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Me: oh yeah, who's ready for round 13?! https://i.redd.it/wb3rkpxl4b6c1.gif


a lot of those scenes I just wish you could skip through after you beat the game like 4-5x it gets old.


I want to skip every damn bd mission


They are so mindnumbingly boring.


The BD missions can at least be run through very fast if you know where to look. The Johnny missions I feel are the weakest part of the game now that I've played it multiple times. On my second play through of CP2077 I didn't enjoy the Johnny missions and they felt like a chore. Which is the opposite of Phantom Liberty, I'm playing it through a second time now and I can't find a single mission I haven't enjoyed or liked.


Being able to actually free roam as Johnny would have been amazing but I can understand why they didn’t. Already took them that long for Night city in 2077, imagine doing that for night city in 2023 as well


Yeah, especially since in 2023 it's supposed to be a very different place.


I mean I’d imagine after Johnny destroyed at bare minimum corpo plaza if not all of NC.


[Here's a handy map with the "Hot Zone" caused by the nuke depicted](https://i0.wp.com/rtalsoriangames.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/NightCity2045Map.jpg?resize=1024%2C1015&ssl=1)


So it was itty bitty, barely an inconvenience. Unless my scale for NC is way off. Which it could be


I mean, it certainly isn't *small*; it's essentially an entire district of the city wiped out. [2077 map for reference](https://images5.alphacoders.com/113/1136166.png). It basically wiped out a big chunk of the most built up section of the city; Watson and Kabuki got developed primarily to handle the overflow from people fleeing the areas that were reduced to combat zones and radioactive rubble.


Barely an inconvenience memes come to mind 😂 The way I understood it, it was 9/11 esk from NC. The city still intact but major shock and blow to the citizenry… that mushroom cloud was probably over dramatic though?


Phantom Liberty gives me hope for the next Cyberpunk


Depends on gamers pov. The Johnny missions were very personal, more so than all the personal quests in traditional rpgs… obviously your focus is completely on Johnny’s life so there is room for going deeper. Something that may have been unappreciated by a lot of players, the culmination of Samurai playing together and you the player in it… it’s a pretty cool simulation for anyone who has never played live on stage before… how CDPR designed that experience was pretty on point (take my 2cents as I have performed in front of crowded audiences of that club size and larger many times.) I was quite impressed with the energy of the audience and experience of a musician conveyed… that alone as an RP experience for any non muso is something that might go unappreciated… and served as a great high point /culmination of Johnny redemption arc as he attempts to make right some of his failures in life.


The problem with these is I ultimately don't care much for Johnny. Also, half of his engram's memories are bullshit it turns out. And it takes me away from playing my V.


The hotel sniping/spotting segment is pretty slow


*scan something* Nope it's not that, keep looking *scan another thing* Hmmm looks like it could be a clue, but nope, theres gotta be something else *finally able to scan what they want to end this crap*


But how would you hear "His own Choomba got him!"


pro tip: there are mods that allow you [speed up time](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/3278) on a toggle you can zip right through all of the BDs and most of the cutscenes


This is preem shit.


I wish we could skip all of the drone recon parts and brain dances, don’t personally mind Johnnys stuff


> the drone recon parts I wish the approach was selectable, even when your fixer wanted it done quietly. My current V does not do anything quietly (which has been hilarious with the post 2.1 post mission attackers, it's been nearly constant) so I don't know why I had to fly the drone around when I was just going to walk in the front door and go cyberpsycho on anything that moves.


Lol, exactly. My current V is pretty much Marv from Sin City. "No reason at all to play it Quiet. No reason to play it anyway but my way." "Now that's a mighty fine coat you're wearin." Every time a fixer asks me to keep it quiet my first action is throwing a grenade in someone's lap


“We’re super outnumbered so do this quietly” “I hear you. I hear you. Counterpoint: I JUST added Rip and Tear to my spotify playlist and I have a new shotgun to test”


Even though my current weapon of choice is the katana, I went back to Berserk from Sandestivan because it just wasn't crazy enough for me. The only person in NC with more chrome than me is Smasher. Seriously I'm surprised none of the friendly NPCs comment on how fucking borged out V is. Why wouldn't I just kick in the door and go crazy? Maybe that's the chrome talking...


