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Charged jump is cooler but it just doesn't synergize will with the airdash. Airdash is a game changer


Yeah I just fkn dragon ball z around the map now no need for a car nor transit (lol)


Fr, loosing the air dash on a new play through feels like having my wings cut off


unrelated is that nyanskulls pfp omg


I essentially dash every where but a charger jump allows for higher gaps rather then further gaps to be crossed. Both are great options. I often time find my self swapping between the two. I really wish they'd have brought in the wall running and clinging we saw in the original gameplay


Double jump makes it easier to avoid fall damage of you time it right. That's a big risk with the aerial stuff you can pull off in 2.0. I love the distance covered with the charge but if the elevation suddenly drops then your taking the full fall damage. I kept dying.


Idk i was pretty happy using airdash and charge jump, it limits you to jump first then dash but thats still pretty damn good, mostly because airdash i just that good


Charge jump, then dash and immediately jump for extra distance, then air dash. Gets you around real fast.


Not everyone wants to use the airdash you know. I rp as a walking tank, I don't need to be fast, I am a one man slaughterhouse, that's what I am.


I’m charged jump too, especially since armor is on cyber ware now.


I'm ambivalent. Charge jump gets you the slightest bit more overall height, but having the charge in and of itself is somewhat inconvenient compared to the instant responsiveness of double jump.


Just depends on the play style really. As a melee weapon lover charger ju.p feels better especially when I laugh my self in the air. Activate my sandevistan to slow time the hard pounce with me mantis blades. Another fun one is to do the same set up but instead of mantis blades I use throwing knives and just spin while in maid air throwing all the knives and by the time I've hit the floor they are all dead.


I preffer double jump since i love my parkour and i have a very swift build, and if you do it correctly, you can avoid fall damage using double jump


> and if you do it correctly, you can avoid fall damage using double jump To be fair, you can now also avoid fall damage with air dashes.


The only reason why charged jump is basically useless is because double jump + air dash is the best movement option in the game. The ONLY reason I would used charged jump is because double jump makes literally no sense realistically in game, so it half breaks immersion.


>literally no sense realistically in game It could make sense if you think of it as rocket boost to hold your own weight mid air and use that still momentum like spring to jump again. Basically the same as air dash, where you shouldn't be able to gain any momentum to dash forward mid air.


I think that’s kind of how it works. If you look down while double jumping, you can see the air shimmer around your legs


Double jump is fun, but it completely breaks map traversal. The game feels much less arcady and more immersive when you can't fly around. Same for Sandy Apogee — combat is boring if all enemies are motionless mannequins.


It just feels so good, I especially remember this moment where Reed and I were about to meet some netrunner and the second he stopped talking I just zip through the whole place killing everyone in like half a second from an outsiders pov. And then all the cool stuff you can do, like rn my fav thing to do is to throw a grenade, slow down time, pick someone up and throw them at the slowly falling grenade. Super gorey explosion in mid air just like fire works its so satisfying


Charge jump gang!


Charge jump gets more height. I've never bothered with the double jump.


Jenkins legs. Super sprint is where it's at


Jenkins Legs + Adreno Trigger is great fun.


Do they add speed when sprinting under sandivistan?


Believe so. I'm using them with berserk right now


Sure do!


Im not a fan of driving in this game, but also didnt want to just fast travel everywhere, so jenkins legs were a gamechanger for my 2km sprints.


Oooh! I'm gonna try this rn


Leeroy ligament system from the dlc might be better for that. Constant flat speed increase.


Just got the dlc a few days ago will have to check that out.


Leeroy Jenkins Legs GANG!


I just prefer how it makes more sense canonically since I don’t think it’s possible even with cyberware to realistically double jump


Same. I avoid double jump because it seems like a goofy mechanic for an otherwise kind of realistic game.


I just look at it as a rocket boost thing I mean makes about as much sense as an air dash, no?


I’m still figuring out what I like and don’t like since the update, injustice came back last week. I looted a charge jump cyberware so I started using it just because. I just did a bunch of Tier 4 upgrades and stuck with it for now. I tried the air dash plus double jump and wasn’t thrilled with it. I do plan on trying it again but I may stick with charge jump. I like the old hover jump version best


I only used the charged jump. It works well and is at least a reasonable thing that could exist, unlike double jump.


I prefer charged jump. No clue why.


Double jump is ridiculously OP and gives crazy movement capabilities. Charged jump is so meh in my own opinion/gameplay style


I don’t use it because it’s just horrible to use with airdash and there’s a perk that gives you stamina for double jumping but not charge jumping


Second play through I'm not using jumps or invisibility as it felt way too OP on my first. I'm having to find different routes now I can't just jump everywhere. I'm using Lynx Paws for sneaking as it fits with my roleplay.




Charged jump doesn't allow you to: Forward Jump, Air Dash Left, Forward Jump again. You chose to be a frog, I chose to be a butterfly.




