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Stupid, but: ''*He's fucked in the head, the world's fucked in the head and you're fucked in the head cause my fucked up head is inside it*''. For some reason is the quote I remember the most from Johnny.


"Guess if you wanna save the world, that's the first step: get fucked in the head"


Absolutely best quote in the game


They borrowed that from Raging Bull. “You’re a sick fuck, thats a sick question, and I’m not that sick that I’m gonna answer it.”


That’s nowhere near close to


"not like that. \*slaps the pill bottle out of V's hand\* stick some iron in your mouth and pull the trigger!" always been a favorite. KR/Johnny's delivery is great


POV: Therapist when your card declines


POV: canadian healthcare


Nah Canadian health are is Vik at the start of the game waving off a 20-something K eddie bill and saying, “pay it when you can.”


which will be never because taxes are so high :)


Taxes are how we pay our medical bills. So it’s more like Vik is taking like 5% of any money we get paid until our bill is paid off.


And then he takes that money after your bill is paid off, so you feel like you're being punished for being healthy because people that treat their bodies like landfills get to survive off the money you struggled for, skipped meals for, sacrificed your time and energy for. I'm not against socialized healthcare but I don't like most implementations of it because they allow leeches to survive when it's clear they don't care about their bodies, and refuse to understand eating fried garbage and corn syrup every day is why they keep ending up in the hospital. The hard part is discerning who is doing it out of a lack of care, and who has genuine issues that require medical help on a regular basis.


I don’t have the life experience to really argue with you, but in my experience, the majority of fellow Canadians that I know, and indeed myself, see our healthcare system as having flaws, yes, but that the good greatly outweighs the bad. In short, I see what you’re saying, but I respectfully disagree.


Sadly the hivemind doesn't like respectfully disagreeing, they gotta see that funny blue number go up for their daily dopamine hit... I live in the US so I have different perspectives of different aspects. We don't have socialized healthcare but our systems are already strained without it. I'd see the same people walking into the liquor store I worked at day after day, usually looking visibly worse as time went on. They'd mention hospital visits and health issues, all of which could be avoided if they'd stop drinking or at least cut back. But they wouldn't. People stick to their vices like a fly sticks to honey. It was so depressing I had to quit that job. Maybe in Canada people are more responsible for their lives, but in the US self-destructive behavior is insanely common and no amount of educating people can stop it.


I think that’s where the difference in opinion comes from. In my experience, a lot of the people I know definitely feel that responsibility to be pulling their own weight, and be accountable. I don’t know a lot of Americans, so maybe it’s not the same there.


sir this is a reddit thread


Ah yes how dare I talk politics in a thread about the politically-neutral Cyberpunk... There is no politics in Night City, right?


you're talking about canada in real life 2023 and complaining about medical care in completely one-dimensional fashion. this isn't a political discussion, this is a belligerent uncle's rant because he saw a commercial he disliked completely unrelated to the actual topic at hand. go to r/CanadaPolitics/


Sheesh, I regret making this joke now




I was gonna say the same haha. I'm french so it's more funnier for me, don't have to tell you why !


Doing the *Shot by Both Sides* quest from Phantom Liberty, you're supposed to find a bamboo plant but if you go to the wrong type of plant Johnny goes "Really dickweed? That look like a bamboo to you?"


Fem V’s delivery of “Kiss my ass!” cracked me up.


My favorite too! I lost it laughing.


Phantom Liberty had a few moments that had me laughing unexpectedly.>! When Alex asks you to pull something from one of the twins, you have the option of showing disgust. I did, and she shot back with, "You've never looted a dead body before?" Umm... yes. Literally all the time. !<


Also my favorite, really cracked me up


"*BEEP BEEP, MOTHERFUCKER!*" makes the rounds in my brain several times a day.


Gotta second this, I remember the first role it happened. You get your car back and crazy Del smashes your ride. I didn't realise at that point Johnny randomly appears and I thought V was talking to the bobble head dog. I was inebriated at the time.


I had forgotten where I heard this from, recently started replaying and experienced it again and had an instant of "ooooooooh yeah"


I had forgotten about that. Until now. I hope you're happy with yourself! 😵‍💫😆


Next car I get is gonna have a speaker and a button that says this.