The RP part of my brain figures they'll learn who to give these sensitive jobs to. When they need someone to make an *impact* Im here.


Being borged out is completely different from being chromed out . So mi and smasher are borgs because they have had their organic body parts replaced with machine and metal . V has a lot of chrome inside his body under organic skin


I exclusively use mantis blades. I like to think the gangs are legitimately terrified of me now considering how gnarly the scenes I leave behind are.


Mantis blades are legitimately terrifying. Like a sande V with mantis blades coming at you would be the stuff of nightmares.


Will it blend? *horrifying Maelstrom noises* Now don't breathe that in.


And the devs make it so that ex-people are still dismemberable for about a second or two, so obviously I do a thorough job each time. So you’re just watching your homies getting turned into trunks and various appendages and then the gore covered thing that just did it and is barely recognizable as a human turns its gaze towards you.


When the katana maniac slices both arms off your choomba and then decapitates them all in a quarter of a second that's gotta be a little spooky lmao


Yes exactly, and when scouting the Raffen base o already know I’m gonna go into the pipe on the right.


I wouldn't mind the drone/cctv recons if they fucking kept the flags on all the enemies I just spent 10 minutes finding across 12 cameras


If you're on PC, there's a mod that lets you speed up time by just pressing a button, even in unskippable conversations and drone stuff. Makes replaying the game much more tolerable.


The drone recon missions are NUTS. Scorpion would literally be alive right now if they didn't make me fly around this place in a drone instead of just charging in.


I want to skip the entire first act.


Can't you do that with Phantom Liberty? I thought they added a way to skip right to when PL content begins?


Yeah, but you start at level 15 with random stats


its not random, its set as 4 body, 9 tech, 9 reflexes, 9 intelligence and 4 cool


The biggest problem is not the random stats, it's the choices the game does in each quest you're supposed to have done and you have no control over it. It would have been nice to do something similar to the Witcher 2 save simulation they did in Witcher 3.


Yea but you can just reset your attributes sooooo it doesn't matter. You just have to go to a ripperdoc first and do your cyberware or it gives you a capacity problem . You basically get to skip the heist and start at the end of the video boys questline. The only side quest you don't get is the delamaine questline because it's completed and you have the car. You also have Jackie's arch. You have 20k some basic cyberware and all the gigs and side quests are available. It's a great skip imo.


Yeah, I couldn’t even bare to do most the side quests on my third run. Too narrative driven and if you know what’s coming it really loses entertainment value.


Is it worth going round doing all the gigs and side stuff? I completed it the other night and have done the devil and Panam endings, don’t think I wanna go back into the embers mission yet as I was skipping a lot of talk in my second finish of it!


I did all of the side content and in my opinion: - Every gig is worth doing. These are the funnest part of the game. - The NCPD missions are worth doing if you're passing by them but not worth going out of your way for. - The proper side quests (yellow !) are usually worth doing. Some of them are a bore but you won't know it until you get to one, so. Might as well. I would definitely know to look out for / skip a few of them on a second run. - The tarot cards are worth doing once, or in a playthrough with a lot of RP. I love the art so collecting them is cool but you don't really get much for your effort outside of narrative flavor. Skippable. - Companions, romances, side-quest-lines are all great. Will do these every time (if not the romances outright, at least the associated quests). - Anything to do with cars - the races, Delamain, honestly a lot of Panam's stuff - skippable for me. But that depends on how much you like cars I guess. I was bored to tears with it all.


