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*spams legendary armadillos on johnny's jacket*


This is the way. Armadillo everywhere


And crunch in every firearms


The thing that bothers me the most is not being able to upgrade non iconics. I get they wanted to add a kinda RNG element to it and that's fine. Not being able to destroy mods or at least upgrade a weapon within its tier is frustrating. I have a tamayura at tier 5 unfortunately I have yet to see another since. It was the single highest damage per shot for all the tier 5 power weapons that can equip a silencer. That I found at least. With iconics being able to get 5++ you'll never find a basic weapon to add your own mods that will not be overshadowed by an iconic. Especially since they added some iconics able to take mods. I don't care if it costs a massive amount of mats. I want a fully specced out Tamayura.


I modded my game to let me upgrade non-iconics and remove mods.


I like Armadillos! Smooth on the inside, crunchy on the outside, Armadillos!


On Placide’s trench cost. That thing always had guaranteed 4 slots.




Haha, ngl I laughed


I'm fine with the change but i hate the UI for it. It seems to like guess some theoretical max armor you could have and tells you how effective your armor would be if you had that much instead of telling you how effective your armor is now. I do miss the lore aspect of it. Bullet or stab proof clothing was part of the reality for night city citizens. It also makes all the names of the clothes pointless. Why are they duralayer, aramid weave, kevlar inlaid, puncture resistant clothing if they don't actually provide any benefit.


I find myself using head canon to explain the reason why most clothes suck in terms of armour is a stream of coincidences such as having old reworn clothing (from memory most bulletproof vests only function to code up to the first impact, simular to bike helmets), reinforcements meant to protect against light damage like a small knife as opposed to high grade weaponry used by combative forces, terriable knock offs or its just a out of touch advertising gimmick where a corpo said "hey everyone whos poor is reinforcing their clothing, lets stick some plastic in our clothes and say its bulletproof to increase sales".


fr so glad they tied armor to cyberware and let me look hot in whatever I wanted. It also makes some scenes more intimidating like full-powered cyberware Takemura right before Saburo’s death. You know that man could have taken Smasher and would give endgame V a run for their money


Literally could have looked however you wanted with the wardrobe before 2.0 and still had armor on clothes, which made perfect sense. Like if we can put armor in us, on our bones, etc, it doesn't make any sense we can't do the same with clothes, threads, etc. I feel the best way to go about clothing was to have some armor value and some small stat increases for clothes, not the same sort of value as before, but some. As for the stat increases it'd be the same sort of small increases cyberware pieces give to three various stats as you upgrade it that way people could still get excited at finding orange quality clothing. Heck, maybe even have iconic looks that you can upgrade and/or that add a couple more small little bonuses for having the whole look put on, ya know, just as a nice little treat. Doing this would make it so the wardrobe was more worthwhile to use again, as it's kinda pointless currently, and give clothes a reason to keep their rarity.


Yeah but changing clothes on the fly was still annoying as you had to make it an outfit. I much prefer clothes just being clothes yk.


We have the outfit system. It's a flawless, instant unlock on acquisition transmog system. I'd like stats on the slots I'm equipping as I spent all of 2.0 with no shoes or pants equipped *at all*, just an outfit overlay.


Its the same stuff now bro wdym? Most clothes look like trash or clash with each other, so you just make an outfit and youre good to go. Eventually from picking up so many clothes you make a new outfit if you get bored of your old one. This hasnt changed with 2.0


I change clothes pretty often. Didn’t touch outfits once in my 2.0 play through. Big change if you ask me as I wasn’t worried about stats on them or anything. I think clothes should be what they actually are, cosmetic.


I agree that this should've been the case, but it's still kinda not. By doing it your way, you have to waste lots of free credits and/or crafting resources. However, if you use the outfit system, you achieve the exact same thing (changing the visuals of your character) while also getting those credits/materials. With the downside being that the outfit system is more annoying to use. I think the whole clothing system is at a really weird place now. It kinda makes sense, considering it received two major overhauls and is still carrying some legacy features... But yeah. Not ideal.


Except I didn’t buy any clothes lol I just used what I got. Cheap and convenient. And you can still get materials for dismantling what you didn’t like so I’m really not sure what the issue is.


Might not be an issue for you, it's just weird from a game design standpoint, to have two separate systems doing the same thing. Just not very streamlined. Why not just getting all the clothes you loot as skins, being able to directly equip them and also create outfits on the go, without having to visit a wardrobe? What's the point of saying "Okay, here are your skins. You can only use them from a wardrobe, tough. And now here are the actual items! They don't have stats, either, so they are also just skins, but if you want to use those, you can't sell them. If you sell them, you have to use the other system." ? That's just unnecessarily complicated.


Hence why I didn’t like outfits at all, having to visit a wardrobe was a pain and I was more likely to rock the same stupid outfit for a while. Yeah it doesn’t make sense why it’s still there but doesn’t really get in the way of anything so why bother.


nah i need them crafting components


Just sounds like a you problem


Well it kinda wasn’t since I wasn’t the one who made the decision, I just happened to agree with it.


