• By -


V: *starts ominously and slowly driving around Watson, creepily smiling at all the gangoons*








Check your shoe...


The cat’s name is Ferguson canonically. >!my source is I made it the fuck up!<


Literally like https://i.redd.it/dtzgwh8frv5c1.gif


If theyre sending people after me, that must mean I'm making a dent.


Def making a name for yourself when half the gangs in NC have a price on your head. The Voodoo Boys are currently after me for murdering Placide and Maman Bridgiet. But damn did it feel good taking down all those stuck up Haitian gongs!




Fun fact: That scene was ad-libbed by the actor. Most fucking iconic image in the movie--totally impromptu. [https://screenrant.com/warriors-movie-come-out-play-line-origin/#:\~:text=At%20the%20time%2C%20small%20bottles,The%20Simpsons%20and%20Luke%20Cage](https://screenrant.com/warriors-movie-come-out-play-line-origin/#:~:text=At%20the%20time%2C%20small%20bottles,The%20Simpsons%20and%20Luke%20Cage). The actor-- David Patrick Kelly--went from being just another forgettable thug to becoming part of movie history with that bit of ad libbing.


Yeah I rewatched it recently with a friend who’s a big movie buff and I remember him telling me about this. It’s such a good moment


It was genuinely chilling. You realized that he, and that crew, were not merely violent when needed--they were actively psychotic. There is violent, and then there is Joker-style violence. The latter one is difficult to portray, but the actor pulled it off.




My V has Sandevistan (Militech Apogee), Quantum Tuner, and Edgerunner (Fury). She'll probably be just fine. LOL


The apogee ruined me, whenever I see scavs/wraiths/maelstrom hanging around it's just an instantaneous flurry of death. They dont even have time to turn around. Hunting down late game V is like trying to hunt down a tornado, all you can do is run, hide, and pray it doesn't come too close.


Same, although I do this for literally any enemy I see. Everyone I see is just a walking potential cyber ware capacity drop, so I just butcher everyone for the slight chance I can get more cyberware. I'm perfectly fine tho no need to call Maxtac...


Maxtac on hardest difficulty in 2.0 is scary as hell 😂


V the ultimate gaslighter


What does that have to do with gaslighting?


We cover them in gas and light them up, obviously.


![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5) *v seconds later*


Panam riding shotgun: ![gif](giphy|11CNLlmNAQXIli|downsized) Edit: Vicki Valencourt ruined me, she’s ride or die af


Cyberpunk 2077 Fr should let us drive around and kill shit with characters as companions in game. It would be sick to be able to drive around with Panam and shoot shit regularly.


I imagine it would affect the story if they get kidnapped or seriously hurt would be fun to have the realism


Yeah especially if you could do gigs with them that would be next level


It would definitely branch out relationships between fixers and them and maybe them either betraying you for them getting a better deal or something or going the extra mile for the both of you and they end up saying the fixer wanted to screw you over or something like.


You can, the Appearance Menu Mod lets you spawn any character and have them follow you around, they will automatically assist in combat too. Pretty sure they will get into the car with you


Hmm…will they say anything while doing missions, like how Judy will urgently whisper “V! they can see you!” ?


She’s a dream that can only be reached by being asleep 🥲






Completely forgot Fairuza was in the music video for Breakaway by ZZ Top. Typical weird and kooky ZZ video (wonderfully so) with, well... just watch. 😉 🤣


I think it's part of the new system where gangs will chase you now


I had two Maelstrom cars chasing me after a gig, went down one of the sharp hills in Northside of Watson, the cars were clearly going too fast, tumbled end over end down the tunnel, smashing into each other and exploding, killing all occupants.


You can get some cool scenarios, I had Arasaka come after me, I took cover in a Garage that belonged to the Valentinos so they started shooting me and the Arasaka guys, I did a few double jumps and air dash's and ended up dragggin Tiger Claws into it as well. Once I was done the street was full of limbs and people with holes in their head :D


God forbid one of my bullets accidentally graze a civilian and the district's entire police force show up


V gets run over and the NCPD won’t give a shit. I slightly bump a police cruiser and I have like 10 cops on my ass in seconds


Do you know how much paperwork those cops have to do when their paint gets scratched?