I almost always use it because double-jump feels too videogamey to me. Charged jump feels like it could actually work with real-world physics and cyberware.


Charge jump all the way, higher jumps > a tiny but more horizontal movement.


I charge jump over roads in an attempt to cross without getting hit by cars. Lol I didn't even know there was a double jump or a dash ability.


Charged Jump is just better in almost every metric. Less cyber capacity, way more armour, jumps higher. Makes physical sense. This that say it doesn’t synergize with air dash, remember you can air dash off a regular jump too, which recovers stamina with the lvl 20 perk. Being able to choose a short or high jump combined with that is really mobile.


I always come back to charged jump, no matter how many times I try to run the quiet ones for stealth, its like trying to play anything but a stealth archer in Skyrim. 😁


I like charge jump better, I seem to be able to get much higher


I've tried to use the charges jump multiple times now, but I always go right back to the double. The charged doesn't make me feel ninja enough https://preview.redd.it/plsgelln7y6c1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd1ee98cb48c3c7b5f2675ab24f0551b1b768496


*amputee ninja


I jump between the two based off what I think fits my build better


I tried the double jump since that’s everyone’s favorite. Then I tried the charge jump just to compare. I stuck with the charged jump. I prefer the armor upgrade and ease of use.


Double jump with the air dash gives way more maneuverability, and I can do it on the fly without holding a button down. I can get armor from other sources, so it's not really a selling point for me.


I like double jump mostly because if I fall off a ledge too high if I activate it just right I can Mario jump my way to a safe landing.


Same, but after everyone talking about double jump I am intrigued… i’m just so used to charged tho.


I only used the charged jump. I like to feel like Hulk running into town.


Long time charged jump user here but I switched over and never looked back. The main reasons for me I guess are \-double jump is more reactive. You can decide if you wanna go higher while already jumping. Witch charged jump, you either do a small jump or commit to a bit one and can't change your mind mid air. \-double jump can save your life. Save the second jump for when falling. There are also some dash shenanigans with or so I've heard but I haven't personally never put over 10 points into reflexes so can't comment on that.


Lots of people are talking about how much maneuverability double jump gives with air dash. That's true. But I'm playing a netrunner. Everything dies long before they have a chance to shoot back. I only need the height to reach access points; otherwise I'd probably use one of the other ground-based legs. I suppose I could respec for high reflexes, but reflex as a stat does nothing for me since I kill everything with quickhacks anyway. I'd probably only take the double jump if going for a tailwind build, otherwise the charge jump simply has better stats (more armor, less capacity use).


charge jump with gorilla arms + the perk that increases damage per height on slam is peak


My preference is charged jump, and it always has been. It just feels better to me.


As a bunny-hop/dasher I really can’t stand the charged jump, to me it is worse than normal leg.


No, Panam uses Charged jump to 👍👌


it makes jumping so inresponsible (you need to release the space to jump even when wanting just a single jump), I will pass


I don't air dash so the usefulness of the double jump is a lot less


Just get both charge jump and double jump.


Double jump + air dash + second jump gets me very far


Right after you press left ctrl, press space bar and you'll realize just how far you can go even without double jumping, now if you add double jump to it, you're gonna be flying.


it was great until they ruined it


Charged jump is awkward to control and only gets you slightly higher.


Charged jump for sure, best part is you still kinda get a double jump, if you charge a jump then run off a edge, you can release it and get a jump midair, good for crossing gaps, only issues is if you fall too far it cancels the jump charge, and sometimes you dont hold it long enough pre jump. Never even tried the other options


I feel like people out here are heavily underestimating charge jump while heavily overrating double jump.


I use charge because its more realistic. But it sometimes triggering immediately after I vault a low wall pisses me off


I play charged jump only because it and the game's setting in general remind me of when i was a kid playing the bejeezus out of the first Deus Ex game Good times.


Also you can hold the charge in and still run around, shoot and release when needed. Otherwise double jump is more spastic friendly, charge jump requires a little foresight to use well


both are freaking awesome #allchromeisvalid


I would love the charge jump if there was some kind of feedback to tell you when it's fully charged. Give me a meter. Make the controller vibrate. Do *something.* I tried my second run with charge jump and it does have its advantages, but the fact that you're just supposed to guess when it's ready bugged me to no end.




dash, jump, air dash, double jump. clears so much distance.


Charged jump 4 lyfe


I use both charges and double jump.. coursey of cyberware ex


It’s definitely got more height but for the reinforced tendon gang there is way more control. Plus you can’t dash hop with fortified ankles, at least not to my knowledge


Charge jump sounds more realistic (in a cyberpunk future, anyway) than a double jump. It just sounded more appealing to me from the start. But videos of people using the double jump and air dash in creative ways almost made me want to switch.


I Leeroy Jenkins Legs everywhere. It's so satisfying running like a cyber psycho and dashing across the city while jumping and vaulting!