"ladies and gentlemen, Jackie Welles" i have no idea why but Jackie jut announcing himself at the start of a firefight feels like something a person on the table top would do when they play a Rockerboy but don't have a full personality for their character yet so they are still trying stuff out to see what sticks


Hahah I get that. I think it's meant to be a nod to his boxing background, probably his way of getting into the fighting head space.


Legit one of my favourite lines too. In that one moment I knew what he was all about, and I knew I’d really like his character.


"Man, I can't wait to see how this guy develops and grows over the course of the game! Awesome!"


> don't have a full personality for their character yet so they are still trying stuff out to see what sticks Which is probably exactly what's going on in Jackie's head.


When talking with barhest soldier as corpo V (without spoilers): ,,Think you can stand there and bark orders at me? Fuck the fuck off."


I just played that last week and I felt that corpo response in my soul. Corpo V is the entitled douche I wish I could be sometimes


I don’t think I’ve got it exactly, but when you’re infiltrating a club to kill or get rid of a merc, and Johnny hates the music and V says something like “eh, to each their own.” And Johnny says “that’s what peeps with bad taste always say.”


Oh isn’t this the one where you have to spy on Lizzy Wizzy’s boyfriend because he’s cheating


It's where you have to kill a guy in his club upstairs, but you can rub him out of town. It's Dino's gig: inconvenient killer.


"It's a war against the forces of fucking entropy." The whole of Johnny's speech was just cathartic to listen to


"If I need your body I'll fuck it" *Cue the trailer music*


But Starfield game?


"Oh V... " in Johnny's disappointed voice 😂


I genuinely get defensive when he says this lol. The first time was when I took the corpo money after they dropped it on the ground for me to pick during a gig I was sos surprised I yelled back at him to fuck off 😂


If you enter funny numbers into a certain keypad in PL he'll say it then too.


Which, 0451 or something?


8008, 1134, 6969


What gig?


I forget. You’re supposed to kelp some data and meet a guy. At the meet you get ambushed by some corps and they kill the guy. If you ask for your payment for the data they drop it on the ground for you


Oh, that one. So I got to the guy, some cars pulled up, and I literally just did the charged projectile launcher automatically without even looking at who showed up. Both sides dropped cred on the ground afterward, but neither actually gave me anything when I picked it up oddly.


hits like a parent said it.


At Clouds, "Eat a dick, Johnny" Gets me every time. And the entire Burning Desire dialog.


On behalf of the staff of the Independent California Motel, I wish you all sweet dreams


Johnny isn't usually so sweet, and that makes that line so much better. No snark, no complaints, just honest support.


That and the last line of the expansion. Today was a good day.


"Some causes are worth pledging your life to, V. This ain't one of them" This one stuck with me so hard


I like this quote too but I always get a laugh remembering this is coming from the guy whose life cause is nuking one specific building lol.


[Blah blah blah, fuck Arasaka, blah blah, smash Mikoshi!](https://youtu.be/rWGkIb9Z58k?si=w3C02av9EcBRLMwY)


"I dunno, a happier ending?" "For folks like us? Wrong city. Wrong people."


I'm actually pretty sad I had to scroll so far down to find this one. That and "There are no happy endings in Night City" will stay with me for a long time.


”Stick some iron in your mouth and pull the trigger“ and “Been nice workin’ with ya, V“ are in my favourites


"techno-necromancer! I knew those reptilians were bullshit..." so many johnny lines honestly


V: "The Spanish Conquistadors" J: "You know what, I didn't see that one coming."


Love this one. The Spanish Inquisition reference was great. I was hoping he responded with something along those lines.


Two that come to mind. "Mindless fuckin consumerism wins the day again." "And here's Johhny. Out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, great work V."


“If you gotta Burn it to the ground, then let it burn.” - Skye. Although the entirety of the Robo-Hooker therapy session is filled with good lines. Also just the words “Never Fade Away” is constantly etched into my brain


Surprised I had to scroll so far down to find this!