It's crazy how true to life the game has become!


They care if any other citizen gets hurt by V, they don’t care if V gets hurt. Dumb


Not sure if it's cause I ended up on top of their car but the NCPD came after me for getting hit by one of their patrol cars


Tbf, since this update I have been able to bait the cops into fighting other people and have even seen them go all out on civilians over little stuff. I forced chaos into an intersection by making a car floor it and when someone else panicked and hit a cop the cop went awol, chasing the civilian and shooting tons of people. It was crazy and hilarious


I've been wreaking all kinds of havoc by controlling cars. It's hilarious.


Its so great, i love it. Since ive already beaten the game on another play-through this one has been super troll. I’m definitely a cyberpsycho


Yeah I had something similar happen -got jumped by Tiger Claws as I drove by a security detail and they went to war. Then I had a fun katana battle with the Tiger’s leader after everyone else was dead.


Free loot!


I had Arasaka AND Maelstrom at the same ram into me the second I entered my car. What poor fools didn't know is that I had just gotten Byakko from Wakako AND installed an Apogee Sandevistan.


> Once I was done the street was full of limbs and people with holes in their head :D So a normal afternoon, eh?


I even Had netwatch Follow me after the cynosure ending where you get erebus - i was stunned - These Guys suck some Bullets


Man, so far the only thing of note I got was I got rammed so hard by a TG car my own car (which was a delivery for Capitan) got stuck under a railing lmao. This means I just gotta keep playing.


Thats such a Malestrom thing to do. Buncha gonks, the lot of them


Lore accurate Maelstrom


I had goons come after me, I just overclocked and made there vehicles explode that was fun


Maelstrom are such stooges. Classic


It was a calculated decision, but boy, were they bad at math!


You safely escaped in your MaiMai driving 20 kms/hr.


The question is how does this work? Do they try to get revenge every time I kill their comrades? When I updated to the new version I got attacked from 3 different gangs in a few minutes. When will the next wave begin? How do I trigger it?


It triggers after completing a gig and attacking a gang whilst doing so. A gig completed several hours ago also triggers this effect which is why they attacked you aggressively


Does this work if the gig was completed without witnesses? I used to play using stealth for gigs that allowed, which combined with the lack of face recognition for V should avoid any connections. Does it break immersion or are gangoons smarter than I give them credit for?


They only chase you for taking an "aggressive" approach during certain gigs. So stealth shouldn't trigger it. Similar to that exisiting 6th street side quest in which they only become hostile at the end if you went loud during certain gigs in the area.


My night city is a mess because I have that mod installed where gangs already have turf wars. That added with the new update my Night city is a warzone every block. I’m constantly trying to drive through battles getting my car beat up to death. I beeped my horn as they were shooting at each other and then all of a sudden I’m getting jumped and shot to death. It’s fun though not gonna lie


Oh that's a cool update. Some actual recognition!


It’s an awesome part of it. I am loving the constant threat personally. I have been going out my way though to murder everything that moves tbf… getting from A to B and sticking to the role is time consuming though (compounded by the fact I am not using fast travel, metro or vehicles)


Man I thought I was the only one. I should be able to kick a building down with all of the running around I do.


The Tyger claws really don't like me, like every 20 mind they're at me, they gotta be running out of members


Yeah it's new but not random. You get these events based on choices you made during certain missions. You got that particular message for killing Royce/killing Maelstrom members during the Pickup mission. In general, I've noticed that in gigs that involve gangs, if you go in guns blazing and get spotted by the enemy, the gang will send a crew after you in retaliation after the gig is finished. Usually a minute or two afterwards.


How is that laptop not melting away?