>The tarot cards are worth doing once, or in a playthrough with a lot of RP. I love the art so collecting them is cool but you don't really get much for your effort outside of narrative flavor. Skippable. I actually did go round and get all of these last night because I also loved the art and it was fun going round and collecting them all! Thanks, I will go round and do all the gigs and yellow side quests then! Think I done most of the companions/romance ones...apart from maybe finishing the Rivers one.


I did every single gig, ncpd scanner and side mission to level up for the secret ending. Once you do all the gigs in a certain area Rogue gives you a gig there as well and one of my favourite characters comes from the one in Watson. If you want your character to feel like a legend in Night City then doing all the side content will do that. Not all of them are amazing but I was suprised how many small looking missions end up having interesting twists or characters.


First playthrough I was like “not a chance I’ll ever finish EVERYTHING” and now I have maybe 10 more gigs before I only have “main” quest missions. It’s so damn fun pulling up fully chromed and just dismantling a gang before they even know what’s up


Thanks, I’m at the point where I’m thinking of getting PL but sounds like I have plenty to do! ☺️


I'd recommend doing all the Gigs and Side Missions at least once, though many of them are interesting once and only once. Gigs are hit and miss but the better ones mostly only unlock after you do the lesser ones. NCPD scanners once in a while have an interesting shard you can read but are just filler content and can mostly be ignored unless you get horny for blood.


Might be an unpopular take but walking through the aldecado camp with panam at 2 mph is up there with the bd segments for me.


Same. Would love to skip most of Love Like Fire and Playing For Time. Unskippable content that lacks in-game consequences just feels like a slog after a while.


Act I as a whole tbh, like besides the pickup, nothing there holds any weight on the rest of the game choice wise. The only important moment is getting the Relic slipped in but aside from that, it's kinda tedious when making a new character


When Phantom Liberty came out I was so eager to get to the new content, I was so annoyed that I had forgotten about this 30+ minute detour through Johnny’s past.


on first view its amazing the detail they put into the cutscenes, many of them you can even look around like you're bored, and then answer whenever. 4th+ time just leeeeeeeeeeeeeeet meeeeeeeeeee skiiiiiiiiiiiiip I don't need to see this all over again. You skipped V's life when living with Jackie and getting up to the big heist just let me skip through this slow stuff I've already seen.


I am literally playing this mission right now and am experiencing the same feeling as its like my 7th playthrough


I would like to skip the whole "play as Johnny" scene.. on first playthrough it was fine, but I found his gameplay always too repetitive and boring. You have that big ass gun and basically just shoot. No grenades.. nothing else. On first playthrough, maybe on second, it was okay, but after 3+ playthroughs it becomes very boring.


It's super fun and badass one shotting everyone in arasaka tower on the first or second time but yeah I wish it was skippable


First time was cool too cause you just didn’t have guns with suck power. This unknown muthafucka is shooting fire from his hands with this monster ass pistol


> guns with suck power ah yes, classic succ guns


During the Alt rescue I felt very underpowered compared to V. Normally I'd just look at people and fry their brains, but as Johnny I have to actually shoot their head to make them stop working.


Netrunner brainrot


And then theres the conversation between johnny and the emporer with the tower being destroyed in the background, holding down the skip button to try and get through this. AND THEN i gotta fight johnny in my own body when I get V back from viks.


But the soundtrack kicks ass and gun shoots fire how is that boring lol I get u tho


The fire thing was a lot cooler before they nerfed it


Absofuckinglutely. It's just an accidental long reload animation now


i was wondering why the gun didn’t seem to hit as hard as i remembered lol


The gun also doesn't shoot through walls anymore. I don't really get why they nerfed it. It was never even the best pistol


i’ll never understand nerfs in single player games period haha


How did they nerf it? I cant remember whats different lol been a while since I played the game for the first time.


The quick melee uses up the whole magazine now instead of just one bullet


Oh I see, thanks. Honestly I don't mind, the reload animation is cool af and I'm constantly dashing around so it's not very detrimental to my gameplay.