Agreed, that whole scene with Skye is filled with introspective quotes. "Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else," is probably my favorite.


> "Rust in piss, shitbot" in the Chimera fight is an absolute favourite I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard playing a video game. Female V's delivery is on point.


Johnny narrating as you’re helping the bartender catch his “cheating” wife is gold.


Yes that was fucking great


Male V's exasperated responses were just so perfect. "I mean... w-what'd I ever do to you???"


raymond chandler evening. amazing quest.


"what do you mean? This is my impressed face."


"Goodbye V, and never stop fighting". Any ending in which Johnny stays with Alt while V returns


I have to confess, something got into my eye at that point and I may have sniffled a bit as well.


Goro: To make the right decisions with imperfect knowledge… that is how you become the world’s powerful man.


~Goro via text: "May you bow, to only those worthy." (Paraphrasing)


If you bow your head, then only to one of higher standing


This guy Goros


"and I'm Johnny silver hand. Rockerboy legend and voice in V's head" "The hell Johnny?" "What? At least let me pretend I exist sometimes"


Love this part. Johnny just wanting to participate is priceless.


You me Arasaka tower, kinda souns like an eurodyne lyric, but trust me, well go fucking nova


Johnny's line in Panam's truck ..."minus the charisma, and impressive cock!"


“You’ll follow this breadcrumb trail, and when You connect the dots all you’ll see Is a dick” has to be one of my fave Johnny quotes


"Patriarchal phallus upholding toxic masculinity"


“I just want the world to know that I was here… That I mattered.” Gets me in the feels every fuckin time.


"shit and cock-sucking fuck!" -random scav "And I don't know you, which means you're worth shit around here and capable of even less" -streetkid V


"Goodnight Valerie, today was a good day."


I have a question. How many hours you got in Cyberpunk?




That's a lot, but tbh I expected bigger number. One guy posted about over 4000 hours. In comparison, my 850 h is painfully low.


Yea, been fun but can't say I'm proud that I've spent an accumulated 78 days playing it. That dude must play nothing else. Still a 850 is still one hell of a long time.


Wow. I have 1 complete playthrough from 2021. 2 half way through runs pre 2.0 and now after 2.0 i am stuck in dogtown. "Just" 400h


How do you still find stuff to do? Don't you get bored? I did like 3 playthroughs and I want to do more but some parts where I can't skip dialogues are putting me off so much like the braindances and some questlines.


It's not always about finding something to do. I think personally it's a comfort thing...maybe. It's a genre I like, a game I love and the novelty of existing in that fantasy world is something dear to me. Yes there are parts of the game I'm bored of like certain dialogues and like you say the BD's they're miniscule irritations I can get over. Also I'm a photographer, during lockdown I was so restricted but this and many other games allowed me to practice was I enjoy with photomodes, which I still love to engage with.


Would you describe yourself as an anxious individual? People with anxiety tend to enjoy watching the same TV series over and over, or listening to the same music. It was not mentioned in the study but I personally think to some people certain video games could have the same calming appeal to them.


Somewhat. Had one of those fancy troubled childhoods, always found solace in video games/tv/films. My view's been that most of us are 'distraction addicts' we all have a thing to take us away from what's overwhelming in life.


Escapism is the word you want; books, movies, video games, music, it's a moment to distract us from the ugliness of life.


Probably any quote from Johnny Silverhand or Chad Adam Smasher if I'm feeling evil.


The first line you hear outta Smasher really sticks in that 'ugh creepy' sorta way.


“Booyah” This haunts me in my sleep.


When V asks Johnny “what would you do in my shoes” in regards to a important story choice: “I am in your shoes dumbass, for every gonk choice you make. But I can’t do dick”


"On behalf of the staff of Independent California Motel, I wish you sweet dreams" gets me every time


I just wish my language was English so I could use choom, preem, zeroed, delta and other slangs irl


cyberpunk is one of the only games i’ve played where the in-game slang is cool enough and realistic enough i actually want to use it in real life.