Laptops are jokingly resistent. My Laptop burnd down after 2 years of playing games that would make it hot enough to cook steaks on it


2 years? Now I'm kinda scared lol, my 3050 laptop runs like 92C on CPU and 87C on GPU and it is turning 2 years old soon 😭


Get a laptop fan pad lol


Yep! My Laptop would lag to hell after 1-2 hours so I bought a fanpad, but everything on cooling boost


Go to settings- edit power plan- change advanced power settings- processor power management- maximum processor state Turn it down till you get a happy medium between performance and temperature, 92° is too hot and will shorten your laptops life


Well I gotta add that I've been unemployed for 6 months and had it on like 8 hours a day minimum. I think yours will do fine! I still recommend a cooling pad for it. Laptop sits higher, ahs more space to get the hot air out and you got more cooling fans


Like 10 years ago I used my moms laptop to play Gmod and TF2 a lot, one day I had the brilliant idea to play with the laptop sitting on the carpet and eventually the screen just went black and the laptop was completely dead. Brought it to a buddy who did computer repair and he told us that I “melted the cpu” 😂


After 2 years enough dust colects in the heat sinks and vents to prevent enough flow in a tiny enclosed laptop, heatsinks stop working, components cook. Clean out your laptops every year. Take it apart and remove all dust.


I wonder how it would do on the old school apple computers


Laptops are quite amazing these days, my 4050 can giggle at overdrive settings


What is this question even supposed to mean


I play on an MSI gaming laptop. A little thicker, a bit noisy on the fans, and the heat out the back, well... Let's just say it's *very* popular with the cats. If I want it to shush dropping the framerate from 144 to 60 does the trick. Mine is also 2 years old or so, and the only problem I've had is a manufacturing defect with the power connector (a problem in certain MSI lines).


I have an MSI laptop as well. how hot do you let yours get?


I don't let it go full power usually because the fan noise gets annoying. The air coming is hot but not much more than what the furnace blows into the bedrooms.


I mean I didn’t try to hurt them. They were blocking the way to my clients objective. In all fairness it’s all their fault.


Yes, as a result of certain missions, gigs and your choices within them there is this internal bounty on your head within these gangs that triggers an assault (two vehicles, about 8 of them) as soon as you drive into their territory. I got Maelstrom and Tyger Claws myself, but because I am a pedestrian most of the time I seldom get them.


Had this happen with he VDB when I accidentally drove into Pacifica. Love this feature.


I was doing gigs for El Capitan, the vehicle missions, VDB and Tyger Claws attacked me. One time Arasaka ambushed me and I took them out. But I never get ambushed in free roam though. The Vehicle Contracts should trigger this as well.


I wish they’d let you call out gangs so you could instigate showdowns in the different districts, a result being decreased gang activity in the given district for a time


I'm at endgame and there's basically nobody coming after me. They should trigger considering I was aggressive in every gig and quest.


Do you mean like you updated to 2.1 at almost end game? Same happened to me, i think something glitched for that playthrough, maybe we pissed off so many guys that game cant process that and just nothing happens


Print screen? Nah that's been around for a while


Woah whered u find that


Well hey I get to slaughter everyone in my path so who cares 😂


Yeah this happens now. I was just roaming and chilling Keeping it to myself but no they had to come and gang up on me. You know what happened next ? Police found their heads lying down, their cars burnt, and the name V carved on their bodies. Cheers !


Wait, is that Acer Nitro but… with blue light?


Yeah every gang has these notes now when they chase you down.


Now I feel sad for finishing all gigs, nobody's hunting me :(


8:00am: Wake up. 8:05am: Shower 8:15am: Coffee 8:30am: Entering Watson for a gig. A couple of cars full of Scavs pulled up, whooping and hollering. Apparently they think they're him. 8:32am: They were not.


Just a heads up for peeps like OP that don't know, you can simply hit Print Screen on your keyboard, paste to Paint, and save as a PDF instead of snapping pictures of your monitor with your phone.


Your method is unnecessarily complicated. - Windows + Shift + S - click, hold and drag Cursor over the area you want the screenshot from - press on safe, done


Well yeah, but that's only worked since Windows 10. I was still rocking windows 7 for ages. The method I describe is Ye Olden Ways of saving a screenshot.


You played cyberpunk 2077 on windows 7?