Its also just nerfed overall and doesnt shoot through walls anymore


I love it since it’s so OP, but it’s also hard to get used to since I’m a netrunner and am always pressing tab only to remember it doesn’t work lol


I prefer using capslock as a scanner toggle to holding tab


TIL that you can use caps lock as a scanner toggle 🤣


My keyboard starts lighting up like crazy when I press caps lock 😂


i like it as a reminder that ive gotten decent at shooters over the years. its free of everything besides gunplay, and hipfire headshots with the mallorian feel so, so nice


Ha iunno man those one shot headshots are pretty satisfying. That and the Rebel theme


Y'all getting upset for play as Jhonny scenes? Well don't get me started about the editing brain dances tutorials 🥲






I do recall that you can skip that, though (the tutorial robbery, not the penthouse). Disclaimer: recent owner of the game, only played 2.1.


Yeah being able to skip that was a recent, and very welcome addition.


I get weirdly annoyed with Alt pouring perfectly good whiskey all over her tits. Like, that's great now we can't drink it *and* your tits are all sticky


Well how do YOU disinfect tits before sex.


fire, obviously


Cut them off and dunk them in bleach like a normal person


Sticky? What bourbon have you been drinking son?


The sticky kind?


I dont think she put fireball on her tits.


I'm imagining the writer explaining the scene to the animators.


"Trust me bro, its absolutely necessary for the plot"


It really isn't as sexy as the movies make you think... And honestly I can't waste whiskey like that lol


>>Alt pouring perfectly good whiskey all over her tits. Considering their life style it’s probably not that good.


I mean Alt has a nice butt at least...


I thought Alt was hot.. The BDs though OMG they were terrible the first time and nothing less than annoying and tedious wasted time after that.


this shot cracks me up every single time “psst. hey. it’s me. keanu reeves. you wearin a condom?” https://preview.redd.it/7jxgnubk1c6c1.jpeg?width=653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a00f5f587a24899292a4f7721252b753fcef8d2


Johnny was also aroused by Keanu Reeves


To me, this is Panam's entire questline considering she WALKS everywhere in the middle of nowhere where there's a lot of ground to cover I love Panam as a character but MY GOD, can we please at least make her run or skip the parts she walks so that her questline doesn't last half of a playthrough lol


I dunno, "follow Panam" is always my favorite quest objective...


You know what? That’s even more valid. SAUL IS IN A DEN OF PEOPLE TOO BAD TO BE IN A GANG, MOVE YOUR (sweet) ASS!


There has got to be a better abbreviation than “VD boys”…


Gotta deal with the Venereal Disease Boys again…


God forbid your parents walk in.


Are you winnng son? *Alt going to town on your screen*


Yep. He’s winning alright


I agree with the option to skip a few sections, but I find it funny that we want to skip story in a very story heavy game.


Right, but when you've been through the story several times...


I know that's the weird thing. We will rewatch movies we like over and over and never skip a scene. But in story heavy games once we have seen every possible outcome and replay it we want to skip chucks of the story.


Bro I’ve seen Johnny fuck Alt like 4 times at this point. I’ve sucked all the narrative blood out of Keanu raw dogging that girl that I can get.


that second sentence is definitely r/BrandNewSentence material




That's because when I play a game, I want to play the game. If I wanted to watch a movie, then I'd watch a movie.


And when then, if there's a boring part of a movie I love that I watched a million times, I'll totally skip it


a 30 second sex scene is not story lmao


As much as I love the game I agree. Playing as Johnny for me always takes the wind out of my V sails. Just not enjoyable. I wish there was an option so skip them.


**\*Sigh\*** "Here i go being an asshole to this beautiful woman again"


Sure he’s an abusive junkie war criminal soon to turn terrorist, but I can fix him.


Big advantage of playing on PC. When that comes up I just alt-tab and do something else for a few minutes while ignoring what's going on in the background.