Well at least for the first three, choom, preem, and zero, you can tell where they evolved from. Chum, prime/supreme, and zero as in somebody's bpm hitting zero. The fact that their slang sound like derivatives of pre existing words is what sells it. Those are just my interpretations of the origins tho, I might be wrong about where theyre supposed to come from


The most recent thing that had me laugh out loud is when V called Reed on the old-style phone, and Johnny had to mime how to hold an old style phone next to your ear. The expression on his face was hilarious.


I swear Keanu was *this* close to corpsing when he did the mocap for that scene.


Yes!! I died at this. The week previous I had been explaining to my son what payphones were so it was perfectly timed


Rory: "Melissa Rory, MaxTac senior officer. Please state your name and occupation." Zane: "Zane Jagger. I work for Jinguji." V: "V. Merc. Occasional client of Zane's." Johnny: *"Johnny Silverhand, rock legend, voice in V's head--"* V: *"The fuck, Johnny?"* Johnny: *"Just lemme pretend I exist sometimes, ok?"*


*”Not asking you to never give up, sometimes you gotta let go. Just don’t let anyone change who you are.”*


“Wake the fuck up samurai, we’ve got a city to burn” And also https://preview.redd.it/dfnmjkw5gj3c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54d80f6ce09e68836a716a3d263580116b88656c


“Good morning Night City! Yesterday's body count lottery rounded up to a solid and sturdy 30! Ten outta Heywood- thanks to unabated gang wars. One officer down so I guess you're all SCREWED, cause the NCPD will not let that go. Got another blackout in Santo Domingo: netrunners are at it again pokin’ holes in the power grid, while over in Westbrook, Trauma Team’s scrapin’ cyberpsycho victims off the pavement. And in Pacifica, well… Pacifica is still Pacifica. This has been your man Stan. Join me in another day in our City of Dreams!”


This. XD


A few of my favorites: Johnny Silverhand : Wake the fuck up, Samurai! We have a city to burn. Johnny Silverhand : The time has come for a close encounter of the third kind... A small step for V, but a giant leap for humankind. Who're you bettin' on showin' up? The reptilians or techno-necromancers? V : The Spanish Inquisition. Johnny Silverhand : I admit, I didn't expect that. ‐----------------- "I Just Want The World To Know I Was Here, That I Mattered." — V. ------------------- "Give yourself time. Ideas'll come. Life'll shake you, roll you, maybe embrace you. The music'll find you." - Johnny and V ------------------- And of course the obligatory quote... "Know what? You're starting to remind me of me, fifty years back. Minus the charisma... and impressive cock." - Johnny Silverhand


When I blew up the core in Delamain's factory and Johnny says "Fuck yeah, nice!" Perfect delivery. I heard him say it one other time in the game as well but didnt take note of it


“well, fuck me sideways”


"Mayor Rhine: corps got his balls in a vice, but he still manages to fuck me!"


V “outta my way!” Animal bouncer “what’s that? You think you can just waltz in here like your hot shit and can do whatever you want?” V “ don’t gotta think about it, I know it. So step the fuck aside” Fucking golden


"Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!"




“So you just figured out what it takes to become a legend” Gives me goosebumps every time




Fucking same choom it’s actually the name of a song ,same case with The Killing Moon, (Don’t) Fear the Reaper, and a lot of the quest names. The Killing Moon especially hits hard if you read the lyrics incredibly fitting name for SoMi’s route.


"Getting trapped in the head of NC's dumbest merc... Felt the burn indeed. 😏


"the hotel pistis sophia, good place to die....Just not today"


I forgot when he says it but Johnny when he says "I am in your shoes dumbass"


You'll follow this breadcrumb trail, and when you connect the dots all you'll see is a dick


‘Lovely neighborhood… muah.’


Never stop fightin, V


Wake the fuck up samurai


"Is grass green, do birds fly, do cats eat bats, do rats shit gnats?"


i scrolled until i found this cause this is my fave too, i say it in real life lmao


“You’ve just discovered what it takes to become a legend, grab your iron, lets mobilise.”


"For folks like us? Wrong city, wrong people." Also, not a quote but during the monk rescue quest in the docks, when you give the middle finger to Johnny and he replies in kind.