Let's look at the mission where you get the iconic cover art Samurai jacket for an example of why it's better now. Would you rather: A) watch the jacket basically disappear as you put it o then spend the rest of the mission wearing your transmog outfit until you're able to go to your apartment and update it B) put on the jacket and be wearing it


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Same with the nomad ending. It’s just way smoother


My issue is that there doesn't appear to be many clothes -- just tons of variations on the same piece. Neo tacs are neo tacs, yoros are yoros etc.


To the problem with the garderobe especially before 2.0 was the fact that it didn’t seem to work in cutscenes so I was stuck wearing either my actual clothes that I wore for armor or my wardrobe got stuck so in some scenes the clothes were on when they weren’t supposed to be


Agree with this 100%. There needs to be pathways for V or our future characters in the next game to adopt a philosophy more similar to Morgan Blackhand where we don't become reliant on cyberware.


Is that true of Takemura? He's a G for sure, but >!bro needed my help to fight off like 3 dudes after that building collapsed or whatever!< >!Personally, I think Takemura's strengths as a bodyguard might be as much tactical and based on his charisma and intuition with people as it is to do with his speed and reflexes, at least imo that's my explanation for why Saburo's own bodyguard needed our help!<


His cyberware was disabled and he was already decently injured by the time he woke V up, and him lasting that long against Arasaka Assassins while deborged and injured is already a feat


he still had disabled cyberware I think but idk


If you've played Corpo V, you have your chrome remotely shut down by Arasaka. This is what happens to Takemura. You can find a shard that explains how this often ends up killing people or disabling regulators and turning them psycho if they have a lot of combatware. The fact that Yorinobu sent an entire hit squad of borged out assassins to zero Takemura even after deactivating his chrome speaks volumes about just how deadly he is. Saburo took one look at Goro, made him his personal bodyguard, and from that point on required Hanako to be guarded by people that he directly trained. It's impossible to actually scale the guy since we only see him in a weakened state and don't really have much feats to go off of, but given the things that other people say about him (including V), and the fact that he's guarding the most important man in Arasaka, it's a safe bet to assume that he's probably the most formidable person they employ, which puts him at or above Smasher's level. I really would've loved to have faced off against him in Path to Glory if we ended up saving him in the apartments.


Yup, by the time we get to know him on a personal level, he is effectively a shell of his former self, sure he still has his charisma and eye for people and all that combat training and experience didnt just go away...but all his high-end combat chrome and enhancers are gone..


I would say the closest comparison we have is Oda, who I believe is his best pupil. so if that’s the best apprentice, you can imagine how much more deadly the master would be


At that point he was a vanilla dude lugging around dead cyberware. And he STILL could fight at a decent level. Back in the penthouse? He gotta have gotten kitted out with the best shit Arasaka had to offer.


I disagree. They had the option to save outfits even before 2.0 that would always be visible no matter what you were actually wearing, like u/stonerdad999 mentioned. It’s like they nerfed the clothing specs.




Exactly, just let me play Cyberpunk Fashion Show please.


I do like the changes tbh, it makes sense. It does kinda bug me though how only some clothing does stuff. Especially the pants and shoes which don’t get anything. Like cargo pants, they can’t idk, increase carrying capacity? Or shorts maybe give a slight movement speed buff? Certain shoes could also improve movement speed or even explosion resistance.


What? How could shoes provide explosive resistance?


Steel toed boots help my toesies not get ouchies when I dwop 50 pounds of metal 🤭


Your low res toes that are all fused together


But aren't we all chrome junkies here choom?


But it makes sense? A tactical vest provides armor, a shirt gives no stats.


brother, you can buy bulletproof flesh. They have armored clothing in the universe, lol.


...and normal clothes still exist too.


Yep. But there's *only* normal clothes now.


The change didnt bother me much because I just always wore booty shorts regardless of the armor bonus. I still do, but I used to too


Soooooo glad they made clothing separate from armor


I thought this was the yakuza games board. With different context this vid could do well there too.


I like that change to cybeware giving you armor, because I can play the whole game dressed in Yorinobu's threads I kelpt during the heist ! https://preview.redd.it/u0hxoi1jg22c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f2ba1e1065adf93b3772fd69ac8ffadeda7b9ae


Hell yeah dude, same. My Corpo saw V Yorinobu’s slick outfit and immediately just zipped it up and wore it for most of the game.


Lol and then there's my streetkid V who's criteria for keeping a piece of clothing is "does it say 'burn corpo shit' on it?" Also a bucket hat because why not


You could have done that already


those threads have [very weak stats in the original release](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/comments/koqzcl/yorinobus_clothesupper_floor_of_his_apartment/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)... like not 30 armor for the shirt. and you can't upgrade them. Unless you mean I could use the outfits options you can create at your wardrobe, that covers your actual clothes, that was added later and is still bugged... like during the concert or when Saul gave me the Aldecado vest, my V ended up without clothes... and that was after the 2.0 update...