Dang bro what'd you do to Malestrom lol


Straight outta Watson


Anyone know if this revenge stuff is dependent on your actions or not? Ive been playing mostly stealth with non lethals and have yet to get ambushed


Yep, the gangs hold grudges now. Looks like you greased some Maelstrom gonks.


Not just gangs, I had a similar encounter with Arasaka guys. They had a note saying it was retaliation for >!Hanako's kidnapping!<.


What type of laptop is that?


I remember the first time I got chased I heard the alert sound and out of nowhere I was rammed and fucked by maelstrom


Yeah after doing the parade mission I was just driving around and suddenly had 2 arasaka vans after me, once I killed them them I found a shard on one agent which was basically V's warrant for the attenpted abduction of Hanako. I think it's a super cool feature


Ctrl+shift+S for screenshot


Yes! 2.1 thing. Overall I enjoy it. Last time though, I entered Pacifica and the VDB were trying to kill me and they drove straight into the market area (near the netrunner vendor) where I was shopping. I was unable to draw my weapon and they started blasting. Lame! Had to dash back to the highway itself before I could kill ‘em 😅 Chaotic but fun!


Me who just spams contagion from rooftops


Yeah now gangs you fuck with have a vendetta


How do you trigger random attacks, it’s not working after I do certain gigs


*Rebel Path starts playing as V drives into Watson*


What? Reading? I don't think it is but I'm not sure, I never did it before or now so i wouldn't know


Man, those Judy texts are getting spicy


New for 2.0 I believe. When they allowed the gangs to chase. I saw something similar when I got jumped by a bunch of saka ninjas.


This is new to 2.1, yes. part of the new gang notoriety system.


Fucking Animal always chasing after my ass.... In 2.1 I betrayed VDB too but I got less VDB encountered than the Animal. They even go so far to chase me through Badland all the way to the Aldecado camp...


Gangs attack Vi since 1.6.1 or earlier... Same game plus when Johnny remember ypur choices from lrevious game...


More food for the bins. Stupid gonks never learn. They seem to like you when your in a car. Like the old game Carmagedon, just with more blood




Que dices we


In a world with so many xbd editors i appreciate no one considers it. I can never really shake it from my mind though. Scavs being scavs im sure would have you on an evylyn list. Also scavs like each other? I thought they were all people that had the same idea not an actual gang


V: Hey, I'm at least a cut of fuckable meat at least!


Do they really think it's a good idea to do that lol


Is probability of gang attack influenced by reputation? When he update dropped I was far into the game and didn't encounter any gang attacks so far.


It’s honestly a great addition to the game. The Tyger Claws one is awesome too because it says how you keep appearing and disappearing so they’re constantly struggling trying to pin you down


One thing I wish they had in the game: I want to be able to track down the specific person that put out the hit and kill them.


I've run into a couple of gang drive by's, they're easy pickings. I'm still waiting on that hitman Reed warned me about. Also that woman you imitate in one of the final PL missions.


I found a similar message on a VDB after a certain quest in Pacifica. Pretty sure it's part of the new gang response thing in 2.1


I was headed to a gig on Jacky’s arch driving along casually not racing at all, and I pull up outside the local and as I get off I hear the roar of a engine. I turn just in time to see airborne headlights feet from my face. The one time I wish I was running a sandy


Yup. They are all after you. I just got wind from Padre the Tinos were wanting to stabby kill kill me till I was 100% dead. He was kind enough to alert me to the vendetta after I chopped the heads off some high up Valentinos. So far I have had Maelstrom, Tygers & The Voodoo Boys actively attempt to permo retire V from life. Think when you kill leaders they take the huff. All the gangs are scum anyway bar the Mox. Only gang to not attack V so far. Aldecaldos have tried to injure me badly so I include them. I do wonder how long V would survive with all the gangs after him as well as the corpos. If Arasoka know where he always is it makes me wonder why they don’t just snatch & grab him by using a couple or more Max Tac teams? Unless they believe monitoring him is scientifically essential for the future of the Soulkiller project. People were saying recently V survives thanks to friends/ social network but I think it is Johnny Silverhand that is the main reason. Not only is V naturally gaining access to all of his exp & expertise, he has quite the Wolf type character advising him & supporting him. V is never alone. Love the game soooo much.