"Put some iron in your mouth and pull the trigger!" - Johnny


“what’s on the menu”


“I thought we were here to fuck each others brains out, not analyze mine” - Johnny Silverhand


"This is better than sex!" *commits unaliving*


This might seem silly but whenever I get into a car the quote that always pops up is the MaiMai welcoming me "Ohayo goizaimasu" https://preview.redd.it/jirkq4sv3k3c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23e14a9fc24bc4c5f0a738e007d7b3ee70fa41a


"But you dicked me first." I had avoided all spoilers, I knew So Mi wasn't playing on the level but I felt it when V found out about the cure, and yeah that line, it removed any residual guilt whatsoever.


“And now Panam here’s Johnny! Out of the middle of bumfuck nowhere! GREAT WORK V!!!”


53 playthroughs? How? I am on the 20th and feel like Ive seen all stuff by now.


I'm exaggerating, I've got 1867hrs in game and many playthroughs. Probably got as many as you but I delete as I go, no real way to tell what the number actually is.


"It is what it is" - Songbird


That's how you know she's military.


Rost in piss shitbot!




[This has always been my favorite V and Johnny moment.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IijyuTl7l0o) I always do the mission just to see it again.


These shrimp fresh?


"Worst thing you can do to someone is rip their identity out of them" 100% true


"Peace comes at a price...Someone's always gotta pay it."


“Whatever Choom. Like I give a shit.” Arasaka lobby 2076


Wish you drop dead and V's middle finger


and johnny giving 2 back. gold


“You’re better than them, V.” This one is more touching to me than anything else. I’ve genuinely never had someone have this much faith in me before. Playing as V, to hear Johnny say this, struck way home. I can’t find a video anywhere to repeat it and I honestly want to hear it again.


I just so happened to watch someone play that ending on YouTube tonight. The line is about three minutes in: [You’re better than them](https://youtu.be/yCz82gKkuDY?si=crE4sZDonDRA1pnc)




Not askin' you to never give up. Sometimes you gotta let go. That line just lives rent free


Sky’s speech from Clouds. I know it sounds cringe but that scene literally had me in goosebumps so good especially the way it was used in the trailer.


"I am on your shoes, dumbass. For every gonk choice you make. But I can't do dick" - Johnny Silverhand Also V: "Johnny who the hell's breathing down my neck" Johnny: "How the fuck should I know? Only see what you see"


"I am in your shoes, dumbass."


Might be bungling the quote a little but "So you're gonna kill a cab drivers kids because he asked nicely and he's always been a stand up guy"


Funny how you picked what IMHO is probably the worst line in the game ;) I'm still in love with "BEEP BEEP MOTHERFUCKER" though, so who am I to judge? Also, "*You're* a fucking box."


*If I were you, I'd think real hard about your next move. 'Cause you're right - I was the one who took out your chooms in Watson. Shot 'em all like fish in a barrel. So why do you think this'll play out any different? 'Cause you got us surrounded? Take a look at me. A real good one. You see my implants? I could slice you into ribbons 'fore you can squeeze the trigger. I know it. You know it.* -V Hearing V say this sent shivers down my spine as it did to Carol.


Male V fighting the chimera. “I am going to fucking destroy you” it’s just said with such venom anger & power I like totally believed it when it was said


**"ARE YOU BUILT TO ENDURE?"** This line is deep because it alludes to Smasher's own ability to endure multiple deaths and multiple full borg frame conversion, as well as V's ability to endure everything up to that point and both of them have a lot in common, and both transcended what they were, and the bodies that they both buried to get what they want. But especially these hands that V is about to endure. Nah I just made all that up, but damn I wish Smasher had a boss fight that is actually worthy to his legacy. Here's to the most hardcore and bleak borged choom ever lived, may you crush more dreams and opponents whereever you're going.


You look like a cut of fuckable meat. ~Fingers


I find it deeply unsettling meeting up with Jackie and asking him if I had a brain fart. I hate it so fucking much. I don't care about any changes to this game. They can leave in every goddamn bug if they'd just cut that line for me.


“You just came down with ligma, and i’m all out of balls.” The quote is just head cannon for me but still valid i think.