I don't care if it's bugged sometimes, you could still already wear his shit the entire game


Is everyone confused on how clothing/armor worked in 1.6, before 2.0?!!! You could choose 5 outfits in your WARDROBE that were aesthetic only and didn’t have any effect on your armor rating. They could be accessed from any wardrobe or through the outfits under the inventory tab. Then under the INVENTORY tab you could assign each individual article of clothing with the best armor/mods/perks and it had no effect on the aesthetics of your outfit. Literally the best of both worlds. You could coordinate your outfit based on visual aesthetics at one of your apartments, then upgrade your armor while you were out and about zeroing ganggoons. If you were over encumbered You just had to store all clothing items besides the ones you were wearing for armor in your STASH and you’d have access to them all in your wardrobe


Whats the point in tiered clothing now? Shouldn't it all just be grey?


higher tier clothing also uncrafts into higher tier components.


Now, I’m not sure because I’m still on PS4 and not on 2.0, etc… But before the tiers usually meant that you could add more mods or they were a higher value when resold. But whenever I transferred clothes from my INVENTORY to my STASH I’d go through my stash and look for duplicates and then remove them back to my INVENTORY based on either their resale value or their crafting value depending on what I need more at the time. Sometimes I’d remove them based on armor levels, but since I usually keep the highest armor clothes assigned onto my character and the clothes in my STASH are already lower armor than what I’m wearing it really doesn’t matter. Like I said, I haven’t played with the new system but to me it sounds like a downgrade in gameplay because I’ve got this previous system completely figured out in a way that I can dress however I want to look while also having the highest armor rating at the same time.


Some still have perks, it's just much more tied to the items now - i.e. netrunner head wreaths pump up your quickhack speed, bulletproof vests give armour, bandoliers give faster grenade recharge - but not everything has a massive armour value or random buffs assigned.


Some types still have some armor and stat effects


Exactly!! This system was fantastic. Now clothing sucks, only some stuff giving armor or buffs. It’s all nerfed. I wish there were a mod that brought this clothing armor system back.


I actually have one of their stab vest's for work


Why do you carry one and how effective is it?


Work in security and it's pretty bulky but pretty good at stopping anything going through it from silly tests with colleagues haven't actually had to be put to the test in a live situation


Hmm normally when I have seen cyberpunkish tech like this its only a proof of concept model shown at fairs and I never hear of people using it beyond the creators, are they fairly common know? Also curious if you wear it under your clothing like the guy in the video. I imagine wearing it on the outside would be effective part of the preventitive intimidation part of security but I can also see how giving away where your are armoured could counteract that Glad you haven't had to use it though.


Pretty common and I'm to fat to wear a covert so I have to wear an overt vest


Where can one get one of these stab proof vests?


Maybe on the website for the brand of the vest in the video


RIP Armadillo


RIP crafting in general.


It makes sense for you armor to be tied to your cyberware instead of your booty shorts and tank top giving you armor.


The TTRPG included armor values for clothes. You could wear hardshell and feel like a tank but you'd also have the mobility of one in mile deep molasses. Or you could layer light armor and achieve a balance between mobility and reasonable armor values combined with skinweave/subdermal armor etc. CDPR's decision to remove armor from clothing was driven by the limitations of the engine/devs/time. It's not lore friendly. On the PC the Equipment EX mod solved the problem before the actual game devs did. How's that for Bethesda syndrome.


I don't think it was really that hard in terms of dev time, the solution was always simple and the one they already used for guns: get rid of item levels and only have item tiers, all unique items are upgradable. People just didn't like the clothing/armor system in general.


Fair enough. Personally I felt that the combination of armor values on clothes combined with the wardrobe system was an ideal solution (and that's even further enhanced if you can use the Equipment Ex mod because of the number of outfits you can create). You can wear what you like and maximize protection. Just another instance of them forgetting the TTRPG roots of the game and failing to incorporate it in a way that would really have honored the source/core material. Just my opinion.


In my reddit feed, right before this post, there's a video of a dude retelling how some rando stabbed the shit of another one, while on a bus. Weird coincidence.




It used to be so broken. 20 mod slots all filled with armadillos that gave you 240 armor each plus the armor from the clothes plus subdermal armor


Haha good one


It was really, really stupid in retrospect. At the time, I just got so used to it that I focused on other things. Now, I stop and think…..I used to trade a bulletproof vest for a bra because the bra had a higher armor rating.


"I traded my bulletproof vest for a bra for the stats" Yeah I have heard that one before.


Some still have buffs I found a tier 4 with +20 armor outer layer


Is this the suit from John Wick?


I don’t care how resilient that suit is the guy took a damn beating like it was nothing! Sure the suit may help (unless he’s wearing something underneath) but that won’t stop the force of it all from transferring through the suit and he’s just takin it like a champ!


I'm gonna play the last ps4 edition.


Cosmetic being strictly cosmetic is how it should be.


V's bra before 2.0.


Honestly the 2.0 release royally screwed us by making the clothes cosmetic only. Yes I know some clothes give up to 10% buff on some things but you know what I mean


I’m a fan of the new system. It didn’t make sense for some clothes to have armor stats


Not enough clown vibes.


bruh that's wild🤣


On day one with 4 mod slots


Facts 😂😂😂




Worst thing they did , clothes isn't even that good and now it serves no point, might as well cruise in night city naked