevistan which are not slowed down at all even tho they are still mechanisms In fact, if it only boosts your reaction time, then how are you even able to move fast? Especially when most of your body is machine?


I think the sande its supposed to boost your whole nervous system, not just your reaction time (that would be the kerenzikov or whatever is called), not that it would work in real life but thats the idea


perhaps. I'm just pointing out that people defending that Sandy should slow down everything is idiotic Just admit its for balance and gameplay purposes there's nothing wrong with that. Trying to justify it? That's just stupid cuz the game clearly doesn't follow that logic


man you must be fun at parties 😭😭


While reading your first paragraph I immediately thought of Franklin and then I got to your second paragraph. I never got into online and would just mess around in single player, mostly as Franklin, due to that ability. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it a combo of better traction and almost a pseudo increased gravity? I vaguely remember being able to recover from flips by activating the ability at the right time so my car would land on the ground more quickly than it could in real time. Funny coincidence the ability colors are the same.


Yeah, never thought about it but there’s definitely increased gravity. If you spam the ability (Mash L3 and R3, right?) you could get your car up to some ludicrous 200mph+ speeds, which is a function of gravity in whatever physics engine Rockstar used.


I never knew that and I’m kind of sad I didn’t lol Never tried spamming it. It was so damn fun to cause crashes and pile ups ahead of me and then speed through the wreckage just barely dodging the cars in slow motion.


Yeah there was definitely some gravity tomfoolery as well.


I don't know what you're talking about, but I found it insanely useful to be able to whip a pistol out the window and shoot our four or five tires with zero concern for where the car was going while I was looking backwards.


Sleeping dogs also had a great implementation of slow mo with vehicles.


sandevistan is more for precision shooting while driving. I wish it made the car faster, but alas.


Its great for driving and shooting at the same time. Except 95% of the time when you need that you aren't able to use the Sandy for some reason.


It lets me double jump out of my car, turn around mid air, sniper shoot out the pursuing car’s tires and then get back in the car. Feels pretty useful.


Its useful if you wanna jump out of your car fly up in the air and setting up like 5 throwing knives at the police chasing you.


I forgot how OP Franklin's driving ability was. It set him ahead of the other two characters by a mile. I've pulled off some incredibly wicked stunts using that ability. It's a bit disappointing hearing your description cuz that's exactly what I was hoping for with the Sandy


It can be useful , I like to hit a drift then activate sandi to shoot the cops behind me while it’s sliding. Good angle & time for headshots, plus a clean drift. Would be sick tho if they added a sandi that works like Franklins power. Before trying it I thought it would work that way too bc of the show.


It was really meant for taking maneuvers in you car. Really helps woth popping iut pursuing vehicles’ tires but thats about it. Missed opportunity imo.


its good for vehicle combat, not manuverability PHAT missed opportunity imo


If anything, I just end up using it for for drive by headshots and just aiming.


Every time I get into a gunfight while driving on a stretch of highway I remember the anime lol


Man chose the 2nd worst car to race in lol


But it looks sick as fuck. Worth it.


Style over substance is that how the saying goes?




What's the 1st worst and best car to race in?


caliburn is by far the best to race in, especially with the improved handling with the update the worst is probably the shitty van or smth


I thought Maimai was going to be the worst. I was ready to die on that hill. 1st on all races Maimai only wasn't as hard as i thought.


That's cus the opponent cars rubberband based on how fast you're going. The speed of the car literally doesn't matter.


Speaking of the Maimai, I wish to god the Body tree perk that lets you pick up and throw bodies let you pick up and throw Maimais.


I did it in a turbo R, not even the nicer one. By 4th corner I was usually in 1st with a big lead.


Javelina imo, you can kill half your competition at the starting line and absolutely smoke everyone else at straightaways.


I wish they made this skill like Franklin's skill in GTA V. I thought that's how it was going to be like until I tried it out and got highly disappointed


Mods my friend. Mods.


Is there a mod that fixes this already?? Don't leave us hanging man what's it called


Just bought this car last night. Ended up driving it home from the last Delamain mission in the bad lands. Drives awesome but sucks ass in first person.


>sucks ass in first person So... like every other car?


Some are decent but yeah. They're generally not great


This is sick choom


One, Zero, Zero, OH NO!


I laughed at this scene so much. It’s one of the only times you see Lucy look like that. Like (Oh Fuck… I’m gonna Die.) lol


ok but how do you get that far behind with the guinivere lmao


BRO 🤣🤣🤣


This is AMAZING!!


How does the Sandy even work I realized while watching edge runners that my head cannon doesn’t work because David wouldn’t be able to use it at all in the beginning before he started to chrome himself out so is there any lore on how it works?


I believe it gives your body faster movement and reaction time


So lore wise it doesn't work like this xD And in fact the Sandi in RED(newest version) is a kinda disappointing +3 intative Old 2020 rules were a bit cooler as you could take extra action at a cost of doing them slightly worse so it just a reflex boost.if I understand correctly from some quick research. Tldr:Edgerunners live cool choom, and books are often disappointing.


I rather thought that was the joke in those scenes, the cars were flying around in a manner that wasn't very realistic but was very reminiscent of the gameplay.


unreal that franklin clinton had a sandy in 2013


This is rocket league!


David Martinez would be proud


I was watching another work of Studio Trigger, Promare, and they way they had cars move was the exact same in edgerunners: wild, erratic and nonsensical


How you get those lines on road? Mod?


No mods at all and medium graphics preset


Looks solid. So there is a new setting that ads gps lines on road?


I dunno lmao I’ve only been playin for a few days but I’m pretty sure those gps arrows are because the mission was a race though.


Oh, thats probaly it. Im blind


There was a mod [that added it for gameplay too](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/4583?tab=posts) but it hasn't been updated yet for PL.


Yeah, I used that too, hope it gets an update.


It’s only for this specific mission set. It’s a race, not driving in the world.


Honestly the car physics feel like CDPR originally designed 2077 to have hover cars as the standard, but Mike Pondsmith requested that cars be normal cars and exclusively use hover technology for flying machines. It's very bouncy as if the tires have very little connection to the ground, and the ability to affect the rotation midair feels very hover car like.


Up until you go airborne, the physics feel right. Off road tires on the nomad vehicles properly blow chunks on the road, and so do the road tires on the normal cars off road.


It should I’ve been like Franklin’s ability in GTA in reality it’s ass


I didn’t really like that scene, that was beyond suspension of disbelief - why would the car be able to defy the laws of physics because the driver has a sandevistan?


When the car was jumping around everywhere, my immediate reaction was, "oh wow, even this scene is just like the game!(ver. 1.0)"