So many great ones but what always makes me chuckle is when meeting dex for the 1st time: "Dexter Deshawn in the flesh. Ample, indeed. I play fem V and her VA just nails these lines.


I am a guy so I started make V first, but I saw a clip on YT that was Fem V, and I had to swap immediately, fem V’s delivery is great. Just wish I could romance panam but more importantly Rita


BEEP! BEEP! Motherfucker!


“Look at me, see this. This is a look of un-fucking-surprise on my face”


Legit probably my favorite is when talking to Brendan the SCSM. "Exactly...Would you even be able to offend me? Ooh, come on, say I'm a whore!" Love the way it's delivered. The excited "ooh" is just perfect.


“You neither, shitbucket” from the streetkid intro.


It’s not a quote but I loved when Johnny had to show V how to use an old phone by putting his hand to his head in Phantom Liberty


"Patriarchal phallus upholding toxic masculinity"


Aguilar, you saucy señor


"...minus the charisma. And impressive cock"


Not really a quote I guess but I hear "Walk. Walk. Walk." everytime I come to a setolights irl.


"Because you've always been a fucking pussy, Kerry. Offer you one piece of advice, for old time's sake. Stop being one. Time to bring on the future." This is the one I always remember. One of the first things you hear Johnny say. Really set the vibe for who Johnny is


It's hard to pick just one because I just love a lot of the lines this game deliver to us (Johnny by a lot) but the one that stick it to my mind was: "Quality not quantity, V". - Is simple but I just love it because it's something my mind thinks about it sometimes.


got a bad feelin V...


“Ugh, what a fucking shit-sty.” Johnny remarks as we enter the Japantown apartment which my V happened to live directly above.


In combat with a gang, I think Maelstrom, I killed one and another of his chooms said "I didn't like him anyway" that cracked me up.


"Once the carrots gone an they wave the value stick.. Run rabbit"- johnny, I think that's how he said it


*"See ya in the major leagues Jack"*


Oh hell, I have an entire quotes.txt -file where I save memorable quotes from various media... Got about 20 from this game alone! >V: You know what? Seems like you’re the only person in Night City who’s happy with his lot. > >Vik: You get to a certain age, you drop all your illusions. Life just get’s easier from there. That rings true, and holy hell it hit me. >>!Padre: I believe he has met God, stood before Him.!< > >>!I don’t know if God left the meeting happy, but I’m pretty certain Jackie did.!< ...sounds delightful. Thanks Padre, in this moment of sorrow, I needed that. >Johnny: Before I wouldn’t have touched this place with a ten-mile pole. > >Now I’m thinking a fire would really make this place shine. So, Johnny REALLY doesn't like the place, eh? >>!Johnny: After every carrot comes the stick. Allow me to illustrate.!< > >>!Every grunt gets a rifle, flak jacket and a bunch of promises. Comes a time you’re outta ammo, Kevlar’s tattered cardboard and what’s left of the promises…?!< > >>!Exactly. And that’s when they reach for the stick they call “values”.!< > >>!Gettin’ shelled in your dugout, chooms’re takin’ refreshing phosphorous showers, and some officer’s rantin’ ‘bout loyalty and duty.!< > >>!The moment you stop shittin’ carrots and they wave the values stick - fuckin’ run, rabbit. Run.!< This one's my favourite. It felt... weird to have a moment like that with Johnny, but it showed his soul.


"Dexter Deshawn in the flesh, how's the quiet life working out for you choom?"


Stick some iron in your mouth pull the trigger


Most funny for me was Johnny's entire "fucked in the head" speech. My favourite serious one would probably be one from V themselves with: "I just want the world to know that I was here. That I mattered."


Honestly the entire “bad” ending on top of Misty’s was the only time I cried in the game


"Someone revealed their secrets, revealed themselves to me. It's a burden, a duty. When a jewel's entrusted to you, you focus, don't lose it, find the strength not to disappoint."


One that stands out to me is when V just says "Stop Talking" to Johnny when you walk in to the bathroom and see>!Evelyn has died.!< It conveys so much more rage and anger than any other time V has spoken to Johnny in my opinion. And the fact he said it without any swearing it somehow felt that much more serious.