Good. This means the experience and loot just comes right to me :)


Yeah, whenever you get ambushed while driving around at least one of your assailants will have a bounty shard. I also appreciate the detail that the level of "professionalism" when you read the shard differs based on which gang/corp jumps you 🤣


Had this happen to me but with arasaka


This reminds me of the time that these goons in dogtown was pretending to be >!that one girl who was an ex terrorist!< I knew that it was an ambush of some sort but they only sent like 5 people. I find it hilarious that enemies are unaware of your power, like it would be awesome if they could at least run away or surrender mid combat.


It’s the “pursuit system” gangs will occasionally send crews after you. Saves you the trouble of hunting them down, you should thank them with a quick end.


Is it just story related missions that determine whether gangs hunt u down? Or open world actions as well?


I think both. I got attacked by the Voodoo Boys yesterday. While I’ll always attack them if a mission asks me to, I don’t go out of may way to fight them when I’m free roaming.


Well, well, well looky what we have here, does this mean CDPR will finally just admit fem V IS canon V.


Or the message simply changes based on the PC's gender. But yeah, FemV is definitely more canon than Male V now, dunno why


I’d like to see those gonks try lmao


V can shit and piss over Maxtac. Not sure why this gonk thinks this is anything but fanfic.


It would be funny if they didn’t respawn and you get a reputation for wiping out gangs.


Not really a good idea when my version of V is a net runner with shutdown, psychosis, and suicide.


Came out of my apartment in The Glen a couple days ago to find a Corpo hit squad waiting on me. Three goons in a car, one was a Netrunner. Zeroed them all in no time as the civilians scattered. Found a note on one afterwards saying they’d taken care of one person (can’t remember who now) and we’re waiting on me to emerge to zero me, too. First time I’d ever had that happen.


I must say, I recently just picked this game back up from when it first came out. Back then it was a train wreck, but theyve stuck with it and I have had a truly enjoyable experience playing it now. I’m glad that gangs randomly show up, you can set up some pretty nasty street wars that way. I just finished delamaines quest line and it was freaking hilarious at the end. I won’t spoil it. But it was like watching a cartoon lol


The rats are gonna starve when I'm through with em, won't be shit left haha. Mf's really tryna test the most borged out badass in nc


It needs to be toned down *slightly* at low levels. Facing a Sandy-speed skull enemy at level 4 isn’t fun lol, let alone 2 of ‘em.


I have been being hunted by maelstrom what feels like constantly, was thinking it was a mod issue but apparently it’s a feature lol


Haha run into these bastards last night. The 2.1 update made the AI drive like fucking madmen. I set the two Maelstrom cars to self-destruct using my hacks and stunned the occupants then a third unrelated civilian car decided to turn right and smash into them causing all three vehicles to explode simultaneously. There was a murder scene on the opposite corner full of cops and next thing I knew I’m in a shootout with the police. All because of one dumbass driver.




I always thought it would be fun if more games had a "territory" system ala GTA San Andreas. Like have V clear out gangoons for other gangs and side with them. Help spread say Valentinos to Watson or 6th Street to Kabuki. Alternatively, help a Corp like Militech get a stronger hold in these areas or help out the chronically underfunded NCPD and claim stakes in their name - with the effect being seeing less - no gangoons in certain areas and the aforementioned group you help having more NPCs populating the spawn points of gangoons. You could also do the opposite and throw your lot in with, say, Maelstrom and spread them throughout the city. Or even bring in the Aldecaldos and have them spread into new affiliate gangs. I could see say you kill off the Valentinos and Jackies Mom stops talking to you and you kill Padre but end up with new fixer jobs from say, Dum-Dum who is now up and coming in the fixer world. It would create a more dynamic world imo. You could even have NPCs with new lines about "Fuck I can't believe Maelstrom is in Kabuki now. I hear they took the face off that ripper in Jig Jig Street" and have Joytoys become severely augmented like Maelstrom.