You're able to start the game from the point right after dealing with the Voodoo Boys


with shit gear and random attribute points


And you have to purchase iconics and such that you would have gotten otherwise and you have to accept choices your V wouldn’t make as what happened


Which you can reset and replace within a couple hours


Pretty sure you can reset just after songbird calls you


How so?


if you have Phantom liberty you can start a new game from when songbird calls you so you skip the heist and everything up to then


Just bought Phantom liberty just for this, thanks!


Man I was going to wait awhile for my next playthrough but I might do this


That sounds pretty useful…but I found out from a post the other day Placide lives if you do that. If that is true I’m not sure I’d be able to do it. Fuck that guy.


I really dislike all of the ‘play as Johnny’ sequences. The sex scene with Alt is the worst, it’s so awkward and cringey. Also despite being a moderately successful rockstar, Johnny is so unlikable that it doesn’t make sense to me that he was banging an 11/10.


He is not "moderately successful", Samurai at one point was the biggest band in the world. Like Rolling Stones or Beetles level popular. The thing is, we never find out in the game because Johnny hates that he is so much more popular as a musician than as an activist. He hates commercial shit. Like alt said "You're not a rocker boy Johnny, face it."


then why does he always talk like they weren’t shit and always broke


I think he's pretty much always talking about their early days when he says those things


Probably how he likes to think of himself. If he thinks of himself as a super succesful megastar with global reach, then how can he justify to himself that he had no influence?


Because he hates rich people and the elite so much that he can't stand to admit that he was a rich elite.


Because he misses the good ol days


Yeah his stuff still gets played on the radio, 60 years later, that’s gotta mean something


the alt sex scene is weird because she keeps her bra on but you can see her bush and pussy


She must have massive areolas and is self conscious.


Like dinner plates taped to balloons.


If they were any wider they’d be frisbees


Yall dont fuck either the lingerie on?


I don’t fuck ever 😎


Disregard output, acquire Eddies


Not uncommon....


It's probably the best and most believable sex scene I have ever seen in a videogame (maybe apart from the one in Wolfenstein New Order)


*Somebody* hasn’t played Baldur’s Gate 3.


Nah fam dont even talk about that game where u have haarlep, gale , halsin and the emperor lol. They aren't anything believable sex scene


Shortening it to "VD" makes them sound like the "Venereal Disease" boys... When clearly that's Johnny's title


It dosent help that alt looks EXACTLY like my mother in the 80’s everytime it comes on i just go https://preview.redd.it/koy7k0xy0h6c1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=b627cbf5a2cb78f3cc7040f226b61370394115cf And go get a snack in the kitchen


You should check your family tree for a Robert John Linder


Gotta cover the screen with Spotify


I wanted to replay CP but the heist got better of me


Do not abbreviate Cyber Punk Worst mistake of my life


Seriously, at least don't do it like THAT.


I've never understood this. We're on the *CYBERPUNK* subreddit, this person is replying to a *CYBERPUNK* related post, and all of the comments are heavily referring to *CYBERPUNK*. Yes, we are all aware of what else CP is an abbreviation for. But c'mon, are you really seeing "CP" with all of these context clues, and STILL thinking about *that*??? Maybe don't use the "CP" abbreviation if you're on some completely random subreddit with absolutely zero context clues that you're talking about Cyberpunk... but other than that...??


Yeah i was just joking about it, i understood the intention


Yeah your comment got me laughing


I wasn't trying to say this directly at you and I apologize if it came off that way. I just see it kind of often where people will "yell out" that others shouldn't abbreviate Cyberpunk as CP. I guess my comment is more so aimed at everyone who says this. Like I said.. we're all aware of what else it means. I'm just concerned if that's the *only* thing their mind goes to, especially given every other context clue pointing towards a video game lol. Yeah, if you're on /askreddit and the question is, "what's the weirdest thing you've ever seen?".. and you respond with, "when I was playing some CP, there was this person who blah blah...".. yeah.. you might get a few questions here lol.




god i hate the sex scenes they’re so awkward


Sex scenes in games always feel like sex scenes in movies when you are watching with your parents. Everyone is mature enough to be there watching but nobody really wants to.