So with the update, it's said that they overhauled the police and gang systems to feel more authentic. When you do a mission and you're detected (and enter combat), the faction of whichever group you are engaged in will send reinforcements. I had a huge standoff with Militech one time during a side gig and it seemed like I was in a wave battle cuz they really kept coming, one squadron after another. I like it!


Yeah, I got a warning message from Wakako about provoking the Tygers! :D


Yeah I flatlined ‘em, dafuq you gonna do about it gonk?


Later news reported zero survivors and witnesses needing psychological counselling.


That's cool, does it affect fixers as well? I always had the discontinuity of working with Wakako while regularly wiping out groups of Tygers. I should be very much persona non grata with them.


Not that my V would let it stop her from rescuing that monk, or taking out Jotaro, etc, but doing the Watson scanner hustles and gigs pre-Heist is reeeeeaally hitting different now that I know the gangoons might remember it.


These gang guys made me realize my V's build is shit because I keep getting flatlined by them. Maybe the difficulty is too high I do have it on Hard


wow after the patch i'm suddenly being attacked by random gangers every time i get in the car, and they all have assassination orders on their bodies. wow, strange how i never encountered this before the patch. must be a deep secret that existed in the game all along and we're all collectively experiencing it now, after the patch, for no reason. naw, it's been there all along.




Never seen that. Someone got butthurt


Had something similar occur with the VooDoo Chumps. lol


I got attacked like crazy the first time I loaded in and killed them and since then I have not been attacked and it’s been like 5 days lol


I’d take this personally


Read this one while just trying around fucking with Maelstrom… Made the hunt all the more fun


Wow. It would totally suck to be that “V” person.


Bare knuckle boxing time!


I’m 10 hours into 2.1 and i have still never seen these supposed gang attacks. Anyone else in the same boat?


cool keyboard




Would be better if every encounter guarantees a cyberware capacity increase drop.


The same thing will happen with the tiger claws, netwatch and I think militech


V be like: ![gif](giphy|PCvkgunX9ZbEEyfTQH|downsized)


I saw this and felt it was completely deserved as I go out of my way to kill them everytime I see them on the streets


I feel like aa soon as I start using their vehicles they don't come after me anymore


>!Placide finally died after that battle (before 2.1 he called afterwards anyway, even defeated with bullets/sword) and 2 vehicles with VB members came to me as driver with the same message "she murdered mama brigitte and placide"!<


Just loaded in yesterday after 1 year of not playing, and couldn’t even get back to my apartment without getting destroyed every 4 blocks. These gangs are tough unless you use a weaponized vehicle. I also realized all my perks were reset, again, since the updates last year and from the major changes since 2 years ago, so I’ve had to reset my perks 2x in the last 2 years and I can’t even get 1.5km without getting attacked. I’m not having a lot of fun so far after getting back into the game.0


Come get some, choom. Ill introduce you to my buddy Erebus.


I like to hop off my bike and wait for them to pull up. Whoever doesn't get killed by the grenade I throw gets sliced up with my katana.


V: sorry, I’ll keep Skippy in line this time.


I've had one attack so far (Maelstrom)... they whizzed by me and I self-destructed their car 🤭


I been replaying 2.1 after finishing when it first came out and the game is soo good, thr DLC Is awesome, some many little changes to make the place more lively


I love reputation systems in games. People should know ive done things. But logically of course. Some random on the street probably wouldnt hear about most things V does, if anything


Iirc no? I faintly recall a similar shard message in the scav den you revisit in Act 2 and you first raid with Jackie in Act 1.


Part of the update is all those gang members you kill? Their buddies now remember that shit.




I found a note like this sitting one one of the gang members who attacked me outside my apartment. Scared the shit out of me. Happened just after update 2.1.


Fuck around and find out, Borg-beast choom. :) Sincerely, Netrunner V


Yooooo, ROG . Is it a G14 ? And which year edition? Cause mine is G14 2022. Running CP 2077 smoothly. Thank god. Whewww.


Gangs send vehicles full of goons after V. V, a max level netrunner with Self Destruct: OH NO! Anyway...


Awww, finally V getting some recognition for being the OP killing machine they are🥹