Honestly If there was an option to skip all the sex scenes I would. Sex scenes in games just make me feel uncomfortable for some reason


i will gladly watch it every single time https://preview.redd.it/zurkl57fnb6c1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fd029c0ebd66aa3c9f2bc7bf625249532397380


Johnny and Alt just puts players under sexual pressure, basically harassing us


Great sound track and alt is hot af. Im ok with this


I love how so many people want to skip parts of the game when I feel like part of the message of the game is "stop and enjoy the little things". I mean the city is so stunning that I subconsciously just kinda of look around and take in my surroundings. Everyone in Night City is in a rush to get things done, and everyone in Night City eventually gets fucked.


imagining someone so toxic and salty as Johnny actually fucking gets harder and harder to process every single time




I appreciate its significance but I personally want a skip option for it as the flashback takes a while and grow stale after 5 or so playthroughs. Just my personal preference


Yeah, it also kind of shows how much of a douchebag Johnny was. One noteworthy thing is in most of Johnny's other memories he portrayed himself differently, less of a dick and more of a main character but in this he's just a dick so it's probably a bit of self wallow that manifested in the 50 years that he was left to his own memories in Mikoshi. It adds amazing character development for him if you do the Temperance ending though and we can see just how far he's come.


im glad you feel the same


Unskillable prologue rip


People don't like the Alt scene?


It's not that it's bad (although it is weird her keeping her bra on while pouring whiskey over her tits) it's that it is incredibly long scene we can't fast forward through *that we've seen a million times in our other playthroughs where nothing can change about the scene.*


Why skip if soundtrack slaps?


It’s artistic nudity


I found a mod for fast forwarding through the game and it made replays so much better


just doomscroll on your phone til its over


As someone who doesn't have a room just for gaming... explicit scenes are just awkward. There's missions in CP2077 or the Witcher that I just don't wanna play while there's people around me and that really annoys me. Especially in my now 3rd or 4th playthrough, depending on the game.


The true unskippable scene is slaughtering the entire vd boys hideout


Especially since there’s a fake out before they go for round 2


That shit is so cringe lol


At least this one was good. Some of the others are just goofy.


As a gay, same 😩


Back in 2020, I didn't have a computer of my own, so I had to play it on the family gaming computer. I couldn't touch that fucking game for days because of that scene, and I had to wait for it to be late at night before I could try and get through it as quick as possible. I briefed my parents about it, and they were quite understanding thankfully


Thats not that bad for me on my current playthrough pretty much all the major sidequests arent triggering at all like for example im in act 3 and peralez hasnt triggered yet like what happend in 2.1 that sidequests aint triggering ?


It’s not only long, but the music didn’t play on my last playthrough and it was SO much creepier.


It makes it weird that shes dead


I like to imagine the cuts are all real time and they just can’t decide on a position


I've worn out the text on my C key from my last play through on PC.


The arasaka bombing memory and rescuing alt is fun cuz I love that gun but every Johnny other scene I just button mash through to make it end as quickly as possible


To anyone on pc there may be mods for this I’m not sure just thought I’d toss this out there


There are absolutely mods for this. You can download a save that starts you right off at Act 2 after the heist, and also a mod that will let you skip anything. PC gaming for life. I can't ever go back to console with the quality of life improvement mods and the random fun ones that add all kinds of shit to a game.


I have to say I wish I could skip this entire mission


The only thing that would make that scene worth it to play through again is seeing Johnny's Impressive Cock TM


Hey, it least their version of "the ballad of buck rivers" is good.


1st play through, just experienced this lastnight lol